
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

again in 2000. Incredible to watch that bravery and incredible athleticism. In the face of adversity. >> Courtney: that is the best. That is what incredible about those stories. Okay we have a really great getaway -- giveaway going with today. We are going to up the anti- with this conversation. Send us your e-mails and you will also get a shot at winning a pair of tickets to saturday's tfc game versus cincinnati. Kickoff is set for 7:30 over at bmo field. Weather looks good for saturday doesn't it bill? >> Bill: not in the afternoon. Thunderstorms. What time is gametime? It'll die down after 7:00. Perfect timing. Great evening. [ ] and. >> Courtney: also this morning's top business at lines with bnn bloomberg's paul bagnell coming up next. Stay with us. [ ] crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Exciting dynamic music Money is a thing. You're told to make money, invest money, save money. While others are encouraging you to spend your money. You might even be planning your money ...based on someone else's plan. Maybe it's time to do things...differently. And get obsessed over something other than money. Like building a path based on what's important to you. ( ) we understand money's a thing, but it's not everything. Edward Jones. We do money differently. EcoTech Windows and Doors offers cutting-edge ecosmart technology in its latest product line, meeting Energy Star compliance for substantial savings on your energy bill. Right now, we pay the tax, or don't pay till 2025. See more at ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. ( ) I receive a lot of emails about my dog Snow so I thought I'd do a commercial about her. I got Snow when she was 1 from a dog rescue and now she's 8. Snow's favourite treats are blueberries and her favourite activity is going for a walk. You can get Snow's weekly pet safety tips @Snowsafetytips on Instagram. And if you call the office to speak to Snow, please know that she's recently retired. C'mon Snow, let's go! ( ) Exciting dynamic music (Dynamic music) [ ] >> Courtney: bnn bloomberg's paul bagnell joins us live with a look at the latest business news. Good morning. Seems like it's already busy for you today. >> Paul: it is. >> Courtney: an update on nvidia. The chip company. What is the latest? >> Paul: talked about this yesterday. Probably the most closely followed stock in the world these days. It is the maker of semiconductor chips, particularly chips used in artificial intelligence applications. It recorded results after the close of trading today. Its forecast, the real news for investors, forward-looking forecast was stronger than markets had been anticipating. Nvidia says revenue in the second quarter, the quarter we are in right now, and equilend on the day of june will be $28 billion us. That is a big number. A bigger number analysts were expecting. This stock, which is already more than tripled over the past year in value is up about 7 percent today. Stock is up almost 100 percent so far this year. Unbelievable story. People keep wondering, is this stock ever going to cool off? It looks like it will not cool off today. >> Courtney: what is the drive there? Demand, the technology? >> Paul: demand. We hear more and more about artificial intelligence. Initial up on our phones, companies we deal with have ai chat bots and so on. Those artificial intelligence applications are driven by chips , powered by chips. Nvidia is a big maker of those chips and demand is going through the roof on chips. >> Courtney: watching that one. An update on td bank.

