
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #25

world is nothing short of a global movement of students and young people standing up for a better world. A world of peace and justice for everyone. >> And they are holding our leaders and institutions to account in frank. >> The kids are all right. >> So just a little bit of background info as well. Leena and bakari, the university has been asking these protesters to dismantle their encampment because some other students say they are feeling on safe on campus. But again, these protesters say they have 3 very specific demands that they would like the university to meet. And so that's what they're waiting for. We do know the university and students were in negotiations last night and they're going to be in negotiations once again tonight, starting at 5:00pm trying to come to some kind of peaceful resolution, but we'll have to wait and see what happens there, if there's any kind of money. For now, back to you. Okay, cp24's and of can live from the university of toronto campus. Thank you. Lindsay. >> Well, politicians rallied in support of the jewish community. This is after a north york jewish girls school was hit by gunfire happened over the weekend. Cp24 courtney heels is at a school near dufferin and finch. >> And joins us live with the latest developments. Courtney. >> Leena bakari. There were so many people attending this solidarity gathering that they actually had to shut the road down. People filled the streets. They say they wanted to show support for the students and staff who are going to jewish all-girls elementary school first thing in the morning. So to be there during the school drop-off, we had a chance to speak with quite a few people with parents, staff members of people who live in this neighbourhood and they say, well, it's terrifying what this school saw over the weekend. They also say they're standing strong and they have a very strong message for the community and that is, they will continue to walk forward. They will let that hate deter them. We'll let you hear from the principal of the school. We talked to him a little bit about the video that they say they have surveillance video of the shooting that happened early saturday morning. Here's what he saw. >> We were able to the suspects driving up on the street right here, parking right here across the street from where we are right now. They came up the defence and fired shots and they had people waiting for them in the car and then they drove we're grateful to the federal government. Got us grant a couple years back, installed the security fence that you see here, which enabled us to have close and they only have to stand behind a fence and they were unable to get onto the property. >> So this is a very active toronto police investigation. What we heard from police, they say they were called to the school about 5 in the morning over reports of shots fired at the elementary school. Behind me, you can see that actually boarded up one of the windows that that was struck by a bullet. We also heard that from the school. They say there are now making the repairs. They also said they've already got fencing up around this school again as an extra layer of protection. So obviously, they're really, really concerned over the shooting and who is responsible for police haven't provided any sort of update today. And the chief of police, myron demkiw was here earlier. We were hoping to an opportunity to speak with him to see where things stand with this investigation. We didn't get that chance, but we do know police say they're putting all their resources into trying to figure out who's responsible for this in the meantime, there is still a really heavy police presence in this area. In just looking over my shoulder, I see a police cruiser here in the parking lot. We notice first thing this morning, guys that were several police officers here and they say they're going to stand by the school and be in the community. Given what unfolded over the weekend over to all right, courtney heels reporting live. Thank you. >> Boy is dead after shooting in the east and it happened overnight to police are at warden avenue rocky crescent, which is north of danforth road. This is a live look at the situation. Can see an officer standing right there. They say that a male youth was shot around 1:00 in the morning, he was pronounced dead at hospital. There's no word on the age of the boy if there are any suspects. >> And peel police say they have busted a highly orchestrated auto theft ring. Investigators say they seized more than 300 stolen vehicles as part of an operation dubbed project odyssey. The recovered vehicles have a combined value of more than 33 million dollars. Some of the vehicles were taken during violent carjackings. Police allege a local trucking company was facilitating shipments of stolen vehicles in the port of montreal, where they were to be exported to the middle least. 16 people have been arrested in connection with the investigation. Arrest warrants have been issued for another 10. Police say 14 of the suspects identified in the probe were out on a form of release or bail for auto theft related offences. More than 300 charges have been laid so far. >> Ontario's privacy commissioner says that she's going to publish a special report about the use of non government emails and deleted messages related to the greenbelt. The ford government removed land from the greenville. The 50,000 homes in 2022 before reversing course, reports from the auditor general and integrity commissioner found at the process. They've certain

