
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #16

>>> The mayor and chief of police are expected to show their support and solidarity in north york jewish girl school this morning after it was hit by gunfire over the weekend. >> Jennifer: cp tony borce quarter heels live at the school, which is near dufferin and finch, and joins us live with more on what we can expect later this morning. Courtney? >> Reporter: good morning nick and jennifer. This is a solidarity rally, rally to show support for the school community and of course the jewish committee, given the investigation that is unfolding in this area. Gunfire towards an all-girls jewish elementary school behind me here. I can tell you this morning there are several police officers set up just outside of the school. They have heavy security, heavy police presence in the area ahead of the gathering. As you mention, the mayor, olivia chow along with toronto's police chief myron demkiw will be here. Hoping to speak with the chief and get an update on where they are in this investigation. We know that emergency crews were called to this elementary school this weekend. It was about 5:00 in the money, the call came in for reports of shots fired towards the school. What we heard from police, they say they found evidence of gunfire. No injuries think of this. Nobody inside the school at the time of the shooting. Police are asked at this time whether this was considered a hate crime given much of the evidence they were looking at the time. They said it was too early. We are hoping to get an update from the police on where they stand in this investigation. Perhaps if they have any descriptions when it comes to suspect or suspects responsible for firing a weapon towards this elementary school behind me here. As I mentioned, just in the last half our or so we've noticed a bit of a pickup in the energy and the number of people just outside of the school where we are. This is as close as we can get. It is gated off pick when we arrived first thing this morning there was only one crews are and police set over the weekend they were going to increase their presence not only outside of the school, but in this neighbourhood as a result of the investigation and shooting towards the school. That has certainly been the case. As I say, seeing several officers outside of the school. There's going to be this rally. We understand the rabbi at the school will be speaking ahead of the school officially opening for the day. More to come, but this comes at a time when so many people with the school community and jewish community are very upset and concerned over what happened. Over to you. >> Nick: absolutely. That gets underway in an hour. Cp 24th quarter heels live born. Thank you. >> Jennifer: meantime pro-palestinian protesters camped out at the university of toronto for weeks now will be holding a rally this morning in defiance of the trespass ordered issued by the school. >> Nick: the sticky life to the campus now, this is king's college circle where you can see some of the flags from cupe arriving this morning. The university has said the bus clear the site by 8:00 this morning, less than half an hour from now. But again, no sign that will happen. Organizers say they plan to hold their ground and have a rally alongside cupe in ontario federation of labour. This in an effort to force the university to meet the protest groups demands. The two sides did meet on sunday afternoon and the protesters presented what they describe as a counter offer, only on the school to disclose public investments in companies that profit from israel's offensive in gaza. >> Our counter offer is built on the fact that the office of the president has the ability to create new processes and even make decisions on issues like divestment without being bound to a process to begin with. We saw this in 2021. The president finally unilaterally made the decision to divest from fossil fuel companies. He didn't need a process, he didn't need a committee. The 2014 to 2016 ad hoc committee process was not even restarted. The president sipley made the decision, and it was done. In pressing times like in the middle of a genocide, it is a moral obligation to act swiftly. >> Nick: we will continue to keep an eye on this situation at king's college circle and the encampments. The protest. In the meantime in a statement from the university of toronto reads in part, if the encampments remains noncompliant with the trespass notice, we will -- we will be preceding to court to seek injunctive relief through an urgent hearing. >> Jennifer: a man is in custody after a stepping outside of fairview mall yesterday. Police were called to don mills and sheppard around 12:30 yesterday for reports that a woman had been stabbed. Mall security was able to detain the suspect until police arrived. Investigators say the man is known to the woman picked the victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries. >> Nick: and american man has been charged after a wheel smashed through the windshield of a bus on the qew and st. Catharines, killing a passenger. A 48-year-old toronto man died, that other people seriously injured when the wheels slammed into the bus near the garden city skyway bridge friday afternoon. Police say a 45-year-old man from new york has been charged with unsafe operation after the wheel came off the van. He is due in court in september.

