
CITY24 - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #38

>>> And indigenous and -- queens part this week. 's 's to be used. Amomak what is the only first nations lawmaker at queens parking was punished the killer for speaking his own language at a residential school. >>> Is the final day of doors open toronto where people are invited to visit and expose some of the most exclusive and intriguing buildings in the city. >> Rahim: one of those buildings is billy bishop airport and we give you ignorant yesterday we discovered has much more to offer than we -- meets the eye. >> Reporter: from hyannis, at billy bishop may look like a regular city airport. But not on the ground at the hangar doors are open for people to really understand everything that goes on here. >> I haven't seen planes before, like, verse where -- or helicopters. So it's cool. [ ] >> Reporter: more than 150 buildings and sights are unfocused this weekend with the theme being, "hidden history." it's the perfect setting for billy bishop which was opened in 1939 and served as a training run for both the royal canadians and royal norwegian air forces during the second world war. >> There's a huge number of teams that are during all different kind of works here in the airport including airport maintenance, runway maintenance, security and those are things that people don't always get to see. >> Reporter: a surprise to many people here is that the airport has its own fire hole -- call and is about -- visitors were able to board the truck and were even able to wear firefighters who. >> We have a full career gives the airport save. >> Reporter: also for display for everyone to get an up close look at is an orange helicopter. >> I think they're really cool and they're most likely for, like, for emergencies and stuff grandmother air ambulance service explaining how it provides medical care while in the air. A unique skill set which is both captivating and inspiring. >> We have many neighbourhoods so -- opportunity to see how everything is working and stuffed. >> Reporter: and that's precisely the goal of the event, which has been running since the year 2000. >> Rahim: speaking of billy bishop ears a live look at the airport this hour. Has been a beautiful day in the city. Rustic a first look at the forecast. This is a satellite radar not much happening in the gta but looked to the west in the michigan windsor area he can see a system making its way travelling east, yes will be dealing with that a lot tomorrow so stick around for more details. The fact that temperatures currently company to in south of london, -- 23 east and bancroft and 20 degrees in niagara falls. In the gta this is how things are shaping up in the island, 18 degrees and sunny, bitter card cover appears in the airport -- pearson airport at 21, punnett will drop will drop down below 17 and there you see that image right there, those are the showers along with a chance of a thunderstorm. We will be dealing with her tomorrow and into tomorrow evening as well, will have little details of the later on in the newscast. Andrea? 35 new studies shows canada's shutter system maybe a failing -- may be feeling a great number of seniors. >> Rahim: the militaries are not designed to -- ctv's, yearly reports. >> Reporter: the mustard seed is a safe haven for vulnerable people serving hot clients in 3 provinces. Has been an uptick in demand at its shelters in general including adults over 50. >> About it% of individuals estate interest rate of 70 event shelters were over the age of 65. We've had individuals who are the eight of 80. >> Reporter: the reality is perfected in a canadian medical association journal study that analysed homelessness across canada. >> This is not just individuals who are aging within circumstances of homelessness but also a real rise in the number of individuals who are experiencing wholeness is for the first time and in late life. >> Reporter: the country's housing crisis and string from inflation the some of the factors contributing to the troubling trend. >> Either that experienced health emergencies, or even experience a sudden increase in rent and they are unable to afford the food, shelter and medication. >> Reporter: at -- after that obstacles older people face like fixed income or health issues like ability issues or dementia. >> I do see a number of individuals who have actually -- has led to difficulty with maintaining the housing, you know, not paying bills and getting elected. >> Reporter: the study finds most shelters are not designed to help an older demographic with their physical and mental needs.

