
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #16

>> Nick: the face tats. Right? Hidden under makeup. Jelly roll swashes he's humble but you be a the judge. He says he only wears socks once so he buys his socks in bulk to avoid rewearing them saying it's the most frivolous thing I've done with my success. He joked saying you can't be overwate and stinky. He needs to be more kind to himself but he has been committed to his health journey and open about it as well in terms of improving his physical fitness. He told "people" magazine he's down 70 pounds but I reality to him and one of the reasons I don't wear socks. I don't. Come after me cp24 viewers. The way you come after nick. Because they're sweaty. I feel so close fop phobic even with runners I don't wear socks. >> Even in winter time? >> I buy those shoes -- yeah. >> Ways to get around it. >> So many ways to get around it. >> Nick: not as essential as people think they are. >> Right, nick? >> For not wearing socks. >> Nick: jelly rollly now never confuse with post malone. >> Both have lost weight so makes them more. >> And post malone going into country music now, too. And successful. >> Appreciate that. >> Very true. Coming up the country's largest fundraiser to battle dementia is taking place. How the event helps people with dementia or alzheimer's next on "cp24 breakfast." Blinds to Go's 70th Anniversary celebration continues! Right now, take 25% off all shades and drapery. Brighten your home this spring. Select from hundreds of fabrics and colors. Flowers are blooming, and so are the savings. Blinds To Go. We make it easy. So we're walking the whole coast of Nova Scotia. Literally the whole coast. We're talking lighthouses, seafood, glamping. Tidal bore rafting! Totally not a bore by the way! We hottubbed. We cold plunged. The Cabot Trail? The views! And the coastal towns? Oh! You should have been there. Okay, we get it. That's why we came with you this time. Right. Yes. Hi, I'm Mike Holmes. Are you looking to renovate your kitchen or bathroom? Hiring a reliable and honest professional who treats your house like its their own is critical. That's why I recommend agm Renovations. Mike, far too often homeowners reach out to us after realizing they've hired the wrong contractor. Bad workmanship, delays, hidden fees. Agm are the only kitchen and bathroom renovators I trust to get the job done right. [announcer] Call now and get $3,000 off! Your renovation destination! The Sounds of Summer Sale is on now at Visions Electronics! Incredible savings on amazing tech for outdoor entertainment TVs, speakers, car audio, and more! No Interest and No Payments Until 2026 Plus a chance to Win your purchase See all the deals at Visions dot ca When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone. ( ) Blinds to Go's 70th Anniversary celebration continues! Right now, take 25% off all shades and drapery. Brighten your home this spring. Select from hundreds of fabrics and colors. Flowers are blooming, and so are the savings. Blinds To Go. We make it easy. Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. >> Nick: canada's largest fundraiser for dementia is returning. The walk for alzheimer's will be held in 150 communities may 25. That is saturday. And joining us caregiver and alzheimer's advocate and canadian living with dementia. Appreciate you both being here. Thanks for joining us. Talk to us first about your journey and how walks like this perhaps give you hope and make you feel more encouraged about the support you are getting. >> My walk started when I was a teenager. My grandmother had alzheimer's. My mother had alzheimer's and when I was 48 symptoms. A firm diagnosis at 53 and decided you know what it was a hidden disease for so many years and I'm not going to do that. I'll stay out and make sure things change and move forward

