
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

you know, premium space in that case and overhead bin, these people today don't have enough room. So we're going to create a disincentive for people to bring stuff on board by creating is the fair. So its history. >> You making it very confusing. >> The new category will be available in a couple of weeks. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. The jays bats came alive tonight in detroit will have the highlights. Coming up next. A carpenter. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto max tickets today! [olg sting] Need a plumber? Water in the basement? Pain in the drain? Remember the name. Roto-Rooter that's the name. And away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter! Call 1-800-get-roto now. ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( ) >> The blue jays opened a four-game series in detroit tonight with a dominant performance. >> Becoming leadoff batter the for right. You are. >> The carpenter power problems for the tv broadcast comerica park tonight, but not for the jays. They had 13 hits, including 3 home runs to hammer the tigers. 9, 1, starter kevin gausman pitched 6 innings, allowing just one run, striking out 10. Tomorrow's game starts at 6:40pm. Prime minister justin trudeau met with some young basketball players during a stop in mississauga this afternoon. Yeah, that's a classic ball-handling drill there. Go look up and read the numbers. Trudeau took part in one of the sessions at the leading dollars camp. >> The not-for-profit charitable group develops girl centered programs, which encourages noncompetitive, physical, emotional and educational development. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. Your top stories are coming up straight ahead. [ ] >> Jennifer: good morning everyone I am courtney heels and fortnite engineers what you need to know this morning pro- palestinian protesters and e. University of toronto expected to respond on offer from officials this morning. We'll bring an update on the story.

>>> 24/7 construction on the gardiner one step closer to becoming a reality is counsellors approved this motion to go forward. >>> And work already begun in preparation for the big day b. Of the wnba here in the city. More on what the plants are just ahead. >>> 's so it is 60 degrees feeling like 16 the sun is coming up it is quite nice out there a nice look at the cn tower a little bit hazy and warm kind of amber colour I feel like written about what you think it's kind of pretty to see the sun is. >> Billy: depends on a vantage point is always a pretty picture. [ simultaneous talking ] >> As we look to the north sky a little bit bluer look at our window depending on where you are you got a really pretty start to the day the sun coming up 5:44 this morning so it's nice that the sum comes up so big getting to the show because in winter we barely see the sun our warm weather seasons almost matches the colour of our shirt here blossoms looming 60 degrees are looking at mainly clear skies which will translate to merely sunny skies we saw no active weather yesterday will find some cloud today with very similar offering with mainly sunny skies at the picture climbing to the mid-twenties a bit of a breeze maybe not as busy as yesterday but still a bit of a breeze annual mind that with the building heat as we get up to the mid-twenties and we've got to win 15, turning 5 kilometres per hour zone is a look at the highlights of the day 26 flows of sunshine a bit breeze here this morning than this afternoon 40 kilometre power backing up 1525 this afternoon and no threat of octave water today however, it looks like we'll get up at the far broader shield of precipitation tomorrow coming it a little bit earlier midmorning through late afternoon with some showers and a risk of some embedded thunderstorms if you have some plans for saturday you may have to navigate around that you will talk more about that coming up and been ascended over for elisa. >> Lisa: thank you so much happy friday although are starting to see a little bit of a slowdown not because of any problem spots we are incident free its overnight closed session and this is causing delays on the west 401 it's in the express essentially through islington that's where the research and start the but then a part of the left lights are out this is passed before 09 that's the reason for the slogan you can see a little bit of east 401 class but no issues that's the good news and then heading out of scarborough to durrani's 401 express lanes off-limits as stars from meadowvale all the way up towards bronk road in pickering no delays as you can see the collectors weren't melting I check there on the don valley parkway, the gardiner so far we're off to speed. Some residual overnight repairs as well. Goes in it back to you. >> Courtney: good morning. Pro-palestinian protesters were part of an encampment an encampment at the university of toronto are suspected to respond this point on offer that's meant to bring their demonstration to an end. The offer includes a review of the request to divest from companies with ties to israel and israeli government u of t is also offered to strike an expert working group to consider options for disclosure and increase transparency related to its investments. The university also says it's all not terminate any partnerships with israeli universities the protesters have demanded that size be cut with israeli academic institutions that operate in the occupied territories or support israel's military efforts if the group does not leave the university says it will be issuing trust -- trespass notices. >> The students understood that this is our best offer and I believe that they recognize that we are serious about ending the encampment sooner rather than later. And that the ball is known their court to really decide on whether the commitments that we are offering in exchange for commitments that were asking for from them are acceptable. We hope that they will say yes. >> This administration claims that the one have this in cap and come to a peaceful resolution. Fda and attempt to this every turn this is a farce devastated to oz on record that they will not call the police over this weekend. Still, the trespass notice and the lies that they spread about us about hate speech that they continue to talk about lay the groundwork for a violent clearing. >> I personally witnessed a chance for a violent student intifada glorifying terrorist as mourners and a sign that said by any and this was the same day that we saw a video released off the young girls kidnapped by hamas and the clear brutalization of the indoor since october 7th. >> Courtney: the student say they've seen on extreme rise in anti-semitism on campus since october 7th and saying the school administration isn't doing anything to address it.

