
CITY24 - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

(Dynamic instrumental music) (Dynamic instrumental music) >> Welcome back to Hot Property. Let's get to another one of your great viewer questions. This one comes in from Rehan who asks... Interesting question. What do you think, Sean? >> The simple answer is just guidelines. >> Teddy: Right. >> The government sets certain guidelines of which, I mean, with a bank, your max is 30 years. Depending on the transaction, it could be 25 years. We do have some other lenders that will go to 35 years but that comes at a bit of a premium. So it's just the guidelines that the Canadian government has set in place and we can't really do much about it. It's more the income that has increased over the last couple of years, as well as the money that's come into Toronto that has allowed these people to purchase larger homes or larger prices. >> Got it. Yeah, we have to wrap it up there but it's an interesting question. As you say, we're starting to see those 30-year ones now, so. That's it for tonight here on Hot Property. If you missed us on the show, you can always watch us online. Go to, click on "video," select "Hot Property," and we'll be there for you. Thanks for watching. See you next week. >> Announcer: Hot Property, brought to you by Tribute Communities: A tradition of excellence. And by Al Sinclair: List, buy, sell. We make it that easy. And by Live a monster life. (Announcer, text on screen) (Musical flourish) Welcome to Rosedale Village. Pass through our gates and witness a world-class adult lifestyle community. See for yourself the beautiful bungalows and manicured grounds. Enjoy all the activities around our clubhouse. At Rosedale Village, you get a sense of community, activity and adventures. Live your best life today at Rosedale Village. Call today for your private introduction. Call the team of realtors where the magic happens, that's the Al Sinclair team. 416-500-0486. Ok, someone just did laundry... No, I add Downy Light so the freshness really lasts. Yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. And I don't like anything. But I like this. Get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. Do you feel like banks prioritize their record profits over your mortgage needs? Fear not. One of our trusted advisers is here to help you reach your real estate goals. At We have helped thousands of Canadians with their mortgage needs. Now is the time to get the monster working for you. Visit to learn more. I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. Where Tribute really makes a difference is in the quality. My Tribute The Warranty's there but you won't need to use it. My Tribute Outstanding quality for complete peace of mind. My Tribute Quality that exceeds the standards. My Tribute Winner of the J.D. Power Award for highest in customer satisfaction with new homebuilders in the GTA. A tradition of Excellence for over 40 years, visit (Playful music) >> PRO- PALESTINIAN PROTESTERS AND NUMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO OUR MEETING TODAY AHEAD OF THE DEADLINE TOMORROW MORNING TO SHUT DOWN AN ENCAMPMENT THAT HAS LASTED FOR WEEKS.

>>> They will increase their presence in certain neighbourhoods after gun was fired outside of a jewish elementary school. >> This this is rayfield and it's gone. >> They are going to -- tried to take another bite of the tigers this morning. 13° queen street west this is try most -- traumas raking cp24. Hello, thank you for spotting some your time with us, the top story right now pro- palestinian protesters with the ministration today. The plan meeting comes after u of t issued a trespass notice on friday. Gave them a deadline of 8:00 am tomorrow to clear the area. I represented the weeklong protest and it includes forming a working group to consider disclosure of their investments but the u of t also says they will not end any partnerships with the israeli universities. >> We look forward to the further negotiations and it's a bit disheartening that despite agreeing to the meeting with these negotiations and see ministration going forward with a trespass notice. We are here and we will continue to be here and we will demand investment. >> The trauma mayor talked about the protest on the u of t campus. It's really up to the folks in this space the u of t space to will all get worked out. >> Do you want the police involved on monday morning? >> It's not up to the -- to the mayor to the police what to do. They've a lot to enforcement up to the diversity of toronto to work with the folks that have a very important point to make. >> The jewish student advocacy group is calling for the removal of the encampment saying anti-semitism and on-campus has not been addressed by the university. As the encamped -- encampment continues in the st. George campus, vandalism has been found at the university's campus in scarborough. A number of red triangles were spotted on the side of buildings at the campus on military trail. They also feature crosshairs. This has become popular symbol among pro- palestinian advocates some interpretation to link them to those from hamas' military wing that highlight is really targets with triangles, the pain was soon covered up. Journal police hate crime unit says it is aware of the occurrence.