developers. Privacy commissioner patricia seem says that her office is working a 19 active access to information appeals that are similar to concerns raised by ontario ndp leader marit stiles. >> I think first of all, know you've, of course, viewed dozens of emails that were sent to and received by mister sackville using a g mail account in which documents were shared I I think the premier's chief of staff appears to have repeatedly. Misled the integrity commissioner under oath. And that this is another example of a member of the premier senior team hiding things from the public. So I'm not mincing words. I think mister sackville should resign. And if he won't, the premier should fire him. >> The is now investigating the greenbelt removal process. Liberal leader bonnie crombie spoke out against the ford government's plan to expand alcohol sales, saying the premier is spending a billion dollars of taxpayer money just to roll it out a year ahead of schedule. Our health care system is in crisis. A billion dollars could hire 12,000 more nurses. Our schools are crumbling, a billion dollars could hire 12,000 more teachers or ensure that our schools have proper air-conditioning. So our kids aren't sweating in class. Our roads are gridlocked. A billion dollars could deliver all-day two-way go train service to niagara. But that's not what matters to doug ford. He doesn't care about you waiting 12 hours in an er or that your kids are struggling to keep up in the classroom. He's not in it for you or your family. Last week premier doug ford announced that beer and wine would be available in convenience, grocery and big box store starting late this summer and fall. Coalition of health groups has already spoken out against the idea, warning that there is no strategy in place to address the increased harms that will come with increased alcohol to alcohol rather to alcohol. Shareholders of indigo, they voted in favour selling their stock. >> And the company going private. So the deal at $2.50 a share gifs trilogy, retail holdings incorporated and investments lp trilogy control of the retail. The companies owned by joel schwartz, who already held over 50% of indigo shares. He's also the spouse of indigo founder and ceo of the recent >> Government official and papa new guinea says more than 2000 people were killed in friday's landslide, much more than previously thought. Let's bring in ctv's tony grace with the latest in tony. You know, hearing reports about this lot of people were literally buried alive and it looks like >> This landslide may have been even more devastating than originally feared. It yeah, about toll is more than triple the original estimate on friday. Look, this happened overnight on friday when most people were sleeping and it happened after weeks and weeks of heavy rain in the area. So this isn't a very remote mountainous area of papua new guinea. And the problem part of the problem in even assessing how bad things are and in trying to get to people who may still be stuck under the debris. You can see here, people been using their hands and sticks. That's that's how desperate things have become to try and move that debris, by the up to 6 to 8 metres of debris from this landslide. Part of the problem is not only the tough terrain in this area, but tribal warfare in the area means that the aid workers and experts who who have been able to get to the scene are being shuttled in and escorted under military escort and then brought back to the capital each night. So you have all kinds of factors here slowing down the response to what appears to be a growing global tragedy. This area on the map that's highlighted shows you the area of papa new guinea. It's a mountainous region that is home to about 4,000 people. And of course, this landslide hitting on friday, just unleashing sheer devastation, which as I mentioned is about a 6 to 8 metre thick layer of earth rocks and debris that people are trying to trying to dig through and a little bit more perspective now from organization on the task at hand. Let's have a listen. There is water flowing and that means that buddy. >> And the floor. Ground on which the since. So fear that does not. Turned the ground into it's light. >> The first excavator was only brought in yesterday. And papa new guinea is nearest neighbour. Australia is among those offering help immediately offering to send aircraft and other equipment to the area to help out. Australia's prime minister saying today and defence minister saying, you know, their heart goes out to their neighbours, they're going to do what they can to get aid there. Quickly. Canada's international development

minister also with his eye on the situation today, saying that canada stands ready to help should any assistance be needed. The, the world community of sort of mobilizing now as the extent of this devastation becomes more clear after that landslide in papa new guinea, bakari and leena. Alright ctv's tony grace reporting live. Thank you, tony. The weather and sony. And coming up next on cp24 live at noon. We're going to take a look at the city's latest move to help ease gridlock. Derek. Meredith. with the brightest smile You're my person. take me where I've never been before on a cloud above So who wants to make history? A new episode of grey's anatomy thursday at 9/10 mountain on ctv. Catch up on and the ctv app People across Ontario have discovered Casino Time dot c-a! I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. Seem unbelievable? Believe it! Casino Time has live players, live dealers and live chat anywhere in Ontario... From Grimsby To North Bay to the bush. