
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #17

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making vic atone for his behaviour and don't I see a wrong in that. >> A sense of righteous. I'm running short on time. Are you a dog or cat person in. >> I'm a dog person but I have got a cat. A fabulous so don't tell him I said that. >> Nick: thanks for joining us. Great to chat. >> Hope your kids love it. >> Jee-Yun: I'll love this. Who doesn't love garfield. I have yet to see ted lasso. You are telling me it's a fabulous show. >> George recommended this to me so long ago. You need a show that's mindless and something you don't need to concentrate on, feel good. It takes all the boxes. Heavy in tears, laughing, almost the second season and I look forward every day to watching. Being on a show like we do here hard to get tv in sometimes but it's wonderful. >> I liked. It it was inspiring and funny and heart-warming at the same time. A good recipe. I have to comment on garfield. I used to have a poster on my wall eat and sleep, eat and sleep. There must be more to life but I hope not. Attributed to garfield. >> A garfield for all the good reasons. And should be a fabulous movie. The kids are going to love it. Chatter that matters podcast host tony chapman is coming up and we'll be talking with our own courtney heels right there and going to talk about the wnba, women in sports and other big brand and marketing stories coming up Male Announcer: chum 104.5. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. I'm a survivor Listen for your chance to play CHUM's Road Trip Challenge. Win a Nissan Rogue s all-wheel drive. Exciting dynamic music When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone. ( ) I'm playing Blackjack in Belleville I'm playing slots in Sarnia. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) Has your disability claim been denied? You are not out. options The lawyers at Bergel Magence are here to help you in your time of need. Call us today for your free consultation Bergel Magence 416 665 2000 It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! As a contractor, I know how important quality and trust are when choosing a manufacturer or supplier, and that's why we choose draft lock for all our projects manufactured right here in Canada. It's a level of quality that can't be beat. They have a full line of windows, patio doors and tilt and turn products for all your construction needs. As a contractor or builder. Join me and countless other contractors and builders who have chosen draft law because at the end of the day, it's your reputation on the line. And every detail matters. Exciting dynamic music >> A time to get into chatter with our host tony chapman. >> Always a pleasure. >> One of the stories breaking yesterday toronto nba. What a time for women's sports. Start by talking about the wnba and toronto what do you think

toronto will need to do to rally up and be successful here? >> It's a well-oiled machine so they know how to take sports and bring it to the masses. The challenge of women's basketball is it is in the states. The oxygen of a lot of people. They love it. And doing things smart. Not just make it for toronto. Canada's team. Play games in vancouver. Montreal so if they start building a following that way I think they stand a real chance of success. It's fantastic game. Women's basketball in terms of ratings this year is crushing men in college so I think there's a real opportunity to grow the sport in canada. Going to take time because again canadians haven't grown up with basketball. The raptors have got excited about but changing demographics. Bringing the soccer ball all point to long-term success. The next couple of years plant great roots. >> And two years until nestart in toronto. The mention they don't have a team name. Don't have the colours but open to suggestions will that help rally up the fan base and get excited with getting involved? >> A long time so decided when will they have the contests and crowd source and colour would you like and what should the name be and the first season will do well. It's new and novel. The real challenge with any new sports franchise is the second year and fourth year creating the momentum creating star power. A local star that comes out of our university programme. Saying I hope she becomes a future. All of that into success. >> I can only imagine the work behind the scenes now. You want to highlight our local organization this advertisement talking about people unhoused, unsupported what do you make of this. >> This organization is so important to toronto and instead of and here's the issue. Those who are giving are giving less when needs are so great. Great advertising. Unhoused to housed. Unemployed to employed. Unwelcome to welcome. The problem and solution when they get the funds a beautiful campaign and it's not about sabitizing or tearing your heart strings but dealing with the realities of a city and a lot of people in the city in need. Great branding from a not for profit organization. >> And advertising can be so beneficial and make a difference. >> You know where your money is going. Unhoused. Lots of tents on the street. They have programmes like homeward bound. A woman traumatized and a shelter and give her four years of affordable housing. She has to stay in school. She has to get an education but once she graduates guarantee her job. Taking people and saying I know longer have hope. In the cycle of poverty and not only reaching up but reaching up with the programme. That to me is when you start putting programmes like this out people have dollars to spare go. That's a place to invest. >> Another big one yesterday so we know the U.S. department of justice live nation over the ticketmaster monopoly not a lot of options what do you make of this move over the coming weeks and months? >> This set up a toll booth that they can monetize people's appetites. That's capitalism. You try to integrate and control touch points. What the government is saying is you've gob too big and now the consumer is suffering. The prices they are paying, the flywheel making too much money and limiting access to concerts and you're in control of who gets the concerts. With all this power in the hands of one person more often than not never serves the consumer well. Broke up@. Save apple and going bankrupt. They would have broken up microsoft. The united states is not afraid of saying when you get too strong and too powerful we'll step in. >> And so interesting seeing with taylor swift concerts how is this and it's so frustrating and want to see this show. People going over to europe to watch that concert. Easier to access the tickets. >> I saw it today avion is having a contest. Bringing taylor swift. A concert you can win a concert. On behalf of the little person and it do what you can. Enter. We want to you have a chance to see taylor swift. >> Big stories to talk about. We appreciate it.