cement below says their partners in an edmonton shelter does offer your services. >> Were not able to provide that in order shelters because there is in either funding or organization available to do so. >> Reporter: we'll collaboration between health and long-term care and other social services is needed to address the issue, she says preventative measures like affordable housing is the ideal solution. Kathy lee, ctv news, calgary. >>> Canada's public safety minister said the federal government is doing everything it can to crackdown on auto thefts. Eat -- speaking on ctv's question period, dominic leblanc says ottawa want to see a significant -- following the announcement of a national action plan. >> Obviously we want to reduce massively the number of vehicles being stolen can we want to reduce the number of violent incidents that canadians are potentially facing as people attempt to steal these vehicles. So we are leaning in with partners in every jurisdiction to do that and we will continue -- will add more resources if we need to do what we can to really bring the number down, everyone would like that, 0% vehicles -- lac-megantic everything to be that number down. >> Rahim: the government' national action plan includes increased -- amendment to the criminal code and new penalties for theft. Interpol has marked canada as one of the top ten sources of school and vehicles globally. >>> Meanwhile provincial police have charged a driver was say drove to their ottawa detachment just hours after his license was suspended. Opp slave lake impaired driving charges against the 64-year-old man from ember in earlier, -- early saturday at -- on highway 17. 's vehicle was suspended for 90 days --'s vehicle was impounded and his license was -- who drew police say you didn't but they didn't charge him for driving under suspended license and sees av second vehicle from him. >>> It was an invention -- but syphilis cases are on the right across canada. >> Andria: no the risk of transition -- with some of the youngest patient is a major concern. Ctv's allison bamford exports -- report roobroeck insiders regina clinic, nurtures our patients for sexually transmitted infection. And is simple blood test can catch one of saskatchewan's most rampant sti's. >> It's like a really bad car crash that we're all just watching and knowing that we can prevent it. >> Reporter: syphilis, now a growing problem across north and south america. New data from the world health organization shows the continent's make up 42% of new cases moberly. Here in canada, saskatchewan posts the highest case rate among the provinces. >> It's not like we don't know how to identify or treat syphilis. Is that we are having trouble controlling those numbers whether it's through not enough testing, barriers to access to testing or to care. >> Reporter: researchers see a rise in substance use, lack of awareness and stigma also play a role in transmission. >> The most devastating effect of syphilis in adults is congenital syphilis which is the transmission from the mother to the fetus. >> Reporter: transition that could result in miscarriage or developmental problems for the baby. Canada's congenital syphilis cases jumped nearly 600% from 2018 to 2022, an alarming search, considering provinces like manitoba went decades without recording a single case. >> We didn't really see syphilis for decades. So there's a lot of positions and healthcare providers who don't really know what congenital syphilis looks like and so it's important to educate them. >> Reporter: known as the great imitator, syphilis can look like other infections and sometimes show no symptoms at all. Which is why experts say prenatal care and routine testing should be a top priority because if caught early, typically, a simple penicillin treatment can clear it right up. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina.

>>> Stuck to come, donald trump received a at the libertarian convention last night. Will have those details a little later in the show. [ ] >> Rahim: are you concerned tonight in a potential explosion which wouldn't -- this comes after rockets were fired at tel aviv today for the first time in several months. Ctv's jeremie charron reports [ Siren Wails ] >> Reporter: a barrage of hamas rockets fired at tel aviv today, many intercepted, chair, but not before sounding sirens in the israeli city sending many running for cover. [ Siren Wails ] >> Reporter: israel's military said it rockets were fired, and have reports of casualties. This 84-year-old woman says shrapnel came crashing through the roof of her home just north of tel aviv. , "suddenly there was a huge boom in smoke, wire and dust all over the house close she says. Hamas has claimed responsibility from what appears to be the first long-range rocket attacks from gaza since january. >> I think hamas wants to demonstrate that they haven't been crippled and that they still have both weapons and the ability to use them. [ gunshots ] >> Reporter: a tournament at israeli forces fight off a hamas resurgence in northern parts of the enclave and continued operation in rafah against court orders and mounting political pressure. , "our goal in gaza is especially emphasized here in rafah," says israel's defence minister while visiting troops today, will destroy hamas, return the hostages and remain freedom of operation," he says. Meanwhile it tracks started crossing integrated today from southern israel thanks to a new agreement to bypass the rafah crossing which closed earlier this month when israeli forces took control of the palestinian side. Still, humanitarian organization say there are not nearly enough access points. >> We have a problem still with the amount of aid coming in. >> Reporter: today's attacks by hamas sure -- actual resilience no more than seven months into this war. Has some questioning whether israel's goal of fully eliminating hamas can be achieved. Jeremie charron, ctv news, ottawa.

>>> The federal government has committed to increase defence spending but those promises fall short of the 2% gdp target set by nato countries. >> Rahim: the U.S. ambassador to the alliance says she has seen no indication canada has a plan to reach that level of military funding. >> I have not had any instance where any canadian official has told me we will not get there but I don't have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to that 2! Mark and it is, again, it is a pledge that any -- every member of this alliance made. These are difficult decisions, that's what it was a ten year timeline. >> Rahim: last week a bipartisan group of U.S. senators wrote a letter to prime minister justin trudeau , saying they are concerned and disappointed that canada will likely not reach the dim -- 2% commitment in this decade. Defence minister bill blair recently availed $73 million in the men's investments over 20 years. Is that canada is committed to its neo target but other budget priorities also have two be taken into account. >>> Is moscow mark -- months earlier in the hockey region officials to at least a few people have confirmed killed in a russian strike this weekend. >> Andria: the regional governor sent two russian guided bombs hit a -- also leading -- leaving dozens injured. Authority -- blamed ukraine for deadly -- [ Inaudible ] >>> The death toll from a massive landslide in papua new guinea has now topped 606 -- 670 people. That you emigration -- says the updated number comes after discovery of nearly 100 additional homes very endurable. The previous estimate had been 60 homes. Only five bodies have been recovered so far. Papua new guinea's government says in me ask for more international assessments. >>> At least 15 people have been killed as everyone has sparked flash flooding in afghanistan. Unusually heavy seasonal rains have killed hundreds of people across the country and destroyed both property and crops. The deadly flooding comes after at least 70 people were killed by floods in april.

