
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

quickly address any challenges we might face friends since we were first elected office in 2018. Our government has been working hard to make life easier and more convenient and affordable for ontario families all across government, we're putting customers first. We're modernizing outdated regulations and cutting the unnecessary red t the cost people and business time and money. We're working for you and we're getting it done. Thank you to everyone for joining us today. And may god bless the people of ontario. Thank you. Will now go to reporters questions, please identify yourselves by name and outlet. It will be one question and one paula. >> First question. >> 20 premier richard 7 with 6.80 news radio. How are I'm doing good richard. I'm sure there are ontarians wondering why they are on the hook for urgency here. My question is why us? 225 million taxpayer dollars going to the beer store simply to speed this up the year and a half. What is the rush premier? Let's be very clear, is a promise that we made 2018 and we're moving forward with it. >> But it's not going directly to the beer store's where it's going to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support to make sure the transition as we go through over the next few years. The beer store plays a critical role in recycling and distribution. And we're going make sure we protect employees. It was my understanding, this is money that would have had to have been paid if the started in 2026. But my follow-up, the lcbo is going to offer rebates for a certain amount of time. A discount on the wholesale. >> Price of of alcohol. Can you tell ontarians exactly how much money this is going to cost the lcbo and why does any of this, a good use of taxpayer dollars? Well, richard, you may not think it's good news after having a monopoly in 97 9 years, almost 100 years, only jurisdiction in the entire world. You can walk the grocery store or retail, a convenience store and pick up the case of beer for wine. We were bringing removing afford the monopoly with that, the 3 big breweries they're done, they're gone. We're going make sure it's convenient for people and be treated like everyone else in the country be treated like everyone else down. Down in the U.S. north america everywhere you can walk into a store and take up a can of beer. A case of beer bottle of wine. Ready to drink. And that's what we're doing. We're keeping our promise and we're going to move forward on this in and it's overwhelmingly. Overwhelmingly have never seen numbers aside before. >> Morning premier, casey with the canadian press and a lot of your former staffers lobby on behalf of brewer's convenience stores and grocery stores did not play any role in it's been time of all we promises back in 2018. We're just going to move forward for the people of ontario, they want, we're going to do it. Camh and that cmha among other health organizations and mental health recently called for not having a provincial health strategy on alcohol, you 10 million over 5 years for extra social responsibility measures as 2 million a year enough to handle this huge expense. Loe well, let's be very clear with the numbers the real numbers are 3.8 billion dollars over 10 years with conjunction with the federal government for mental health and addiction. No governments around the minister of mental health and addiction. And michael doubles to an incredible job. We take this very seriously. We put more money into mental health and addiction than any government in the history of this country, in the history of this province. >> And we're doing a fairly well with that and it's going to be a we're going to continue working with people that need help and and support not munching on on healthcare too. Our healthcare spending since we've been in office has jumped over 30%, never been done before our budgets over 85 billion dollars. We're hiring more doctors. 12 12,580 1000 new nurses building 50 billion dollars in 50 sites, either new hospitals or expansion and hospitals, where are hiring more health care workers and this province's countries overseeing. We're going to continue doing that. We're adding new medical schools across the province and producing great health care workers. I'm very, very grateful for all the work that they do day in high. Barbara

with park you result a side of your government's 100% opposed to drug decriminalization. >> And you also announced new legislation to deal with impaired now today are making his announcement. Don't think measures to be seen as contradictory. >> Not not at all, but thank you that question. We have 0 tolerance for drinking and driving and increased the fines as well you know, the police coming out yesterday about reckless driving, speeding and racing on streets. All we're even going to make sure that someone gets caught during that are going increase the suspension of their vehicle. That announcement will be coming soon. Let's talk about decriminalization of drugs. And know some of the medical officers of health came out with that. Its an absolute nightmare be disaster. Folks. Imagine decriminalizing drugs like heroin, fenton, all cocaine. We saw what happened in bc. We saw what happening in the U.S. they're all reversing a. And that was a big mistake. They bc. I'm I'm, I'm so proud. And premier eby. Saying