have a great weekend. On that bring in bill. >> Of springville. >> Bill: no blood but or bad weather. It is crystal clear it's gorgeous. Tomorrow active weather coming in through the middays or take advantage of today and maybe navigate your plans are in the wet weather coming around 9:30 A.M. through 22:00 P.M. and that we will see some lingering cloud orders isolate showers. Lots of pleasant days but if you you have to navigate around let's start with here and now it is sitting in midteens right now 15°. Northwesterly winds. It is dry the temperature is how it feels and in the shade even though I've got a longsleeved shirt on I am a little cool. A light jacket would probably serve me well but I know that in the sun certainly into midday and afternoon you will not need extra layers. It's gusty right now but the winds will also backup for the afternoon this find yourself under the rays of sun. Maximize your warmth and comfort. Twenty-six this afternoon take advantage tomorrow we get late morning early afternoon showers and storms will talk with that in the long-range forecast. >> Think you sounds gorgeous. East 401 in the express heading through the 410 I contrary here some of the backup and leading towards a 410 is really slow because of a problem in the right lane cruiser on scene you live the life and issue west for one collectors at bayview right lane is at first all. >> Announcer: this cp24 traffic report is brought to you by >> Courtney: city council has approved a motion to have staff look at ways to ramp up construction on the gardiner. The motion directs city staff to study the feasibility of 24/7 construction, including work on sundays while also considering how to minimize impacts on the local community. An interim report is due back in july. The gardiner is currently reduced to two lanes of traffic each way between dufferin and strachan for major rehabilitation work. It is scheduled to continue for three years. >> I appreciated the commentary in the answers in the thoughtful replies from her staff tonight they are on it. They want to say yes to better. But there is a role for this counsel in this administration to exercise leadership, provide that direction and I will be honest it should have taken seven weeks of a horror show to have this conversation. That should've been teed up from the beginning focus on how we could get this done as quickly as possible because of the extent of the impacts. >> The gardiner cord or I want to remind us and -underscore this as well is also home to tens of thousands of residents. Residents who live right next to this active constructive area residents were on the ground and feel the impact of the traffic that are shared right across the city and that are uniquely experienced by them. >> Courtney: the city saying yes to townhouses in small apartments across most major streets before the change townhouses and small apartments were only permitted in designated areas now up to 63 apartments with a maximum of 60 units can be built along major roads. The union representing thousands of ttc workers has formally set june 7th as a strike date. It follows a ruling by ontario's top court, which is upholding the right of transit workers to strike. The provincial government appealed a ruling that said a law that eliminated the workers' right to strike was unconstitutional. That appeal was dismissed today. Atu local 113 represents about 12,000 operators and other front-life staff at the ttc. Contract talks continue but the union says they remain far apart on the main issues of job security, wages, and benefits. Another story we are following closely today, pro-palestinian protesters who are part of an encampment at the university of toronto are expected to respond this morning to an offer that's meant to bring their demonstration to an end. We will bring in melissa who is life at the campus for us this morning. You mentioned you're getting a bit of a sense of what this conference will be talking about later today. >> Yes pro- palestinian protesters making it clear that they are frustrated by what the school has had to say we will find out more about their response to the school's latest offer just a matter -- three weeks now more than a hundred tents inside it is very quiet to and things will change at 11:00 A.M. that is when representatives from this group are expected to issue their formal response to with disclosing.

