
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #24

announcement today. And so I know this is no promise. And I know I want my guess what you think that unknown to influence the fort's. But we saw a disaster in brighton recently, where the municipality tried to hire a lobbying firm really disrupted municipality itself. So do you worry that there is perception that to get things done from your government, that people, companies, municipalities, whatever, maybe should be hiring those close to you. >> Not among lot of all. First of all, we focus on for the people we make our own decisions. I don't care trying to a lot of these been going on for decades. The can't me, don't give 2 hoots about them. I care about the people, I care about the businesses. And as for municipalities. I I don't understand where even do that in the first place. Anyone who wants to call me pick up the phone, call me directly on my cell phone. I a couple 100 messages. I deal with everything dogs that counts the cracked sidewalks to businesses, permits you name they call me and there's no reason all 444 municipalities, every word and every mayor has personal phone call and I deal with probably half a dozen minimum a mayors and wardens. So folks, you need something call me direct call my office. Kyle, my colleagues, we return the calls, we get back every single person. It's not corporations of call me small mom and pops people that have a problem. And I hope this one person doesn't mind. I got a call about going give a shout out to the the person that called me about via they couldn't get their their pet on the via trains. You want to get cancelled. So the president of let these people bring their pets. Part of the family, they're going to visit relatives somewhere. I'm hop on the train, they're well behaved full disclosure, you know, I'm a dog lover, family of dogs. But you support these people. So anyways, the lows are that's just one of. Hundreds calls again, about everything you could possibly think of. >> And as a result of the announcement and play england ontario premier doug ford announcing an accelerated plan to allow beer and wine sales in convenience stores. >> The pcs spending 225 million dollars to speed up this election promise. This will now be rolled out a year and a half sooner than expected. Lots of questions for doug ford there. He was asked several times, will you call an early election? He would not say yes when asked about a june 2026 provincial election. Time now is 11:18 22 degrees. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Coming up, a look at what else is making news in toronto and around the world. Stay with us. We'll be right back. Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! EcoTech Windows and Doors offers cutting-edge ecosmart technology in its latest product line, meeting Energy Star compliance for substantial savings on your energy bill. Right now, we pay the tax, or don't pay till 2025. See more at (Dynamic instrumental music) >> Thanks for being with us this morning. Here's a look at some of our top stories. The ford government has just unveiled its accelerated plan for selling alcohol in convenience stores. That's going to cost taxpayers about 225 million dollars will have all the details. Plus lots of reaction coming up throughout the day. And we're following the latest from the university of toronto, where pro-palestinian protesters are responding this hour to the

schools offer that is aimed at ending their encampment. Plus, the trudeau government releasing new details on why it rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. Will tell you all about that and stay with cp24 for more on these stories and for further details, head to our website to peel. Now it is the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral by-election. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. There will be another round of advance voting on june first and second when 22 polling locations will be open across that city. Voters are being reminded to bring a piece of identity fake haitian with them election day, we should mention, is set for june 10th. That's coming up in ctv. Political commentator scott reid joins us now with his take on this race. A good to see you as always. Scott. Thanks for joining us live in studio. So advanced voting is now underway as a new poll reveals a city councillor. The peak of the marla is making some games. What, what stands out to you about this race? Well, let's let's start with the advance voting because I got a beef. >> And in time, an age voter turnout is so low. I literally. The they could set a new high for a low voter turnout at this review. Look at this race because you got very low engagement, it's on the brink of summer. People are focused on their kids soccer and getting the kids the last couple of weeks of school. I think it's very, very tough. So why do we only have a couple of days of advance polling now than a couple of days and another week only in a couple locations now just seems to me like we're making it harder, not easier for