that they're going to do it anymore. The federal government want they're given the jurisdiction of that into the hands of the province as long as I'm premier, we're never going to decriminalize hardcore drugs. What I believe in, we need more detox centres. We need more rehab rehabilitation centres, but we sure the heck don't need people shooting up and doing drugs and neighbourhoods like mississauga were anywhere and that sun in ontario and the other area I want address of sent a letter to to the federal government on safe supply safe supply folks, a drug and it can go up to a location and get free drugs. Hardcore drugs. And what do they do? They don't even use it. They with fentanyl and half the desolate bc, our firm safe supply and we're there. You know, promoting that these people are going to be distributing and selling drugs, getting cash, buying other drugs. It's a disaster. And anyone who thinks it's ok, they're wrong, it's not being done here in ontario. We're going make sure that we have safe streets. We're going to support the people with addictions. >> And when you have to say to taxpayers who might not see today's announcement as a priority. >> All we promised in 2018 2022. We're going to get it done this money will be invested into the workers, the beer store and supporting them as we move forward with the rollout and it's going to create jobs is going to create thousands of jobs that never existed before, no matter because and retail, big box or in the convenience stores. It's a it's a good move. People wanted. And folks, this is no different than any other place canada. No place in the U.S. I know millions of people travel down across a border south of the border. It's, it's a no-brainer. You walk into your local convenience store, you pick up your wine case of beer, are you ready to drink? People wanted and we're going to do it as overwhelmingly popular. I pre mayor rob ferguson trust our good >> So as you mentioned, this is a big promise from 2018 that has finally been fulfilled. Does by moving it ahead of schedule, does give you room and are you planning to use this to get this out of the way, get implemented call an early election know what we're doing is keeping a promise from the things for the question. You know, we have the. >> A long agenda that we're fulfilling the promises. Promises made, promises kept. We're getting it done for the people of ontario, no matter of reducing the cost of gas by 10.7 cents. Her leader that's going back into the people's pockets. I think it's probably over 2.2 billion dollars and maybe even higher grows every single day. Peter, every single day is putting money in not people's pockets is like getting rid of that. The sticker on the back of the vehicles are getting rid of the registration cutting the polls on the for for 18. We're having people that write transit one-fare receives up to $1600 every every single year. And that's, I think that's a low figure that they can hop on go train up. And doug downey's area in barrie on one fair go to union station hop off union station, go out to the mississauga all on one fare. So we're putting money back into people's pockets and that's not a bad thing. It's actually a great thing that reduce the burden on the backs of for the people. So are you committing them to sticking with the june? >> 2026 election schedule, you're going to stick to that day. >> We're going make sure that we fulfil our agenda and are promises that we made, making sure we taxpayers money, reducing the cost of doing

business by 8 billion dollars each and every year. That's where we're just a tremendous response when it comes to the 43 billion dollars of the ve that's been invested or 20 billion in the tech sector or in the life sciences. Another 3 billion dollars right now. We're, we're blessed, going all cylinders. For the people of ontario. When I talk the consul journals and boxers and the leaders of countries and governors from the u.s., they're all they're in shock. When bloomberg news comes out and says canada, which would say ontario is now knocked off. China is a number one location for ev assembly ev battery manufacturing right here in ontario. We're the only jurisdiction in the world. Think of only jurisdiction in the world that have 6 largest auto manufacturers coming here part manufacturers and my good friend or colleague vic fedeli, he's travelling the world once again. He's a over japan and korea, attracting more businesses coming here to ontario. We're so blessed reason being with the smartest, brightest people the world the talents here. And that's why people are opening up shop. Fascinated. Speed the dollar figures too. Good morning premier colin d'mello with global music hall. You know, your brother. Than roger. >> A good of a gun call 5.30 in the morning. Not me. I-5 and I was up and I thought I'm not going to answer the buddy. You're getting a call at 3:00 in the morning. Haha. Sorry, I just had to let know that means we're going in canada tonight, on the premier. You just a moment ago said that you have 0 tolerance when it comes to drinking and driving up during the pandemic. Your government introduced a policy that gave impaired drivers the option to downgrade their charges to careless driving in non serious cases. And we've been told that this was a plight thousands of times since 2021, that policy remains in