
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #17

you can just do it so many things with it I should say. I wanted to show you here. I create these custom silicone molds and I cast things like this which I then use in my art. You can literally cast anything with plaster of paris and very inexpensive. Most art supply stores. We'll create these. Sometimes they go awry so be careful with this. Here in a water bolts plaster of paris halfway filled. The water bottle is dry so far. What we'll do is pour in maybe a little bit of water. I add a little bit at a time and put the lid back on. And what we'll do is shake it up. And see. Might be a little too much water. So you can still see plaster in the bottom. >> Make sure it's mixed in with the water. You want it to be like a runny sour cream. That's what the consistency so might be runny but fine for our president donald trumps. This will start to set up and dry so a chemical reaction with the plaster and the water so you don't want to do this too long or put this down and go out and come back. This will just dry. You can use balloons. I like the clear ones because you can see what's going on. [ Laughter ] >> We'll get through the segment. [ ] >> Jee-Yun: okay. Thank you. So I'm going to get this. So kind of seal it there. Now keep it spun. Put it around the top of the bottle. I can't get through this. And what we'll do is unspin it and it will open like this. >> Jee-Yun: okay, okay. >> Did you it. You did it. Nope. [ Laughter ] >> It's fine. From here we're going to take this and look at this. We'll squeeze this out. >> So from here you can see in here how runny this is. So this be a little thicker. What will happen is this will start to dry. From here you take it and do this. >> Completely covered. >> You hear that. We'll take this and it eventually thicken up. Put this aside. Now let it sit for a solid two days. Once it's sat for two days these are the guys here. You can see here see it's starting to peel. >> A little bit hard you can hear that. >> These are super fragile. >> Is it going to pop? >> It might or it might break. So this plaster is here. These are good quality balloons. So you can -- this is going so well. >> Okay. Here we have our quick balloon. Find out where our centre point was there and take it. >> Crack it like an egg? >> Crack it like an egg. Very careful because big chunks will come off and find a nice spot we like. So now start cracking yours. Find out where he's going to sit. Now crack it there. Anywhere. Just start cracking away. And do this. Once you finish cracking this, you can feel it's a bit sort of wettish. >> Jee-Yun: yes. >> Because no air in here. I would let this sit another day or two even until it will almost be a porcelain. Let this dry. And then that's it. We can move to the next step. >> Jee-Yun: so stay tuned for the next segment. We'll show you how you go from this to this to this and make

these really coog votives. Meantime back to you. >> Nick: laughing. Over and over. Okay. Jee we'll try to get it together for the next segment as they make the wonderful votive candle holders. Barbie 65th birthday celebrations continue and turn into the iconic female athletes with one of a kind dolls. They are featured on the list including venus williams and canadian soccer star christine sinclair. I spoke with her. So good to talk to you today. Gatlations on bogue asked to be a role model. What does that mean barbie approached you. We'd love to you join our brand and join us. >> A complete honour but obviously a shock. As a soccer player you work toward winning tournaments and games but to have a brand as epic as mattel and barbie ask to make a doll in your honour, yeah. It's pretty special. Kind of crazy. >> Nick: my daughter's barbie collection. Doctors and bakers and now a soccer player. Are you nervous at all? You've seen the doll. Were you nervous about giving your likeness away. Like ronaldo's bust and how funky it looked. Were you worried how they would replicate you as a barbie? >> No. Obviously you have your doubts at times but I was obviously with them every step of the way and they wanted to know what was important for me to be shown. They obviously know what they are doing and when I saw the barbie I was like oh, my god it looks like me. Kind of crazy. >> Pretty wild. Sure there's christine sinclair bobble heads but now a barbie. Would you mind holding it up. It's a surreal thing. >> Okay, so here it is. This is it. That's me. My face. >> Got the ponytail. >> The head band. Obviously, sinclair. The gold medal most important, right. High socks because the cool kids wear high socks. And then my little nike shoes. >> Nick: the attention to detail is excellent. >> No, it's insane. What I mean when I first saw it. Holy moly, that's me. >> Nick: did you play with barbies growing up? >> Obviously they asked for my barbie story. Yes, I had them growing up but I was an athlete. I remember having the pink convertible car but the most memorable one experience was with my brother we took the heads off and used them as hockey pucks. You don't get more canadian than that. >> Nick: that is so true. >> And they were like, yeah, share it. That's okay. >> Nick: they do pop off and a million things you can do at that point. But going back to the role model. You are a role model. A legendary canadian soccer player international scorer. You know your own accolades. What does it mean to you to be a role model? You are but now barbie is extending that role as a role model. >> A job and a role I take very seriously. When I was growing up weren't female athletes to look up to. I wear number 12 because of roberto alomar so for me to be in this position to know you can impact and change a kid's life is huge. To have a barbie in my likeness is an excellent step. Kids need to see it to believe it can happen and to have whoever it is whatever the role model is in their likeness and to be able to play with that and dream and think outside the box, yeah, anything to help change a kids' life. >> What have your friends and families said are they ripping you about it? How has the that gone? >> My teammates in portland they all laughed because they know me. Oh, my god. And my two nieces are hiding over it. A one-on-one and they've claimed it. >> Nick: congratulations. Another notch on your belt.

