
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

is a big one. It's a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. That's two jackpots on every ticket: the lotto 6/49 Classic Jackpot and the growing Gold Ball Jackpot. Two chances to find your possible. [olg Sting] >> Time turn 18 and almost were room temperature were the world becomes an extension of your living space. Beautiful day -- backed off a little bit this afternoon could get some active weather tomorrow between nine and two showers rest of the week and looking good we will have all those details coming up in your full forecast on the way. Lease over to you you. >> We are looking to problems of your planning troubles at a brampton this morning disses the southbound lanes of the 410 which are completely blocked or queen searches for their no traffic getting bright know I will trade the scene one vehicle currently on its roof we're just working on details with regards to anybody that's injured potentially so definitely a very active scene you can see a lot of people sitting on the highway this is an area you want to avoid if you're planning troubles at a brampton you can try dixie, kennedy and some alternates to get around. About on the highway from steeles but the southbound lanes the 410 locked or queen's own north of here you can see nobody's getting by because of the situation. The rest of the drug what we are dealing with right now really is just typical lingering volume from the morning rush. No other serious problems to get in the way. >> Canada's largest breaking competition is back right here in the city the red bull bc one takes place tonight at the four seasons centre for performing arts -- in town to lend support is procedures spee boy A.K.A. phil wizard and he joins us in that studio. So nice to see. >> Nice to see you again. >> I was trying to remember when we were last breaking together think it was a couple years ago where I showcased the snail. Stay tuned because I will show it again. >> It's your signature move. >> How are you doing? >> I'm doing well it's been an active year -- got paris coming up and I'm excited for it. Shall talk with the bc bull one cannot national finalists tonight you are not competing but you will be there for moral support. >> Yes. Four seasons performance center of the performing arts it will be an amazing show I encourage everyone to come out. Red bull was one of the reasons I started in for me still the most prestigious one in the world so it super exciting. >> What do some of the competitors have to go through to prepare for a competition like this? >> There's a lot. When you were there at a venue like that there's so much pressure from the judges and audiences a lot of mental and physical pressure it's extremely physically demanding you have to do about 12 rounds total so we'll take a lot of preparation. >> I can't even imagine but it also does highlight that breaking is such a popular sport. You can call it a sport now. But it is internationally popular. In a small committee. >> Yes it's all over the world but like you said it's a small community -- there's a lot of root like bear. >> Let's talk about paris I know you're going to represent canada -- I know you will be seen breaking at the featured. Tell me about what you're doing to prepare and you must be excited. >> Yes I'm very excited it's paris is a beautiful city I love pastries I'm excited to go and enjoy it. Preparation has been amazing I've been working closely with my personal trainer training. Consistently have a few months. >> Is our love of pressure on you -- a lot of people are expecting you to in the middle. Everything there's definitely pressure to the best that I can. >> You are korean I'm korean -- they want you to be a doctor or lawyer you showed your passion for breaking. Early on so how are your parents feeling now that you are in team canada and you're going to the summer games? >> They are super excited. For me to do for canada -- a lot to bring us here they are super excited. My dads from background as me me and it's been incredible. >> He so proud. Were they supportive right from the beginning or did they eventually go, okay, we are on to something here and we should

allow them to do what he needs to do. >> Like any good parent they were worried there like we don't know this is financially stable but they've always been super supportive. >> That's fantastic. It's so nice to hear that. You should have brought them and raked? Are they going to travel with you to paris? >> Yes they will be in paris only my dirt document as first time seem to live for my whole family is coming over so it'll be fun. >> I'm trying to figure out how much time we have left here because we want to showcase my snail. Demo ks let's go go. >> Let's bring in bill and lisa. Phil wizard. Come on in here. We will blast the music. >>, okay, we got it, we got it. So again it's not the worm it's the snail. >> Lisa: yes. >> Bill: you up a technique. (overlapping chatter) >> Go billy. (cheering) (laughter) >> Go lisa, go lisa. >> You up the facial expressions. >> Phil you are the best think you for doing this and again the red bull finals here in toronto. >> You as can all compete. You guys have got the moves. (laughter) >> We watch instead. >> Think you for joining us. Okay, have a great weekend everyone. >> More snail, more snail. More snail There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit Did you know 80% of women struggle with hair damage? New Pantene Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner with melting Pro-V pearls... Helps hair lock in moisture to repair up to 6 months of damage. Guaranteed or your money back! If you know, you know it's Pantene. Since 1970. Clera Windows and Doors has embodied quality and trust. Limited time offer! Get 50% off all installations and pay nothing for one year. Upgrade your home with Clera today. Do you have a wet, damp, or moldy basement? Call the oldest and largest waterproofing company. Call rcc. Whether your basement needs to be repaired from the outside or the inside, we'll consult you on the right solution. Call rcc waterproofing today. Family owned and operated since 1920. Clean your rugs with Love Your Rug. Whether it's machine, handmade, or exotic, we clean each rug differently. Let us do the heavy lifting as we provide free pickup and delivery. Love Your Rug. We put our heart into it. It's time to Love Your Rug. Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by the camh Sunrise Challenge. Register now at 99.9 Virgin Radio wants to help pay your way. Listen to Daryn and Deepa mornings on Virgin Radio for your chance to win $10,000 every week. Virgin Radio pays your way. Rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone.

