
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

>>> And big jackpot relieved to get things like this done obviously. So we're going to ask you this classic question if you want the lottery what is it at the top of your shopping list you can e-mail us out now I think he forgot them we would love to share some of these responses I love these blogs I like to ask my colleagues are everyone, okay, you on the lottery last night. >> Billy: I do think about it. First I check myself and go you know what through life he can make some investments and build your own life so this is kind of a fantasy, additional and certainly travel would be amped up I'd have a better worklife balance. I might buy our tropical island. Joseph martino a little place just somewhere warmer that you can escape to when you want to don't need the full excesses mean when you get to a certain point in life you don't need to flaunt or showoff your money but it certainly does give you freedom to live the life you really want it doesn't take 70 million to do that. But boy and you could help a lot of people. Is challenging because I think a lot of people just a U.S. dollar signs then and he have to be very careful but I thank it really gives you the opportunity to have a lot of people who need it out there. >> Billy: of 90 said that like you have a problem of not needing the 70 million and I always say this not that they're a bad thing but I think they're life-changing beyond but I always say it all have 70 people win a million dollars which can also be so life-changing in so many ways and so I definitely would start with sharing some charity I would make sure my closest friends and family members are taken cared of maybe some more colleagues as well because we are family here and you know you want to seep not suffer and the littles can go along way definitely travel you would be set for life probably you buy him a place he doesn't worry about lots of travel. >> Courtney: I'm hoping you and now. >> Billy: girl I got you. I'll still come in to work the next day but then I can't promise after that more abundance than worklife balance right? [ simultaneous talking ] >> Courtney: that's a very reasonable. From you know the sound silly but I just want to buy a house in toronto because it's incredibly difficult to do that right now. [ simultaneous talking ] [ Laughter ] >> Courtney: may be a smaller home on the bridal pause at something a little more modest. >> Billy: you're so humble I would just love a house in the city and also supporting a local hospital I know these hospitals really rely on fundraising and they need to read thousand that I think would be top of mind. >> Lisa: see if we all had a piece of that look at colleges you can make make. >> Billy: let's see what actually happens so will be driving a number down the street and popping bottles if you 1 the lotto was the top of your shopping list e-mail is now at I'm just getting. (Dynamic instrumental music) Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( ) [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. Sfx: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance -I'm always thankful when spring comes. It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in place for the year. -How about you? Is there something you'd like to get done? Perhaps it's your home renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Line can help you do that. -Could you use eighty thousand, two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today at 1800-new-capital to see what's available to you. Announcer: Have you ever walked into a big fancy car dealership and wondered who's paying for this place? Shopping for a Chrysler Dodge, Jeep Ram or Fiat? Log onto Actual photos rock bottom prices, click shop, buy online, save big! Because nobody beats a deal from Peel! Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby.

Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! [ ] >> Courtney: good morning everyone it at 6:00 welcome to seep it's only for breakfast I courtney heels here's what you need to know this morning pro-palestinian protesters and, that they'd never study of toronto expected to respond to on offer from the school. We'll have more on this. >>> 24/7 construction of the garden it's become one step to becoming a reality as counsellors approve this motion to go forward to expedite construction on the aging expressway. >>> And more medication could be added to the federal government's proposed pharmacare program what you need to know about this just ahead. [ ] >> I feel like we have just been spoiled this week with whether we have really, really hot and humid conditions right now it's a little bit more comfortable I was talking to john who was playing golf yesterday did often? >> Billy: I did. It was amazing light breeze lower humidity than a few days before it was warm and, yeah, it was just I wouldn't want to be anywhere else and what a pretty shot there as we begin another day I'm glad were getting a shot mike you in offering the previous one. The camera out everything out there in the parking lot to what so diligently focus on getting the shot but now I know why grapeshot think you and see and power from the parking lot advantage point and that's what you get to see every morning here and continues to zoom out the measures coming in for work but hello welcome to 299 queen street west we are looking at her beautiful start to the day an extension of the weather we got yesterday high-pressure and pay 16 degrees mainly sunny skies, lowered humidity as we get our job markets are you and/or wind from the northwest it's a fresher drier air but because we started to warm the sun is able to get us from 16 to oif 25, 26 and just bona fide normal highs I was free like were going to get the summerlike heat early the summer are early the season still sprain just makes summer feel like it goes on forever to senate and eventually that'll not be the case on basic volunteer 26 loves the sunshine tomorrow we're going to get the pocket of showers and thunderstorms for about 9:32 to 30:00 pm and starts to break up some good news for anyone with plans mid-late afternoon still looking better today I'll send it over to you. >> Lisa: thank you so much grab your shades of grey damp because that gorgeous price on that they're showing you already starting to impact the commute did a good news as well is that we are incident free and overnight road workers also wrapping up so wes moore zero one past the 409 they wrapped up overnight repairs and delays have improved and he could see the eastbound side for sure loading up in sections out towards the 400 but trouble-free once again and then east 40 and express lanes you see that bright sun but they reopen but only and hears these gardener already getting busier towards the pass and this time of a friendly reminder it's still the last of overnight road were wrapping up the left lane was the only one getting by also net back to you. >> Courtney: thank you. Pro-palestinian protesters who are a part of an end cap at the university of toronto expected to respond this morning to an offer that is meant to bring their demonstration to an end. The offer includes our review of their latest request to divest from companies with ties to israel and the israeli government u of t is also offered to strike an expert working group to consider options for disclosure and increase transparency related to its investments. University says it will not terminate any partnerships with israeli universities. The protesters have them on dead ties be cut with a strong academic institutions that operate in the occupied territory for support of militaries is relevant efforts if the group do something they never city they say it'll issue trespass notices. >> Complication begins to be incurred and we have announced already that we will proceed with complication no matter what. And we will do our best to make sure that those complications proceed without interruption and we have a lot of experience in ensuring that. >> This admission things that they want to have this in cap income a peaceful resolution. Get the at them to blindside us at every turn this is a force. Devastated to oz on record that they will not call the police over this weekend. Still, the trespass notice and the life that they spread about those about hate speech or that they continued to talk about lay the groundwork for a violent clearing. >> Courtney: the offer comes amid some jewish students at the school horsing they're not comfortable on campus as the encampment was set up they also delivered a letter highlighting the concerns to the school's president. >> Recent events on campus have caused our committee to feel unsafe and unwelcome on a campus that we have just

