
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #25

carry them into a store. But look what's inside. They have been modified in certain ways in order to attempt to defeat security systems. >> Detective constable kevin kinsmen shows us a booster bag. One of the ways crooks are ripping off retailers across the gta. So they've added compartments to this jacket. Correct? So this is what it looks like. This is an interior pocket, these clothing items and accessories part of a whole york regional police recovered in project booster a 2 month long multi force investigation targeting a spike in organized retail theft. We're talking more about people, they're coming into a store. >> In groups with the sole purpose of stealing involved. So the 501 location, 300 another location. And here's one of the modified items of clothing that one of the wear a skirt. >> On top of a booster skirt, which is basically a large pouch with a zipper inside that they could conceal items in. >> Day-long shoplifting sprees targeting chain's stores for items. Thieves could resell in the underground market. >> Everything from cosmetics to perfume, jewelry, high-end clothing and alcohol. According to a release from the retail council of canada, shoplifting has increased across all categories, including food, apparel and footwear. Merchandise. >> Escalating inflation and a growing resale market for stolen goods are some of the contributors. But there is also an alarming trend of repeat offenders and people using violence. >> They were working in, in cells, in, in like a smaller cell. So there's no higher structure during project booster, investigators arrested 88 people late 169 charges in recovered merchandise worth more than 114,000. >> From an estimated $333,000 worth of stolen goods. >> From from the the person was arrested. This jacket, you never know. >> And initiative, they say he's made a dent. We have noticed a decrease here and into district a police say this is a nationwide problem with stolen goods still making their way to and from the gta. Janice golding, ctv news. >> Canada border services agency workers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike mandate. More than 9,000 members voted in 96% supported job action that could lead to significant disruptions to the flow of people, goods and services in and out of canada. As the busy summer season begins. Workers have been without a contract for 2 years. Key issues in this round of bargaining include fair wages that are aligned with other law enforcement agencies across the country. Flexible telework and remote work options and equitable retirement benefits. The world court has ordered israel to halt its rafah offensive. >> The court considered that in conformity with a if and that of the genocide convention. Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action. And that government. Which may conflict on the palestinian group in gaza. Conditions will fly that could about its destruction in whole or in part. The court because that that in its order of january 26th 2024 it or that 2. I quote. The effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence. >> This order coming from the icj, the international court of justice. The request was brought forward last week asking for the court to order a halt to israel's offensive in gaza and in rafah to ensure the well-being of civilians. The ruling comes as part of a larger case by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. Israel has denounced south africa's claim, saying it makes a mockery of the crime of genocide. Meantime, the bodies of 3 more hostages have been recovered in gaza. That is according to the idf, the victims have been identified as one. And you have long path. Michelle nissan bomb and ryan hernandez. Officials say they were killed during the october 7th terror attack and taken to gaza by hamas. The bodies were recovered in an overnight operation in jabalia. The news comes less than a week after the army recovered the bodies of 3 other hostages. Was partying. >> With his friends at the nova music festival. He was murdered by hamas terry's than buddy was taken into gaza. You should. And israeli and brazilian citizen was on his way to pick up his four-year-old grants drained or 2. He was murdered by hamas terrorist and his buddy was taken into gaza. Henri on hernandez, the tourist from mexico with french citizenship. Was partying in these was parting with his good should meet the nova music music festival.