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something to keep in mind this encampment has been in place for three weeks now and any significant developments have been few and far between. That is all about to change. And 11:00 A.M. news conference is set up for this morning with propulsid and protesters because u of t has given demonstrators 24 hours notice. The issue statement yesterday saying here's an offer made and if they respond to it in time does a chance that they will be able to come to a peaceful solution here. They want the protesters to clear out of this area and a trespass notice may be issued if students don't respond and clear out of here. We are hearing from some students who have been concerned about the presence of this encampment of the university some jewish students. Here's what they had to say. >> Members of the encampment feel very passionately about what they're calling for an the because they're fighting for. That being said, this community the jewish community on campus can't help but feel singled out. There haven't been calls to divest from any other countries or nations involved in current ongoing geopolitical complex. Israel and palestine is not the only were happening today and yet the only thing that is being called for is divestment from israeli institutions. >> I personally witnessed a chance for a violent student into far glorifying terrorists as martyrs and assigned by said by any means necessary and this was the same day we saw a video release of the young girls kidnapped by hamas and the clear brutalization they've endorsed since october 7th. >> In part of the statement from the school they are saying that protesters will have a chance to present to the school their demands for divestment from israeli companies. They say though that that is conditional on the protests actually clearing out of here and not picking up and setting up somewhere else on campus. We heard from toronto police this morning they are telling us they are still communicating with the school but so far there assistance hasn't been requested. We should note u of t has been using some of the strongest language we've heard from them yet they that they haven't ruled out calling and police to bring an end to this encampment. Back to you. >> Think you we will continue to check in with you this morning on this. It is 9:33am, 18° let's check on the roads note lisa who was standing by. How is it shaping up out there? >> Not so great for the driver to brampton last check we were showing you a jampacked commute on the southbound 410. They reopened lanes and then they blocked again till 410 queen to just north of the shot this is the southbound lanes but north of here there are no longer letting traffic through because of the situation this is a collision involving a rollover they just got this car back on its wheels some debris in the area the traffic you're seeing getting by his people who have been stuck in the jam all this time so I've been suggesting alternates like dixie, hartley, bramalea any of those and you'll save yourself a whole lot of drive time. This is westbound 401 in the collectors past avenue left lane is that with a stall. I'm hearing about maintenance on the east four oh nine pass the 427 and the two left lanes creating some slowdowns. Back to you. Said >> Thank you. A heads up for ttc riders that there will be a subway closure to keep in mind this weekend. There will be no service on line 2 between woodbine and kennedy stations on saturday and sunday. Crews will be doing track work. Shuttle buses will be running. Regular subway service is scheduled to resume on monday. Debates at city hall continue calling for the exhilaration of the three-year construction project on the gardiner counsellors voted late yesterday to approve a motion which will offer 24/7 construction on the road. See tvs donnelly johnson has the details. >> We know that it is crumbling we know that is 60 years old. >> The cancel thursday night was that more needed to be done about the gridlock on the gardiner. >> We are at a particular flashpoint right now the gardiner. People are exceptionally caught under the collar. >> The three-year timeline for the latest round of road repairs and the trust between dufferin and strong have major impacts on toronto traffic. >> You talk to your best plans, right, and then your plans suddenly go awry. >> Counsellor spent the day battling over whose idea it was to speed up the road work and one. Brad bradford putting the plan before council the mayor insisting stop it already been working on it for weeks now at her request. >> It is not fair to her stuff to say that nothing has been done just because you want to score political points. Let's not do this. We want, yes, a much faster