>>> Durham police are still investigating a deadly crash in oshawa, this happened after 4:00 am sunday in the glenbourne and grandview area. One car crashed into a home. Nobody was in the home at the time, but police say a 37-year-old woman died on scene. Her name has not been released. The circumstances of the crash or unclear pick anyone with information is being asked to contact police. >>> Luckily no injuries reported after a car and ttc bus collided near the waterfront sunday. You can see the bus with its windshield knocked out after it collided with a light pole at lower jarvis and lake shore around 4:30 sunday afternoon. A badly damaged blue sedan with its airbags deployed also came to a stop alongside the bus. >> Jennifer: peel police will announce the results of a major auto theft investigation this morning in mississauga. Peels police chief will be joined by brampton mayor patrick brown for the announcement detailing the results of project odyssey. The announcement is scheduled to start at 9:00 am. >> Nick: health and police are out with a safety warning about a string of recent opioid poisonings in halton hills. Officers have responded to two separate suspected opioid poisoning incidents since friday three people have died as a result of the suspected inhalation of an unidentified substance. The deaths are being invested by the coroner's office. Police remind people to look for signs of drug poisoning and also to use safer practices. >> Jennifer: ontario's privacy commissioner says she will publish a special report about the use of nongovernment e-mails and deleted messages related to the greenbelt. The ford government removed land from the greenbelt to build 50,000 homes in 2022 before reversing course. Reports from the auditor-general and integrity commissioner found the process favoured certain developers. Privacy commissioner says her office is working on 19 active access to information appeals that are similar to concerns raised by ontario ndp leader marit stiles. >> Nick: south of the border, 18 people are now confirmed dead after severe storms and tornadoes tore across parts of the south and central us this weekend. >> It hit so fast. It's just -- the only thing I can say is just pay attention to your weather alerts, really spill the worst of the damage was reported in texas, coke home and arkansas. The governor of texas as a third of the state -- counties in the state are under disaster declarations. Kentucky's government time declared a state of emergency early this morning because of damage from high winds and tornadoes. At yesterday's indianapolis 500 was delayed because of severe weather. The nasty weather by the way continues and is shifting east today with severe storms expected from alabama to new york city. This of course is the memorial day holiday and as bill has been telling us, we can expect rain perhaps starting in about an hour's time or so. >> Jennifer: meantime here at home, shareholders of indigo will meet today to vote on a deal which would privatize the company's ownership. The deal would see the company take in private by the trilogy retail holdings inc. And trilogy investments lp. The company is owned by gerald schwartz who holds over 50 percent of indigo shares. He is also the spouse of indigo founder and ceo heather reisman, holds almost 5 percent of the company's shares. >> Nick: less talk about getting around this morning pick via rail launching new early-morning commuter train service between ottawa and toronto starting today. >> Jennifer: this 641 train will operate monday to thursday, leaving ottawa at 4:19 am, about the time nick arrives at the office. And arriving in toronto at 8:48. It'll make seven stops on the wait, including kingston, belleville and cobourg. Via also announced train 644 which previously operated in the afternoon between toronto and ottawa from friday to sunday will now run every day. Via says the new schedule will offer passengers more travel options and greater flexibility. >> Nick: to hope you're good at sleeping on the train for that four hour commute there. >> Jennifer: some people do it. When I was young my mother would work much we were teenagers, but she worked in montréal. She would drive from montréal to toronto every friday to come back and stay with us during the weekend. >> Nick: that is commitment. B3 mom, we love you. A train ride that could certainly be more productive when you are hands-free. >> Nick: yeah, you don't have to worry about the traffic for sure. Coming up friday, cp24 is going to be live in niagara falls. Each day this week bill will be giving away amazing passes for some incredible experiences and the falls. >> Jennifer: the first of that is coming up right after the break. 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>>> I'm curious, because there's been turbulent weather south of the border. Tornadoes, wodd weather, at such it. Live shot from atop the cn tower this morning. Just going through e-mails. Shopper 24 can't go up this morning because of the conditions. Not only we are expensing but that we are expecting. Could be a little turbulent this side of the border today. >> Bill: even though we are in a bit of a lull, it makes absolute sense. Chopper 24, liking at the radar and the models moving forward. They know there is wet weather and we will see the ceiling coming back in turbulent conditions for sure. Around 8:30, 9:00. That will bring back the showers and thunderstorms until about 2:00 pm. Then we will see a break here is the active weather continues through central ontario, and that it feels back in tonight and tomorrow with more showers. A cooler day time I tomorrow. Better chance of more active and even violent weather through the midday hours today. I will show you that on satellite and radar and futurecast right now. It comes in around 8:30, vacates at 2:00 with showers and storms embedded in that the active weather. It continues north as we get some breaks here pick it feels back in with the cooler wind flow for tomorrow with showers through the day. Finally wednesday we see a significant change in weather pattern. It will remain cool initially but a return to sunshine will feel so good for wednesday afternoon, thursday, friday. By friday we are back above normal after a bit of a dip through midweek. Twenty-four saturday with