
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #46

university of western suggests mercury contamination in the english wabigoon river has risen significantly due to industrial pollution. They have also found high levels of methylmercury and even more toxic compound due to wastewater discharge from the dryden paper mill mixing with the existing mercury new democrat mpp and deputy party leader says adequate resources are needed to clean up the river system. >> And I think that governments and the company's shoal, no respect for the rights of person. He says people to live a healthy life and that the community of grassy narrows deserve a life to live their life and within their lands resources not exploited by, you corporate greed. And we need to get on board to make sure we protect this beautiful northern ontario country, beautiful ontario. And i, you know, we need to protect that the system's other the water, the 100 the animals that live in those waters. >> Symptoms of mercury poisoning can include tremors, insomnia, memory loss in effects. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. We have more news straight ahead. Stay with us. ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( ) Hi, Toronto! I'm Teddy Wilson. And I'm Nicole Servinis. Welcome to Things to Know t.o.. Teddy: Each week, this show shines a spotlight on a wide variety of local businesses, services, events and initiatives from across the Greater Toronto Area. Nicole: These companies are a part of what makes Toronto one of the world's most vibrant cities and a great place to live, work and play. Teddy: Join us every week on Saturday mornings for Things to Know t.o.. Nicole: And don't forget to visit our website,, to check out all of our great content. When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone. ( ) ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Diamond and Diamond lawyers Canada's largest personal injury law firm with over 65 lawyers across Canada (Upbeat music) officials gathered in thorncliffe park for the ceremonial groundbreaking. A new community centre this afternoon. >> The thorncliffe park community hub is a 67,000 square foot of space that offers a full range of social, physical and mental health services to community members. It aims to connect local residents with services. They need. And with services, they may not be able to access otherwise. >> The have we seth about fannie 1000 residents. I often accessible. Integrated health associate said he says integrated. I mean. She end up mental health professional because you need come a set of you cause and access new coming 70's language classes and lending programs. Cnn has spoken on this midwife us, which is any this neighbourhood as the highs. Athletes its benefiting have that as well. >> This is truly a one-stop shop. >> Absolutely all in this building where people feel they belong. This is their community is right in the heart off foreign cliff. Everything's integrated all the sectors collaborating each other, saying that we are stronger together >> The set to open later this year. Prime minister justin trudeau met with some young basketball players during a stop in mississauga this afternoon. Trudeau took part

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from 299 queen street west. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. Good evening. I'm sijia liu. Thanks so much for joining us. >> Well, it's been exciting day across the city. It's the announcement basketball fans have been waiting for. Toronto is officially getting a wnba team. Gilmore sports ventures led by mlse chair larry tanenbaum has been awarded the teen, which will join the leak in 2026. The franchise will be the 14th in the wnba after the golden state bakries expansion team starts playing next year. Toronto is currently unnamed team will play out of the coca cola coliseum at exhibition place. It's the first franchise outside the U.S. and is expected to play some games in vancouver and montreal. Plenty of dignitaries and politicians were on hand for today's announcement. >> And just got me thinking, let's look at the data. Let's find a committed ownership group. Let's make sure we have a good reunion player experience. Let's have a preseason game near which coming up the pandemic. We eventually did in 23 little 3 years late, but I saw excitement in the vibrancy of the city around women's sports and women's basketball. And obviously canada basketball and having canadian players in our league playing at the highest level elite. I'm all all factored into it. But when larry and I met, it was, you know, kind of like that. Jerry maguire, you had me at hello. >> Just imagine growing up here in toronto and then playing for for the toronto team. It's a what a dream that would be an you know, commissioner, thank you for everything you're you brought this to a whole different level. >> And that's telling the commissioner about the diversity of our of our province. >> 110 national these think of that over 200 languages being spoken and this is going to be truly not just a toronto team has. Larry, you're saying it's going to be the canadian team. >> Wnba team. >> Those sports hero is going to mean a whole lot to a whole lot of teenage kids, especially ones that are not so sure. You know, when you're going up. >> That is the power of sports sports have to you need power to draw us together to unite >> 2 blurred divisions and build bridges across all the different communities that call toronto home. >> All united in the common love. Off our city, our province and our country. Yes, this an historic moment in toronto sports. >> And for more reaction to today's news, we're joined