
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #22

morning, talking about or >> Right now we need commitments to divest, to disclose and to ties with israeli academic institutions. If you open your eyes to what's happening in rafah and was already happened across gaza, the west bank, you'll understand why we have no choice but to continue negotiations until all demands are met. >> When we weren't on friday. That the senior administration of the university of toronto had issued an ultimatum. We recognized it for what it was and a 10th to threaten and w. To force me to back down in the same way that employers and governments due to workers at the bargaining table. And on the picket line. We as an attempt to sidestep good faith negotiations and two-wheeled institutional power to avoid accountability. And we completely reject that. >> So as I said, the party, this rally here that was held this morning at 8:00am dropping out. Now the rain did not deter people is absolutely flooring at side does not seem to be dampening spirits here. And as I mentioned, a small the university now filed a court injunction to remove protesters from the university's property. They say it's a danger and the other students on campus have been feeling unsafe because of the encampment, however, will have to wait and see. You know, injunctions can take a little while. So we'll have to wait and see what happens. But protesters here say they're bakari. Okay, cp24 sunday to scale live from the university of toronto campus. Thank you. >> There was a show of support today for a north york jewish girls school. It was hit by gunfire over the weekend. Mayor olivia chow and police chief. >> Myron demkiw, they were among those who attended a solidarity rally this morning at the bay s how moose ca elementary school to dufferin and finch. Police responded to a call for shots fired at the school early saturday morning. They found a bullet hole in the building. No one was hurt. Organizers say that today's demonstration was meant to should the students, staff and families that the community stands with him. >> Often times you read stories on the news its ads and try to be empathetic when it's at home. It's a whole different this is not close to home. This is I spent many hours here day and and it was pretty shocking. >> I'm here to stand with you to say that anti-semitism, it's like cancer. We have to say no. It erodes the boss of empathy and compassion between people. It's a nossa decay over society into hate and is out and absolutely have no place in toronto. >> Let me make this clear and I'm sure many of you agree, we will not be intimidated. We live in the city. We helped build this city and we plan to stay. >> People come to toronto from all over the world to escape conflict zones to escape hate. We don't want your vile hate here. We're a city of peace and respect. >> We feel like the community's then strong, we teach that everybody's there for each other and that's how we have to stand together on unity in one and show that if you hurt one, you hurt us all. >> Our can be stronger united and we take care of each other and we know that we have many friends and allies are going to be here with us as well, who also take care of us and support us. But really, we're trying to send a wake-up call to all of toronto. What's happening in our city is scary. It's unacceptable impacts real lives. There are children who are affected by this and we need all over all of our neighbours of all communities stand with us and say hate against any community, including the 2 has no place in the city. >> And police have said that it's too early to determine if the shooting is a hate crime or act of terrorism. But noted that the hate crime unit is supporting investigation residents in some neighbourhoods, they happen, told to expect and increased police present. Plus 106 17 let's get a check on the roads out there with lisa morales. Lisa, the rain still coming down, how's that affecting traffic? Well, it certainly is affecting traffic. The car as the rain continues to fall in some areas. >> Heavier than others, but it's causing some ponding and pooling some problems because simply people just drive too quickly for these conditions. This is northbound 400 north of highway 7. We're just with the collectors. We did have 3 lanes blocked at one point now they kind of put everything into the left lane, but obviously slowing things down through the stretch. If you're planning travels out of oakville towards mississauga, you normally use the east 403. This is just past the qew. This is single file for what appears to be a multi vehicle collision. Definitely. Crews on scene here busy on the