>>> In india, at least six newborn babies were killed in a fire at children's hospital in new delhi saturday. Twelve newborns were rescued in the investigation in to the cause is ongoing. This comes as officials say at least 27 people died in a fire at a gaming facility in gujarat a few hours prior. >>> Former U.S. president donald from was repeatedly booed while addressing the libertarian party national convention in washington, dc last night. >> No I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should went together. >> Rahim: trump was heckled over his covered 19 penalties , running up -- and lying about his partner -- trump eventually responded to the plants by telling the crowd, "you don't want to win though he did still ask for their support in the upcoming election. -- >>> Independent candidate for U.S. president robert f. Kennedy junior also addressed the libertarian convention this weekend. Is perhaps the most prominent of several third-party and independent candidates in the 2024 race. Be of value for the support of voters who refuse to support either joe biden or donald trump with a two leading candidates neck and neck in several battleground states that democrats and republicans are both -- could tell the result in november. >>> At least 14 people including children are dead after asked -- swept the central U.S. overnight. >> We can rebuild property and, you know, [ Inaudible ] probably -- it won't let -- look like this. It will be better but the loss of lives is tragic. >> Andria: seven people were killed in cook county, texas including two children two and five. Bathroom facilities were also reported in oklahoma and arkansas amid power outages and shelter in place orders in those two states.

>>> A CREWS SHIP HAD SET SAIL FROM THE PORT OF BALTIMORE FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE COLLAPSE OF THE FRANCIS SCOTT KEY GE. ROCK CARIBBEAN'S VISION OF THE SEAS EMBARKED ON A FIVE NIGHT MORTGAGE TO BERMUDA. THE TRIP COME TWO WENT AFTER A CARGO SHIP STRUCK THE BRIDGE, SIX COMPRESSION WORKERS WERE KILLED IN THE COLLAPSE. >>> AS PARENTS PREPARE FOR BELLA BECAME DIFFERENT CAPITAL PLAYS HOST TO A DIFFERENT REGIMEN TODAY, A GIANT PICNIC. ON A MASSIVE PICNIC MARKET SENT -- THAT A BERNARD DRAINVILLE IS A. PARTICIPANTS WERE PICKED BY DRAWING -- PREPARED FOR SOME OF THE TOP SHOPS PARIS NEW MEXICO TO COME, BRINGING MOVIE MAGIC TO A KID'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. >> Andria: MANAGEMENT -- WENT ABOVE AND BEYOND 41-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER. >> OUR KIDS REALLY LOVE THE MOVIE AND THE MAGIC OF IT ALL >> Andria: THERE AND CANTO -- [ ] Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Need a plumber? Water in the basement? Pain in the drain? Remember the name. Roto-Rooter that's the name. And away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter! Call 1-800-GET-ROTO now. I have a disability, but I'm not fragile. My first big hit, was a rush. It made me feel alive in a way only sports can. Because of partners like Bell, I get to feel it on the world stage. And now I get to share that feeling with the next generation. ( ) ( ) Mold under your floors is a risk to your home and your health. DMX one step 2.0 ensures your floors are mold free by creating an air gap, allowing moisture to evaporate so you can prevent mold before it starts. DMX one step 2.0. No mold, no cold. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Listen up, let me tell you a story Six is the global sensation slaying audiences in Toronto night after night. And now it's extended for the final time. Don't miss Six before it leaves on May 26th. We're six Book at Did you know 80% of women struggle with hair damage? New Pantene Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner with melting Pro-V pearls... Helps hair lock in moisture to repair up to 6 months of damage. Guaranteed or your money back! If you know, you know it's Pantene. Feeling sluggish or weighed down? Could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. But a little Metamucil every day can help. Metamucil psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. So you can feel lighter. Lighten up every day the Metamucil way and try Metamucil Fibre + Collagen Peptides to help promote digestive health and reduce joint pain. It takes seconds for an accident to happen. And your life is changed forever. Getting the compensation you deserve is not a favour. It's a right. Call us today for a free consultation. And get Canada's largest personal injury firm... Man: Fighting for you. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Bell switch to Canada's fastest Internet.

