
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #26

Two chances to find your possible. [olg Sting] catching up on the latest snoring solutions When your breathing pauses because something blocks your airway. The new treatments beyond the c-pap It requires daily cleaning for a better sleep tonight on ctv news at 6:00 Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. (Mid-tempo music) >> Very seriously, we put more money into mental health and addiction than any government in the history of this country, in the history of this province. And we're doing a fairly well with that. And it's going to be a we're going to continue working with people that need help and support. Not a mention on on healthcare too. Our healthcare spending since we've been in office has jumped over 30%, never been done before. >> And with that announcement by premier doug ford this morning, ontario is expanding. It's the expansion of alcohol sales in the province all grocery stores and big box stores able to sell beer, cider wine and ready to drink cocktails, including large pack sizes by the end of the year. And for more reaction to this from a health care standpoint, we're joined live by doctor leslie buckley, a chief of addictions for the centre for addiction and mental health doctor, welcome to the show. Thank you for joining us. This comes on the heels of a number of health organizations, including can h asking the province to develop a comprehensive alcohol strategy. A walk me through your concerns and will you ask the province to reconsider? >> Sure, well, first of all, thanks so much for covering this. Important story. And I knew we didn't. Camh did release a statement today that we're disappointed in the government's decisions that were announced and really feel like this is a choice and convenience over ontarians health and well-being. And it really all comes down to accessibility. So there's multiple studies that show that the single most important lever that impacts the amount of alcohol consumed by society is accessibility and between mean, by that, we mean price. So the minimum price plus taxes. So the higher the price, the less consumed the hours of availability and the retail density. So you know, all those things are increasing at this point. And we know that that will have an impact in terms of increased consumption of alcohol. >> And doctor you know, the response is also that there's a misconception with the change ontario's catching up with the rest of the world. But ontario will actually have one of the more liberal alcohol retail systems in canada. Along with that, that they're still sets the provincial government can take to mitigate the harms, including. You know, letting municipalities opt out. Can you respond to both of those? >> Sure, so you know, I think that you a misconception about us catching up to other places in the world because interestingly, particularly in europe at this time, there's been a lot of ships actually in the other direction. So really, really sort of taking a more conservative approach to policy, reducing hours, increasing price and they're seeing a health so that's, you know, promising that we you know, what we can do to to make a difference. So you know, in in this case, there's still time right to to bring in, you know, this new, these new changes with the, the slightly more conservative bench, right? So being careful about serving and selling, making sure that people are certified for selling alcohol product, making sure that the alcohol is kept, you know, away from other areas, putting labels on alcohol to talk about you know, the harms from alcohol and then of course, you know, health promotion strategies. So we're really worried about violence and domestic violence, which is seeing increases. And we know how to link that is to alcohol. We're worried about duis. So we need, you know, health, we need health promotion, we need to, you know, talk up the harms of health so that people understand that better. >> Yeah, and do you wish the province had consulted with health, an advocacy groups? What would you have told the premier if that happened? >> All right, so you know, the premier does consulting, we do time, you know, we do have time with them to build, share our concerns. And I think what I would say is, you know, there's, you know, there's a lot power, right, obviously, that government hasn't making these decisions and just being, you know, very careful conservative and you know, be ready to pivot and shift back to this isn't looking good and invest, you know, invest more promotion, invest more in treatment. >> As we wrap up very quickly, is there anything about this roll out the you agree with?