>>> Toronto police say they will increase their presence in certain neighbourhoods after a gun was fired outside of a jewish elementary school in north york yesterday. The toronto police service respond to the area just before 5:00 am yesterday for reports of shots fired at the elementary school. They found evidence of gunfire including a fuller hole in the building. But no injuries were reported. There are some concerns that this was hate motivated. Meanwhile political leaders from all levels of government have been weighing in. >> I complete the understand that this could cause concern and fear and anxiety in the community. Especially when it happened so school like this and especially what happened to the students and parents and staff. I want the community to know the toronto police are going to ensure that the community safety is most -- utmost importance as we always do. And in this case you will see an increased presence not only in this neighbourhood by officers going goat -- door to door in business to business asking you people have heard or seen anything or have video of anything what they deemed to be concerning, I'm asking you to please open your doors to the officers that will be going around. >> I think that we need the provincial governments in premier ford to step up and take this eight months of anti-semetic kate more seriously and take some action because the cities can only do so much. We need some help from the provincial government to toughen up our laws that are weak and they almost permit this type of violent behaviour with know consequences. We need some help in the province, the cities can do this by themselves. The police had done a great job but they are here by themselves. We need some stronger laws in this province. >> Mayor olivia chow said she is horrified by the shooting saying in part to this is despicable and anti-semetic act. Jewish children's and families should not be made to fear for their safety. Toronto police are increasing their presence around the schools and synagogues and making contact with the chief to keep children and family safe.

>>> Prime minister justin trudeau issuing a statement on social media there reads in part reports of shots fired at a jewish elementary school in north york are despicable. A brace in active anti-semitism. It's perpetrators need to be brought to justice, I encourage anyone with information about this incident to share it with toronto police. >>> The centre for israel and jewish affairs issued a statement calling the incident a clear calculated and premeditated targeting. >>> Ontario's government is paying $590,000 and handing over more than 20 square kilometres they say they are part of the land claim settlement and says tree nine also known as the james bay treaty providing first nations with nearly 260 hectares of land per family of five. Or just over 50 hectares for members. The first nations did not receive all the land that was entitled to. >>> The world's longest rainbow road is now open for use in hamilton's point beach. Skittles, the popular candy has partner with pride toronto as well as friends of hanlon's to create the rainbow. It features trans, black and brown progress chevron starting on each side the road was designed by award-winning artist travis myers. It features around 2000 long feet of rainbow. >> We have also seen solely harms and tragedies to the community a specialist such rise in hate crimes toward our community. Its moments like this we all need to take in and recognize that today we are making a statement to say? Are people, the entire community, we have a safer space its moments like this are we can turn around and say this space right here is going to be protected for generations to come. >> As we cruise into summer, we are opening the world's largest pride walk. 2000 feet! From here yes! Et cetera round of applause for that. [ Cheering and Applause ] longest rainbow road, you can see it from above. From the sky. Imagine from here all the way to the broader point. >> Pride toronto is set to get underway in june. Happening downtown today and it's all for a great cause. The trona world partnership walk in support of the foundation is happening today. The centre of operations for the walking is right next to roy thomson hall, the walk will involve some road closures including parts of wellington, university spadina and adelaide. The event starts at ten and the walk its going around 11 and that should wrap up around 2:00 pm. This campaign helps to raise money for much-needed of ellen projects in africa and asia opening up opportunities for things like health care, education, and gender equality.