they released results. >> Paul: the results are stronger-than-expected. Td profits in the quarter stronger-than-expected. The big story on td bank however is allegations of money laundering in the united states. Sooner or later there is going to be an announcement of very significant penalties, analysts believe, on td bank in the us for lack supervision of its anti- money laundering. The wall street journal reported that large amounts of cash, hundreds of millions of dollars, were laundered associated with illegal drugs. And the allegation is some employees in the us of td bank were participating. The allegations are very, very serious. Td says a comprehensive overhaul of its anti- money laundering prague rush progress is underway. What we don't have yet is a resolution to this. Likely to be a sizable financial penalty, and perhaps a ban on td acquiring banks in the united states for a period of time. That's what analysts are expecting. That would be very, very negative because that is the way this bank grows. There is nothing left to buying canada, so it has a very large us platform and has added to it over the years by making acquisitions. >> Courtney: another one to (Dynamic jazz instrumental) Buying a home in the gta can be stressful and feel impossible At Modern Solution, we make buying or selling a breeze. We list at %1 commission without compromising astounding Say goodbye to high fees and hello to maximum savings Receive $5000 when buying a home with our highly experience agents. Join the thousands of clients wh Modern Solution Realty It's time to capitalize on your real estate goals. We are Modern Solution Realty [Music] These words matter when you have been seriously hurt in an accident. At Sokoloff personal injury lawyers, we're there every stop of the way. So call for your free consultation. Don't put it off, call Sokoloff It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Do you have a wet, damp, or moldy basement? Call the oldest and largest waterproofing company. Call rcc. Whether your basement needs to be repaired from the outside or the inside, we'll consult you on the right solution. Call rcc waterproofing today. Family owned and operated since 1920. Clean your rugs with Love Your Rug. Whether it's machine, handmade, or exotic, we clean each rug differently. Let us do the heavy lifting as we provide free pickup and delivery. Love Your Rug. We put our heart into it. It's time to Love Your Rug. Nuclear power is lighting the path to the future. A future where clean, reliable electricity meets rising energy needs. A future with a prosperous economy founded on job growth. A future where new medical isotopes triumph over disease. For decades, Bruce Power has provided clean, reliable energy to Ontario and cancer-fighting isotopes across the globe— —and will continue to play a vital role in powering a clean economy for the next generation. >> Good morning. This is cp24. I'm courtney heels in for jennifer hsiung. >> Nick: I'm nick dixon. Two people in critical condition for a shooting outside a mississauga school. Live on the scene we can see the evidence markers in this parking lot. It is the big news gta basketball fans have been waiting for. A team to call their own. We are expecting the announcement this morning. And the largest fundraiser to battle dementia is taking blais. More details in a conversation coming up this half hour. So a lot of people are making weekend plans even though it's a thursday. Heading into the weekend a great weekend. Find out what's happening a breeze down by the harbour front a ship there give you a sense of feels like vacation when you look at that. >> Looking closely and carefully. >> Trying to get a perspective. Is it? It's fascinating. Looking as we showed the picture of the viking cruise ship in the distance. I went to the website and an

incredible array. I'm shocked. You see cruise ships in the great lakes. Nour one in niagara and all over the grairksz and thrilled to see this close to home. Usually have you to head to port of miami to catch this excursion but happy to see that's coming here. At pearson harbour into toronto. 14°. Several winds 10 kilometers an hour. A look at the big picture. The wind speeds not that strong. Wind gusts 50 kilometers an hour today and tomorrow and back up blat as we roll into the weekend. We have stable conditions. Lower humidity. Lots of sunshine. A lingering wind. Windy here last night for sure. Out with lisa and my hair was blowing in the wind. 25°. But it will be breeze. The full forecast show you more forecasts tonight but for now over to lisa for a look at the roads. >> Is that what you said? >> Take a look at the picture coming up. >> We'll take a look I've been telling you about grabbing the shades. East 40 past the 400 and busy from the 410. A really tough spot around the bed heading up to keel and we tend to see the earlier slowdowns because of that sunshine. Please be mindful. This is the only problem spot. Express past avenue road because of the long-term road work and collision causing the delays backed up from the dvp. Through mississauga slowing no live lane issues. Finch down through lawrence is busiest. Back to you. >> Thank you. >> You're welcome. Two people in critical condition after a shooting outside a mississauga school. >> Police say the shots were fired in the parking lot of the public school. This near winston churchill boulevard. It happened after 11:00 last night. You can look at the evidence makers the light of day shedding more light on what appears to have unfolded. The two victims taken to hospital in life-threatening condition. They don't have suspect information but that this appears to be an isolated incident. >> A man rushed to hospital after a stabbing the call for this came in at 5:00 P.M. near jane and alliance north of st. Clair. A man in his 20s was taken to hospital with serious but nonlife-threatening injuries. >> A stabbing this time near dufferin mall. Responding to the park across the street from the mall yesterday afternoon. A man in his 20s was taken to hospital. He is expected to be okay. Officers looking for a suspect a man wearing dread locks in all black clothing.