effect, so crown prosecutors can still offer these downgraded charges to careless to drivers. Why are they still being offered impaired cases of you have a 0 tolerance policy and you agree with that. Now a good point over the attorney general. >> Thanks, that was a policy not for the drivers to to downgrade. As you say. >> It was for the prosecutors to have the option to make sure that the most important cases are being backlog in the courts. And so we have put that mandate in place in cooperation with our partners being matt canada and the police services around ontario. Worry engaging that discussion because we're still dealing with the after effects of covid as it relates to the courts. I'll be talking to the police association of ontario as early as next week. So it's a live discussion and we'll keep you up to date. Thank you and on another topic premier out last year, ontario's auditor general identified issues with staff and your government using private email addresses for government business. >> What is your view of government employees using private email addresses to conduct government business plain and simple way. They should be using government-issued emails as simple as we'll make sure we high premier siobhan morris from saint elias. >> You talk about the campaign promises you made in 2018 around alcohol sales. One of the promises you made then was also to end hallway health care at this moment, we know that hospitals are overloaded, some are closing because they don't have enough staffer finances to keep going. Millions of ontarians don't have a family doctor. Cities like toronto dealing with crumbling infrastructure, saying you don't have enough funds. I'm wondering as premier looking at those list of priorities. How is paying 225 million dollars to accelerate alcohol sales. The place that that money should go. >> Well, thank you for that. Not just off a few things when it comes to patient family docs we >> Since we've taken office, we've made massive gains. We have the lowest percentage when it comes to wait times if you have a backlog surgery and getting into the hospitals again, not acceptable, but were the lowest in the entire country. We've hired over 12,500 doctors as they were cutting the previous government. The provincial liberals were cutting seats in universities. We've added seats, hundreds 100's of seats and universities. We're opening a 3, 3 medical schools. You just heard from your heard of brampton seat so up in and that north hired over 80,000 registered over

80,000 nurses. There's 30,000 nurses colleges, universities that are ready to come into the health care sector and and the work we're doing everything we can. We're modernizing areas right across the province and the the announcement of I think it was about 545 million sylvia jones, a mention about the health teams jurisdictions around the province connecting over 600,000 people. The family docs. So you know, we're going to continue to improve, continue to invest. But man, we've come a long way in the healthcare sector. And I encourage any of you, cole, ceo of any hospital in this province and ask him is a better now. Then it was 6 years ago. There isn't one seal that I've ever talked to it a little better. It's 10 times better. Talk to the folks at sunnybrook talk the uhn talk, the humber river talk to trillion that we're building a 12 billion dollar project down there. The list goes on and on and on it's night and day. What we've done to our health care system. But is it good enough is not good enough. We need to continue investing and supporting. I want to try this one more time the election are you committed to june 2026 or should ontarians be preparing for something? Maybe sooner. >> Committed to getting our agenda through, making sure that we continue there. Create new opportunities, new jobs. And we took office in 2018, there's 300,000 people, their jobs were chased out of this province. Azure minister of likes to say todd smith, all the saws tail lights going to the border south the border now always year headlights coming into ontario. There's over 700,000 people working today, collecting a better and bigger paycheque. Then there was. 60 is 6 years ago. Coming julie 8th. And we've created the environment, the conditions for companies to come here by reducing the burden of 8 billion dollars each and every year off the backs of companies to compete against people over in europe over major south america. And of course, our largest trading partner and the U.S. just remember last year alone, we created the environment, the conditions, the manufacturers of this province created more manufacturing jobs in ontario than all 50 U.S. states combined. And we have a growing population with the fastest growing region in north america, faster than texas, faster than florida combined. So we're going on all cylinders and we're going to just keep investing keep moving forward. And the reason with the greatest people entire world, the smartest people o graduate over 70,000 stem graduates, every single year. The call the of life here is second none. There's no better place to live. Raise a family work at a company started company. And here in ontario. Hi there, render an accomplice cbc. Wanted to clarify from an earlier >> By allowing the grocery and convenience stores to sell for a cheaper price than the lcbo. How much revenue