live by cp24's lindsay biscaia who has been out talking to fans and lindsay, it seems like everyone is excited about this news, not just young basketball fans. No exactly siege. I mean, everybody's excited about this. Everman who follows sports and even people who don't can recognize the significance. >> Of this hopper founded is to have this team coming to toronto when it comes to women's sports. The equality in women's sports. We've seen it on the uptick over the last couple of years. We think about the pwhl that's had a lot of recognition, some well-deserved recognition. And with the wnba at the 14th team in the franchise going to be a canadian one in toronto. It's a big deal and a lot of people are incredibly excited about it. We've been speaking of people talking about how important this is, what this means, even when you think about, you know, women as role models being taken seriously as serious it's all just such a big deal. So we're going to have to wait until 2026 this team to start playing. But of course, this is the first step of many. And we heard from president of the team today about that. Have a listen. >> It's a league full of performing women and to have women leading those teams is, is I think a place where we all when I joined the nba and enjoying the rafters in 2013. I was one of the only women in the front office really on the team side, the technical side and the great thing is that change a lot, even in the last 11 years. So you see a lot more women in decision-making positions on the team side in the nba and it's great to see the wnba be elevated and some of that same talent in the front offices. >> And a lot of people saying teacher with this announcement today, that this is a long-time coming. Hopefully, this is maybe the first of many teams from the wnba that will be in canada. But for now, this toronto team will be playing across canada in different markets. We've heard they'll be playing in vancouver and montreal as well as toronto. So incredibly exciting. It's it almost feels more like a canadian team by canadian first for the wnba, that's for sure. When it comes to a name that there is no name for this team yet. But the owners of the team did say they're going to be going through the process. They're going take their time to find the right name. They say they are going to ask for public

input. We have been asking people on the streets tonight, what they think the name should be, actually a couple similarities when it comes to what they think. Well, we'll let you find out when we show you that at 11:00am. But I know our producer mandy is going for the toronto bandits. That's what she thinks they should be called, which is pretty cute. So maybe we'll see that will have to wait and see. It's going take a while to know what this team's going to be called. But people definitely excited. Back to you. >> Yeah, toronto bandits, that's a pretty good one. I mean, lindsay, if you have any ideas for names, anything coming up at the top my I mean, there's some good ones that kind of have similarities with the raptors. That's been a theme I've been noticing tonight's are kind of like that. I do want to give anything but I do also like the and he's on to something. I think that's a good okay. All here are your first toronto bandits happened. Thanks so much, lindsay. Yeah. >> Well, turning now to city city council has approved a motion to have staff look at ways to ramp up construction on the gardiner. The motion direct city staff to study the feasibility of 24/7 construction, including work on sundays. Also considering how to minimize impacts on the local community. And interim report is due back in july. The gardiner is currently reduced to 2 lanes of traffic each way between dufferin and strachan for major rehabilitation work. It's scheduled to continue for 3 years. >> The gardiner corridor and I want to remind us and I want to underscore this as well is also home to tens of thousands of residents. Residents who live right next to this active construction area. Residents who are on the ground and feel the impacts of the traffic that are shared right across the city and that are uniquely experienced by them. >> City councillors also voted to allow small electric cars with maximum speed to 50 kilometres an hour on streets. E-scooters remain banned on streets, although it is legal to own them in toronto. City staff also admitted there was little police enforcement of the scooter ban. The union representing thousands of ttc workers has formally set june 7th as a strike date. It follows a ruling by ontario's top court, which is upholding the right of transit workers to strike the provincial government a ruling that said a lot eliminating the worker strike was unconstitutional. That appeal was dismissed today atu local one 13 represents about 12,000 operators and other frontline staff at the ttc contract talks continue. But the union says they remain far apart on the main issues of job security, wages and benefits. The union representing strike lee striking nestle workers in toronto held a rally in support of those on the picket line today, unifor members demonstrated outside of the company's manufacturing plant on sterling road in a show of solidarity. Hundreds of employees walked off the job almost 3 weeks ago. The union's key demands include pension plan improvements. It says no progress has been made at the bargaining table so far. >> Everybody supports said the workers. The chocolate factory has been making millions of dollars during covid they're investing 110 million into the plant. So it goes to show you it's a it's a good 5 tree. The workers want to share just like the metro strike. Great