
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

and that's what's causing the extra delay through this vicinity it's your typical delays from finch down to lorenz into downtown but trouble-free alternate back to you. >> Courtney: welcome back look who we have now. [ Singing ] >> It's always nice to come back in studio. >> Courtney: you have a lot of fun in the field. >> I do I have a lot of fun incident. By the way so nice to hear you I don't get enough to see you. >> Courtney: I don't see you every so often we've got viewers coming up to us. [ simultaneous talking ] [ Laughter ] and we love having you. >> Thank you I love that were embracing summer like whether. >> Billy: early stretch informed them living for it. And we're going to be able to pick your brain on this because the 70 million-dollar prize was collected by toronto man he says he's fell off his share as seeing the thanks process. >> Hevalow. Watch. >> Log into your bank account and it's gonna loki and and international phone number. [ Laughter ] [ Cheering and Applause >> Hi my name is grant for toronto and I just want $70 million with lotto max. >> So you want the prize money on april 19th after perching his ticket this was local young shepherd centre know there's a reason recently retired public service to see he says he has health challenges recently he's most excited to locate some new memories with his earnings. >> I bet. >>> A big jackpot like this gets everyone doing a little daydreaming so we thought weed as a question if you want the lottery what are the top of your shopping list e-mail us at now I see for at all share some of those responses this morning this is cedar seed arrived I would buy a bugatti. Yeah, for sure. >> Great choice. >> Vinson rights and by my parents and brothers house investment make his future start my own business or invest on a business and trouble with my life. >> That's nice taking family for his I like that okay and then suzanne says I will pay off my bills and then travel to australia austral yes, my bucket list I would do the same thing. >> Pretty awesome. >> Lesley writes of this I donkey 100 percent the donkey I absolutely love these animals is my dream to own one or two or ten I don't love about the bylaws and the city to have a donkey but I'm sure you could move to anywhere that donkeys are allowed. >> You could buy that more. [ simultaneous talking ] >> At such a fun song everybody likes to dream about it. What would you do. >> There's a difference if I won 1 million I would play it safe but 70 million? You wouldn't see me back in studio guys. [ simultaneous talking ] >> Popping some bottle. >> You guys can join me and friends on my yacht with beyoncé and jay-z. >> You can just dock next to them right? >> All over it. >> That's a good one. Travel is always on top one right so it's expensive for sure what about a yes? We'll discuss it in the next. >> We'll keep talking trouble for sure. >> Yeah, I would travel, certainly pay off bills and spread around and puts a smile on face as to how people who needed. >> Lease says shell share some of it with us. >> I'm the only one who would keep it for myself. [ simultaneous talking ] [ Laughter ] [ ] if you one the lottery once at the top of your shopping list e-mail is now a will share those this morning stick with us. >> We also have the businesses and the morning top business news that's where the bnn bloomberg's paul bagnell. Stay with us. [ ] crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Buying a home in the gta can be stressful and feel impossible At Modern Solution, we make buying or selling a breeze. We list at %1 commission without compromising astounding Say goodbye to high fees and hello to maximum savings Receive $5000 when buying a home with our highly experience agents. Join the thousands of clients wh Modern Solution Realty It's time to capitalize on your real estate goals. We are Modern Solution Realty [Music]

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>> Reporter: so the encampment behind me here 100 sents set up. Very quiet this morning and no significant updates on the state of the encampment in some time but that is certainly changing. We are expecting an update from protestors at 11:00 A.M. today they'll hold a news conference this after the university of toronto issued a statement yesterday. Giving demonstrators 24 hours notice to respond to their latest offer to dismantle this demonstration or face a trespassing notice. The school is saying protestors will get a chance to present demands for u of t to divest from israeli companies one of the demands we've been hearing for three weeks now since they set up this encampment but the school says that's conditional on the encampment clearing and not picking back up to another campus at the school. Also hearing from the school that graduation ceremonies set to happen next month will go ahead as planned. Have a listen. >> Convocation june 3 and we have announced we will proceed with convocation no matter what. And we will do our best to make sure that those proceed without introduction and we have a lot of experience in ensuring that. >> We are hours just hours away from that update from protestors already they are expressing frustration over what the school is saying. Have a listen. >> This administration claims they want to have this encampment come to a peaceful resolution. They attempt to blind side us. Is a farce. They have stated to us on record that they will not call the police over this weekend. Still the trespass notice and the lies they spread about us about hate speech they continue to talk about lay the ground work for a violent clearing. >> What exactly what acid a trespass notice mean if it is issued and have toronto police have they been contacted by the school? Those are a couple of big questions we have. We put out feelers to get answers. We'll give you updates as soon as we get back. >> Thank you for staying on top of the story. We'll continue to check in with you later on. >> Another story we are following approved a motion to a staff to look at ways to ramp upstruction on the gardiner. Directs staff to study the feasibility of 24/7 instruction including work on sunday considering how to minimize the impacts on the community. A report that will be due back in july. The gardiner reduced to two lanes of traffic between difference and strachan for major rehabilitation work to continue for three years. >> Appreciated the commentary and the answers from our staff tonight. They are on it. They want to see us do better but there's a role for this council and this administration to exercise leadership, provide that direction and I'll be honest shouldn't have taken seven weeks of a horror show to have this conversation. Should have been teed up from the beginning focused on how we can get this done as quickly as possible because of the extent of the impacts. >> The city is saying yes to town houses and apartments before the change town houses and apartments were only permitted in designated areas. Now six storey units can be built along major roads.