the gold medal on your barbie and now your own barbie. Great to talk to you. Thank you so much. >> Appreciate it. Thank (dynamic instrumental music) >> Thursday may 23rd thanks for joining us on nick dixon. >> I'm courtney heels in for jennifer hsiung here's what you know this morning it is going to be another busy day over at city hall we will have more on what's on the agenda and what to watch for in moments. >> Nick: watch for this. The first wnba team outside the usa is coming to toronto an announcement is happening in toronto in about an hour's time. >> Courtney: it's a milestone for a milestone as the city hold attend annual toronto newcomer day welcoming the welcome mat for new torontonians. It is feelingly 18°, 16° outside. Beautiful look. Great day for some tennis because it's not so muggy and humid at this time which is nice, bill. >> Bill: yeah, the body is really good at regulating temperature in a dry environment. The reason for that and not to be gross as you are having breakfast but we sweat and as moisture that breaks its cooling process. You don't get the evaporation's and the court noted just it's on their skin and you feel clammy and gross and actually can create elevated body temperature and can make you sick. So we've got a dry environment now less spread temperature in humidex and much less human than the last couple days for your body go so I can do this. And then you have to regulate your temperature and feel comfortable. As long as you stay hydrated and do all those other things to say comfortable and safe like spf is always good on a daily today. The winds will be gusty creating even more evaporation so I don't think you will be overwhelmed with sweating this today but it will be warm. Will be heading to a high of 25 normal heights 20 but it will feel really darn good sitting up there on the patio for me that requires a hat and sunglasses protecting my head and eyes may be for you a little different but good to think about. Twenty-five today rusty southwesterly wind and -- mainly sunny skies today and tomorrow I will have the rest of your long-range coming out. >> We configure it as a sparkle doesn't have to be a lightning bolts. Look, the drive isn't soaked literally unfortunately we've been talking about delays into another downturn typical with the maintenance but this is also typical let me show you the westbound gardiner we will focus here on a collision. Jamming from approaching parklawn all the way of past kipling. Emergency cruiser here. This is right with the express and collector liens merge and become one. Note single file only. This is really complicated things. Stick with queensway. Lakeshore is another alternative for you to give yourself time if you're heading out of downtown. Loads the volume on the 401 both ways westbound account and sections of the revenue eastbound has been jampacked -- no issues in the dvp just volume as well. Back to you. >> Thank you. Toronto city councillors will be back at it again today, looking at dozens of items still on the agenda. >> It's very busy indeed. Yesterday was dominated by discussions over dollars and cents, specifically with council weighing an asset management plan which shows . A $26 billion hole in the city's 10-year plan to maintain the infrastructure necessary to maintain current service levels. The hope is that other levels of government will throw the city a financial lifeline. >> Courtney: starting off the day, councillors will revisit the place that low speed vehicles have on city streets electric scooters are still being given a pass, despite their popularity in urban settings, but small electric cars, with a maximum speed of 50 kilometres an hour, are being recommended for use. And councillors brad bradford and john burnside are putting forward a motion to speed up construction work on the gardiner. The proposal is to get the rehabilitation work happening around the clock, in an effort to reduce the 3-year timeline for the project. >> Everybody understands the challenges and congestion here in the city of toronto it costs our economy 11 billion annually and perhaps even more important is it's really having an impact on people's quality of life. Precedent facebook groups people talk stop to talk to me on the street they're losing hours of their day to congestion and none of that is court needed. The idea that we are going to tie up a major -- with no end in sight's uncomfortable the past seven weeks have been horrendous for people. My motion in front of councils this meeting is to do everything