people to vote. So I'm going to watch and see what overall voter turnout is and the importance of that. If your political hack like me, because low voter turnout means is a huge advantage. People already of name and advantage and meet name familiarity and those who come with an established political network, though they can get their vote out, cause a marginal a number of votes could be all the difference. Speaking of name recognition, carolyn parrish, her rivals have really tried to say that she has a history of making troubling remarks. She's dropped out of. >> All the remaining debates are the attacks working, going to see low turnout. She's got an organization, a bunch of endorsements. She's got. >> Some name recognition. I think that she will likely when this race, but as you say, difficult dame law seems to coming up. Kalin teo again, these people who have established political they've been maybe unserved and other roles politically at a queens park or elsewhere. They have the advantage. Carolyn parrish, longtime city councillor. Before that, a member of parliament. I worked in the same government that carolyn parrish was part of. I don't know why people would want carolyn parrish to be there. Mayor, based on the experience I had with but she's got name recognition. So if I was going about $100, I put 99 of them on carolyn parrish money and you said a part of the reason why voter turnout could be so low would be low engagement. What is it about this race that makes it so exciting well, it's really comes in between. >> You to municipal elections, there's nothing really driving people to the polls. Yes, we've got a cost of living crisis. And yes, there's lots of challenges when it comes to transit economic development. I don't know that people think that an interim mayor putting somebody in place for a couple years is going to turn that. So I just think you're likely to see low voter turnout, municipal elections always have a little voter turnout. We don't even have the other councillors school board elections to help carry people there. So just think it's more likely you're going to see a low turnout. Got 2 questions for you on the provincial government front start with this. We just heard from the it was going you're laughing, tell me why. And doug ford loves nothing more than peddling the beer story and you know, it's, it's the beer store of your story and it's worked well for him. No buck-a-beer in the original 2014 election campaign quarters. He's going to get it. But you see the price, you got to pay 225 million dollars to the largest breweries, multinational breweries in the world. And so we're going to pay more to what may be pay more for that case of beer in a corner store, but it's popular. People would like to have that community shake their head and say what we have already they got quebec, it seems ridiculous. Let's get it. So we're going to get it. >> And he was also asked many times, will you call an early election. What did you think of that, that back and forth there, the premier was very noncommittal. >> Well, my antenna starting on bbb because I was really surprised and wasn't really on my radar. This issue, you know, the idea that you might consider calling an early election. Now, the fact that he won't commit to the regular timetable, it's a question that until he satisfies that one way or the other. So I think we've just been given a a little drama to follow here in provincial politics, a new drama to follow. And you know, I'm not 100% certain off the top of my head that I see the advantage for doug ford this would be well, could me right now is opposition is utterly divided. Bonnie crombie hasn't had a chance to make tracks and get you know, sort of

POSITION WITH THE ONTARIO ELECTRIC. SO MAYBE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON'S HOT. ON THE OTHER HAND, THESE ARE TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES ARE AND DAVID PETERSON WAS REALLY STRONG IN THE POLLS IN 1990 CALLED AN EARLY ELECTION HERE IN ONTARIO, THOUGHT THAT HE HAD IT ALL LOCKED UP AND HE FOUND OUT THAT CALLING AN ELECTION EARLY FOR POLITICAL BENEFIT TO YOURSELF AT A TIME WHEN PEOPLE FELT ECONOMICALLY DISTRESSED WAS A RECIPE FOR AN UGLY IN SWIFT SCOTT REID, ALWAYS GOOD TO PICK YOUR BRAIN ABOUT THESE THINGS. IT'S BEEN A PLEASURE. THANKS IT IS 11 26 2020 22 OUT THEIR 22 DEGREES. THIS IS TORONTO'S BREAKING NEWS CP24. THE FORD GOVERNMENT JUST UNVEILING ITS ACCELERATED PLAN FOR SELLING ALCOHOL IN CONVENIENCE STORES. WE WERE JUST TALKING TO SCOTT REID ABOUT THIS. STAY WITH US. >> AS OUR COVERAGE CONTINUES. 99.9 Virgin Radio wants to help pay your way. Listen to Daryn and Deepa mornings on Virgin Radio for your chance to win $10,000 every week. Virgin Radio pays your way. Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. Back by popular demand. Welcome to McDadi's open house with George St-Pierre. Welcome back, GSP. How did you acquire your mental strength? Focusing on the objective. How do you stay fit? Healthy lifestyle my friend, The best advice you've received. In life when the door opens, get in. Ideal home features for relaxation. A very comfortable bed. Winning title is hard, but the real challenge is to remain champion. We are the number one team in the GTA for 12 years in a row. When buying or selling Team McDadi is here for the knockout visit Since 1970. Clera Windows and Doors has embodied quality and trust. Limited time offer! Get 50% off all installations and pay nothing for one year. Upgrade your home with Clera today. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. (Dynamic music) (Dynamic instrumental music) Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( ) Do you have a question about personal injury? Can I sue? I'm Wendy of Sokoloff Lawyers. I have over 30 years of experience and I can answer your questions. So, call me. Don't put it off, call Sokoloff Hey, it's Brian Baeumler. I'm here in Vaughan, Ontario, at Canadian Choice Windows and Doors, where they are always keeping up with the latest technology and trends. And this is one of them. The window wall, as you can see, floor to ceiling lighting, enhanced view, a nice, attractive design, energy efficient bring the outdoors in great for between a room and a patio and very secure. When the doors are closed and you keep the bugs out. Can't get enough of that. Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! THE FORD GOVERNMENT HAS JUST UNVEILED ITS ACCELERATED PLAN FOR SELLING ALCOHOL IN CONVENIENCE STORES WILL HAVE

all those details coming up. We are following the latest from the university of toronto, where pro-palestinian protesters are expected to respond to the schools offer that is aimed at ending their encampment. This is a live look and the trudeau government is releasing new details on why it rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. 11 31 2020 to 22 degrees from 299 queen street west. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. Good morning and thank you for joining us. I'm leena latafat ontarians will soon be able to buy beer, wine cider and ready to drink alcohol at corner stores. The province announcing this morning they have moved up their plan to expand alcohol sales with availability at convenience stores coming on september 5th grocery stores already with licenses will be able to sell larger cases of beer as of august 1st. And by the end of october, more big box stores will be allowed to sell the lower alcohol beverages like beer and wine. This sped-up plan is going to cost taxpayers, though, to the tune of 225 million dollars to help out the beer store with the transition as well as to give a discount to convenience stores. And premier doug ford was asked whether speeding up the process is worth that big of a pay out. >> Likely to the beer store's where it's going to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support to make sure the transition as we go through over the next few years. The beer store plays a critical role in recycling and distribution. And we're going make sure we protect employees. >> And with more details and reaction on today's announcement, let's go live to cp24's melissa dye gun. And the premier says he believes this is really popular. Melissa. >> We know that something we heard from him over and over again during that news conference, premier doug ford saying the idea of expanding the availability of beer wine coolers to convenience stores. Conveniently, I'm outside of one right now. And a big box stores. He says that's a win for ontarians. Well, we're putting that to the test asking people here on queen street, whether they think it's a good idea. Have a listen. >> It was a that we have montreal have was a that we are you doing? >> I don't care because kids are going to get it anyways. >> To my thing is a lot of people in their rush to go by the only want the russian move by to can get anywhere close to where they need absolutely know what. >> Just the I'm worried about like my kids. So they should be able to have that easy axes get from the communes tore a fantastic makes it easy for everybody. Everybody's happy. >> I want to mention something there the woman we spoke to, they're saying that she's not too keen on the idea because of for younger kids might have access to it for kids who are of age telling us they like the idea of so although family feud going on there. We're going to be pulling people here with our unscientific survey to see what ontarians think about this idea of the change coming. The biggest change the government saying we've been seeing to the sale of alcohol in our province since prohibition. Back to you, leena. All right, melissa duggan working on reaction for us this morning. Thank you, melissa. Next, we'll take you live to the university of toronto where that school has given pro-palestinian protesters. 