people want to people want their fair share of the of the profits. >> Unifor says there are currently no negotiation dates planned gta police services have launched a campaign to combat street racing project erase, which stands for eliminate racing activity on streets everywhere kicked off at exhibition place this morning. Police from toronto, york peel halton hamilton and the opp were in attendance. They are coming together for this campaign because they say street racing has no jurisdictional boundaries. >> Since this time last year, we have seen a 31% increase in calls for service relating to stunt driving. These numbers are alarming and they are unacceptable. Last summer, the toronto police service lead project burnout, a joint forces operation in partnership with the opp. >> Peel york and durham regional police services. Project bread. That was a huge success relating in 143 arrests. 135 spent writing and 90 criminal code dangerous driving charges. >> Started driving and street racing carry possible fines of up to $10,000 was well as a 30 day license suspension at roadside and a 14 day vehicle. Impoundment. The university of toronto has made an offer to the representatives of a pro-palestinian encampment in response to demands from protesters. It includes a review of their request to divest from companies with ties to israel and the israeli government u of t also offers

to strike an expert working group to consider options for disclosure increase transparency related its investments. The university says it will not terminate any partnerships with israeli universities. The protesters have demanded that ties because with israeli academic institutions that operate in the occupied territories or supports israel's military efforts. The president of uft was asked about the encampment and the possible impact of the upcoming convocation ceremonies. >> Convocation begins june and we announced already that we will proceed with convocation, no matter what, we will do our best to make sure that those complications proceed without interruption. We have a a lot of experience in ensuring that. >> The offer comes amid some jewish students at the school saying they're not comfortable on campus since the encampment was set up, they delivered a letter highlighting their concerns to the school's president today. >> There's this surveying feeling that there's no dialogue to be had. And that's what universities for us for facilitating conversations for facilitating the peaceful, productive spread of ideas and thoughts. And that is not what this is not what the situation has has resulted in. There is no dialogue. You need to have a partner. To talk to and quite frankly, our community is lacking that partner. >> I personally witnessed a chance for a violent student into glorifying terrorists as martyrs and a sign that said by any means necessary. And this was the same day we saw a video released of the young girls kidnapped by and the clear brutalization they've indoor since october 7th. >> The students say they've seen an extreme rising antisemitism on campus since october 7th and say the school administration is not doing anything to address it. It's 10 40 to 20 degrees. This is toronto's breaking news cp24 louisville police have discipline the officer involved in the arrest of golfer scottie scheffler. More on that after the break. Speaker: Hi, can I take your order? Hello? Oh. Hey. Wait, what was the question? Speaker: Let me guess, one driving high combo, extra baked? No? Uh, can I get a burger with a side of... fries? Think you're a better driver when you're high? Think again. Smoking weed affects reaction time and concentration. A message from madd Canada. [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours like those from sweat, urine, and other musty odours can get trapped in fabrics. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. Just add to the fabric softener drawer. It's formulated with odour-releasing technology to help remove odours 3 times better than detergent alone. Plus, it's gentle on sensitive skin and on all fabrics. Release trapped odours the first time with Downy Rinse & Refresh also available in fragrance-free. Brand Power, helping you buy better. Is your roof over 10 years old? I'm Mike Holmes here with Ivan from agm Renovations. Mike, roofs over 10 years old cause mold, and major water damage to a home's interior. Always. Many homeowners don't even think about the roof until it's too late. Damaged ceilings, walls, flooring, furniture, I've seen it all. These disasters can be easily avoided by just replacing your roof on time. Don't wait. Replace your roof now. [announcer] Call now and get $3,000 off! (Upbeat music) kenyan president william ruto met with U.S. president joe biden today, marking the start of his three-day state visit. One of the focus points during today's discussion was the ongoing violence in haiti. Kenya recently announced a plan to appointments of police to haiti, which has sparked fierce debates in kenya's parliament and in its courts. The united nations says more than 2500 people were killed or injured across the country from january to march. Us president joe biden says he isn't planning on sending troops, but will help with sending resources to haiti. >> To find the. >> The partner partners who will lead that effort that we would participate now with american forces, supply and making sure they have what they need. And you know, I'm very grateful president bush appear only national park and his willingness to to really be this matter matter. I'm not the only country leave. The U.S. forces not on the ground. We're going to supply logistics, intelligence. >> And equipment.