>>> Today's your last chance to score more than 160 of the city's historic and significant sites. Since 2000 the event allows the public to get behind the scene looks and landmarks like queen's park when my favourite lower base subway station, this year's theme is hidden histories. Open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. >>> A reminder of the service changes on the lakeshore west and barry lines this weekend. Service on the lakeshore west royal is modified on certain weekends until june 9th and that's for track work. The train to operate every 15 minutes between union station to oakville and then it's going to be hourly between oakville to west harbour. Train service on the barry line is suspended this weekend for critical track work during this time buses will only be running highway 403 and allendale waterfront. And a headset for ttc riders there is a subway closure to keep in mind no service online to between woodbine and kennedy stations. Kruzel be doing track work, shuttle buses will be running today regular subway service and that will get started again tomorrow. >>> Toronto fc took on cincinnati last night in a back-and-forth affair that had fans out of their seats at bmo field. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Lorenzo ruled offside in the 96th minute and what would have been a draw but tsc falls to cincinnati entering the match as the best team in major league soccer. Tsc is in the middle of the pack, a significant improvement over last year though. They will try to bounce back once a night against philadelphia. >>> The jays will try to split their series with the troy this morning to drop their second game in a row to the tigers. >> Announcer: this as well hit right field and it's gone! >> They got off to a shaky start giving up a homer in the first inning. It was all detroit needed in the end to win to cheap one. Responsible for the only jays run, a double in the seventh. The first pitch will fly in a series this morning at 1130.

>>> It is 711 and 13°, this is toronto's breaking news cp24. Still ahead, the cleanup and damage assessment underway after a violent twister rips through parts of texas. More on that coming up. >> New music from a juno award winner. Back with the new album dancing and crying and she will drop by to talk about on the next 24 breakfast Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with. I choose you. Farming for love on ctv [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours like those from sweat, urine, and other musty odours can get trapped in fabrics. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. Just add to the fabric softener drawer. It's formulated with odour-releasing technology to help remove odours 3 times better than detergent alone. Plus, it's gentle on sensitive skin and on all fabrics. Release trapped odours the first time with Downy Rinse & Refresh also available in fragrance-free. Brand Power, helping you buy better. ( ) ( ) The Magic Window Wall... can change faster than you can. People think you have to sign back a severance offer by a deadline, says that is a myth. Deadlines are used as a pressure tactic. Make sure the offer is fair before you sign. Always check with the employment lawyer first at (Light music) >> Looking to the us stunning new video what's left of the shell gas station after possible tornadoes swept through northeast texas, have a look at this. The gas station appears to have collapse as a result of the storm with several vehicles in the process. The storm also damages homes and overtone -- overturns motorhomes and knocks down power lines and trees through the area. April saw the us's second-highest number of tornadoes on record.

>>> Here at home canada's border agencies says they are working on a plan to step up their game when it comes to intelligence training and tracking. As we hear from ctv's tony grace, a recently released evaluation says the program needs a major refresh. >> Batch of chemicals that could become 2 million doses of fentanyl and 25 million doses of ecstasy, both considered intelligence wins at canada's border's. A report calling for approved training and tools. >> Is an important insight into the hidden work of the canada border services agency. >> They found insufficient access for officers and analysts calling it one of the major challenges that could pose risks to the agency with crews working seven months are more with the training. >> They have been struggling since the creation two decades ago to transform it into the intelligence led organization. >> They say that's critical because of a growing focus on national security threats including from the trove of data online that can be open source but isn't always sewn together. Recommended better technology on this front. >> At the culmination of taking raw data using human analytical capabilities to come up with an intelligence picture. >> We want to put out this data analytics and machine learning. >> They went under that need with the auto theft and a sharp in there what's leading the country. >> We are looking at the things we export as well. >> As a result of this report they are reviewing their training standing -- standards and certify new struct -- instructors at the college with data gaps in new technology to help and mapping out a new way to measure goals and outcomes. >> The key message that comes out is the intelligence capabilities that cbsa needs are not really at that point they are required to be yet. >> What the agency did not attach the plan is a timeline and the union representing workers that could strike next month says what they really need are another two to 3000 staff. For all the areas of their work and assurances a new technology will complement workers, not replace them. >> Reporter: red lobster canada has asked not -- in ontario court to recognize their bankruptcy in the us. Red lobster fired the filings that has creditors from taking action against the company. The restaurant chain is expected to bring the application to the ontario superior court of justice on tuesday. There are 27 active reed lobster restaurants according to its website, going jordie of which are here in ontario.