24 hours to consider its latest offer and is asking that they leave the encampment. >> Cp24 steve ryan is at the uft and joins us live with how student protesters are responding today. Steve. >> This encampment has been set up since may, the second and it involves a pro-palestinian demonstrators who are both students of the school here and some we heard from some of the students just a short time ago during a press conference. And they said that they have received an offer from the university of toronto and that they're going over the offer right now. And they were not clear as to whether or not they will vacate this location as of 4:00pm today, 4:00pm is crucial because that was a 4:00pm yesterday was when the university of toronto a sent out a statement saying that if demonstrators did not leave by 4:00pm today, or that would be the 24 hours actually, then they would be considered a trespasser. So the demonstrators here have made a to demand today, but steadfast in the throughout this time. Number one is that they are asking university of toronto to disclose their relationships with israel and number 2, that they divest any business ties that they have with israeli during a meeting yesterday with students and with the faculty, the students were advised that they can have a seat at the table when it comes to future interest in

investing in israeli companies or other companies, rather, but they have to vacate this location within 24 hours it so the students are going to right now reject that offer. They're going over the fine details in the offer that they have received and they'll give us an answer later on today, whether or not they're going to leave this location of 4:00pm, are they going to risk being ticketed for trespass secures reaction that we got from earlier this month. Lets us. This document. >> Is a farce. This document is nothing but a summary of their already existing procedure on divestment and disclosure with a few minor tweaks to bait us into thinking that we're getting a good deal out of this. It took 3 weeks for this. Is this the administration's idea of a good faith negotiation. >> So the police or special constables who are acting on behalf of the university of toronto have to receive special request by university to deem these demonstrators as trespassers to be given tickets. If that is the case. Also given ample opportunity to leave. There is an arrest authority that come can come down the road if in fact, somebody who is deemed to have been trespassing refuses to leave a location upon request, they can be arrested. And then given a summons to go to court, where they can face up to a $10,000 fine. It is not a criminal charge to ever. It's a provincial offences chart. But all of us go to rest of the hands of the university of toronto and see what they do next it comes to a request from the special constables or the police to come in. And leah charge and or to physically remove people if that's what they asked for. So thank you. All right, steve ryan reporting live. Thank you for the steve. >> A heads up now for ttc riders that there will be a subway closure to keep in mind this weekend. Here's what you need to know. There will be no service on line 2 between woodbine and kennedy stations on saturday and sunday. Crews will be doing trackwork shuttle buses will be running regular subway service that is scheduled to resume on monday. Also making use a toddler has died after being hit by a recycling truck in barrie. The collision happened in the south end of the city yesterday afternoon. Police say the 23 month-old boy was rushed to a local hospital and then airlifted to a toronto trauma centre, but later died. The circumstances of the incident remains under investigation and it's not clear if any charges will be late. Debates at city hall continue calling for the acceleration of the three-year construction project on the gardner councillors voted late yesterday to approve a motion which allows for 24/7 construction on the expressway. Ctv toronto's natalie johnson has that story. >> We know that it is crumbling, we know that it is 60 years old. The consensus in council thursday night. Was that more needed to be done about the gridlock on the gardiner? We are at a particular flashpoint right now with the gardener. People are exceptionally hot under the collar. The three-year timeline for the latest round of road repairs on the stretch between dufferin and strachan. >> Having major impacts on toronto traffic, you draft your. >> Your best plans right? >> And then >> Your plan suddenly go right? Councillors has spent the day battling over whose idea it was to speed up the road work. And when brad bradford putting the plan before council. The mayor insisting seth had already been working on it for weeks now at her request. It is not fair to all staff to say that nothing has been done. It just because we want to score political points, that's not to this. >> We want. Much pasta construction. >> Foster construction that is now one step closer to happening. City council unanimously asking staff or plan to accelerate the garden repairs, including the possibility of 24/7 construction. Well, considering the impacts to the local community >> To tens of thousands of residents, residents who live right next to this active construction area. >> The city's experts now charged with finding concrete ways to tighten the