construction. >> Faster construction that is one so closer to happening city council unanimously asking stuff or plan to accelerate the gardener repairs including a possibility of 24/7 construction while considering the impacts of the local community. >> Home to tens of thousands of residents. Residents who live right next to this active construction area. >> The city's charged of finding concrete ways to tighten the timeline. >> Work schedule and make it in place their part back in july will just be further confirmation of what can be done. Also looking at if there's more -- >> I'm so concerned we might not be aggressive enough to really see the type of results people ought to demand from council but this is a step. >> We need to come together and say, yeah, it's a huge project. We can always improve. Blister together. >> Staff will have two months to put together a plan to fast-track the construction that has slowed in the city. Nunnally johnson, ctv news. >> The federal government is providing more insight into why it rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. Addictions minister ya'ara saks says the proposal didn't include age ristrictions or limit the amount of drugs a person could have. She says the plan left her with "deep concerns". The minsiter says she decided to deny it after toronto refused to amend the proposal to address concerns from her department. The application sought to decriminalize possession of all controlled drugs and substances for personal use. The federal government says it is open to adding more medications to the list of drugs covered by its proposed pharmacare program. The bill charts a path toward a universal pharmacare plan that covers select birth control and diabetes drugs. Health minister mark holland says what's currently on the list represents an "absolute minimum" and the government could add to it based on negotiations with provinces and committee recommendations. Insurance industry representatives have expressed concerns about the bill, saying it could disrupt existing private coverage. Ontario will be moving to automatic license plate renewals as of july 1st. He drove through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey team's bus. Sidhu was sentenced to eight years in prison six. Those with parking tickets or toll bills will still have to do it manually. The ford government previously ended annual registration fees for license plates but drivers are still required to renew their plates on their birthday each year. It is the first day of advance voting in mississauga's mayoral byelection. Voters can cast their ballots at mississauga city hall today and tomorrow. There will be another round of advance voting on june 1st and 2nd when 22 polling locations will be open across the city. Voters are being reminded to bring a piece of identification with them. Election day is set for june 10th. Some tragic news a toddler has died after being hit by recycling truck and barrie, ontario it happened in the south end of the city yesterday the 23 you're 23-month-old boy was airlifted to a toronto trauma centre but later died -- it is not cany charges are going to be laid. For more on this let's bring in ctv's jeremy what is prompting the U.S. senate or surge in it to increase its defence reaction? >> We are about two weeks or two months out from the next nato summit in washington dc. That's kind of what's prompted this. Twelve U.S. senate hours writing a letter to preminger trudeau expressing their concerns that key nato members are not pulling their way including canada. We know that there are 32 nato members. Out of those 32, 18 in 2024 are projected to meet that 2 percent target which was set a while back by nato are all allied countries or all member countries rather to me in terms of percentage of gdp spending on defence. Narcan and of course is not the only country that does not meet that target what we've heard from the senators in this letter is that they've chosen to write to the prime minister specifically because they feel like canada has not laid out a plan to get to that 2 percent target canada has updated some of its defence spending and is promising to spend more but still by 2029 is unprotected to spend about 1.7 percent of gdp on defence spending. So certainly the senators are concerned about that. They say they feel as though canada falls short little hurt

nato and they have serious concerns. The other part of this in their concerns here in canada as well about what this would mean if canada doesn't meet those targets if we were to get into a situation where donald trump or to become the next president of the united states again under a trumpet ministration he talked about a two-tiered nato system. Something that forward chief of the defence staff has expressed concerns about we will let you hear what he has to say. >> It is a growing recognition there's a high risk the next president will be president trump and for any senators who see nato is a very important alliance they would like to clear away as many excuses as they can, I think, for president trump to take some significant action that they think would be detrimental to nato like pulling out entirely or more likely declaring two-tiered nato for those who don't pay really going to be protected if attacked. Minister bill blair was asked about this yesterday and says he feels canada is doing what it can, taking the necessary steps to increase spending and spending money in the right way. Canada has promised under its new defence policy updates $7.9 billion in the next five years. With the criticism from the zero senators is that even that plan which increases spending a year-over-year by 27 percent, it only gets canada to 1.7 percent gdp in 2029 so there's a serious concern among these senators that within the next -- by the time we get into 2030 rather canada still is not on pace to spend that 2 percent. >> All right ctv's jeremy think you for breaking this down for us. It is 9:42am, 18° this is toronto's breaking news, cp24. The israeli military says the bodies of three more people who were killed during the hamas attack on october 7th have been recovered from gaza we will bring you the latest after She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. As a mom, I would choose Young Drivers of Canada. because they teach collision avoidance techniques like nobody else does. They focus on safe and responsible driving for life. [Music] People think you have to sign back a severance offer by a deadline, says that is a myth. Deadlines are used as a pressure tactic. Make sure the offer is fair before you sign. Always check with the employment lawyer first at )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (Playful music) >> Here's a look at some of the top stories we are following closely this morning. We continue to follow the latest from u of t where propulsion in protesters expected to respond to the schools offer that is aimed at ending their encampment they will be speaking at 11:00 we will watch for that update. Trudeau government releasing new details on why rejected toronto's request to decriminalize possession of illegal drugs. The feds say they are adding more medications the list covered by former care program we will have all those details coming up for you stay with us or more of those stories we also have more details on our website at The world court has ordered israel to halt its rafah offensive. >> The court considers in conformity with -- under the genocide -- israel must immediately halt this military fence than any other action which may inflict on the palestinian grouping gaza -- bring physical destruction --

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