lady increasing clouds. A chance of an isolated shower under a mix of sun and cloud for your sunday. At this time we give you your pollen report every day. Overall pollen counts, probably because of the rain can clearing the atmosphere. Expected to be moderate overall. The individuals tracking true grasses and walnut sitting at low today. Pine, for a, spruce moderate. You may be feeling that today. >> Announcer: the cp24 breakfast pollen report is brought to you by reactine. Breathe it all in. >> Lisa: numerous emergency services still on scene for this earlier collision and rollover. Worth noting this is the only problem now. That is the good news. Really impacting things for your driving to mississauga. Qew niagara bound past the west mall near dixie, only the left lane gets by. Earlier collision and rollover. Let me show you some backups. West gardiner jamming through kipling all the way on to the qew niagara bound. Qew toronto bound jammed from past nils parkway. South 427 jampacked basically from south of burnhamthorpe. 403 lake shore, queensway, alternates you can try to navigate yourself around. The rest is busy. Billie, over to you. >> Bill: thank you, lisa. Check this out. We are live in niagara falls on friday. All this week we will have some amazing giveaways for some amazing experiences that you can enjoy on a future trip to the falls. For example, today's giveaway is for passes to the white waterpark valued at $76. Feel the thrill of being at the river's edge, whitewater walk offers a firsthand lesson in the raw power of peril of the niagara river's classics white water rapids. Some of the wildest in north america. The roar of the river provides a deceptive coldness. The perfect ambience for your walk amongst the many platforms that offer incredible views. The site on this quarter-mile boardwalk will take your breath away. To enter, you can scan the qr code on the screen or head to and enter the code word rapids. Good luck. >> Nick: alright rapids it is. Coming up on cp24 breakfast, we've got shot autonomous in the studio. Meal prep monday. >> Jennifer: yes, she will be capitalizing on asparagus season make sure you are ready for that did during the pandemic. We will have more on cp24 breakfast. I will explain later on. Was like wh Male Announcer: chum 104.5. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. 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rock ticket doesn't taste like how you imagine an onion or a banana peel would taste. It is actually very sweet. Really mild flavours. Sogaard. >> Bill: you want me to serve up some salad? >> This is just a something different, but there's so much fibre, vitamin c from the asparagus. There's lots of iron and asparagus treaty. Really great if you are looking to get a little bit more iron in your diet as well. So delicious. Sogaard. >> Bill: so pretty. >> The feta adds that ice saltiness. It is so vibrant and fresh. I do love this salad. It is really, really good. There you go. >> Jennifer: and so easy. Like you don't have to wash as much lettuce. >> Exactly. Isn't it nice to have a salad without lettuce in its? >> Jennifer: sogah. >> Nick: so smart to her love asparagus is a summer staple in our house. Where do we find the recipes? >> All of these will be on my instagram account, seanna thomas nutrition. And on facebook, plus videos to show anime governing as well. >> Jennifer: are a genius. Thank you so much. This is so cool. >> Thank you. >> Nick: back with more breakfast right after this. [ ] Hi, it's Doug Ford. Just give me a call back. Well, it's the people. That's what gets me up every single morning. I always ask my team, what are we doing to make life better and easier for folks out there? You can't always get it right. And let me tell you, when I don't, I hear from the people. That's what it's all about. Listening and working hard to make things better for every single person in Ontario. Getting it done for the people. If there's anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate to reach out. A message from the Ontario pc Party. To give your teeth a dentist clean feeling... start with a round brush head... add power... and you've got Oral-B. Round cleans better by surrounding each tooth... to remove 100% more plaque... for that just-left-the-dentist clean feeling. Oral-B I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. So I didn't think I needed Swiffer, until, I saw how easily it picked up my hair every time I dried it! Only takes a minute. Look at that! The Heavy Duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. Even for his hair. Wow! And for dust, I love my Heavy Duty Duster. The fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. I'm so hooked. You'll love Swiffer or your money back. Often insurance companies are denying disability claims on the basis that there's insufficient medical evidence. Your Long Term Disability firm... Kotak Law. This is our private travel hacker. See all the ways that I can save you money? Ooh. She works harder than any of our other employees. I just use Skyscanner. It searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tab. -Billions? -How lux. Chapman's Super Premium Plus ice cream. Luxury for your taste buds! Twelve varieties made with natural flavour and colour. An obsession! Exclusively produced with Canadian dairy. Cow: Mooo. Canada's first peanut-free nut-free and egg-free luxury ice cream. A masterpiece! Chapman's Super Premium Plus ice cream. It's Art. >> Good morning. It is may 27. Thank you for joining us. I'm nick dixon. >> I'm jennifer hsiung still finishing my asparagus salad. Hear the stories were following this morning. Show of solidarity. The mayor and the chief of police among those visiting a north york jewish girl school that was targeted by gunfire over the weekend. We are live at the scene. Courtney heels we'll have details just add. >> A rally in defiance at the university of toronto to dismantle a pro- palestinian encampment. The adm deadline for the protesters to leave has come and they have not laughed and a rally it's expected to get underway will momentarily. We will have live shots from the sine. >> One of our very own in the bell media family is being recognized for her massive contributions. Marilyn denis joined justice

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