>>> Some other stories were following city councils approved the motion that will have a staff look at ways to ramp up construction along the gardiner this is a big story right now the motion direct city staff to study the feasibility of 24/7 construction including work on sundays while also considering how to minimize impacts on the local community. An interim report on this due backward july the gardiner's currently reduced to two lanes of traffic usually between dufferin and straw hut in four major rehabilitation work. It is scheduled to continue for three years. >> I appreciated the commentary in the answers and the thoughtful replies from our staff team tonight they are on it they want to see us do better but there's a role for this council and this administration to exercise some leadership to provide that direction and I'll be honest it shouldn't have taken seven weeks of a horror show to have this conversation this should have been teed up from the beginning and focus on how we could get this done as quickly as possible because of the extent of the impacts. >> Courtney: so city councilors also voted on another way to keep people moving allowing small electric cars with a maximum speed of 50 kilometres an hour on street e-scooters are remained banned on streets although it is legal told them in toronto city staff also admitted there was little police enforcement of the east -- e-scooter band. >>> Police have identified a suspect wanted in about the shooting that happened wednesday. And a 4-year-old adrian gordon of toronto wanted on multiple charges including aggravated assault and possession of unloaded restricted or prohibited firearm he's described as 5-foot six with a thin build and clean-shaven. >>> The shooting happened a little before 12:30 in the morning wednesday in the area visible in sherbourne police say a man in his thirties with a gunshot wound was found behind a building the area he was taken to hospital and remains in life-threatening condition. >>> In a child remains in hospital with serious condition that is after being hit by a recycled truck and buried the crash happened in the south end of the city yesterday afternoon police and the child suffered potentially life-threatening injuries and was airlifted to a trauma centre the circumstances of this incident remain under investigation and it's not clear if charges will be laid.

>>> The federal government says it will be open to adding more medications to the list of drugs covered by its proposed pharmacare program the bill charts up path toward a universal pharmacare plan that covers select birth control and diabetes drugs the health minister mark holland says what's currently on the list presents an absolute minimum and a government could add to it based on negotiations with provinces and committee recommendations. Insurance industry representatives have expressed concerns about the bill saying it could disrupt private existing private coverage. >>> West jet says passengers who want to book a cheaper ticket may also have to put up with less legroom so their lights and some of its larger plates will be reconfigured to add more rows of seats by slimming down existing ones this is all part of an initiative to bring low-cost fair option to the majority of its flights was jet already announced they would also be offering on ultra low cost option to travellers who are willing to fly without a carry-on bag. >>> Canada's competition bureau now looking in the conduct of sobey's and loblaw's as the major grocery chains are under investigation for alleged anticompetitive conduct the federal court documents show the bureaus looking at the company's use of so-called property controls to limit retail grocery competition. The commissioner claims the controls that the grocery giant have baked into lease agreements are designed to restrict other potential tenants and their activities. >>> Yesterday was a big day we saw that the announcement of the wnba team now coming to toronto so the work begins to build it teresa resch is the president of the new team antics on the job after spending 11 years with the raptors as a frontline executive. >> I'm denier first and foremost an incredible general manager like you said it's not can happen right away with how we have so many in place at the end of this year they will then hire a head coach and I mean what's great is I've seen first hand for the last 11 years how to build a team working for the raptors and in the front office masai ujiri, others, there some of the best and the business that identify in talent and building a team I'm got to see that first time in the last ten years I'm excited to find some of the power them and also provide some insights on the ass. >> Courtney: the team will play its home games at the 8700 seat coca-cola are you now. However others will be played in my perimeter. Deposits are already accepted by season tickets in over 2000 people have added their names in the waitlist. >> [ Inaudible ] >> Courtney: the blue jays opened their four-game series in detroit with the dominant performance. The jays have 13 hits including three home runs that help them on their way to hammering that tigers 91 flutter kevin gausman pick six innings allowed just one run while striking out ten tonight's game by the way will start just after 6:30. And the oilers out on early weekend nhl's western conference final edmonton captain connor mcdavid scored just 32 seconds into this double overtime to defeat the stars on the first game of the series the oilers took this game that is by a score of 3-2 games to set for tomorrow night in dallas.