westbound side as well. This tow truck, thankfully, not really bothering anyone as much as it was before. But this lake shore near jameson left lane is out in this facility earlier problems jane and weston causing a little bit of a slowdown as well. So back to you, bakari. All right, thanks lisa. You're welcome. Morning. We're following a developing story boys dead after shooting in the essential police. They're at warden avenue and kind of rocky crescent, which is north of danforth road. They say that a male youth was shot around 1:00 in the morning. He was pronounced dead in hospital. There's no word on the age of the boy or if there are any suspects. But we will continue to follow this story and update you on air and online at well, ontario privacy commissioner says that she's going to publish a special report about the use of non government emails and deleted messages related to the greenbelt. The ford government removed land from the greenbelt to build 50,000 homes in 2022. >> Before reversing course, reports from the auditor general and integrity commissioner found the process favoured certain developers. Privacy commissioner patricia scene says that her office is working a 19 active access information appeals that are similar to concerns raised by ontario ndp leader marit stiles. >> Reports like these are actually quite rare and they're very serious. Information. Privacy commissioners, 2013 special report on the liberal gas plant scandal triggered a police investigation, which eventually sent the liberal premier's chief of staff to prison. The walls are closing in for the ford conservative government. One way or another. The truth about ford's greenbelt dealings is coming out of the back rooms and into the light. >> The rcmp is now investigating the greenville removal process. Liberal leader bonnie crombie spoke out against the ford government's plan to expand alcohol sales, saying that the premier's spending a billion dollars of taxpayer money just to roll it out a year ahead of schedule. >> Doug ford has shown time and time again that he's in office to cater to his wealthy. Well connected insider friends at the expense of the people of ontario. The major grocery chains who are already making record profits and big box american stores like walmart are going to make a killing. And he's using a billion dollars of your money. Of taxpayer dollars to do it. The guy who promised yet failed to deliver buck-a-beer. Is now blowing a billion dollars on booze. >> Last week, premier ford announced that beer wine would be available and convenient grocery and big box or certainly summer and fall. A coalition of health groups has already spoken out of gets the idea warning that there's no strategy in place to address the increase. Harm switch will come with increased access to alcohol shareholders of indigo are going to be today to vote on a deal, which would privatized the company's ownership. So the deal would see the company taken private by the trojan retail holdings incorporated and trilogy investment lp trilogy. The companies owned by joel schwartz, who holds over 50% of indigo shares. He's also the spouse of indigo founder and ceo heather reisman, who holds almost 5% of the company's shares will bnn. Bloomberg's andy bell says that shareholders are expected to vote in favour taking the company private. >> We have seen a couple of signs of discontents. They did offer a few weeks ago and they also have put out a news release saying that big shareholder advisory firms are suggesting to shareholders, they go along with the bad. So there are signs I mean, investors always want more wine out. That's the name of the game. But it looks as though indigo go-private lot of work, though, still to do and turning it around. >> If the deal is approved, the company has said that it expects the transaction to close in june and its shares are going to be delisted from the tsx sometime later. Via rail is launching new early morning commuter train service between ottawa and toronto. Today, the 6.41 train is going to operate monday to thursday, leaving ottawa at 4.19 in the morning in arriving in toronto at a 48, it's going to be 7 stops along the way, including kingston, belleville, cobourg. The has also announced rain 6, 4, 4, which previously operated in the afternoon between toronto and ottawa from friday to saturday. It's not going to run every day. The U.S. says that the new schedule offer passengers more travel options and greater flexibility. Right now. It is 10 40 to 17 degrees. This is toronto's breaking news cp24 residents in fort nelson, bc. Going to be allowed to return home today. More than 2 weeks after being forced out due to wildfires. The latest after the break. And the wait is almost over a wonderful story is going to continue at this european championship

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key. >> It's been a difficult cover the, but the scrum and makes the. >> If >> The land is still sliding. Brookside. >> Continuing to fall. Fraser. That is coupled with the the, the >> On the ground. >> That is being affected. Neighbouring covid with the deputy is the leading to or cracks. >> So that just gives you a sense of how difficult it is. So here's a map. Papa new guinea, of course, just north of australia in the south pacific area. And here's where that landslide happened in that remote area that you can coloured in on that map right there. Okay. So international help, obviously australia and new zealand physically close by, they're among the first 2 are going to be sending equipment and experts to try to help out. China says it will provide aid. Canada says it is in close contact with our partners on the ground. Canada's international development minister saying today that canada stands ready to offer our support, but no specifics right now. Bakari, on what assistance canada might provide as the world begins to get a clearer picture of this unfolding tragedy overseas. Okay, ctv's tony grace, thank you, tony. You >> Ukraine's president is in spain as he resumes international visits, which will pause in the wake of new russian offensive in country. Volodymyr zelenskyy was greeted by spain's king philippe. This is after arriving in madrid. Also met with spanish prime minister pedro sanchez. Local media reported that the 2 held talks about more than a billion dollar agreement for spain to supply ukraine with more weapons. It's he was supposed to travel to spain earlier this month, but push trip back after russian chiefs launch a renewed push into north eastern ukraine. At least 10 people have been killed in a multi-vehicle crash on a highway southern turkiye to officials say that the chain reaction collision it involved 4 vehicles. The 39 people injured. >> The cars still be investigated. >> And another case of severe turbulence a commercial airline flight. >> It's left a dozen people injured this time is on a boeing 7, 8, 7, 9, dreamliner, which is owned by qatar airlines flight from doha to dublin. This is when it experienced a turbulent over turkiye. So the flight continued dogs, dublin. This is where 6 passengers and 6 crew members receive medical treatment after landing a were hospitalized. This comes 5 days after a man died of a suspected heart attack and dozens of people were injured when a singapore airlines flight from london severe turbulence. O former general hospital actor johnny vector was fatally shot in downtown los angeles over the weekend. Police say actor was shot saturday by suspects who tried to steal the catalytic converter from his vehicle. Suspects but scene. So far, no one has been arrested. Doctor portrayed brando corbyn on the abc soap opera from 2020 2022 appearing in more than 160 episodes before the character was written off. With the latest traffic update is coming up next. Right now, it's 10:50. 17 degrees. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. Woman: My grandson can choose to be anything he wants to be. Which reminds me: I've got a few choices to make of my own. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? Hi, I'd like a quick quote, please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. That kind of money would help a lot. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes, with no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. Wow. That easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's less than I thought. And that money could help my family cover my funeral costs, support my husband's retirement planning or even pay off the loans. I'll do it. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians over 50. To get a free, no-obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-834-2722. Or visit For over 55 years, Greenpark Group has consistently built communities that people proudly call home. Introducing Thompson Towers, Greenpark's newest condo in Milton just steps from the Go Train. With suites starting from the low $500's, residents will enjoy unique amenities including; rooftop pool, and state—of—the—art recreational facilities. Inspiring the people who bring communities to life, Greenpark is the people's builder. Visit for condos now selling across the gta. Male Announcer: chum 104.5. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. I'm a survivor Listen for your chance to play CHUM's Road Trip Challenge. Win a Nissan Rogue s all-wheel drive.

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