
CITY24 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #41

(Whistles) It's just a job. Darrell's family uses Gain Flings now, so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Woman: Isn't that the dog's towel? (Groaning) Hey, mi towel, su towel. More Gain scent plus Oxi Boost and Febreze in every Gain Fling. ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( ) rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! (Dynamic music) welcome back. 14 people were killed after fire ripped through a densely populated area. Annoy this broke out in a 5 story, building a small alley and was accompanied by several explosions. 6 people were also injured. Investigators believe that started in a courtyard in front of the building that was used as a garage to fix. And so electric bikes. As for a fire at a chemical factory in western india has left 9 people dead and over 60 people injured with the searchers looking for more victims. Officials say the fire was caused by an explosion in the factories boiler, which also damaged nearby factories and houses. 2 of the people killed in the fire have been identified while the others were burned beyond recognition. The cause of the explosion still being investigated. And the world court has ordered israel to halt its offensive into rafah. >> The court considered that in conformity with a if and that of the genocide convention. Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action and that a government. Which may conflict on the a group in gaza. Conditions will fly that could about its physical destruction in whole or in part. The court because that that its order of january. 26 2024 it or that 2. I quote. Effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure division of evidence. >> Their request was brought forward last week, asking for the international court of justice to order a halt to israel's offensive in gaza and in rafah to ensure the well-being of civilians that the ruling comes as part of a larger case by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. Israel has denounced south africa's claim, saying it makes a mockery of the crime of genocide. Former canadian masters israel john allen says that the court's ruling largely unenforceable, but is still another blow for israel. >> Already had rather bad as you the prosecutor of the international criminal court, which deals with individuals, not states, has sought arrest for bibi netanyahu, the prime minister and the minister defence as well as 3 hamas leaders. We now have a number of european nations deciding to recognize the state of palestine. So overall, it's not been a great week for israel pressure is mounting. >> The idf says that the bodies of 3 more hostages have been recovered. And guys of the victims have been identified as having on blanca michael mizen bomb and ryan hernandez. Now officials say that they were killed during the october 7th attack. Now the taken to gaza dan by hamas. Their bodies were recovered in an overnight operation. Jabalia. The news comes less than a week after armed the army recovered the bodies of 3 other hostages. So was partying with his friends at the nova music festival. He was murdered by hamas ferries than buddy was taken into gaza. You should. >> And israeli and brazilian citizen was on his way to pick up his four-year-old grandson or granddaughter. He was murdered by hamas terrorist and his buddy was taken into gaza. Were you on hernandez? The tourist from mexico with

french citizenship. Was partying in these was parting with his good should need the nova music music festival. >> Israel says around 100 people are still being held captive in gaza, along with the bodies of at least 39 more and finance ministers from the g7 countries open to meetings. 2 days of meetings in northern italy. The U.S. is seeking to gain support to find more money for ukraine by extracting it from frozen russian assets. Most of the frozen assets are held in european banks and so far, most european countries have cautioned against the legality of simply taking the money and getting into ukraine. Us secretary treasury secretary janet yellen also wants to find consensus to battle china's trade practices. Well, new research suggests that more americans are now using marijuana daily, more so than alcohol. Researchers looked at data from 2022 from the U.S. national survey on drug use and health. 17.7 million people reported using cannabis every day compared to 14.7 million daily drinkers. Many states have relaxed their laws around marijuana in the last 10 years. 7.51, feel like 24 outside. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. The company in alberta is looking to hire what it describes as the ultimate summer job. We'll have more on the opening for a pair of adventurers after the break. We all need fibre for our digestive health, but most Canadians only get about 50% of the fibre they need. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get plantbased fibre. Three gummies have the same amount of fibre as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil Gummies. The easy way to get your daily fibre. Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. Did you know 80% of women struggle with hair damage? New Pantene Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner with melting Pro-V pearls... Helps hair lock in moisture to repair up to 6 months of damage. Guaranteed or your money back! If you know, you know it's Pantene. With higher interest rates, we've been looking for ways to make our mortgage more affordable. So we decided to build a rental suite in our basement and we hired agm renovations. Agm created the perfect basement apartment for only $800 a month and now we're making $3000 a month in rental income. And, you know, in the future our kids or our parents can move in so we can all be closer together. Announcer: Book now and get a free kitchen in your new basement. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. (Mellow music) welcome back. Olympic swimmer from toronto has been suspended for 18 months for anti-doping rule violations. Rosen guys, you have failed to provide drug testers with a quarterly outline of his schedule. And a 60 minute window each day when he would be available for testing. The canadian centre for ethics in sports says that he has had 3 so-called whereabouts failures in a 12 month period. So in canada says that guys didn't keep his whereabouts information up to date inadvertently the ccs as the 24 year-old admitted to the violations and accepted his period of an edge in eligibility. When got this free time, you can do this if you want to be outdoors. This could be the perfect summer job for you or in late bus company in alberta, searching for 2 adventurers to hike every single trail in the moraine lake and lake louise area of banff national park. Joseph candidates will dock and everything on social media as they hiked paddle and camp between june 15 and august 15. The application deadline is tomorrow. So do it now. I want to go there detective axel foley is back on the beat. Beverly hills. This isn't my first time. I saw that. >> For 87 and in 94, but this placed change to >> What is your back tonight? First trailer is out for beverly hills cop axel f eddie murphy to star in the 4th film in the franchise, this time