>>> A bc family celebrating one year with the page either rescued pat pidgeon. >> Courtney: and love to not to get the diaper on the bird so this is the english trumpeter pidgeon know where his diapers as I say a hobby farmer from who rescued veggies is the custom pans are necessary since the bird has insisted on living inside her family's home ever since he was rescued last may a year later followed her everywhere she goes and even gets to ride shotgun in the family car she says for g. Tolerate her son, money and, but her husband really ruffles this birds feathers. That's a cute little story I mean it makes sense to have something on the bird given how much they have to go to the washroom right. So especially in the house. >> I'm a little, yeah, at loss for words. I guess they're not really trainable in terms of bathroom you could put up pidgeon had like a puppy bad but I know if you can I mean they're smart birds you have carrier pigeons maybe they just don't it's a lot of effort for a hobby farmer. Yeah. I love animals and I think every animal has the right to be rescued and loved and lived it's just very unique set of circumstances you don't often see up pidgeon inside in fact is usually discouraged to have human pidgeon contact because they carry a lot of disease outdoors but I guess there's a lot of changes when you have sort of fun indoor domesticated pidgeon. >> Courtney: [ simultaneous talking ] >> I mean there's a history of human and pigeons working together in harmony. >> Works for this family right at something you don't see everyday that's for sure. >> Courtney: we're moving on now from the story over the john murray was going to join us to talk about what is toronto talking about this morning stay with us. [ ] Male Announcer: chum 104.5. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. I'm a survivor Listen for your chance to play CHUM's Road Trip Challenge. Win a Nissan Rogue s all-wheel drive. Announcer: For over 100 years Jamieson has been here for you, putting quality and pure ingredients first. And we're here for 100 more. Food Basics' biggest savings event is back with prices so low, you'll be saying Totally Wowza! Super duper Wowza! Mega Wowza! Oh my Wowza! Hot diddly Wowza! Save big in-store and online. Plus get new deals every Thursday. Only at Food Basics. Always More for Less. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. Sfx: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance The experts at Jamieson are here for your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is here for your health. >> Billy: what a pretty shot 545 lucky if you couldn't tell yup that's the sign. It's coming up over the horizon as we show you this week mike uday rana showing us this pictures this morning and charlotte of people jumping on the bit to get out there on the water today will be a good day to do so the water's cold so were those like jackets and the temperatures about 30 degrees or so the 16 the air temperature a little more out there and we are going to warm up significantly again today getting to a high of mid-twenties