>> Israel says around 100 people are still being held captive in gaza, along with the bodies of at least 39 more finance ministers from the g7 countries open 2 days of meetings in northern italy. The U.S. is seeking to gain support to find more money for ukraine by extracting it from frozen russian assets. Most of the frozen assets are held in european banks. And so far, most european countries have cautioned against the legality of simply taking the money and giving it to ukraine. Us treasury secretary janet yellen also wants to find consensus to battle china's trade practices. The british parliament will be paroled today's a six-week election campaign gets underway. Lawmakers will get through a flurry of last-minute business before leaving the house for possibly the last time. Prime minister rishi sunak's surprise decision to call a summer election means that some key pieces of legislation. We'll have to be abandoned, including his flagship plan to ban tobacco sales to future generations. Election day is set for july 4th and the royal family won't be out and about as much over the next month and a half to give the election campaign the full spotlight. The royal family is barred by law tradition from interfering in politics at any time. They cannot campaign or endorse a candidate. The king and queen still plan to attend ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of d-day on june 6th. Documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock has died. His family announcing today that he died yesterday from complications of cancer surrounded by loved ones for lack shot to stardom in 22,004 with his documentary super size me about the health impacts of fast food in america that went viral over his career. He produced and directed nearly 70 films and tv series. Morgan spurlock was only 53 silent films that make me 11:52 22 degrees. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. And you trailer is out for the long-awaited sequel to beetlejuice will give you an extended look right after this. Stay Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to win! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at Hi, Toronto! I'm Teddy Wilson. And I'm Nicole Servinis. Welcome to Things to Know t.o.. Teddy: Each week, this show shines a spotlight on a wide variety of local businesses, services, events and initiatives from across the Greater Toronto Area. Nicole: These companies are a part of what makes Toronto one of the world's most vibrant cities and a great place to live, work and play. Teddy: Join us every week on Saturday mornings for Things to Know t.o.. Nicole: And don't forget to visit our website,, to check out all of our great content. Is it time to renew your mortgage? Struggling with credit card debt? Owe money to the cra? Have difficulty paying your mortgage? Or need cash for any reason? Northwood Mortgage can help. Northwood is more flexible and has access to better rates than the banks. Approval is based on equity in your home and not just your income. And Northwood provides fast closing turnaround with a payment plan that suits your budget. For an easy home equity loan visit We're working harder for you ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. (Playful music) >> Welcome back. A new trailer is out for the sequel to the spooky 1988 comedy field says. >> Beetlejuice. Say that name was just it features michael keaton back as the title character. Gould original stars, winona ryder and catherine o'hara also reprise their roles will be joined by jenna ortega, willem dafoe and other stars. Missing, however, are geena davis and alec baldwin. You don't use hits theatres in september. 55 now 22 degrees, you're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Coming up next on cp24 live at noon. We'll have lots of reaction to this. The ford government unveiling its accelerated plan. >> For selling alcohol in

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sales. >> With availability of convenience stores coming september, 5th. >> Grocery stores already with licenses will be able to sell larger cases of beer as of august. 1st by the end of october, more big box stores will be allowed to sell the lower alcohol beverages like one. The sped-up plan is going to cost to the tune of 225 million dollars to help out the beer store. Transition as well as giving a discount to convenience stores. And premier ford was asked whether speeding up the process is worth that big of a payout. >> It's not going directly to the beer store's where it's going to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support to make sure the transition as we go through over the next few years. The beer store plays a critical role in recycling and distribution. And we're going make sure we protect employees. >> That price tag raising a lot of eyebrows and with more details and reaction to today's announcement, we bring in cp24's melissa dock. And you've been speaking to people about this. Melissa, what do they think? >> We know it is a gorgeous friday afternoon in downtown toronto. And I'm asking people what they think about buying a beer at convenience stores. So it's very easy to get answers on this one today. I mean, you can already get bitcoin at convenience stores, you get your lottery tickets, you can get your chips. And soon as we've been talking about beer, wine coolers, even ready made cocktails. What people here in downtown toronto think here's some of their feedback. >> Not a good because that too many underage people buying them to the other pieces of it working well for the ones that