
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #17

half-hour on cp24 breakfast. What a trailblazer and can't wait to chat with her. Look at the weather today. A cloudy day and bill says the rain is probably going to move in sometime today. How long will it last? >> It's already in hamilton. We get a reprieve yesterday. Hopefully can take advantage of that so when it comes back, will command with some showers and thunderstorms and gusty winds and heavy rain up until about 1:30 P.M. and it will stop with sunday bricks would late afternoon and that we see showers move back and overnight and through the date tomorrow. Today, a high of 23 and it's already pretty muggy and tomorrow, people back with a high of 18. Seventeen on wednesday and then it clears out. There is the band of showers coming in around 9:30 A.M. hoodie three for the high today. Wednesday onward, much more pleasant weather. Your full forecast coming up. >> Plenty of volume delays and one problem area causing complications with the drive through mississauga, qew niagara bond past the west mall, single file and only left lane gets by. In early collision rollover from the 427. Had don valley parkway getting busy northbound from don mills towards the 41. 401, checks and trouble-free. >> Marilyn: for joe and the chief police as she opened her support at a north york jewish school that was hit by gunfire over the weekend. >> Courtney heels has been at the school joins us live with more ended this is getting underway in half an hour his time. >> That's right. A few people here outside of the jewish all gross elementary school showing support after devastating week for so many people. About 8:30 A.M. and chief myron demkiw has arrived and he is inside of the school ended the mayor hereto and had a brief chance to speak to her and says she is showing her support for the community. Let's bring in steve mcdonald. Let's talk about of the jewish community is feeling and this investigation of. >> We have seen a growing concern of anti-semitism up another like this weekend. Really feel this is not just an attack on this wonderful school but an entire community and if you look at the stats, right now, jewish person living in toronto is five times more likely going to face an anti-semitic action than in new york city. None of us want our kids to be behind a police presence. >> There is a solidarity counteringgathering. But is the message you want to send it to the rest of the city? >> That we are united and take care of each other and we have many friends and allies it will be with us today who also take care of us and supporters but we are trying to send a wake-up call to all of toronto. What's happening in the city is scary and acceptable and it impacts will lives there were children who were impacted by this and we need all of our neighbours of all communities stand with us and see hate against any community has no place in the city. >> We appreciate your time. 8:30 A.M. is when this will take place in this comes after the weekend. It was around 5:00 A.M. where toronto police were called to this elementary school behind me over reports of shots fired at the building end of the see the fun evidence of gunfire but no one was at the school. So many people concerned over this and we know there was a huge investigation underway and we know the chief his here so we are hoping perhaps there will be an update on this case. The focus is this gathering taking place rainy people will be watching. -- many people. >> Pro policy and protesters camped out at the university of toronto and are rallying despite a trespass deadline issued by the school. >> It was it o'clock this morning and is now past end of the protestant needed to clear the site by the time or risk court action. The ontario federation of labour pledging support in person along