and the ig wealth management walk for alzheimer's I've participated in for 12 years and all my family comes out and a great event. So many people out. You make so many friends, that's amazing. >> And how well you are doing now and talk to you as well helping take care of somebody with alzheimer's. What is that like for you? How is that? >> So for me my father had alzheimer's for 10 years. It's been challenging so many caregivers out there will realize that caring for someone with dementia is not an easy task. We went through this for over 10 years. That passed in 2018 but I still continue to support the alzheimer's society across canada by going to these walks as well. I'll be going back this year supporting the community. The great services offer a lot of services around counselling, education for caregivers. Respite as well. Respite services something that was critical. >> Nick: remarkable and necessary. You've been doing it a dozen years. How have you seen the walk change and evolve? >> It's gotten bigger every year. And seeing more and more come out to it and that's amazing. The funding from this event stays in your local community to help provide services so it's not like it's going out of your community. The more you can do the more you can raise in your community the better off people living with alzheimer's are. >> And some of the numbers are startling. I want to quote a couple. By 2050 estimated in canada 1.7 million canadians living with dementia. That adds a focus to the cause and the fundraising necessary. >> The trend going up every year. Current leaders 650,000 people diagnosed at this moment. 2050, million will be diagnosed with dementia. Every day by 2030, 500 people diagnosed daily so it's going to be part of everyone's life if it's not part of your life. The numbers are going up. We need to support the services and programmes out there and it is one where it's critical that we support even this weekend as well. >> You'll be walking in hamilton the community you've come from. What have you seen change in your community since you started walking? >> Since I started walking there are so many more supports than there used to be in hamilton. More programming and people living with alzheimer's and dementia can get many more supports get involved in so many different ways and not having to be hidden away in the house any longer. Just amazing and hamilton has a great support system and I think you know what, it's great. We all need to support it. >> And I hope you'll appreciate the spirit of the question. Don't you assume for alzheimer's or dementia patient how are you doing? What kind of treatment are you taking? >> So I was on treatment for many years and I've had to come off because it's causing other problems. So I've developed some liver issues so I had to come off temporarily. And I think part of my success is staying involved. Keeping your mind busy. Don't let your family take over and make decisions for you. It's those things that help. Get out and stay out. Participate in the walk. If you can participate in this weekend's walk please come out. Come out and help us raise funds in your own communities because they stay local. >> Nick: thank you both for coming up. Really inspirational. Appreciate the conversation. Good luck to you. Sorry about your father but appreciate you continuing in his name. Much more "cp24 breakfast" coming up after this. Stick around. (Dynamic instrumental music) rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to win! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at Since 1970. Clera Windows and Doors has embodied quality and trust. Limited time offer! Get 50% off all installations and pay nothing for one year.

Upgrade your home with Clera today. We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. -I'm always thankful when spring comes. It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in place for the year. -How about you? Is there something you'd like to get done? Perhaps it's your home renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Line can help you do that. -Could you use eighty thousand, two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today at 1800-new-capital to see what's available to you. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Things are not always how they seem. I don't even know where to begin. (Cheering) There's nothing wrong with being spicy. Man: Our star player wound up in the emergency room. Wow! Rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ you're watching "cp24 breakfast." I'm courtney heels in for jennifer hsiung. >> Nick: thank you for joining us. >> A shooting outside of a mississauga school near winston churchill boulevard. Live at the scene we'll bring you an update on this investigation. And officials holding talks with students that set up encampments in support of palestine at the st. Georges campus. It's a glorious morning and so much more comfortable. That unsettled weather that seemed to break. Last night with all that crazy weather and the hail and wind winds has that gone away. >> It has. The powder keg is a wet sock. Not anything to light up but we had both that energy and we had the match both in terms of converging winds, daytime heighting and a frontal boundary that dug under like a steam shovel. It kicked up the winds but north of the city sparks really strong storms what we have is the gusty winds. As we drop the heat and humidity significantly over a short period of time in a graphic area the equalization of the pressure directly relate:wind. Gusty conditions today and tomorrow. 16 feels like 18. Yesterday at this time feels like the mid 20s more manageable and comfortable for those who don't like the humidity. West southwesterly winds coming in. Not strong but at times gust 40 to 50 kilometers an hour. Sitting under the patio and why wouldn't you hold onto the napkins or put them under your drink. Looking at bright sunshine. Tomorrow with gusty conditions and a line of thunderstorms 3:00 to 7:00 P.M. on saturday that will bring a bit of wild weather but briefly back to mix of sun and clouds on sunday and a high of 23. The rest of the forecast coming up. Over to you. >> Happy to confirm that I don't have any new problems to pass your way dealing with an existing issue out of scarborough take you through those delays west 401 from markham off and on through this