AFTER HIS DAUGHTER'S LIFE IS THREATENED. FULLY TEAMS UP WITH A NEW PARTNER PLAYED BY JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT. NO, HE'S NOT MY BROTHER. JUDGE RHYME HOLD AND JOHN ASHTON REPRISING THEIR ROLES FROM PREVIOUS FELT. AND KEVIN BACON ALSO START A NEW ROLE. THE FILM HITS NETFLIX ON JULY 3RD AND HIS SHE'S THE BEST HAD A WILD YEAR, BUT SHE'S COMING OUT ON TOP. SHE'S THE BEST INTEREST. BREAKING NEWS CP24 EVER TO TORONTO DELIVERING A TRESPASS NOTICE. ORGANIZERS OF A PRO-PALESTINIAN KEVIN TODAY WILL HAVE MORE ON THAT AND WHAT IT MEANS OF DEMONSTRATORS DON'T LEAVE. AFTER THE BREAK. TO FIND A FOOD STAR GORDON FACES HIS BIGGEST RIVAL EVER. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? IT'S TEAM LISA VS TEAM GORDON She can Vanderpump off. We're done ON CTV Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home My debts too big. What can I do? Goldhars got solutions for you! Collections keeps calling. What can I do? Goldhar's got solutions for you! They're garnishing my wages.What can I do? Goldhars got solutions for you! Free Consultation. No obligation. #DEBT. Call Goldhar and Associates Licensed Insolvency Trustee by dialing #DEBT your phone or visiting It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? Not mine. These are clean. How 'bout we take a closer look... Whaaat? I just cleaned those! Switch to Dawn Platinum. It powers through and removes 99% of grease and food residue. Including stubborn, invisible grease other dish soaps can leave behind. Now, that's... clean! That's why only Dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. Dawn Platinum cleans to the squeak. (Mid-tempo music) (Mid-tempo music) Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! Nice Dress! -And tons of Cash Back too. What? With Rakuten! It's a shopping app that saves you money. Unbelievable. This is unbelievable... Right? You're going to get so much Cash Back. Okay, I'm gonna go change. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at Food Basics' biggest savings event is back with prices so low, you'll be saying Totally Wowza! Super duper Wowza! Mega Wowza! Oh my Wowza! Hot diddly Wowza! Save big in-store and online. Plus get new deals every Thursday. Only at Food Basics. Always More for Less. Buying a home in the GTA can be stressful and feel impossible At Modern Solution, we make buying or selling a breeze. We list at %1 commission without compromising astounding Say goodbye to high fees and hello to maximum savings Receive $5000 when buying a home with our highly experience agents. Join the thousands of clients wh Modern Solution Realty It's time to capitalize on your real estate goals. We are Modern Solution Realty [Music] >> THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DELIVERED A TRESPASS NOTICE. 2 ORGANIZERS OF A PRO-PALESTINIAN ENCAMPMENT TODAY, GIVING THEM A DEADLINE