with cupe. They're calling for the school to disclose public investments that are profiting from the israel's offensive in gaza. The two sides didn't wait sunday to discuss amendments but it appears nothing was solved. A statement from u of t reads in part: (text on screen) we will keep an eye on this closely. >> In other news, peel police will announce the results of an auto theft investigation this morning in mississauga. >> They will be joined by the brampton smear which will detail the results of project odyssey. That will start at 9:00 and we will have those details for you. >> The blue jays or a niche or cargo to take on it the white sox today after losing the four-game series to the tigers. >> Flyball leftfield. And of this game is over. >> Some definitive disappointment initiatives can after journey remodel gave up a homerun in the ninth-inning of the blue jays 14 to 11 loss. They've been troubled by five entering the fourth inning before mounting a comeback that full shorts. The blue jays looses the recent have dropped three straight. >> Madness in minnesota in game four of the pwhl final. >> A boston, minnesota. A chance for boston. The season saving goal. >> Boston scores in double overtime and extending the series to minnesota to a fifth and final game of. Minutes prior to this, minnesota thought that they scored in the celebration started but the referees overturned it due to cool interference. Game five goes back in boston with the walter couple on the line of. That is a dramatic situation. That's exciting. >> Announcer: anna didn't make it this time around and if they did amazing and spooner was out with an injury, but there is always next year and this is just a beginning and the first-ever walter cup. When did you ever think that will ever happen? >> It's amazing and of the crowds and the fans are turning out. Let's see how this goes. Wednesday night, game five. >> Coming up after the break, we would check in with lisa and bill. Will find out who was celebrating on this may 27 when we come it's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Often insurance companies are denying disability claims on the basis that there's insufficient medical evidence. Your Long Term Disability firm... Kotak Law. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims So if you care to find me, wicked. look to the Western sky. The untold true story of the Witches of Oz. Flies back to the Princess of Wales Theatre from June 5th through July 21st only. Visit MIRVISH-dot-com to get... Wicked. This is our private travel hacker. See all the ways that I can save you money? Ooh. She works harder than any of our other employees. I just use Skyscanner. It searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tab. -Billions? -How lux. At Nuborrow we develop unique plans so people can unlock the equity in their home. Unique like this one... it's called the Susan Plan. Susan works at a Vet clinic and had a sudden change in income. When the bank said “no”... we said “yes”, and helped to refinance her debt! Now Susan can spend less time examining her finances... and more time with with her 'good boys'. Reach out today...we'll work side by side to unlock the equity in your home. Use your home to get a loan with Nuborrow. Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash.

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! >> We always celebrate you even on a cloudy day. Let's get things started by saying happy birthday to ace from your baby sister and peachy. >> Happy birthday to aruvi. >> Happy birthday to rajvir. >> Happy birthday to scarlett from your family. >> Happy break it to miles. >> Happy birthday to zion from your whole family. >> Happy ninth break due to keyera from mom, dad, danny, and nana. >> Happy birthday to iyanu. >> Happy birthday to kiki. >> Happy third predicted card or from a walker and dad to. >> Happy birthday to ban from mom, dad, thomas, and the rest of your family. >> Happy brady to raft need to. -- happy birthday to ravneet. >> Happy birthday to joe, love your family. >> Happy birthday to vicente. If you have a special milestone coming up, we like to celebrate those days with you. Sandoz those details and -- send us >> Screen awards week has arrived in one of our proverbial own end of the bell media is being recognized and honoured for her enormous contributions. Marilyn denis is up next on cp24 breakfast. Stay with So, it's a financial approach that just flows together. Kinda like this: Investments in the front... Insurance in the back. We do both. [phone ringing] ( ) At Bergel Magence, we know that an accident doesn't just affect the injured person... It affects their entire family. We'll listen, and help you understand your rights... We'll treat you with respect and compassion... And we'll fight to get you the compensation you deserve... As if you were family. For almost 50 years Bergel Magence has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for injured clients and their families. Let our family take care of your family. Bergel Magence 416 665 2000 [Ambient noise] Wow. Look at that! Lotto max has draws on Tuesdays and Fridays. If I won that, Id get the best barbecue in the neighbourhood. Not bad. I'd get personalized designer hedges. Ohh. Are we having a dream-off? Yeah. How about a full-time grounds crew? Try a human chess set! A backyard observatory! Front yard lazy river. Big enough for two? Let's go! Why dream to the min, when you can dream to the max? [olg sting] Love the warm look and feel of wood in your home? Discover the all new KingShore Vinyl Windows with interior wood cladding. Now you can have the best of both worlds. The charm of stained wood on the inside and the energy efficiency and maintenance-free benefits of vinyl on the outside. -Building a custom home or renovating your existing home? Call KingShore today or visit our 3000 square foot showroom and see why KingShore is the next level of vinyl windows and doors. With certifications at stc, prepare students for a career, make it up to $100,000 a year in just three short months. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, drywall and masonry. Hello. Enrolled today at Skilled Trades College. Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. >> Thank you for joining us on cp24 breakfast. Your the recaps of the stories were following. The trust but-- >> The propellers in a chemic that u of t remains. The university is poised to take the next step task a judge to shut it down. The protesters have responded to the deadline by holding a rally. >> Residents in fort nelson will be allowed to return home today. Wildfires forced 4700 residents out of their home on may 10th