stretch. You can see out towards and past avenue road. The culprit an earlier collision. The rest of the vehicles just removed. Back to two lanes shortly down to two lanes due to maintenance. East 401 loads of volume all the way out to the allen. Dvp from sheppard down to don mills. Gardiner westbound, eastbound busy in and out of the city but typical this part of the day. Back to you. >> Thanks. And I want to correct myself that chopper was mississauga. Meantime here in toronto the wnba franchise is expected to be unveiled this morning at a news conference. >> A big announcement. >> Confirmed the news to the associated press the wnba has said any new teams will be added for the 2026 season. Sports venture is reported to own the team and promising to make a major announcement at the news conference this morning. Also the co-owner of maple leaf sports and entertainment. The franchise would be the first outside of the U.S. this news conference set to begin at 9:00 A.M. >>> The university of toronto expected to hold talks with student who is set up encampments on campus. Established three weeks ago demonstrators want the school to disclose the ties to the israeli government and divest from israeli companies and academic institutions profiting from the war. Said corespondenting with students but concerns about safety and hate speech. Some are threatening to start a hunger strike until their demands are met. >>> Police say shotses were fired near winston churchill boulevard. Seeing the yellow police tape is up. Evidence markers on the ground. This happened after 11:00. The two victims were taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Investigators say they don't have suspect information yet but appears to be an isolated incident. Police services launching a campaign to combat street racing. It will kick off at 11:00 this morning. Members from police services along with the opp will be there. Police say street racing has no boundaries and one reason they are coming together for this campaign. The doj expected to file an anti-trust lawsuit against live nation and ticketmaster subbary. Recently come under fire for technical clinches that presented millions from the tour. Many believe a lack of competition has led to poor customer service, confusing pricing and the expensive ticketing fees. Westjet planning a cheaper fare category for passengers willing to fly with no carry on. The low price will appeal to travellers seeking is the most cheaper fare. The category will be available in a couple weeks' time. Travellers will be able to store a backpack or purse beneath the seats in front of them. >> See how that works. A big announcement a temporary closure of flagship toronto theatre as well as staff layoffs. The cinema will close its doors. Says the closures and temporary layoffs are necessary to help find a path back to profitability. >> Going to be tough to build up an audience. Not necessarily the easiest sell but not alone. They got a big chunk of the budget and starting up a market. The afm. All kinds of other genre markets so going to have to compete with those I think a lot of these places are having a hard time coming back arrive not only covid but then you had the sag after strike. >> And its future was in jeopardy and appealed for support. >> Cross our fingers. Meantime one of canada's prolific athletes christine sinclair a special tribute from barbie. What this holds for our conversation still to come this half hour on "cp24 breakfast."

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lotto max Dream Hotline, Maxine speaking. How can we maximize your dream today? The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! What if we get one for the whole neighbourhood!? Quadruple that dream! Good start, now give that dream the ol' lotto max overhaul. Got another dreamer! The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. [olg sting] >> Wow. You can't tell from the pictures from chopper 24 it's a beautiful day you need to step outside. Lower humidity. Beautiful conditions stuck in town a park, patio. If not get out and explore the great outdoors and talking to go rving canada about the opportunities. I have done the rv experience and it is incredible. I got up to killarney. A very special relationship. The same respect for toasting a marshmallow. The only way I get a tan is 30-50 sunscreen and slow rolling. Like a marshmallow you have to turn low and slow. The fun rving can bring to your life. Now the weather if you are heading off to work and school. 18 is how it feels. Much smaller spread. Lower humidity today. S normal highs 25. Winds remain gusty. Everything else has shifted much more stable conditions. That powder keg of heat and humidity we saw the storms bubble up and tear across the gta. We get stable conditions today and tomorrow. See that line of thunderstorms working its way through. The next round of intense weather. It will be brief but intense saturday afternoon and kind of marks the change in weather pattern back to cool conditions and soggy for the start of the next work week. Getting this marshmallow nice and prepped but no worries. I'll be eating it in short order and you don't have to worry about seeing this in my hand the whole morning. That's a big marshmallow. The pollen report coming up in a little bit. Here it is. Overall pollen counts high today. I'm not sneezing as much. Allergies to mulberry still high today. >> Announcer: this "cp24 breakfast" pollen report is brought to you by reactin. Breathe it all in. >> Planning travel this morning particularly using the west gardiner out of the downtown core not only that long-term road work new problems and crews are zooming out. This is west gardiner past kipling where the express lanes merge. Crews getting to the scene a couple of lanes are affected. Also vehicles off to the shoulder. Delays from as far back as park lawn and on the eastbound side impacted as well. Volume it's not due to lane restrictions on the eastbound side. Busy on the don valley parkway both ways in sanctions between don mills and the 40. East 401 a busy morning out past the allen. Problems west 401 since cleared. Back to you. >> Thank you. The hot weather has had many of us searching closets and bins for summer wear. I was doing this a couple days ago. Thinking the clothes out of style ways to refresh them. >> That will pique curiosity. Okay, jee, we're all ears what have you got for us? >> Jee-Yun: good morning, nick, good morning courtney. Nice to see you. We will get to that segment in the next while but in the meantime we will make these incredible votives. Another incredible do-it-yourself project with designer and artist. Good morning. >> If you're an artsy person and patience they are fun to do. Using plaster of paris. I don't know if you have or not. This is so nice. Fantastic art form we use a lot in art.

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