working well for it works other places. I don't know what would work here and it's, it's really just how they're going regulated. I think it should to states to lcbo stores like god. >> The kids than that. There's no age limit. Great at a convenience store late teenagers can go buy booze. So I guess that's the reason. >> No one of the reasons. Premier doug ford says he is speeding up with this move to expand the availability of places where you can pick up beer and wine and coolers is because it is so popular. He says people wanted and so he's giving it to them. He's also saying this is way that the province is going to treat adults like adults are going to be collecting more reaction here on the street. See how people are feeling on this friday afternoon. Back to you guys. Write it certainly is a talker. Melissa duncan reporting live. Thanks so much, melissa. Next, we'll take you live to the u of t where pro-palestinian protesters demanding divestment from that school are not happy with the schools offer and aren't saying whether they will comply. >> If they're told to take down their tents that cp24 steve ryan has been a day camp and this morning and joins us now. >> Little bit more steve. >> Yeah, bakari leena, we have just heard from some of the students who are pro-palestinian demonstrators at have set-up at this encampment here at king's college, a circle and they've been pretty consistent in their 2 main demand since this thing began. And that is for these u of t 2, the schools there. Relationship with israel and to divest in any. Investments that they have in israeli companies. Now the latest meeting between the university of toronto these said students was yesterday. And at that meeting, the university of offered to allow some of these pro-palestinian students to sit. At the table when it comes to future investments. But they said that they were not cutting ties with israeli universities. The a student received that proposal yesterday do not appear to be very happy with that. And they are aware that as of 4:00pm today, all those people at this encampment will be deemed to be a trespassing. That is because the u of t sent a letter at 4:00pm yesterday saying that as what within 24 hours of that letter being sent out, that these people at this location would be deemed to be trespassing if in fact, they did not leave. So we asked demonstrators say whether or not they're planning to leave by 4:00. And they said that they're still going over some of the details in the offer that was put forward by the university of toronto, but they certainly do not seem happy with that offer. And they said stay we'll tell you at 4:00 with that. We are leaving or not. Here's reaction that we got earlier on from some of these pro-palestinian temperatures. Let's listen. >> They've also stipulated in this very offer that they expected a response during our meeting yesterday. How are we supposed to prepare a response in the same rate meeting that we get the offer? This is a joke of a negotiation. To make matters worse. 30 minutes prior to our meeting yesterday, we were informed the president gertler is

hosting a press conference in the middle of our negotiations with the administration in a completely different building on campus. Why are me we meeting with the administration when there is already a pre-determined outcome on their end. >> Though the university's leadership has completely abandoned their moral duty to uphold human rights. And dignity. We will continue doing everything we can to drag this institution into meeting its obligation to students and to the world. Just as every generation of student protests has. >> So here's how I see this trespass process taking place in this is based on my law enforcement experience for the past 30 years. If at 4:00, some of these said people at this encampment do not leave. They will be advised that they are now trespassing, given ample opportunity to leave. The next step will be a ticket, maybe tomorrow or the day after that were by law enforcement of the police or the university security will come by and issue tickets to those that have not left after being advised that they're trespassing, those tickets could be upwards of $1000. The last step and the step is what law enforcement does not want to happen because you never want to put your hands on people. And that is the physical removal. If in fact, after a ticket after warning after a ticket and people continue to stay here at this property after being told that they're trespassing. The police had the authority to arrest people under the trespass to property act physically remove them and then some of them to a provincial court date with a fine up to $10,000. That is a last resort, but that will only happen guys, if in fact, the university of toronto calls in law enforcement to advise after trespassing, then calls them back to say that they want tickets issued and then called back a 3rd time to say they haven't left yet. And they want to physically remove. That's the last step in the police will do everything that they can to de-escalate the situation. And if at the request of the university of toronto, they want them to leave to try to do that as peacefully as it can before they have to resort to any sort of force. So the escalation first cp24's. >> Steve ryan reporting live. Thank you. Steve. >> Toddlers died after being hit by a recycling truck in barrie. The collision happened in the south end of the city yesterday afternoon. Police say that the 23 month-old boy was rushed to a local hospital and then airlifted to a toronto trauma