with strong winds pushing the wildfire within a few kilometres of the town. The fire destroyed four homes and damaged six of the properties in the area. >> The blue jays are in the windy city 20 put an end to a three-game losing streak after dropping three straight to the detroit tigers that includes 14 to 11 loss. Their game gets underway at 2:00 o'clock in chicago. It's probably a little storm in chicago because some wild weather creeping up above here and live shots towards the toronto island and you can see the sun is up here and he was a written orange but want to have a brilliant sunshine at today. >> We might gets any breaks this afternoon but anna gray cloudy morning, there sunshine with marilyn denis in the house. Stick around for that interview. We love maryland. It feels like 25 and it's muggy out there. Normal daytime highs 20. We have a low this morning after the overnight rains and it will come to an end around 9:30 A.M. vacates around 2:00 o'clock and some breaks with active weather continuing and the potential great lakes initials back and it for us overnight in the date tomorrow. It will be unsettled but for the reward, it's a change in pattern wednesday midmorning and then and no real looking back until sunday so nice to stretch of dry and a temperatures recovery. Twenty-three today, 18 which showers tomorrow. Out to midday on wednesday. Eighteen on thursday and 22 on friday. The rest of the seven-day forecast coming up. How are the roads this morning >> Qew nag are bound to pass the west mall towards dixie, a collision and a rollover. Looks like they just reopen another lane so only the right lane is affected but all sorts of gem ups on the approach on the qew and the 427 and at the gardiner into in out of downtown, typical delays because of the roadwork and don valley parkway loading up both basin sections between a don mills and the 41. Typical delays on the rural one but trouble-free. >> Announcer: the cp24 traffic brought to by -- 401. >> City tv original, city land, practical. I used to make fun of this. Intensely local. City line was just a local show at the time of. Live a weekdays morning at 10:00 A.M. a. >> One of canada's most iconic figures as marilyn and dennis and she is being celebrated for contributions to the fabric of our country. -- marilyn denis. >> She will be presented on thursday by bell so let's stay congratulations and a big warm welcome to cp24 breakfast to marilyn at. Congratulations. >> Thank you so much. >> Egot to sit down and talk to you in 2023 and in november and you received the creed excellence award. Martin george, david suzuki, some of the alumni you are joining. >> I interviewed all of those. I'm so thrilled about this. When I look at the footage, that's one of the first days at the city tv when I did that city line so it's gone really fast. >> I was curious about that. In a blink of an ip or >> I've been in this building for 35 years. I have been on every floor with every office and studios have always been there so when he came back to do the show, that was my old city line a studio so it was like home but it's all of a sudden, see the footage of me getting out of the car and at the truck coming out of the wall, that still there and we are about the same age, that truck and i. It's a wonderful time. >> The marilyn denis show, which you said goodbye in june last year but is being honoured at the show for best direction but the radio, you been in radio since the beginning. >> 1976. >> Still in radio today so what is it about radio that still calls to you that you want to stay in broadcast? >> I love to radio since I was a kid so I have that little juliet transistor radio in my office to my parents gave me for my 14th birthday and that was my companion and I thought these guys sound like they're having