will the lcbo be losing out on? >> Ongoing passes to the finance minister, but you know, that's going to be the discretion of the convenience stores, right or or the big box stores. We are going to dictate to them what the so their beer than wine, no different than a loaf of bread. That's going to be up to them, possible with minister of finance. Thank you erin. Thank you. Thanks for the question. You know, out. >> You know, this is a great opportunity as well for the lcbo because the lcbo will be now the wholesaler right across ontario. So that's a big business opportunity as well. The lcbo will have the opportunity now sell larger pack sizes, the the to force in the pack of 30 that the premier mention that people like to pick up when they go to the liquor store right across the world. You can do that. So now you're going to be able to do that on tariffs, so that there's opportunity for the lcbo and what's important is as we manage transition, this is a big transition. You know, think about this one big part of this is the 10 year monopoly beer store agreement that the previous liberal. Government signed. You know, we've had that we've had to deal with that we've had to deal with the situation that for 97 years since prohibition ended in 1927 2 and now modernize that framework moving forward. One thing that will be absolutely certain that you get from the premier and for me and my, our whole team is, is that we will work with all stakeholders to minimize the disruption as this transformational change takes place that really provides so much more convenience and that choice and competition. You know, have you mentioned

premiere at should says a and and and adult of age. I could buy wine and beer in a can. And the depend how and quebec so this is providing that same opportunity. And I'm very proud to be part of that as we work together with a lot of stakeholders with that workers with the convenience stores, grocers, big box and modernizing our alcohol. >> System in ontario. >> In terms of a long-term plan for the beer store. I mean, if we've the grocery stores that will be able to do the recycling. We've lcbo and grocery stores be able to sell the larger packs of beer. Do you see a point to the beer store? >> We're going to work with the beer store in their employees are number one priority. They do an incredible job on distribution they can enhance on the distribution side. They do a great job recycling and open for business. You're going to more variety the beer store, they're going to carry all the beers. Some comedians and retailers, they make area a few different types, but they they have to change or footprint be creative. You know, you've been down in the u.s., you going to some of they're called liquor liquor stores, beer stores and their their top notch. They're pretty good. Just like the lcbo can you tell store. Man? It's, it's pretty impressive. So the beer store change or footprint come up with a new business plan and be competitive, be creative. That's what I encourage. I jeff greg will mail. I wondered if you could address a. >> But I think some conservatives who are concerned about your government spending will say, which is that you're giving 225 million dollars operation run by 2 of the biggest companies, beverage companies in the world. And you have a 9.8 billion dollar deficit. Well, that's a totally inaccurate statement. We're giving them. >> To the motions of the world and about simply put the the money in their pockets ac later. So that's not accurate. We're doing, we're supporting the frontline workers at the beer store and supporting them. But went to brewers retail. That's again, we're going to be audited every step of the way to make sure that being distributed in the right fashion. But being fisset fiscally conservative. Tell you there's no better finance minister around. Talked to old folks new york and they said your finance ministers absolutely genius compared to any other finance ministers that we've ever dealt with them. There. He would know and bought 30 year bonds, a 2%. Saving hundreds and hundreds of probably billions of dollars. And I'm unfortunate that one of the brightest minds in the entire country as a finance minister, but I'll hand it over to you. Peter. I don't know if I can top that complement thank you. Thank you. Premier. >> You so we issued, we issued even more 30 year this this week app. You know, we we took advantage of very low rates over the last number of years in a 3rd of our portfolio is now 30 year bond. So we take a lot of refinancing risk out. I will just add on the beer store, the premier's 100%, right? This is going as part of the agreement to online that 10 year monopoly that the previous government, the liberal government signed, you know, create an environment whether this was 2 years ago or 2 years. Handsor now some transition support poor, as the premier said, for among other things, the employees of the mir specifically, you know, this will help. I maintain perhaps on profitable beer stores to a july. First of 20 to 25 386 stores. And then in december 31st, another 300 stores. So this is it's not about to using taxpayer money to to end this deal. This is always about having as much of an orderly transition as possible. Minimizing, I disruption and giving a chance to adjust to the new world, the not. And I'll just reiterate with the percent. The beer store's playing a significant role in distribution across the province. So that's an opportunity there. And also on recycling, which is absolutely critical. So with transition, there is opportunity for the beer store. I think every peers being pretty pretty modest he has a path to balance in 2 years. And when we brought the budget, we sat down. You have 2 things you can do, folks. Your balance right away, you just start chopping everything. I just don't believe in love because budgets coming goal and we're going to balance in 2 years. Unlike the federal government, unlike the quebec government, unlike the bc government, they have no path to balance. We have a path to balance. We're going to continue investing 190 billion dollars over the