>> NOT REALLY, NO. I THINK BUT MOSTLY IT'S A STEP IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. >> A DOCTOR, LESLIE BUCKLEY, CAMH CHIEF OF ADDICTIONS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME THIS AFTERNOON. IT'S FOR COVERING >> AND COMING UP NEXT ON CP24 LIVE AT NOON, LOBLAW BOYCOTT ORGANIZERS SAY THEY PLAN TO KEEP THE MOVEMENT GOING PAST. MAY WILL SPEAK TO A MEMBER OF THAT GROUP. COMING UP NEXT. Male Announcer: CHUM 104.5. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. I'm a survivor Listen for your chance to play CHUM's Road Trip Challenge. Win a Nissan Rogue S all-wheel drive. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! No one told Jason that adulting sometimes requires you to stretch time. It said karate at four and swimming at 1600. Who knew that's the same time? Everyone, Jason. Everyone knew that? Literally, everyone. But you can up your adulting game with Sonnet home and auto insurance. Just go online and in minutes you're covered. Plus, Canadian university and college grads can get a juicy discount. Hey, I went to university. And look at you now. Kids, look! Get up, Dad. ( ) Nice Dress! -You too. The best part? It has pockets! - It has pockets! I know! I know, right! Oh my gosh! Well that, and the Cash Back. -What? With Rakuten. It's a shopping app. I saved a ton on our dress. This is unbelievable. - This is unbelievable... I know, right! You're going to get so much Cash Back. Okay, I'm going to go change 'cause... EcoTech Windows and Doors offers cutting-edge ECOSMART technology in its latest product line, meeting Energy Star compliance for substantial savings on your energy bill. Right now, we pay the tax, or don't pay till 2025. See more at (Mid-tempo music) LOBLAW BOYCOTT ORGANIZERS SAY THEY PLAN TO KEEP THEIR MOVEMENT GOING PAST MAY. >> YEAH, WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ONE OF THE GROUP'S MODERATORS, RICK BROWN. LET'S SEE IF WE HAVE A BREAK RIGHT NOW. GREAT. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. SO WITH TALK ABOUT THE COUNTRYWIDE BOYCOTT, WHICH STARTED ABOUT A MONTH AGO. HOW'S IT GOING? AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE EXTENDING THE BOYCOTT. >> COULD YOU JUST REPEAT THAT? I GOT A BAD CONNECTION. THAT'S OK, RICK CAN YOU CAN HEAR US? >> AND HERE IS OKAY. SO LOOKS LIKE WE'RE HAVING SOME PROBLEMS WITH RICK. WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO IS TAKE A MINUTE AND WE'LL COME BACK TO HIM. I'M TAKING A LOOK AT OTHER NEWS RIGHT NOW. IS FULL OF 24. >> 24 DEGREES, WE'LL TAKE A QUICK BREAK AND THEN WE'LL BE BACK. STAY WITH US. (Upbeat music) If you are ready to replace your windows or patio doors, would you want multiple companies working in your home? Or would you prefer one single company doing everything? I'm Ann Romer here with Michael Smith from Renewable by Andersen. Michael, you do things so differently. Yes we do. And we take care of your entire project for you from the point of sales, through manufacturing, all the way through the installation and the warranty. We cut out the middleman. And our customers absolutely love that. So, Michael, you're warranty is very different from what other window companies offer. Yes, we offer a triple warranty that covers our windows, patio doors and the installation. A lot of companies here in the Toronto area warrant their windows. But what happens if that company goes out of business? Well, exactly. Renewal by Andersen is a full service replacement window division of Andersen, which is a family of U.S. and Canadian companies. They've been around for over 115 years. So we'll be here to stand behind our warranty. You replace a lot of vinyl windows here in the Toronto area. People choose vinyl because they're sometimes less expensive, but vinyl is really 1950s technology, so they tend to warp and crack. Meaning that you'd have to do your windows again. Okay, so if you don't use vinyl, what are your windows made of? Andersen research and develop our fibrics window material for over 30 years before we install it into one. Home fibrics is a composite material that's two times stronger than vinyl and really just much more beautiful. And right now, renewal by Andersen has a great deal for Toronto area homeowners. Before May 31st, save $299 on every window and save $799 on every door. Get an extra $500 off your project. Plus, pay nothing for a year.