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. If you can get a signal, you can get a game. Hi, I'm Brian Baeumler, and I only trust one company for Windows and Doors, and that's Canadian Choice. Windows and Doors, because their products are manufactured right here in Canada. And they're not just any installer. They are the trusted installer for Canadian homeowners. There's a lot of other people selling windows and doors out there. But when it comes to making that decision, make the smart decision and go with Canadian choice windows and doors for all your home improvement needs for quality and my seal of approval, choose Canadian choice windows and doors. Your home deserves the best. (Mellow music) >> We are eager to see this technology in action to see how it can help us off the problems like blocking the box because that hose up traffic and makes a road less safe for everyone keeping cars of trance apart. Flames better and victor view of how traffic is moving along the whole car door. So we could move it along. >> And toronto's partnering with the province to create traffic pilot zones. This more companies are going to be able to test out technologies to improve urban mobility. And right now we're joined by matti siemiatycki professor of geography and planning and director of the infrastructure institute at the university of toronto. Maddie. We just heard near chow talk about blocking the box. Literally. That means sitting in the intersection while the other flora traffic as right away, nobody can move. Let's talk about this. >> Yeah, blocking the boxes that not one of the most frustrating experiences when you're trying to get through and someone else is in that plane. Some of these technologies, I think what they're going to be looking for is how can they video and digital types of technology to understand who's in the box, how long they've been there and whether they can create new mechanisms to move people along. We know that they brought in the old-fashioned way for their where they now have stuart's at some of the major intersections trying to direct traffic can move people along. Can technology help and bring this to more lanes. So it's not just people on the street trying guide the traffic, but now we can use technology to make the whole system more okay, so many what about just basic timing of traffic lights. How does this differ? Does it assists? There have been dreams going back decades that we have part of traffic lights, that it would be able to make sure that when you're coming to the light is always green for you. But keep in mind when it screened for us red for someone else. And that's always been a challenge, perhaps with new ai technologies. They can get more efficient. We think we can squeeze more efficiency out of the network. But overall, we have too many cars for not enough road space. This will make some difference, but it's not going to transform the gridlock that we're experiencing today. You give me too much confidence when you say we've had dreams for decades, have any other major cities, you know. >> Enacted this type technology. >> Yeah, there are examples from sydney, australia, where they brought in some of these technologies on the traffic lights. That technology has now gone global. We have companies here, companies like my own vision, which has been a real innovator in trying to use some of the smart city technologies and they sell it all around the world. We have other companies, we have geotab, which is done stuff around logistics. We have a company called can which is looking at on demand transit buses. So we have technologies here, we need to pilot them. And I do think this is a good idea that experimenting, but

we shouldn't put too much hope on technology be all of our, the salvation. We have major challenges that we have to face. Ok, so madison says whole debacle began with the garden what noticed about traffic flow up until today. >> It's terrible, it's terrible everywhere because it's not just the gardeners on parallel routes. >> It's different types of modes and infrastructure that's being built. Sometimes it's road construction, sometimes it's energy, sometimes it's water and so it's really caused gridlock. And what you see is fans out from one lake that's out action and just fans out across the entire network. The key is that we have public transit. You can see in this image right along that stretch of the gardiner, this public transit adjacent. We need to be providing people with all sorts of alternatives and making it easier for them to lake their public transit trips, so that they can use it as a viable alternative to trying congestion in our region. >> And maddie, what about the challenges that city engineers city planners say face when trying to you, you know, make use of this technology. >> Were risk averse. And this city, we really tend to like go slow to understand all the implications. We do everything by pilots as studies and pilot program. I think that's good that we but we are going to have to be ambitious. And then there's cost all of these technologies come of the financial cost and there's no guarantee that that work. The city struggling financially, this so that there's a long way to go before a small pilot become something that can be used across entire network. But it's great that we're innovating and it's great that all 3 orders of government are coming together to try to make us more efficient. And maddie final words. I hope this works and I think all everyone in the city should be looking for, but we shouldn't be putting all of our hopes on new technologies. There are some pooled approach is public transit walking cycling, finding other alternatives, car pooling all sorts of ways that we're going to need to go if we're going to make our city's congestion a little lighter. Alright, matti siemiatycki, professor of geography and planning and director of the instructor institute at the university of toronto. Thanks a lot. Thanks, richard. >> And coming up next on cp24 live at noon. We will speak to the canadian civil liberties association about uft seeking a court injunction to remove a pro-palestinian encampment. Stay with us. Is your roof over 10 years old? I'm Mike Holmes here with Ivan from agm Renovations. Mike, roofs over 10 years old cause mold, and major water damage to a home's interior. Always. Many homeowners don't even think about the roof until it's too late. Damaged ceilings, walls, flooring, furniture, I've seen it all. These disasters can be easily avoided by just replacing your roof on time. Don't wait. Replace your roof now. [announcer] Call now and get $3,000 off! Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. For over 75 years Pollard has manufactured quality windows and doors here in Ontario. Being customer focused and innovative allows us to provide exceptional value. Get factory savings and one year no payments. From our family business to your family home. Make a smart investment. Choose Pollard. - [Announcer] Play the Heart & Stroke Lottery for two grand prizes of $1 million, plus one to two odds of winning over 4 million in prizes! - [Katherine] And give people like me more hope after a stroke. It's a win-win! I know what it's like to not have a father in the picture. I'm not going to do that to my child. I've got regrets, but It's no reason to just give up. This might be the perfect place to build my future. Sullivan's crossing all new on ctv Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Diamond and Diamond lawyers Canada's largest personal injury law firm with over 65 lawyers across Canada (Mid-tempo music) >> The university of toronto said it's going to try to go to court to clear a pro-palestinian encampment on its campus. This is why tries engage in discussions with student protesters. And for a closer look at this latest development, we're joined live the cf mcnicoll. >> Lawyer and director of the fundamental freedoms program at the canadian civil liberties association. Ccla, thank you for joining us. First of all, what is your reaction to u of t filing an injunction to evict these pro-palestinian student protesters. Let's begin there. >> We're certainly concerned

to learn that university of toronto seeking an injunction to dismantle the encampment. I universities very own policies recognize students have a right to express themselves and to peacefully protest, including on campus. And these rights are also guaranteed by the canadian charter of rights and freedoms. So it is somewhat disappointing that the university of toronto after engaging in discussions with protesters, I decided to change its approach in to see the complete dismantlement of the >> And injunction hearing is going to take place later this week. Do you think the school will when it's fine. I ask that, you know, with consideration of what happened with mcgill university. >> Yes, I mean, the question will be whether for storm and that there is an emergency and we know that in mcgill in montreal, the court found that there was no emergency. And then the question will be whether or freedom protest and freedom of expression are involved. And whether the university of toronto has a right to claim and that the encampment be dismantled. >> Ice, the school has made it very clear that where the students are, is private property. And the deadline to leave has now passed. The students on the other hand say they will not leave until their needs are met. Do the students have a legal obligation to leave because that property is private. And what is your message to the protesters that are there and and the school administration? >> Well, certainly it will be up to the courts to decide that they may think that the notion of private property, I must be interpreted in light of the communal purpose of the university campus. So historically human at university campuses have been place for public debate exchange of ideas and expression of this is so the un, as I said, the university's very own policies recognize that. So seeking the complete dismantlement of the encampment to me, is that a reasonable limit to freedom of speech, but that will be to the court to and university said that it was willing to take. >> All necessary legal steps to clear the encampment. Do you have concerns about what happens if the school issues in order to police to move it? >> Well, from what I understand that, but we still has the liberty to decide whether or not to comply with that order so it will be up to the police to decide whether or not there's a threat raise funds to human safety in such circumstances. It's very clear, instance, in case of violence, the police already has the powers duty to intervene with respect to those specific individuals that are involved. Okay, I think as the case may be okay. >> And very quickly before we let you go, how do you see this playing out in days to come because again, that trespass notice has been issued. That deadline has come and gone. How would you like to see this plan? >> Well, I don't know about what I would like because I would know that like that isn't going filed. However, I know that there is a case management conference is a is scheduled, I think for tomorrow morning. So we'll know more about when the courts to hear. >> Injunction application and then we'll take it from that. So obviously monitoring very closely split. >> Take a nice, the make. Nicole lawyer, director of the fundamental freedoms program at the canadian civil liberties association. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate thanks and thank you for having me. Coming up next in cp24 live at noon. A teen boy is the city's latest murder victim. He died in hospital after being shot overnight in the warden and danforth road area. We'll have the latest on the investig crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at ( ) ( ) ( ) The Jeep No Limits Event is here. Which means more trails to blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoy no payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee, the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty seven hundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. If you've received a traffic ticket, been charged with stunt or impaired driving or any criminal offence, the lawyers at x Copper will fight for you. Our team can protect your driving record, keep your insurance rates low and save you from criminal conviction. Contact us for your free consultation today. Do you have a wet, damp, or moldy basement? Call the oldest and largest waterproofing company. Call rcc. Whether your basement needs to be repaired from the outside or the inside, we'll consult you on the right solution. Call rcc waterproofing today. Family owned and operated since 1920. Clean your rugs with Love Your Rug. Whether it's machine, handmade, or exotic, we clean each rug differently.

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