>> Kenyan president bureau says his country is committed to ensuring safety and peace to those in haiti. >> Will be no peace. >> And security in the of africa and the great lakes region. I up to me. That canada and the U.N. we innovate the public to sign appropriate defence security to kenya. I have update. And the region in general to deal with with the peace and security challenges that undermining human would be. Slowing down development. And having a negative impact on democracy. One metre commitment to blaze. Ihsan of haiti through that multinationals they to support mission. >> The kenyan leaders visit to the U.S. is a first by an african leader in more than 15 years. The U.S. justice department has filed a sweeping anti-trust lawsuit against ticketmaster and parent company. Live nation entertainment. The department is accusing them of running an illegal monopoly over live events, squelching competition in driving up prices for fans. The lawsuit is seeking to break up the company that they say is squeezing out smaller promoters and hurting artists. Live nation has come under fire recently for technical glitches that prevented millions from purchasing tickets for taylor swift era store. >> We allege that to sustain this dominance. Live nation relies on unlawful anti-competitive conduct to exercise its monopolistic control over the live events industry in the united states. And over the fans, artists independent promoters and venues that power the industry. The result is that fans paying more in fees. Artists have fewer opportunities to play concerts. Smaller promoters get squeezed out and venues have fewer real choices for ticketing services. >> Live nation has denied engaging in practices that violate anti-trust laws. R&b singer cassie ventura has broken her silence after last week's disturbing video showing her being violently attacked by then boyfriend. Rapper sean diddy combs. Combs has admitted to his actions seen in a security video recorded in 2016. Calling them inexcusable. The rapper has night wrongdoing for other allegations he faces. In ventura statement today, she thanks her family, friends and fans for their support and love during her difficult time. Pixar animation studios is laying off more workers as disney continues to scale back its contents. Pixar announced it's laying off about 175 employees or about 14% of its staff. The job cuts hit other disney young companies last year, but the ones at pixar were delayed due to production schedules. The animation company will now refocus its productions on theatrical releases and move away from short form series for disney. Plus, no disney animated feature has generated more than 480 million dollars at the global box office since 2019. Louisville police have disciplined in officer involved in the arrest of world number one. Golfer scottie scheffler. The officer has received corrective action for violating department policy by not turning on his body camera. Louisville mayor craig greenberg announced on tuesday that the police department has opened an investigation into the actions of the officers involved in scheffler's arrest and whether or not the followed proper protocols. And louisville's metro police department. She spoke about the corrective action handed down to the officer following the incident. >> Detective gillis was council by his supervisor. We understand the seriousness of the failed to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation. This corrective action. What has been no tate it on a performance observation form. Which is in line with our disciplinary protocol and practices. We respect the judicial process and we will allow the course to proceed accordingly. >> Louisville's mayor craig greenberg says body cameras are an important part to police protocol to ensure a proper rest. >> In louisville around the country. But especially here in louisville. After the recent past. Activating body-worn cameras. It's critically important. For our police department. To have evidence to maintain the communities trust to be transparent. To chief. I appreciate the speed at which with you have conducted investigation. Into the situation. You've dealt with it transparently straightforwardly. We're all.

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