>>> The union representing thousands of ttc workers has formally set june as a strike day. This follows a ruling by the top court upholding the right of transit workers to strike. Appeals a ruling that eliminates the right to strike was unconstitutional. That was dismissed. Local 113 represents 12,000 operators and front line staff contract talks continue but the union says they remain far apart on the major issues including job security wages and benefits. Ontario will be moving to automatic licence plate renewals as of july 1. The premier doug ford announced the plan back in the winter by there was no date for it to begin. The automatic renewals will beaut for drivers in good standing. The ford government previously ended annual registration fees for licence plates for drivers required to renew their plates on their birthday each year. New studies found increased levels of mercury in the waters in ontario. The research from the university of western suggests contamination in the english river has risen significantly because of industrial pollution. Found high levels of mercury a toxic compound because of wastewater discharge from the paper mill mixing with existing mercury. New democrat mpp and deputy party leader says inadequate -- adequate resources that is are needed to clean up the river system. >> I think the governments, the companies have shown no respect for the rights of first nations people to live a healthy life and the community of grassy narrows deserve a life to live their life and resources nonexploited by corporate greed and need to get on board to protect this beautiful northern ontario beautiful country, beautiful ontario and we need to protect the systems that are there, the water and the animals that live in those waters. >> And symptoms of mercury can include tremors, memory loss and neuromuscular effects.

>>> To sports now the blue jays open their four game series in detroit with a dominant performance. Take a look at this. >> A swing and a miss. Strike 3. >> Finally on a row. Pitched six innings striking out 106789 tonight's game starts after 6:30. >> Really happy about gossman because just listening to the pre-game show and concern that he wasn't showing the same stuff that he had in previous years but really strong for him. >> Absolutely. I know they brought the jacket back. I don't know if mentally that has gotten the team ready. >> Interesting because also a lot of chatter about that home run jacket when they put it aside the commentators saying that's good. Focusing too much on just getting home runs and being goofy and a bit more focused. I like the home run jacket, too. It shows that team spirit and guys seem to get along so well. Another sign the team is really gelling. As long as the bats are coming along I'm happy. >> See what happens. >> Yesterday we saw the announcement that a wnba team is coming to toronto finally now the work begins to build it. Teresa is the president of that team and takes on the job after spending 11 years with the raptors as a front office executive. >> I'm going to hire an incredible general manager. Not going happen right away. Somebody in place at the end of the year and hire a head coach. What's great is I have seen first hand for the last 11 years how to build a team working in the front office. Some of the best in the business at identifying talent and got to see that happening for the last 11 years. Really excited to find someone to empower them and provide insights when they ask. >> I had the opportunity to talk to teresa when she was with the raptors and we say she's part of the front office executive. No she was more involved than people realize with the raptors and their success there. So the team will play its home games at the 8700 seat coca-cola coliseum at exhibition place. Some games will be played elsewhere in canada like vancouver and montreal. Deposits are being accepted for season tickets and over 2,000 people have added their names to the wait list. >> I like this is branded ads canada's team. It's often we have the riellyries and when the team if it doesn't go all the way it see a bit of lost interest. This team will and the whole country is excited about this and a long time coming we are ready for it and ready to cheer on something together. Always toronto blue jays. Basketball is such an exciting game to watch. And what we see is any indication how popular women's sports here in canada this is going to be a huge success. Still to come on "cp24 breakfast" at 7:45 this morning our conversation with actress hanna who is the voice of james in the new garfield movie. >> Bill: after that a big business in marketing stories of the week with chatter that matters. The podcast hosted by tony chapman. >> Courtney: the big nba news, we'll look at the latest in rv camping. >> Bill: and at 8:55 film credit richard crouse will get us set up with what we need to know about the new releases. >> Courtney: and after 9 speak with jaden rose and after that, that's right, it's break dancer phil. >> Bill: you have the moves. >> I have the snail. We'll see. Coming up detective sergeant pat smith with the york regional police is here and bringing his auto theft expertise with him to keep your vehicle and belongings where you want them. Courtney is there. That segment is coming up after the Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

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