on when they need to vacate or face legal action will have all the details live from king's college circle. Straight ahead. Crown prosecutors say a deadly shooting at a mississauga restaurant in 2021 was a result of the plots from a group who pledged alliance to isis. Details on that in moments. And ontario is accelerating its expansion of alcohol sales in the province will have all the details. Plus reaction straight ahead. It's a to one 21 degrees from 299 queen street west. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. Hello. I'm sijia liu. Thanks so much for joining us. We begin with breaking news. A stretch of the qew remains closed in niagara after a fatal collision involving a coach bus that was hit by a flying wheel chopper. 24 was over the scene in st. Catharines near the garden city skyway bridge. Opp has now confirmed a passenger on the coach bus has died. 3 others suffered serious injuries. Investigators say 3 vehicles were involved. The toronto bound qew is closed at glendale avenue and is expected to be until 11 tonight. Keep it here on cp24 as we follow this developing story. Next to a significant update to the pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto with the school delivering a trespass notice to organizers today, cp24's lindsay busk and joins us live with the very latest details. Lindsay. A trespass notice was issued today's what what does this mean for the protesters? >> Well, this point means that these are protesters inside this encampment. These students have until 8:00am on monday morning. To now clear the promises cleanup this encampment and leave this circle where they've been for the last few weeks really demanding that the cut ties with israel. Universities also demanding the university divest from direct and indirect investments that support israel. So this is the latest development. We know yesterday the university had actually sent an offer to the students and that off for offer, rather included, that has students would have a working group to consider options for disclosure and greater transparency of investments. It would invite students to a time the university's business board of governing council meeting, which is on june 19th to present their demands. The students had 24 hours to look over that offer. And clearly they feel as though, you know, their demands have already been presented and they feel that the university had time to meet those demands and still has. And so we heard from some of the spokes from this encampment today who said that, you know, this this offer and this call for them to leave the premises feels more like an ultimatum than it ever did on offer. Have a listen. >> This confirmed with us that they're meeting with us at but that they're moving forward. The trespass notice. That's where we're at right now at, you know, this trespass notice is the first of a much longer you know, these types of things, you know, that you can issue that trespass notice. And then you know, that starts to get the wheels turning, but doesn't mean immediately. And the next you know, for 5 minutes that hundreds of cops are going to show up. There's lots of room between now and then. And we implore the administration to the right thing to be on the right side of history to divest from israeli apartheid. Ongoing aside. So at this point, it doesn't look as those encampment is being cleared up at all. So I'm not sure whether the people. >> The students within this encampment are going to leave by 8:00am on monday. But the school's president has side that, you know, it's issued this trespass notice and it will pursue any subsequent legal steps that must follow. See, just it's not clear at this point. What monday morning 8:00am will look like here at the university of but we'll have to wait and find back to o k lindsay biscaia live from the university of toronto. Thanks so much for that update. >> And as the encampment protests continues at u of t st. George campus vandalism has been found at the university's campus in scarborough. A number red triangles were spotted on the side of the buildings at the campus on military trail. They also feature cross hairs, those upside down triangles have become a popular symbol among pro-palestinian advocates. Some interpretations link them to videos from hamas's military wing. That highlight israeli targets with red triangles. The paint was soon covered the toronto police hate crime unit says it is aware of the occurrence. Crown prosecutors say a deadly shooting at a mississauga restaurant was the result of a plots from a group. What pledge alliance to the terrorist group isis. 5 people were shot at chicken land. Your college weighing glen erin drive in may. 2021 25 year-old kill was killed in the opening address in brampton this week. Crown attorney david your to kill was planning to turn others in the group so they decided to kill him and his family. An on

nath sulaimon rasa and not cosh abbas are all charged with one count of murder and 5 counts of attempted murder. The charges have been proven in court testimony continued today. Keep it here on cp24. As we continue to follow this developing story. A mother and child were sent to the hospital after being struck by vehicle in etobicoke this morning. It happened just before 5.30 near royal york road and medical avenue. Paramedics tell us the mother and child were taken to the hospital. But fortunately, their injuries are considered minor. Police are investigating and say the driver remained on scene. An elderly man has life-threatening injuries after being struck by a vehicle downtown. The collision happened just before 10 this morning at spadina and grant avenue. Police say a 92 year-old man was crossing grant at spadina when he was hit by a car making a turn. The 39 year-old driver remained on the scene and the investigation by the traffic services continues. Police have charged a suspect with second-degree murder in the death of a man in scarborough. 57 year-old mohammed a lot and died in the hospital last sunday. It was 3 days after he was assaulted with an object during an altercation in a home in the eglinton in birchtown area. 65 year-old chan's rica rocks was initially charged with aggravated assault and assault. His charges have now been upgraded to second-degree murder. Police say the suspect and the victim were known to each other. >> Ontarians will soon be able to buy beer, wine cider and ready to drink alcohol at corner stores. The province announced today they've moved up their plan to expand alcohol sales with availability at convenience stores coming up on september 5th grocery stores already license with licenses will be able to sell larger cases of beer as of august. 1st. And by the end of october, more big box stores will be allowed to sell the lower alcohol beverages like beer and wine. The accelerated plan is going to cost taxpayers, though, to the tune of 225 million. It's to help out the beer store with the transition as well as giving a discount to convenience stores, health and community groups have expressed concerns about the increase access to alcohol and the lack of measures in place to address the harms that we go along with that premier doug ford was asked about this issue this morning. >> We take this very seriously. >> We put more money into mental health and addiction than any government in the history of this country, in the history of this province. And we're, we're doing a fairly well without and it's going to be a we're going to continue working with people that need help and support. Not a mention on on the health care too. Our healthcare spending since we've been in office has jumped over 30%, never been done before. >> Some of the people we spoke to today support the expansion plan. >> Yeah, that was a that we have montreal. That was what can we go? >> Are I don't care. Because kids are going to get is. >> To my thing is a lot of people in their rush to go by that we want the russian move look at that get anywhere close to where the need absolutely know what. >> Just the I'm worried about like my kids. So they should be able to have that easy axes. Going gets from the communes a fantastic makes it easy for everybody. Everybody's happy. >> The beer store released a statement today saying today is a significant milestone, reaffirming the beer store's crucial role as the primary distributor of beer in ontario. The announcement underscores our commitment to responsible beer distribution and environmental stewardship. Ctv political commentator scott reid. Things premier ford believes expanding alcohol sales will be popular with the voters. >> Doug ford loves nothing more than peddling the beer story and you know, it's, it's the beer store of your story and it's worked well for him, you know, buck-a-beer in the original 2014 election campaign beer quarters, he's going to get it. But you see the price, you got to pay 225 million dollars to the largest breweries, multinational breweries in the world. And so we're going to pay more to what may be paying more for that case of beer in a corner store, but it's popular. People would like that that community shake their head and say what we have already they got quebec, it seems ridiculous. Let's get it. So we're going to get. >> The centre for addiction and mental health released a statement that reads in part camh is disappointed that the province is has chosen comedians over the health and well-being of ontarians. There are already more than 6,000 alcohol attributable deaths a year in ontario. And the changes announced today will significantly increase this number. The main driver of alcohol related harm is convenience. Decades of research show that increase ease of access leads to more consumption. And in turn, more harm. Earlier this month, a college jean of health organizations, including the