>>> For the first time since the collapse of this , he bridgitte cruise ship has set sail from the port of baltimore. The caribbean's vision of the sea is headed for a voyage to bermuda, this trip comes to month after a cargo ship struck the bridge causing it to collapse into the river. Six construction workers who were on the bridge at the time were killed. >>> From us president donald trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the libertarian party national convention last night in dc. I will listen. >> This is why thank you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should win together. [ Booing ] people in the crowd shouted insults and heckled transfers covid-19 policies running a federal deficit and lying about his political record. Some supporters in the room tried to do this through his half-hour speech. They will pick their candidate for president during their three-day convention. >>> The lead lawyer is being accused of publicly intimidating a potential witness ahead of the disgraced movie moguls retrial. The district attorney's office sent letter to the trial judge calling arthur dallas comments disparaging. Involving a witness who will be asked to testify once again. Weinstein's 2020 rate conviction was thrown out last month the retrial is expected sometime this summer. >>> The two-time pga tour has died a day after withdrawing from the tournament. >> He was just 30. He had battled some troubling times. And had been sober since last summer. Early this year he triumphed. >> No details have been reported -- given for his death at 30 years old. On friday he pulled out of the charles schwab cup in texas. Marie who had openly spoken about his issues with addiction and mental health was ranked the 58th golfer in the world. This continued after he asked his parent tell they felt about it continuing on.

>>> The oilers were looking for another win last night in dallas. [ Cheering ] >> That by steel scores! >> The brook attire early and he would have an empty now to seal the win. This series shows back edmonton tied 11. >> I think the first period for whatever reason we were tentative. You know, we had talked about playing the game seven mindsets. Our intentions were in the right place but we looked and we were waiting for something to happen and I thought we regrouped at the end of the first and you know, decided to get to our game. I thought... I love the second and third. I thought we were excellent. >> The canadian team game three overnight in edmonton. It is 720 and 13° and this is toronto's breaking news, cp24. Girl season is here, but there are some things you want to do before you fired up for the Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! [ ] With lotto 6/49... ...What possible could you find? With two jackpots on every ticket: the growing Gold Ball jackpot, plus the Classic jackpot of $5 million. [olg Sting] Still up at 2 am? Again? Tonight, try PureZzz All Night to help increase total sleep time. Unlike some other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin slowly releases up to 6 hours. ZzzQuil PureZzz All Night. Fall Asleep. Wake refreshed. When the Murrays discovered Gain Scent Beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog Roger. Gain Scent Beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Male announcer: Closed Captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Preszler Injury Lawyers. Injured in a car accident? The number to call is 1-800-justice for a free consultation and our no-win no-fee policy. (Dynamic music) >> The summer season means the return to the backyard grilling and it will be a gorgeous day for that today by the way. Ctv's carol charles checked in with barbecue now has to get this the perfect meal. >> You can smell it in the air. Barbecue season is here,'s --'s before you get ready to roll the hardware, barbecue naz has a few tips and reminders. >> If you have and use your grill over the winter time, it's very important to get inside of your grill take it apart, clean it, make sure nothing has gone back -- batterson things broken. >> Before you turn on your grill chances are need to get cleaning gate yourself piece of wood, and the wooden brushes, they need to get in there and cleaned it all off because your food will stick if you don't clean that. It's very important and make sure you do a thorough cleaning. Once you finish cleaning it up get your grill nice and hot and make sure you build upon the grades, get your food ready and go to your grill and start grilling. Time to put these things back over... >> A barbecue staple for many families, baby back ribs. He has topped off with black garlic and honey barbecue sauce. >> Want to make sure you keep it moist so you out a little bit of moisture, a honey, but a pineapple juice just keep

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