so much fun it. Out want to do that so I started in the little moscow, idaho and I had great people show me the way to do it. All guys saying this is how you become a top teacher in a move from to calgary and calgary to toronto. So I feel great guidance and I can't leave radio because it's my buddy and it seen me through a lot of stuff and it's that thing that keeps me going and even though I don't like waking up as early as we all wake up. But once you get there, you'd love it and that's when you know that that the job is for you. >> That's so true. A lot of people see you as their buddy or they hear you as your buddy because of your voice echoing through the radio so I wonder when you find out a lifetime achievement award, what does that mean it to you personally? >> That means job well done I guess. You putting the hours hours, you have attendance record that is pretty good. >> You were connecting with people. >> I learned a lot from all of the people that I worked with along the way and I really mean to that. It's mostly men in radio and at the guys that are parked with were awesome and they knew that it was appointed to have a woman and a woman representation on the radio ended the really good about curating how that worked into letting me be me. I was very, very been lucky so what it means to me is I love the fact that up getting a lifetime achievement award and I wish my parents were seeing it but I am still working at. It's not the end. I can't imagine not doing it and I know one day I want to be but it's been a great companion to through the ups and downs of not only life events but world events. >> It's been your rock and you been at the rock to so many people watching and listening so huge congratulations and we love you. Thank you so much. >> About you guys every morning. I don't know what you guys are saying it because I'm doing the radio show. Thank you guys. >> Sonya, over to you for a quick look at entertainment. >> I think job very well done, maryland. We all do this to her so so good to see you. You thought to drake and kendrick lamar had a beef, but taylor swift and billie eilish are upping the ante. Q taylor swift (Upbeat instrumental music) Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! People think you are only owed two weeks pay when you lose your job says that is a myth You may be owed much more than two weeks per year don't settle for less Always check with the Employment Layer first At Do you have a wet, damp, or moldy basement? Call the oldest and largest waterproofing company. Call rcc. Whether your basement needs to be repaired from the outside or the inside, we'll consult you on the right solution. Call rcc waterproofing today. Family owned and operated since 1920. Clean your rugs with Love Your Rug. Whether it's machine, handmade, or exotic, we clean each rug differently. Let us do the heavy lifting as we provide free pickup and delivery. Love Your Rug. We put our heart into it. It's time to Love Your Rug. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Savings is the name of the game for us when we shop. I thought we were playing charades? So, we use Rakuten to get Cha-Ching. While we're gaming? Go. We get Cash Back at hundreds of stores. Cha-Ching! Health and beauty, clothes, electronics... No, no. Office supplies? Uh huh! Shoes, Home and Garden... Travel! On all of that and more. [buzzer] So, even when we're losing game night, we're winning. Gulliver's Travels. So close. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis!

Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. >> Time to talk entertainment but that the taylor swift and billie eilish. >> We will talk about the proper dq ménage first. I don't know why I'm standing like this. Rapper nicki minaj has police and the netherlands have told her that they discovered marijuana and her bag as she was preparing to leave the country so nicki minaj tweeted and she actually instagram live to the whole thing that the police add to the amsterdam airport stopped on saturday as she was boarding a plane for concert in manchester she tweeted and went live on instagram. She documented to the whole ordeal and says the police told her they found marijuana and had to be weighed so cannabis is illegal in the netherlands but is tolerated for recreational use but to there's only a certain amount you can have. Airport authority said 41-year-old american woman had been arrested for exporting soft drugs and nicki minaj says police was just wanted her to be late for concert in manchester and in the live, she can be heard saying I needed to speak to my lawyer and it was a big ordeal. So a lot of people obviously missed out on her concert in manchester. >> Marijuana is legalized in canada, you can't be bringing that weather places. >> It such a liberal-- >> Don't have a red light district in amsterdam a? >> They have a lot going on there except for marijuana. A massive debut for billie eilish and her new album up your kabbalist and. It's so good. Hit me hard and soft he debuted with the 339,000 equivalent album sold. Denied time grammy award winner had her best week ever. This was on repeat for us and he came out to. And fortunately, it wasn't enough to dethrone the taylors five his new album from the top of the charts but here's the thing it, the news that these female artists as the first and second after feud after feud that the became a little bit more and the I window billie eilish called it taylor's three hour-long concerts psychotic, saying it's psychotic to through a three hour-long concerts but to there's more to this. When billie eilish released her actual album, taylor swift decided to release three new digital versions of renewed latest album so she's been kind of doing that and little sporadic moments where she just releases another little version to always stay on the top. So they did to take long for people to notice that three new variants were dropping the same day as billie eilish and her new album and putting them in competition and she's known it to do this with all of your rodrigo and other artists as well so even taylor swift fans are calling around saying you just want to see other woman on top. >> Didn't it's to list after the the people kind of managing her running her business because there's the artist and of the business side of it. >> Think she's the type. >> She's the one thing I want to drop this on this day. >> Yeah. There is that feud. It's annoying because one of them is doing it. >> We have to get to our headlines. Just after 8:30 A.M. think you for joining us in cp24 breakfast. I'm no dixon. >> I'm jennifer hsiung." be of a great start to your morning so far. We are learning the university of toronto has asked a judge for an injunction to shut down a pro policy need an encampment on campus. These are live shots from king's college circle. Protesters are responding with a rally happening right now. We will get into it coming up. >> Show of solidarity, the mayor

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