>>> This is in the cousins parkway area and steeles after 10:00. One person injured and taken to hospital but is expected to recover. No word on what caused the driver to veer off the road and to the house. >> A teenage boy is dead after a crash in vaughan. Police say the 16-year-old boy who died was riding a mini bike when he was hit. Now charged in this crash. >> The driver of the vehicle at the collision was subaccidently arrested and charged for dangerous operation causing death. Failed to stop after an axe causing death and potential of a controlled substance. We are appealing for witnesses to come forward who may have dash cam footage, surveillance video from their homes to please come forward and contact our investigators as well as any door bell cameras as well at the resident to please come forward. >> Police say he was out on bail on unred lighted offences. The 1-year-old boy hasn't been identified. >> The wnba franchise expected to be unveiled this morning. The league's commissioner has confirmed this to the associated press. The wnba said any new team also be added for the 2026 season. Reported to own the team and promising to make a major announcement at the news announcement. This news conference set to begin at 9:00 A.M. >>> The mayor hinted at details coming up about that a couple weeks ago. City councillors including the mayor will be back at it looking at dozens of items on the agenda yesterday's first day was dominated over dollars and cent. Shows a $26 billion hold in the city's ten-year plan to maintain the infrastructure necessary to maintain current service levels. The hope is that levels of government will throw the city a financial life line. >> And starting off the day councils will revit the place electric scooters given a pass despite popularity in urban settings and small electric cars with a maximum speed of 50 kilometers an hour are recommended for use. >> And councillors are putting forward a motion to speed up construction work on the garden. The proposal to get the work happening around the clock to reduce the projected timeline for the work. >> Mayor chow second item discussed the official planned amendment to ask to consider town houses and small scale apartment houses. Recommend six storey buildings with 30 units but 60 units up for discussion. >> A new report aimed at changes the way enwatchments are dealt with. Moving away now from an enforcement model and focus on supportive measures together people into permanent homes. City hall has faced pushback from unhoused people and clearing camps from parking and public spaces as toronto's shelter system is at capacity. >> We have an average every day of 225 people who call us at the central intake service unable to get matched to a bed by the end of the day. 256 encampments at properties in toronto. But this work is about people. That's why we've evolved our strategic approach to encampments everyone deserves a safe affordable place to call home. This is one piece to offer certainty, help and indignity to people experiencing homelessness and surrounding communities. >> This report is going go before the community coming up on may 29.

>>> A big day for sports. Start with baseball the blue jay brought out the bats against the white sox last night. >> To deep centre! It's gone! >> A second inning surge. Capped off by that two run homer by bo bichette. The most the jays have scored in an inning all season to power them to a 9-2 win. The jays win the series they open the series against the tigers in motown tonight. >> Still to come we have this conversation with christine st. Clair. >> A barbie in her likeness and at 8:25 babes it delves into the complexities of female friendship. We'll talk about the film coming up. >> If rv camping is on the agenda stay tuned because around 9:15 a tour of some of RVs that are already out in our parking lot. I've had a look. They look good so far. >> Looks comfy. We'll get into that conversation. Bill has been out there. He's done rv camping before. A solution navigating the clogged streets I'm all ears. >> We all are. >> Showcased earlier this week at an international event showcasing new technology. The car was able to climb roughly 10 metres high entertaining 500 spectators. Believe this car may catch on and be successful and limit traffic congestion and be used to deliver supplies to disaster areas. >> That's a car? This is a car? >> What do you this. >> The chaos of people on the ground. Multiple that by putting people in the air with no traffic lights no, obvious lanes. >> No anything. >> Nick: someone smarter than me andtas a lot of people come one this. That's a drone flying thing or a human flying drone. >> But they say it's safer than driving. >> Get all the people who don't know how to drive in the air which is a lot. >> You definitely need a crash course. The opportunities endless. >> Nick: what's happening on the road this morning? >> From the sky to the ground talking volume delays. One problem spot so that's the good news. Only one issue west 40 express past avenue. It is causing a dent into the drive because this a long-term so now single file and has been so the backups from warden collectors not much of a better option. Stick with city streets if you can save yourself drive time. The busier side from the 410 all the way out to the keel stretch. Delays on the qew. The don valley parkway finch in sections but just volume. There are no live lane issues. Over to you. >> Very busy overnight trying to restore electricity to thousands of customers following a line of storms that swept across the area last night. >> Oh, my goodness. Oh, my god. Okay, okay. Hold on. Hold on a minute. Kind of scary not going to lie. >> Nick: when she says hold on a minute talking to the storm trying to get it to slow down? I don't know but this footage is remarkable shared from a viewer in brad ford shows the intensity of the storms. The person who took this video believed there was a tornado nearby however no reports of any touching down. A tornado warning issued by environment canada. >> And whatroid crews are facing. 200 outages have impacted 8,000 hydro one customers west of barrie and the aurilia area. Light is expected to come back