For a free appointment, call renewal by Andersen named Home Stars Best of the best for 2024. 1-800-665-4700 welcome back and would tell you more about this story. Loblaw boycott organizers say they are going to keep the movement going past may right now we're joined by one of the group's moderators, rick brown. Ok rick, the country right boycotted started about a month ago. How's it going? And you're going to be expanding it, correct? >> Yes, we extending it it's going really well, the poll that came out yesterday. So to saint people participating, which is 18% of the canadian population. 58% of the population are aware of the and supported so that's very encouraging to us because, you know, we have a lot of and and do dover evidence. But this, you know, really quantifies what's happening. >> What is, what is the goal here, if you want to keep this going indefinitely. How do you even know that the boycott is working? >> Well, I mean, the numbers you know, tell the I mean that we're also seeing a the late 50% more usage of co-ops in ontario, love and shops are getting more business and they ever had before. You know, people are educating themselves and you're finding better ways. Said cheaper ways to shop. And many people say they're never going back because you know, they're supporting their community and you know, they're going to the butcher, they're going to debate her in, they're getting better quality food and their base be breaking the law, have >> Rig loblaws pushed back, saying that it's not responsible for higher food prices. What do you say to that? >> Well, I say where mister weston, let's look at your last quarter. Were you cross the half a billion dollars? I mean, if if it's so tough, how tow company profits are up and you know, why do we see? Prices in your store double what other store said. You know, being. People are not stupid and being that it doesn't work. We see the effects are out there. All you have shop around. >> Rick, is there a demand here for loblaw? If you want to keep this going, what do you want to see the company do? >> Well, we want to see the whole industry. You know, be more transparent. Maybe return to pre >> Covid, you know prices because prices are up 40%, you know, and that they used covid as mask to people that going up, you know, they say prices only with 1.4% this month, but that's already 40%. I, we want to see it going back the other way. So people can afford to we. I mean, food security in this country is in a bad way. And this is why this grassroots movement was 4 government hasn't been doing anything. Now they're doing, you know, you know, they're starting to put some pressure on, but people are tired and fed up and they're hungry. >> And speaking of the pressure, the federal government has been putting pressure major grocery chains. The site a grocery code of conduct to level the playing field for everyone in the food industry. Loblaw finally saying that it's going to sign on. What do you think about that? >> Well, I mean, food to, you know, the grocers, the code of conduct really more for small players who want to get in the into the american place. Uno loblaws sobeys 7 locked up. Now they also are in trouble about their real estate practices. Now. But I mean, that would benefit people that they're smaller players have more choice. I mean, it's all a monopoly in our, mean, every friend go to his own you know somebody in the big 5 we want to see more more competition less monopolistic behaviour. >> Ok, rick brown, one of the loblaw boycott moderators. We want to thank you for your time and your perspective. >> Okay, I just like this mention one thing. We do have a website called of grocery dot ca, which was developed by volunteers from our group the place to shop across canada are listed there. So we just figured we'd help people find other places to shop as well. So thanks for your time and pay. Thank you. Foods. It.

>> Ontario is speeding up the detention of alcohol sales in the province will have reaction coming up. >> Pro-palestinian protesters at the university of toronto. Well, they are responding to the schools offer to end their encampment will tell you what they have to say. Coming up. >> And today's the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral by-election. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. >> Good afternoon and welcome to cp24 live at noon. I'm leena latafat. Bakari savage. >> The man in his 70's has been sent to hospital in serious condition. This is after being hit by vehicle. >> Downtown cp24 live at the scene this hour near spadina and grange avenue. Take a look. The collision happened just before 10 o'clock this morning. The driver remained on scene. Police reconstruction teams are currently working on the investigation. Keep it here for the very latest on this developing story. Okay, you can see that area and grey not let's get a check on traffic. >> With a zillion heart azalea, let's talk about that area as well as rest of the roads in and around the gta. >> Yeah, so the good thing is that there aren't any any major issues on the roads right now. There's just a lot a lot of volume. So let's take a look at the cameras. This is the westbound showing bathurst here but the traffic actually start somewhere around lower jarvis and it's going to go all the way to dufferin. So is moving slowly here to take about 20 minutes. And this is just showing you a quick look rented, which is moving a little bit faster. So it seems the northbound dvp's also moving well until don mills. And we're seeing a lot of going out to york now. So this will take about 15 minutes to get through at this time on the main road, spadina and dundas west. All lanes are blocked due to police investigation. Has that back to there. >> The cp24 traffic report is brought to you by >> Well, variants will soon be able to buy beer, wine cider and ready to drink alcohol corner stores. The province announcing today they have moved up their plan to expand alcohol sales with availability at convenience stores coming on september 5th. We are live outside beer store location in the city this afternoon. Here's what else you need to know about this expansion grocery stores already with licenses will be able to sell larger cases of beer as of august. 