as every right to as anybody else students have been blocking other students from entering buildings they've been blocking access to the university campus grounds and that's a problem. There's no other way to put it. >> As a lot of you can see the ongoing encampment on our campuses a very serious issue it's not a peaceful protest it's a violation of university policies and is a threat to our safety and since may 2nd we've seen hateful messages violent altercations, fires blocked exits, students being barred from entering buildings and it's very clear this chaos that completely disrupts our academic life and cannot be tolerated. >> Courtney: the students also say they've seen in this room is on semitism on campus since october 7th and they said the school admin attrition isn't doing anything to address it. >>> City council has approved the motion that will have staff look at ways to ramp up construction along the gardener. The motion direct city staff to study the feasibility of 24/7 construction including work on sunday as well also considering how to minimize impacts on the local committee. An interim report due back in july the gardener's currently reduced to two lanes of traffic each way between dufferin and strachan for our major rehabilitation work at scheduled to continue in the area for three years. >> The garden corridor anyone to remind us any one underscore this as well is also home to tens of thousands of residents. Residents who live right next to this active construction area. Residents who are on the ground and feel the impacts of the traffic that are shared right across the city and that are uniquely experienced by them. >> Courtney: the city also saying yes to townhouses in small apartments are across most major streets before the change down houses and small apartments or only permitted in designated areas will know up to six tory apartments with a maximum of 16 units can be built along major roads as of right now.

>>> The union representing thousands of ttc workers has formally said june the 7th as a strike date this follows early by ontario's pop -- top court it upholds the right of transit workers to trick the provincial government appealing or appeal that is the ruling that said a lot that eliminate that the worker's right to strike was unconstitutional that the appeal was dismissed. Yesterday atu local 113 represents about 12,000 operators and other front-line staff at the ttc the contract talks continue but the union says they remain far apart on the main issues of job security wages and benefits. >>> Speaking of the ttc heads-up for anybody who takes the subway there will be a closure to keep in mind for this week and no service for line to between woodbine and kennedy stations both saturday and sunday. Crusade they will be doing track work in the area and shuttle buses will be running our regulars will be service scheduled to resume on monday. >>> Police are asking for some help identifying a suspect in an alleged sexual assault at union station investigators have released the security camera images of the man they say they're looking for. A woman tells police she was sexually assaulted on an eastbound go train and a station last friday. The suspect was last seen going north along bay street he's described as about 20 to 30 years old 5-foot ten has a slim build he was wearing dark clothing at the time and had a baseball hat on and was also carrying a skateboard anybody with information is asked to contact police. >>> The child is in hospital in serious condition after being hit by a recycling truck can vary. This collision happened in the south end of the city yesterday police a the child suffered potentially life-threatening injuries and had to be airlifted to a trauma centre. The circumstances of the incident remain under investigation it is not clear if charges will be laid in this case. >>> The truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crush faces a deportation hearing in calgary later today just read. [ Singing ] who pleaded guilty to be responsible for the 2018 collision in saskatchewan that left six people dead and 13 others injured he drove through a stop sign into the path of the junior hockey teams bus. He was sentenced to eight years in prison his lawyers as there is no doubt that deportation order will be granted a criminal conviction with a sentence of more than six months makes a permanent resident ineligible to stay in canada.