on throughout the day. That's good news. Bill this is a big story for us yesterday. The storms we knew they were a possibility but so quickly. >> Watching a few rounds. But they just migrated to the north of us. Not shocking because often the winds off the lake will push them further to the north. And that's exactly what happened. We got really intense and shots again what we are showing brad ford with the lightning and wind and heavy rain. Obviously from the evening a severe round of thunderstorms and a tornado warning issued by environment canada and the reason they do that is they see the signature on radar indicating a very likelihood rotation touching the ground or trained weather spotter who sees one. In this case since we're not getting the updates that one happened so probably just something seen on the radar. Gave people a reason to have the head's up and seek shelter. >> A shot of victoria harbor near midland. My parents lived in midland. Showing the dark, ominous clouds up there and I get he was dealing with strong winds and heavy rain as well with those storms that rolled through. Thank you, bill, for sharing the pictures and if you have pictures I want us to share with viewers from the storms something you think we'll find amazing send them in now and we will do so. A look down on the ground today a very different day. Chopper 24 offering this vantage point as we are looking at lush greenery but also much more stable conditions. The winds gusty today and tomorrow but much more stable atmosphere giving us dry skies. Don'tyou don't have to worry about the umbrella but holding napkins on the patio. Doing moving earlier this week and boy doesn't take much to get sweaty on a day like we had but not so much today with the winds, dryer conditions a lot more comfortable for a lot of you that did not enjoy that. And here 3:00 to 7:00 on saturday. Clears out for the tfc game in the evening. Cooler conditions pushing forward so saturday 21 for a high up to 25 today and tomorrow. A bit of a bounce back and 21 on monday and high teens for tuesday and wednesday. Showers coming in monday and tuesday settling down midday through next week. Over to you. >> That was something. That storm. >> Getting rocked and rolled. >> I was out like a child. Like a log. Not hearing anything. >> When I hit that pillow a tornado could go. I'll wake up and what just happened. >> Tell us what's happening this morning. >> We are starting off with apple music. I can't wait for the second story. Specifically for you. Is for all of us as well. Released their final list of the 100 greatest albums of all time. Sure is number one. The 1998 album the miseducation of laurin hill ranks number one on the list. I have no objection to this. I love this album. A cultural change album for so many reasons. But finishing ahead of notable names such as beyonce who came in at number 10. The beatles were at number 3. Michael jackson thriller for sure I thought would be number 1 but came under lauren hill at 2. Prince, stevie wonder all on that but here's the thing. The one thing I'm excited about who ended out in the top ten is frank ocean I love but to have your album ranked in the top 10 of these legends and I've said frank ocean to me has been so underrated but I feel like people will pay attention to this list. Oh, yeah, frank ocean. >> A few grammys a few years ago but haven't heard much since. >> He is selective on music and when he wants to release it he does it for himself. Not about the record deal. He ended up on this list. That's true artistry. Drake ranked 47 on the list with his album "take care." so nick, you will never confuse jelly roll and post malone. >> Nick: I will continue to confuse them. >> Something similar. You guys have similarities.

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