centre. The later died. The circumstances of the incident remains under investigation. It's not yet clear if any charges are going to be late. >> A man has been charged with murder in the stabbing death of a woman in a mississauga motel earlier this week. 25 year-old wiley daws man is facing a second-degree murder charge after a 50 year-old woman was found dead near britannia and little road monday morning. Police say the suspect and the victim are related, but it's not a case of intimate partner violence. >> The ndp and concerned groups are calling for action to help families facing uncertainty due to what they say is a lack of funding for daycares. The news conference comes after the provincial government told childcare centres that it will implement. I knew funding the national $10 day program starting in 2025 many daycares. A warning about a risk of closure if a funding formula is not updated sooner to cover the actual cost of providing care. Well. And we elder a full-time parent says that the closure of daycares would have significant consequences to people in the province. >> It takes through the process of profit. It will just. It will not this. We're as part of their work. >> Ndp mpp, bhutila karpoche a spoke about the impact these funding delays have on daycares across the province. >> Well, just go to hamas from the ontario coalition for better child care says that they are going to do everything in their power to protect daycares across the province. >> Never ending funding delays from the province. And on certain positions. As well. Promised emergency fund until the and need to know >> And 92% ofensed childcare providers have opted into ontario's 10 dollar-a-day

program. What is the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral by-election. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. There will be another round of advance voting on june first and second when 22 polling locations will be open across the city, voters are being reminded to bring a piece of identification with them. Election day is set for june 10th. >> All right, a heads up for ttc riders is going to be a subway closure. They need to be aware of that happening this weekend is going to be no mind to between woodbine and kennedy stations, saturday and sundays because crews are going to be doing track work. But shuttle buses will be running regular subway service that scheduled to resume on monday. And the ttc. Let's get a check on traffic today with traffic specialist azalea hart azalea. Good afternoon to see a good good to see you. So we're looking at a few things on the roads right now. Let's jump right into the cameras. >> This is the qew at mississauga road. >> And we're there's a bit of a back-up because there's a collision that happened and it's blocking the left shoulder in the left lane. So just be aware of that over on door of all, there was a collision that happened here with the right lane was blocked, but it looks like they just cleared up. Taking a look at your typical delays on the westbound gardiner right now. It's a friday, so it's a little bit heavier as well. So it can take about 20 minutes from jarvis to dufferin and then this is just giving you a look at daffron where those closures are. It is seems seems to be moving a little bit over on the dvp. It's going well until don mills, are we seeing a slowdown to york mills take about 15 minutes here, but it's getting heavy traffic is definitely backing up a bit on the main roads out of camera view southbound spadina and dundas street. All lanes are blocked due to a police investigation. Traffic back to you. Thanks so much as coming up next on cp24 live at noon. We'll have reaction to the premier announcing ontario will expand the sale of alcohol. Sta Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with. I choose you. Farming for love on ctv -I'm always thankful when spring comes. It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in place for the year. -How about you? Is there something you'd like to get done? Perhaps it's your home renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Line can help you do that. -Could you use eighty thousand, two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today at 1800-new-capital to see what's available to you. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! (Mellow music) I'm Mike Holmes here with Ivan from agm Renovations. It's shocking to me how often homeowners hire the wrong contractor for their basement renovation. At agm our trades have decades of experience in basement renovations. We get the job done on time, on budget, and it's done right. Don't risk hiring just any contractor - trust agm. They're the basement renovation specialist I recommend. [announcer] Get $5,000 off your new basement! Your renovation destination! If you've received a traffic ticket, been charged with stunt or impaired driving or any criminal offence, the lawyers at x Copper will fight for you. Our team can protect your driving record, keep your insurance rates low and save you from criminal conviction. Contact us for your free consultation today. -Spring is a great time to get things done. A Flexi Line might be right for you. -Could you use two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today. (Upbeat instrumental music) The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a big one. It's a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. That's two jackpots on every ticket: the lotto 6/49 Classic Jackpot and the growing Gold Ball Jackpot.

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