>>> Ontario will be moving to automatic license plate renewals as of july the first. Premiere doug ford announced the plan for automatic renewals back in the winter but there was no date for it to begin. The automatic renewals will only be available for drivers in good standing though those with any parking tickets or toll bills will still have to do it manually ford government previously and at annual registration and the fees for licence plates about driver still required to renew their plates on their birthday each year. >>> The federal government says it's open to adding more medications to the list of drugs covered by its proposed pharmacare program. This bill charts a path toward a universal pharmacare plan that covers select birth control in diabetes drugs. The health minister mark holland says what's currently on the list represents an absolute minimum. And says the government could add to it based on negotiations with provinces and committee recommendations. No insurance industry representatives have been prism concerns over this bill they say it could disrupt existing private coverage. >>> Musetti shows prescriptions for weight loss drugs skyrocketed about 600 percent in the past three years in the U.S. this is especially true for those between the ages of 12 to 25 in that group prescriptions rows from 8700 to 2020 pardon me in 2020 that is to more than 60,000 in 2023 so that's a huge jump there. Many of the weight loss drugs are primarily indicated for type two diabetes the study can see exactly what condition the medications were written for or if the patients actually took them. >>> Canada post using hundreds of millions of dollars a year and needs to make some major changes in order to stay competitive this is according to the experts. The crown corporation lost $748 million before taxes in 2023 and it's the second worst year on record. Some say higher stamp prices a more efficient delivery network and expansion into new areas like banking and government services could actually lead to but better profits canada post was the make daily rest every edge is looking them into an operational model this review hasn't 2017.

>>> Last year we said the big announcement the wnba team coming to toronto well now the work begins to build it teresa resch is the president of the new toronto team and takes the being on the job after spending 11 years with the raptors as a front office executive. >> It's a league full of elite performing women and to have women leading those teams as I think a place where we all belong. When I joined the nba and joined the raptors in 2013 I was one of the only women in the front office early on the team signed the technical side and the great thing is that it's changed a lot even the last 11 years so you see a lot more women in decision-making positions on the team side in the nba and it's great to see the wnba be elevated and some of that same talent in the front offices. >> Courtney: and the team will play its home games at the 8700 seat coca-cola policy meant exhibition place I'm games will be played elsewhere in canada such as vancouver, montréal, deposits are already being accepted for season tickets in over 2000 people have added their names to the waitlist. >>> Now blue jays opened their four-game series in detroit with the dominant performance. >> [ Inaudible ] >> Courtney: the jays how 13 hits including three home runs that help them on their way to hammering the tigers here 9911 starter kevin gausman is pitched six innings allowing just one run while striking out that tonight's game starts just after 6:30. >> It's interesting because I love watching the jays weather live or on tv and I tune in last night than there is a power outage at the stadium and they couldn't get them going and they were like okay we're in a delay and they want to something else and I was like you know what this is a sign going to go to bed so I actually got an eighth and half hours otherwise I would have had shorter sleep so I was pretty exhausted after the golf game but. >> Courtney: that's interesting I didn't know that. >> Yeah, there's a power outage at the stadium for the broadcast so there you go I'm happy they want to kind of disappointed I missed a game. >> Jennifer: I mean good game for them to 9-1 is not about surround also see how this he sent troops of her getting into the summer everybody loves a little baseball that's exciting to see. >> Yeah,. >> Courtney: you for sure. Back onto our next-door know we learned that peel police are asking for some help tracking down of the owner of a dog found wandering in mississauga so please and the female dog here's a photo brought into the dish and over at pearson airport someone found her running in traffic along airport road and highway 409 thank goodness someone noticed this police say the dog is now in the care of animal controls if you're watching maybe you recognize this dog may be that it's a dog police say they have him I'm sure he's having a good time in their butting goodness of somebody notice because that's a very busy area. >> Yeah, yeah, very scary and I really do hope they find the owner if it just got out of players off as you don't even realize until you see it something like this I mean it's been a while now. Love to get an update on this about what a cute dog what acute phase. >> Courtney: very sweet. I'm sure the officers are having a good time with a little pet visitor. Next-door herein some entertainment use back on the beach and beverly hills. >> This isn't my first time in beverly hills. >> Yeah, I saw that. Eighty-four, 87 and the 94, it's a change barely. >> Courtney: the first trailer out for beverly hills cop axle after eddie murphy returns to star in another fourth film in the franchise this time after his daughter's life with stefan he teams up with a new partner paid by joseph gordon levitt. Judge ronald and judge astin repressed the rules from previous films kevin bacon stars in this film and the film hits netflix on july the 3rd. What they think isn't going to do acumen. >> I'm super excited someplace when they do these reboots everybody seems just a little bit perhaps a little bit passed the prime of what they were trying to do back in the day but any murphy man he looks like he could totally on this film as if it were back when it first came out it's a great all-star cast and it's really fun to have this beverly hills cop if you haven't seen the first one go back and watch it it's really fun and I am excited to see this. >> Courtney: I'm in any murphy fan he's got that factor were you just have to watch you just have to live along so I think it'll do well all right something to watch for that's in july. We also have something else is already doing very, very well so many people invested in hearing from celine dion and emotional trailer for a documentary about her life and career release yesterday we'll have a preview of this and a lot of online reaction that's coming up last and what's trending. ( )( )

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