giving demonstrators -- their litters offer offer if they don't agree to the terms and clear of the school may be issuing a trespassing notice. Graduations or monies are set to happen will go ahead as planned. , listen. >> Convocation begins june 3rd and we have announced already that we will proceed wisconsin convocation a matter what. And we will do our best to make sure that those convocations proceed without interruption. We have a lot of experience in this. Shows some of the offers that the school is making two demonstrators includes forming a working group to consider options on the disclosure of school investments. But u of t saying they will not be ending any partnerships with israel universities. That has been another demand from protesters. We are also hearing from some jewish students on campus they are expressing their concerns around safety. You there. >> Recent events on campus have caused our community to feel unsafe and unwelcome on a campus that we have just as every right to as anybody else. Students have been blocking other students from entering buildings, they have been blocking access to the university campus grounds and that's a problem. There's no other way to put it. Shows something else we are hearing from protesters in their news release promoting -- they are accusing school of being more concerned about mowing the lawn or for convocation ceremonies and they are concerned about ending the war in gaza. Back to you, courtney. >> Think it we will watch for the 11:00 update later today. Police have identified a suspect wanted in a downtown shooting on wednesday. 24-year old adrian gordon of toronto is wanted on multiple charges including aggravated assault and possession of a loaded restricted or prohibited firearm. Gordon is described as 5-foot-6 with a thin build and clean shaven. The shooting happened before 12:30 A.M. -- there will be no service on line 2 between woodbine and kennedy stations on saturday and sunday. Crews will be doing track work five. Police say a man in his 30s with a gunshot wound was found behind a building. He was taken to hospital and remains in life-threatening condition. Toronto police are asking for the public's help to find a missing child. 14 year old kaylee was last seen near danforth road and eglinton avenue east around 6 last night. Kaylee is described as 5 foot 6, with a thin build and has long straight red hair. Kaylee was last seen wearing a grey dress, or possibly a grey top with grey shorts, light purple slides, and black ankle socks. Police are concerned for their safety. Polluters open their four-game series in detroit with the dominant performance. (game din) the jays had 13 hits, including three home runs. That helped them on their way to hammering the tigers 9-1 starter kevin gausman pitched 6 innings, allowing just one run while striking out 10. Tonight's game starts just after 6:30. I feel like you guys are the ones to talk to about this. You're both big fans. That we do production hits them always happy to see the homeruns but when the bats come alive I think the schemas and standing, such a strong team. Then they go quiet. It's weird. It seems like everyone just goes quiet together. >> It's a long game to. >> But it's also the company that you're with makes a difference. And the hotdogs you're going to buy. I'm going to pickle frustum so excited. >> You're talking with the seven days this a festival dedicated to pickles we >> They have different themes and nights they do so this one is dedicated to pickle lovers or abscesses. >> A variety of pickles? >> Billeting there's different snack options. >> Lisa: I love pickles that's why you are we are going. This is true to be fun but I think the company you are with also makes a big difference I was at a game one time a 19 inning game on canada. But yeah, I group bills, once the box come along with the holder via any housework to do and happened to the night that I also think there changes the need to be made with team that's a whole other conversation. >> Courtney: let's look into cell writing are milestones coming up next I think this is a big weekend for a lot of people to so a lot to celebrate.

>> Bill: yes it's party if I had my birthday on friday I be pretty excited especially at the weather out there we'll get to that end celebrate you coming up. Buying a home in the gta can be stressful and feel impossible At Modern Solution, we make buying or selling a breeze. We list at %1 commission without compromising astounding Say goodbye to high fees and hello to maximum savings Receive $5000 when buying a home with our highly experience agents. Join the thousands of clients wh Modern Solution Realty It's time to capitalize on your real estate goals. We are Modern Solution Realty [Music] ( ) Bonnie Crombie. Oh, the new Ontario Liberal leader. Of course, she's friends with Justin Trudeau. And just like Trudeau, she supports a carbon tax. Makes me wonder what she was like as mayor. She raised taxes... twice. Three times? And her last act as mayor was raising taxes again? No, thank you. Bonnie Crombie, she's expensive. A message from the Ontario pc Party. (Upbeat music) (Male vo) Make your first move with Battery Power made by Stihl (Upbeat music) Find steel tools starting at $229.99. Shop local, buy steel. available at Markham Mower, Anderson Avenue. Markham and Newmarket Lower Mulock Drive. Newmarket. People think you are only owed two weeks pay when you lose your job says that is a myth You may be owed much more than two weeks per year don't settle for less Always check with the Employment Layer first At Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Dreamer on line 1. Lotto max Dream Hotline, Maxine speaking. How can we maximize your dream today? The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! What if we get one for the whole neighbourhood!? Quadruple that dream! Good start, now give that dream the ol' lotto max overhaul. Got another dreamer! The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. [olg sting] >> All right this is your milestone segment >> Lisa: and it's friday. >> It's party time. >> You love, can you tell? >> Bill: happy 3rd birthday roshini! Love mom, dad and thisan. >> Happy 4th birthday serena! From mommy, daddy, jasmine, your grandparents, aunties and uncle! >> Happy birthday to princess gloria who turns 3 today! Love mamma and papa. >> Happy 6th birthday to taraneh and radman. Love from daddy, mommy, and the whole family — especially eli, elham and venus. >> Happy 1st birthday callie! With lots of love from mom, dad, mckenna, nana, papa and the rest of your family. >> Happy 2nd birthday magnolia! With lots of love from mom, dad, grandma, granddad and the rest of your family. >> Happy 6th birthday grayson. From daddy, mommy and jaxson. Keep it cute! >> Happy 6th birthday kyrie. Love dad, mom, sissy and the rest of the family. >> Happy 2nd birthday sage! Love mama, dada and maya. >> Happy 8th birthday soto. Love mya, stefan, mommy and daddy. >> Happy 1st birthday aniyah! With lots of love from mom, grandma, grandpa, nana, bella and your aunties and uncle! >> Happy 13th birthday kaden! Welcome to your teens. Love mommy, daddy, mikayla and all your family and friends. >> Lisa: look at the swagger. Happy 5th birthday joseph. Love mommy, daddy, victoria, joshua, grandma, grandpa and family. >> Happy 11th birthday khajai! From grandma jeannie, mom, dad and your whole family. Surprise! You're celebrating at playdium! >> Lisa: that is such a fun place. If you have a special milestone coming up, send pictures, details, and pronouncers to >> Bill: I want to go to palladium. On you, we have a lot of energy. Can you tell? >> Unfortunately do not have that type of energy to match you guys this morning -- I know you love me. Don't say it twice you guys.

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