1st. And by the end of october, few months later, more big box stores will be allowed to sell the lower alcohol beverages like beer and wine. The sped-up plan is going to cost taxpayers, though, to the tune of 225 million dollars to help out the beer store with the transition as well as giving a discount to convenience stores. And premier doug ford announced the plan this morning to expand the sale of beer and wine to a variety of stores all over ontario. >> The government is creating the conditions were more open and communion marketplace. It will be up to the individual retailers and businesses to make their own decisions about how they participate in one. But this is a really exciting time for consumers and businesses. That's because our plan will create new growth opportunities for local brewers, wineries, retailers and small businesses. It's going to support local jobs and most importantly, is going to give people more choice and comedians. >> The beer store released a statement saying, quote, today is a significant milestone, reaffirming the beer source crucial role as the primary distributor of beer in ontario. This announcement underscores our commitment to responsible beer distribution environmental stewardship. >> And ctv's political commentator scott reid thinks premier doug ford believes expanding alcohol sales will be popular with voters. >> Doug ford loves nothing more than peddling the beer story and you know, it's, it's the beer store of your story and it's worked well for him, you know, buck-a-beer in the original 2014 election campaign beer quarters, he's going to get it. But you see the price, you got to pay 225 million dollars to the largest breweries, multinational breweries in the world. And so we're going to pay more to what may be paying more for that case of beer in a corner store, but it's popular. People would like that that community shake their head and say what we have already they got quebec, it seems ridiculous. Let's get it. So we're going to get it. >> Okay, with more details as well as reaction to today's announcement. Let's go live to cp24's melissa duggan. You've been talking to a lot of >> Yes, inconvenience is definitely the word of the day. It's up to individual stores and change decide if they want to bring in this new salem beer of wine cocktails to their locations might be available at this store sooner. The lotto max jackpot, by the way, 70 million bucks that could buy you an awful lot of beer right now. We wanted to ask people walking around downtown today what they think about this idea because the government is saying, hey, this is an exciting new step. The people

agree have a listen. >> Here for it easier. Yeah. >> That's all. I mean, we already have an industry so I think it's just, it is a matter to me and about. >> I mean, I I think that it's more so people are looking for can be is this time. So. There were people, it works. I see both there is a convenience factor, but I agree, we're going to have to id and all that information. It may not be a great idea. Kids. >> Next, as they can get it now. >> Some of the first changes you're going to notice starting later this summer. And that's when stores that all already selling alcohol, they'll be allowed to sell coolers ready, made cocktails, that sort of thing. Then its going expand to convenience stores, then to big box stores. Something else you'll be able to pick up at some locations. 30 packs, you know, we keep hearing this comparison to quebec. That's where you can buy 30 packs. Also coming to ontario, back to you guys. >> Okay, cp24's. Most of that with a lot of their reaction to this announcement. Thanks melissa. >> World court has ordered israel to halt its offensive in rafah. >> Court considered that in conformity with the obligations and that of the genocide convention. Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action and that a government. Which may conflict on the a group in gaza. Conditions will fly that could about its physical destruction in whole or in part. The court because that that its order of january. 26 2024 it or that 2. I quote. Effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure division of evidence. >> That order coming from the icj, the international court of justice. It was brought forward last week asking for the court to order a halt to israel's offensive in gaza rafah to ensure the well-being of civilians. The ruling comes as part of a larger case by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. Israel has denounced south africa's claim, saying it makes the mockery of the crime of genocide. >> At both housing and protesters demanding divestment from the university of toronto are not happy with the schools offer. They're not saying whether they're going to comply, if you're told to take down their tents. Cp24's steve ryan is at the encampment with the latest school, making it clear that this was a 24 hour offer. So what happens next teeth? >> Yeah, that's right. So let's start with the encampment itself. And that was set up on may, the second by university of toronto students and some outsider to a pro a palestinian. And they have been steadfast in their to commence that they've made. With the school. And they are that the school, the school's there relationship with israel and that the school divest from any interest that they have in israeli companies. Now the latest meeting between the school and the students here who are demonstrating was yesterday and the students are not very happy with what was proposed to them. And that proposal included about the students could in future investments be at at the table to decide where that money is going to be invested. The school university said that they're not this, getting rid of any ties disconnecting any ties with israeli universities. And they said in order for the students have a seat at the table. Acosta, any future investments. These students must take down these tents. The university of toronto released a statement at 4:00 yesterday afternoon saying that within 24 hours, anybody that is still in this encampment will be deemed to be trespasser. So you can hear from students who provided us with statement earlier on today, after this clip on the other side of it will talk about what I foresee happening next with regards to the trespass issue. Here's reaction from lets us up. >> President gertler has not met with us once, although we've asked for his presence multiple times throughout this encampment. By addressing the press in the middle of our meeting and by giving a live radio interview this morning. It is clear that the administration has no intention to negotiate or engage in dialogue with us in good faith. They have already made up their minds and they're ready to tell the world. This is not an offer. This is an ultimatum. >> We view this as you know, an offer and you know, the first time that there's actually been any sort negotiations right? Negotiations can begin until there's an actual offer. And meric gertler has finally entered the negotiations. So we welcome that he's here. We're glad he's finally here. You know, 76 years too late at 23 days into this encampment. And so we will, you know, we will be here and we will continue to that's meant. I am