we can to express the construction that includes 24/7 working around the clock to get it and foster. >> City staff are already doing that they're looking into it right now and they are testing some equipment to see how noisy it is in the evenings to see if they can accelerate the work and how to do the best and consulting with industry experts. Their employing -- I welcome the suggestions but I ask for the report to come back in july because I know are capable city staff are already working on those things. >> Mayor olivia chow -- mayor olivia chow's second priority item will also be discussed. It's an official plan amendment coming before councillors will ask them to consider townhouses and "small scale apartment buildings" on major streets in the city. Staff recommend 6-storey buildings with 30 units, but 60 unit buildings are also up for discussion. >> Toronto's wnba franchise is expected to be unveiled at a press conference this morning. The league's commissioner has confirmed the news to the associated press. The wnba has said any new teams will be added for the 2026 season. Kilmer sports ventures is reported to own the team and is promising to make a "major announcement" at a news conference this morning. Kilmer is also a co-owner of maple leaf sports and entertainment. A toronto franchise would be the league's first outside of the U.S. the news conference is set to begin at 9am. >> Nick: less than an hour from now. In other news, two people are in critical condition after a shooting outside a mississauga school. Police say shots were fired in the parking lot of settler's green public school on montevideo road, near winston churchill boulevard and battleford road, just after 11 last night . We are getting a live shot from the ground of the chopper giving you a sense of a number of numerous shell casings and evidence markers. You can see around that sedan that's been parked there all night you can see they've painted around there giving you a sense of what looks like where the spray of bullets was on the scene here are pretty expensive crime scene all of this unfolding just after 11:00 P.M. the victims -- the two victims were taken to hospital in life-threatening condition. Investigators say they don't have any suspect information yet but that this appears to be an isolated incident. >> Courtney: really big scene there. A man has been rushed to hospital after a stabbing in the west-end. The call came in around 5pm to the area of jane and alliance avenue, north of st. Clair. Paramedics tell cp24 a man in his 20s was taken to hospital with serious, but non-life threatening injuries. No suspect information has been released. >> Nick: police are also investigating a stabbing near the dufferin mall. Officers responded to the park across the street from the mall shortly after 4:30 yesterday afternoon. A man in his 20s was taken to hospital. He's expected to be okay. Officers are still looking for a suspect, described as a man with dreadlocks wearing all black clothing. Officers responded to the park across the street from the mall shortly after 4:30 yesterday afternoon. >> Courtney: police are investigating after a driver crashed into a home in markham. The collision happened on batchford crescent, in the donald cousens parkway and steeles area, just after 10 last night. One person was injured and taken to hospital but is expected to recover. There's no word on what caused the driver to veer off the road and go into the house. >> Nick: that is a wild scene. The city will be celebrating its newest arrivals today as it looks to help them adjust to life in toronto. It is the 10th annual toronto newcomer day. Festivities will be held in nathan phillips square from 10 this morning to 3 in the afternoon. Newcomers will be able to meet with representatives from local organizations to learn about services they can access to make getting settled easier. There will also be a showcase of cultural performances and a citizenship ceremony for new canadians. Congratulations to them and that explains all the tents we've been seeing and some of the live shots of nathan builds girl to this day. >> Courtney: that will be very exciting. That's obviously milestone moment for so many people we will be somebody all of your milestones coming up after this quick break. >> Nick: lisa and bill will be celebrating them where else? In the parking lot. Bill will sing happy birthday to everyone. Ready? Setty? Go! Now? Now! Furiosa. Only in theatres Friday. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims Is your roof over 10 years old? I'm Mike Holmes here with Ivan from agm Renovations. Mike, roofs over 10 years old cause mold, and major water damage to a home's interior. Always. Many homeowners don't even think about the roof until it's too late. Damaged ceilings,

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She even increased taxes as mayor. In this economy? Ugh, tax, tax, tax. Sounds expensive. No, thank you. Bonnie Crombie, she's expensive. A message from the Ontario pc Party. >> All right so we tried american pie and said happy birthday. >> It's, okay, beautiful. Let's celebrate milestones. >>, okay, here we go around the campfire. Happy birthday. >> Bill: looking number 7. Happy seventh birthday. Love your family. >> Lisa: happy 22nd anniversary. Love your children. Wishing you many more blessed the years. >> Bill: happy birthday and. >> Lisa: happy birthday grace. >> Bill: its double-digit day happy 10th birthday to brady. Love your family. >> Lisa: if you have a special milestone coming up, send pictures, details, and pronouncers to We love your voice. Icing mobility settings. Can we take it into inside with sonia from etalk? >> Yeah. >> What is happening this morning? Weird balloons going on. >> I wasn't sure what they're singing all I heard was my name. The guitar actually sounded like they were into and it was pretty to do. >> Not too bad. My ears are kind of hurting. I'm just kidding. >> By the way coming up a conversation with the star of the movie is in our studio so we will have that conversation but first we will talk fashion with sonia who was always impeccably dressed. >> Thinks nick I was about to say a million said courtney is not part of the segment but I'm happy to have you after you compliment me. >> If this doesn't scream fashion a suit about six years ago. >> You actually love these ashen segments so let's get to them we know it's one of the most fashionable and glamorous film festivals so I've rounded up some of my favourite looks from cannes film festival. Selena gomez wearing beautiful ysl and look at her jewelry shall exactly incredible. Zoe sultana I feel like she is so underrated. She's also wearing similar on -- saint laurent to. She deserves every standing ovation my books -- she's just such a phenomenal actress so I love that look on her. Sienna miller what you think about this look? She's got displays were on. I hope we have the full look of this because -- look at this. This is my vibrate here. She's got these huge genes on and then this two-piece glaser set going on. Possibly a little too low-cut for me but it sienna miller and affliction can pull it off. Diane kruger a name we have not heard for a while but this woman loses glamour in every possible way and I love seeing her on the red carpet. She's wearing verse all she and she looks like a trophy.

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