normalized just over 20 as those norms are getting warmer and there's some growers out there this morning as well someone sent in the actual name of the ruling both that we showed you the other day but I'll try to look that on back up a ticket for sending in the correct the versions of the road. 16 northwesterly winds 20 commuters per hour here's a look at the big picture and the lower great lakes northerly wind started to tap into some fresher drier air it's nothing to do space that that we have already in place so the sun is going to do a lot of the work to get us from the 16 up to the high of 25 this is what moves into martha a little bit earlier than earlier models were indicating from atlanta to is the main threat of active weather after that it becomes a little bit more sparse and intermittent and we try out for sunday and then early monday or overnight sunday night into monday will get some thunderstorms entered suffering a look at little to school down for the middle of next week 18, 16 but we do recover closer to the weekend. [ ] >> Courtney: what is toronto talking about certainly a lot of talk about this morning good morning john moore. I know we needed to friday were talking about the latest of the encampment over at u of t we received updates from the administration on this are waiting to hear what some of the demonstrators have to say. >> Administer china's given the protesting students it to students in my copy about an awful lot of them aren't actually students 24 hours to respond to a proposal and that proposal is that the u of t will actually look at disclosure and divestment from israel. They say it's a nonstarter the idea that they won't collaborate with educational institutions in israel but they will look at their investments what the president of the university as saying the encampment must and it's gonna be a busy day because the protesters are going to hold a press conference at some point today and I don't imagine they're leaving. >> Courtney: it sounds as though the school is nothing down to when they perhaps will move in an offer of those trespass notices. >> But remember what happened last time he must be out by ten or not. >> Courtney: yeah, nothing could change so we'll see what they have to say later another story will been following for several weeks now the gardiner this construction slowing a lot of people down council wants, not to take a look at this report may be look at speeding it up. >> Motion passed on council guess it is and is this -- city staff are being tasked with looking at trying to speed the workup and one of the provinces right now the work of their doing is extraordinarily loud I mean they're demolishing part of the freeway they're saying we really come to this alignment actually dave installed sound sensors and they can try doing some of it that night and they'll see how loud it is about this incident people for possibly accelerating the process but also I can't wait for the first time that the end up with a bunch of people petitioning city hall because they live next to the freeway saying that they can't sleep. >> Courtney: that's a big factor right be because we do cr on the clock construction because it affects your quantity in such a difficult balance because the request to be done. >> That's life in a dense environment. >> We'll see what that report has to say that's coming back into lift a week right okay will watch for that when ttc sounds like we've got a strike date these two are still talking. >> I don't know if there any tensions I talk to people on both sides and they say look were still trying to hash this out but they have set june 7th as the day and anybody who reversed the last time there was a strike which if memory serves intersection and wealth got strike it just paralyzes the city and everybody's mad. >> Yeah, at the time when it's already moving quite slowly right so obviously were hoping for a deal there and so many people watching for that one also talked about the possibility obviously rolling inheritance like organ the two paused potentially see a few quite the season. >> This is the atmospheric initiation they put out an annual prediction for hurricane seaspan and tropical storms he sign which is effectively going to begin on the 1st of june I'm always a little dubious about long-term weather forecast because nobody ever says how do you do but in this case they say it could be a while prophecy sign they say between 17 and 25 named storms in the atlantic this he sign and off those eight to 13 could become hurricanes and four to seven could become major hurricanes. >> Courtney: fully that's not the case I mean the instance of people but the will see what bill has this element later. >> Meteor ledges hanging telephone poles is always exciting. >> Courtney: work on about weather and talking about summer with the vacationer planning here now sounds like a lot of people may be planning to stay closer to home. >> Delight committed in a survey and they said that a lot of canadians are not going to leave the country many of them are opting for road trips they cite general themes like the usual going to nature lake's, beach is capping wilderness areas and local internals but canadians are also reporting that they just don't have the money to travel. >> Courtney: it's expensive right now and travelling cost a

fortune if you don't have it saved him but what about you are you gonna take of leave the country? >> I am. I will have to get into the exotic things off the stuff I'm doing. >> Courtney: all be staying closer to home thank you so much have a shell have a great weekend night chatting with you. He meant coming up next heyday dreamers huge catch up for grabs this is for the lotto max draw we have a little bit more on that day dreaming who doesn't want to think about what they do with millions and millions of dollars. What a treat right imagine. Stay with us. [ ] ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. What have you been up to? It seems like from your social posts you've been on a ton of adventures. You wouldn't believe it. We stood at the base of the most incredible waterfall, then we had dinner overlooking it. We explored a century old power station with a giant underground tunnel. We wandered through a tropical garden oasis with thousands of butterflies, and we soared above raging whitewater rapids in an antique cable car. How many countries did you visit? Countries? We did that all at Niagara Parks. ( ) Number one in sewer and drain cleaning. Number one in water damage clean-up. And number one in the number two business since 1935. Call Roto-Rooter that's the name. And away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter! The Jeep No Limits Event is here. Which means more trails to blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoy no payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee, the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty seven hundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. Yeah, I like to swing. And I like to get Cash Back when I swing. Just download the browser extension and shop as usual. And click to activate Cash Back or coupons at hundreds of stores. Cha-ching. -Spring is a great time to get things done. A Flexi Line might be right for you. -Could you use two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today. (Mid-tempo music) Closed captioning is brought to you in part by Jamieson Vitamins. For 100 years, we've proudly put quality and pure ingredients first. >> Courtney: this is the journey I think of the art of mine who won $70 million has he literally full of his or affecting the cash processed into his bank account. >> That's a lot of zeros. >> The truth you're about to log into your bank account and it's gonna look like an international phone number. >> Yeah,. [ Laughter ] [ Cheering and Applause >> Hi my name is gray from toronto and I just want $70 million with lotto max. [ Cheering and Applause >> Courtney: can you imagine he just one the prize money from the lotto max draw back on april the 19th after purchasing his ticket inside the young shepherd centre over north york he's a recently retired public servant who said he has faced some health challenges lately the toronto man says he's most excited to create some new memories with his earnings.

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