my colleagues asked the speakers if in fact, they're going to vacate this location at 4:00pm, they would not commit to that either way. What they did say they are going to review the offer that was put forth with regards to the trespass. >> 4:00 or after 4:00 when a suspect to happen or expect to happen is that the special constables here acting on behalf of the u of t will advise the people at this location that they are trespassing sometime up, asking them some time to leave. The next step would be other. The special constables on the toronto police with an issue tickets like a speeding ticket. This will be for trespassing and that could be a fine upwards of $1000 will be given ample opportunity to leave after that as well. The 3rd and the 4th visit will most likely come from the trump tweets. And that will be at the request of the university of toronto. We're by the police with and physically remove people. There is an arrest authority under the trespass to property act were by people are removed from the spot that they're trespassing in and then they will be giving a summons to attend court at a later date. Not criminal provincial court, but the fine could be 10,000. Also is a it's a slow process and it's done that way, bakari and so that the police do not have to put their hands on people if they don't have to. Because every time you do that, it's an application of force and somebody can get hurt. And that's the last thing that the police want to do so they will go through the steps and give people the ample opportunity to leave a couple of times before they go with force and physically remove them. But that call is going to come from the u of t nothing. The police. So thank you guys. Thanks for breaking that down for us. Steve ryan reporting live at the university of toronto. >> And a toddler has died after being hit by a recycling truck in barrie. This happened the south of the city yesterday afternoon. Police say that the 23 month-old boy was rushed local hospital and then airlifted to a toronto trauma centre, but later died. The circumstances of the incident that all under investigation, but still not clear if any charges are going to be laid. >> A man has been charged with murder in the stabbing death of a woman in a mississauga motel earlier this week. 25 year-old wally daws man is facing a second-degree murder charge after a 50 year-old woman was found dead near britannia and whittle road monday morning. Police say the suspect and the victim are related, but it's not a case of intimate partner violence. >> The federal government is providing more insight into what rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. Addictions minister saq says that the proposal did not include age restrictions or limit the amount of drugs. A person good that she says that the plan left her with deep concerns. The minister says that she decided to denied after toronto refused to amend the proposal to address concerns from her department. The to decriminalize possession of all controlled drugs and substances for personal use. Well, premier ford was asked about the federal government's denied toronto's request to decriminalize drugs for personal use and also commented on the safe supply program. >> Safe supply folks. A drug and it can go up to a location and get free drugs. Hardcore drugs. And what do they do? They don't even use it. They with fentanyl and half the desolate bc from safe supply. And we're there. You know, promoting that these people are going to be distributing and selling drugs, getting cash, buying other drugs. It's a disaster. And anyone who thinks it's ok, they're wrong, it's not being done here in ontario, we're going make sure that we have safe streets. We're going to support the people with addictions. >> The federal government says it's open to adding more medications to the list of drugs covered by its proposed pharmacare program. The bill charts a path toward a universal pharmacare plan that covers select birth-control and diabetes drugs. Health minister mark holland says the current list represents an absolute minimum and the government could expand it based on negotiations with provinces and committee. Reccomendations insurance industry representatives have expressed concerns about the bill saying it could disrupt existing private coverage. >> More americans are now using marijuana daily more than alcohol. Researchers looked at data from 22 to the U.S. national survey on drug use and health. 17.7 million people reported using cannabis daily compared to 14.7 million daily drinkers. Many states have relaxed their laws around marijuana in the last decade. >> And a new study shows prescriptions for weight loss drugs have skyrocketed. 600% in the last 3 years in the u.s., that's especially true for those between the ages of 12. And 25 in that group, prescriptions rose from 8720 20 to more than 60,000 in 2023. Many of the weight loss drugs are primarily indicated for type 2 diabetes. The study can see exactly what condition the medications were written for or if the patients actually took them. And it's the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral by-election. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. >> There's going to be another round of advance voting to first and second one. 22 polling locations are going to open all across the city. Voters are being reminded, bring you identification with

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