>>> Dundurn the world partnership walked over to the streets today. The event is held in support of the -- the lock which -- university, spadina and adelaido the reps at around 2:00 pm. It really is money for development projects in africa and asia eating opportunities for improvement in healthcare and institutions. >>> 's patriotic about the child to my cousin gic one of the organizers. >> Andria: you are able to identity because they were working. >> Rahim: the whole family was there and as our lachlan actually because she was working last night at around 11 -- ten to 11 and we went to see the effects the musical which is right across >> Andria: it's fixed, not -- know the, chair,. >> Rahim: was so good. >> Andria: royal alex. >> Rahim: while alex. >> Andria: still humming the song? >> Rahim: let me tell you the story. B5 tell me about whether the meat -- about that? Does pretty good. >> Rahim: their thunderstorm what is article about because of the storm which -- and that is what is right in the windsor ethics chatham-kent also the sarnia petroleum west or lambton county area, that is what they're dealing with right no and that system is soon going to make its way through the gta. This is what the temperatures are right now. Toronto 21 degrees, 22 east in ottawa, 23 of interments and 18 degrees in sault ste. Marie. Tonight's low as I mentioned there is a risk of thunderstorms above normal temperatures. Tomorrow showers with the risk of thunderstorms and so I want to show you the forecast radar because this is what is going to be affecting us. Monday around 2:00 am there is 1 with her -- start to see showers moving. By 7:30 it will make 4 oh late -- wet morning commute. By noon heavy rain or a chance of responsible be mindful impact an umbrella. There is a chance for another band of showers that may move through by 6:00 pm and then tuesday morning by 8:00 am it will clear and then by 6:00 pm it should all clear out and we should be done with that so this is how your next 7 days are shaping up monday, showers without cover thunderstorm mix culturally a 30 statistics canada chance of showers, not looking like a washer by any chance. Wednesday look at that low parallel of 6 degrees which is below the normal of 11 degrees. Yeah, it's chilly, that's how it feels right now. Thursday, friday, saturday all sunny saturday also the first day of june and sunday at 40 statistics canada chance of showers, a high of 24 degrees.

>>> The blue jays were looking to spread their series with the detroit tigers today >> And the three-2. Wide below left-field , and this game is over. >> Andria: it was a heartbreaker for the jays who came from behind the daily before leaving -- losing their game in a walk over the bottom of the ninth. The tigers win this game 40-11, the days will be back in the diamond the more optimistic on the chicago white sox. [ ] >> Andria: meanwhile the -- city connected jerseys. Jerseys which are meant to -- city and the ballclub are said to be unveiled on may 0th. Team will where them unfilled for the first time on may 31st. >>> A family has created a special encanto themed birthday party for their daughter. >> Rahim: it went over so well that it even caught the attention of one of the film's stars. >> Reporter: welcome to the re-created land of encanto, chair, jonathan gloria and his wife does -- maximize their daughter's first or the party on april 7th. >> Really love movie and the magic of it all. All the family members have their own door and their own gift and we love that everyone had their own thing that brought the movie together and the life, chair, they love the music, the colours, the atmosphere. It's very unique. >> Reporter: and very cost-effective. >> While the initial work required was for me to be a lot of things in amazon which I'm great at and then my husband, he used all the amazon boxes to build the house, to the casa. >> We use the cardboard to build out the design and then we use the leftover items we had at home, paint, any kind of craft items, is covered with flowers to bring everything together were majestic two weekly of the party to sell from the top of the landing leading downstairs to the basement. >> We actually nailed most of them to the wall which is just small nails and potions and any kind of accent like windows and awnings we taped and used hot glue. >> Reporter: while aria is too small to appreciate the hours of and effort, her parents spent to make her birthday a special one, others took notice after the party, nikopol posted some of the photos and videos under instagram pages. That had the cast from the movie and disney. The main character -- character in an encanto who plays tried one shading understory. Their video received more than 45,000 views. >> She was shook by the decorations and stuff so we were really happy. >> In the movies she has such a beautiful voice and so -- a strong presence. Our kids have -- love her so to have her see our video and react based on it is just honestly, we can be more happy. >> Reporter: the encanto the most quickly followed up with another favourite speed -- maulana kondas them to celebrate her son's third birthday party. >> We didn't want him to select -- elected and put as much effort into his party than her so we disrupted down and started fresh@with only two weeks between aria's birthday and curing, the couple had to hustle, pulling all nighters to get it done. >> We just purchased some images to hang on the wall. The canoe itself is a word top left over wood that we found and then we use cardboard to rabbit and build it from there. >> Reporter: at the end of the day, john and nur -- will simply enjoy the moment and one day appreciate the memories. >> I know that they are at an age where they probably won't remember it but we are big hands and even before having kids be loved decorating and we even had crazy halloween parties and is decorated. It is fun for us and we can't wait to show them the pictures when they get older. >> Reporter: with birthday parties wrapped up for the year, and john premier are considering setting up a holiday display but that decision still up in the air. Carol charles, ctv news.

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