timeline. City staff can start to bring the changes in work schedule. Make that in place. The report back in july will just be for the confirmation of what can be done. Also looking at if there's more pre application that we don't. I'm still concerned that we might not be aggressive to really see that type of results. And people ought to demand from city council. But this is a step we need to. >> Ahh, come together. >> And say it's a huge project. We can always improve. >> Let's do it together. >> Staff will have 2 months to put together a plan to fast track the construction that has slowed down the city. Natalie johnson, ctv news. >> The federal government is providing more insight into why it rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. Addictions minister ya'ara saks says the proposal did not include age restrictions or limit the amount of drugs the person could have. She says the plan left her with deep concerns. The minister says she decided to deny it after toronto refused. And then the

proposal to address concerns from her apartment. The application site to decriminalize possession of all controlled drugs and substances for personal use and stay with health care. The federal government says it's open to adding more medications to the list of drugs covered by its proposed pharmacare plan to build charts a path toward a universal pharmacare plan that covers select birth control and diabetes drugs. Health minister mark holland says the current list represents an absolute minimum and the government could expand it based on negotiations with provinces and committee. Reccomendations insurance industry representatives have expressed concerns about the bill saying it could disrupt existing private coverage. As bird flu spreads among dairy cow south of the border. The virus has not been detected in milk in canada yet the canadian food inspection agency says more than 300 samples of retail milk had been tested as of may, 16th all were negative for avian influenza. Officials started screening milk here after some american samples tested positive the disease was detected in the U.S. in livestock earlier this year and has been confirmed in at least 51 dairy herds in 9 states. Health officials say the milk supply remains safe because pass tries. Ation kills the virus. Ontario will be moving to automatic license plate renewals as of july first. The premier announced the plan for automatic renewals back in the winter, but there was no date for it to begin. The automatic renewals will only be available for drivers include standing. Those with parking tickets are told bills will still have to do it manually. The ford government previously ended annual registration fees for licence plates, but drivers there are still required to renew their plates on their birthday every year. Well, it is the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral by-election. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. There will be another round of advanced voting on june first and second when 22 polling locations will be open across the city. Voters are being reminded to bring a piece of identification with them election day. We should mention, is set for june 10th. >> 11:43 22 degrees. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. The latest traffic update. It's coming up next. Stay with us. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! At Nuborrow we develop unique plans so people can unlock the equity in their home. Unique like this one... it's called the Jackson's Plan. Christopher and Gabrielle's son is off to school to play soccer and study engineering. Go, Quinton. They were juggling the cost of school, their current debts, and needed a specialized plan of attack. So now, while others only dream about goals, Quentin can score them. Reach out today... we'll work side by side to unlock the equity in your home. Use your home to get a loan with Nuborrow. Every locker tells a story. Find the space you need to live every chapter of your story. Access Storage, here for you. Try four weeks free. Visit (Dynamic instrumental music) welcome back. Here's a look at some of our top stories we're following a head of cp24 live at noon. The ford government has unveiled its accelerated plan for selling alcohol in convenience stores will have all those details. Plus. >> Reaction, which has been mixed. Coming up. And we're also following the latest from the university of toronto, where pro-palestinian protesters are responding this hour to the schools offer that is aimed at ending their encampments. That's a live look from the scene and residents of mississauga can cast their ballots today is advance polls open for that city's mayoral by-election and stay with cp24. For more on these stories and for further details, head to our website york. Police say retail thefts are increasing and that some thieves are using so-called booster bags to get around security ctv. Toronto's janice golding has the latest. >> Stay wouldn't draw any attention if you were to drive

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