next 10 years and infrastructure building a hospitals building schools, building the highways and bridges and people lead the growing population here. We're getting the for 13 done. The bradford bypass highway 3 going in southwestern ontario. You go along the qew the for one either way, you're seeing construction, the garden parkway bridge. We're investing in. So we're investing heavily in debt infrastructure, infrastructure, folks, as you know, last 50 to 100 years, we're bubbling the largest transit system in north america. Preston and the amount investments were doing. We're planning now for next year, not for 2 years for 10 2050 years down the road. And that's what the previous government never thought about. And we're leading the world when it comes infrastructure spending premier follow actually done the next question because it does sound like there's an election already underway. And for the way you're talking this morning, youve declined to rule out calling an early election. Can you talk about why you're keeping your options open? Do you see an opportunity? The liberals leader of the new liberal leaders not established yet. You had some attack ads has been a success against her. Is timing thing? You want to keep your options open when they're week. >> Well, yeah, again, I just want to get agenda through. I want to continue building ontario, creating more jobs. We never saw for 15 years in this province, always saws more more dead. You know, hallway, health care and jobs being run over this province and it just it was a nightmare. The way I describe it. Private sector folks like all 3 of all 4 of us actually, you know, I went into a province. Every ministry was a disaster was a bankrupt province. We've turned it around in. The ironic thing is we didn't turn the pandemic and it wasn't the government, it was the of great province and the service sector as well. Remember the days that kathleen wynne went out and said let's get rid of the manufacturing and we're going to be a service sector province. Really. I worked really well done that 300,000 people lost their jobs. We took the different approach. We're not only going to be best service sector, we're going to be economic powerhouse when it comes to manufacturing, we manufacture anything and everything here in ontario, there's no jurisdiction in north america night trouble us right across from east west north south and there's no state that can compete against us on the diversity of products that we manufacture here in ontario and will continue not just being a, you know, a powerhouse in north america. But around the world, people are talking about ontario. They're all that's what they are. I hear every single day from a foreign leaders from passengers from consul-general's and governors in the U.S. so we're going continue moving forward. Folks. We knew about 490 billion dollars into a trade with the U.S. we increased not by 100 million dollars when we took office revenues here in the province were 150 billion, the 214 billion. The greatest thing is we're the only government we have never, ever raised, attacked. It's unheard of. You don't have to raise taxes, you don't have to gouge the people that year and in their pockets, you don't have to get out to businesses. We did the opposite. The 700,000 people are paying taxes that were paying taxes. There's tens of billions of dollars in investment. These companies that her pain taxes now that would even be here if we in government right now. So we're going to continue down path. We increase revenues through gros, not through gouging people. They're finding a a really tough time and a message to the bank of canada lower these interest rates. Finally, because we have a housing crisis. We're pushing the economy floored, you're trying to kill the economy, meaning trying to kill people. So I look forward you, reducing the interest rates when when the time comes. And in junior enough is enough with these interest rates and the lower the interest rates quarter point and other core point another quarter point. Just want folks these homes affordable, the rental units are going to pop up like mushrooms. Mark my words. But the bank of canada needs to get their act together. This will be the last reporter. >> I premier and everyone on this is charlie pinkerton of the trillium premiers want to pick up on something my colleague liam casey asked earlier there seems to be believed 50 or lobbyists who have either work for you or in your government who have now lobbied for companies are going to benefit from his

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