canadian cancer society, the canadian mental health association in camh released a letter calling for a comprehensive strategy to deal with increased alcohol consumption. That will come with the changes it says harms linked to drinking cost the province more than 7 billion dollars a year. More than tobacco and opioids combined. >> The city is trying to alleviate some of the traffic congestion caused on the long-term construction on the gardner. It involves opening the ramp from lakeshore to the westbound gardiner at jameson during the afternoon rush. That ramp was previously closed in the afternoon because it can be difficult for drivers to merge onto the gardiner during busy periods. The gardener is currently reduced to 2 lanes of traffic each way between dufferin and strachan for major rehabilitation work that is scheduled to continue for 3 years. The city issued a statement today on the reopening of the ramp that says in part the ramp opened earlier this afternoon, the city of toronto's traffic operations centre reports the ramp has been working extremely well to keep traffic moving. Traffic agents are present to assist with the continued flow of traffic and provide feedback to the city about conditions on the ground. The city is also installing additional variable messaging signs dillard's to educate motorists about traffic changes as a result of the rams opening. The ndp held a news conference today calling for action to help families facing uncertainty following the province's latest funding delay. The news conference comes after the provincial government told childcare centres that it will implement a new way of funding the national 10 dollar-a-day program starting in 2025 many daycares are warning about a risk of closure if a funding formula isn't soon updated to cover the actual cost of providing care. Emily elder, a full-time parent, says the closures could be detrimental to people's careers. >> Is there a plan to support the 150 kids that will be released into the wild, not 3.30 if this centre closes note. There is not a plan. There aren't other closures. It will mean working parents. Scrabbling. Adversely impacting their employers operations almost certainly to pick up their kids and make last-minute emergency arrangements and then longer term. Negatively impact. Working parents ability to fully contribute to their workplaces. >> 92% of licensed childcare providers have opted into ontario's 10 dollar-a-day program. Advance polls open today in the mayoral mayoral by-election in mississauga, ctv's john musselman reports on the early turnout. >> There was a steady stream of voters arriving today at this advance pull at mississauga city hall. Residents here are voting for a new mayor next month. Housing crime transit and social services are all top of mind. >> Problem with removing snow and things that that we have met someone to help us housing to. Yeah, the price is over overpricing. That trend says its site safety of citizens. >> There are 4 main contenders for the top job. The latest poll conducted by mainstreet show's longtime politician, carolyn parrish in the lead. But there are still a large percentage of undecided voters. >> We have to vote or elsa. We want to get our choice or at least the opportunity to get a the by-election is being held to replace former mayor bonnie crombie, who has moved on to provincial politics as leader of the ontario liberal party, mississauga has only had 2 mayors in the past 45 years. He's a mccallion served as mayor for 36 years before crombie to be a mere, you need governance experience, you need 42, you need. >> Community experience and you also need to be available to people given the busyness late. So I don't see that so much in the new candidates because lived it in mississauga for 18 years, officials with the city of mississauga say 22 additional advance polls will open next weekend, too. >> Make the process as smooth as possible support to bring your id. And if you can, your voter card of the, it would be a driver's license. A bill, something that has your address on it. By-election will be held on june, the 10th. >> John musselman, ctv news in mississauga. >> Go transit is reminding people of service updates on the lakeshore west and barrie lines this weekend service on the lakeshore west rail will be temporarily modified on certain weekends until june 9th to allow for track work. The trains will operate every 15 minutes between union station to oakville and then hourly between oakville to west harper train service on the barrie line will be suspended this weekend for critical track work during this time, buses only run

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