
CITY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

going to sweden and mainly europe. A couple of U.S. dates there as well. At this point in her career, nelly furtado is not slowing down. And we love it. >> Meredith: yeah. >> Tracy: nor does she need to. >> Meredith: she does what she wants. >> Tracy: we're seeing the renaissance of the artists we were seeing 10, 15 years ago and coming back hard! Which is nice! >> Meredith: so nice. >> Devo: took a break, did the thing, being a mom and separate that and then come back and she's having a blast doing it. >> Meredith: yeah, great to see. We're hungry for it. Thank you, devo. >> Devo: no problem. >> Meredith: lots of great stuff in entertainment. Coming up next on this show, heading into the kitchen! Chef dev stops by to show and share delicious recipes from his debut cook book. Big deal com Bladder leak underwearhas one job. I just want to feel protected! Especially for those sudden gush moments Always Discreet protects like no other. With a rapid dry core thatlocks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. Always Discreet— the protection we deserve! (VO)Take an indulgent moment foryourselfwith wholesome whole grain oats in Nature Valley CrunchyDipped granola squares or with real nuts and darkchocolate in Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bars. Treat yourself with NatureValley. I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided ( ) At Enterprise Mobility, our experts always see another road. Because when there's no limit to how far mobility can go, there's no limit to how far businesses can go. ( ) Ow, it's so hot! You saw nothing. If you're not a cat person... How is that even possible? ...don't worry. We have a dog. You've got mad skills. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Turkey, onions,peppers and tomato Kebabs love turkey Kebabs love fire Make your shish kaboom Take your turkey higher Singer:Opa! (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen [ ] >> Tracy: how do you not? We're back on "breakfast television." meredith, it's a tune. Just like your wake-up -- >> Meredith: a little better. >> Tracy: same-same. Our next guest believes the world needs a little love and he's here to offer it through his food. His highly-anticipated cookbook mad love is out already. So good to see you. It's been a while. We've worked -- I knee you're here on "bt" all the time. We worked together for so many years on cityline. And really what a point of pride for you to have this book that you've worked so hard on. It's been an amazing journey. >> Performing so well and I'm grateful to my team and everybody who had a hand in it. It's exciting too because I'm connecting the younger generation to the older recipes that they've lost touch with. >> Tracy: absolutely. >> Meredith: putting together a cookbook, that's not easy to do. Even if you got all the recipes, it's tough to do and they're a long time coming. So really excited for you, that it's here and performing well and combining who you are and cultures. Culture clash. >> Tells the story of young devon retracing the indo-guy indonesia food he dpru up with and beyond. >> Meredith: beautiful! Look at the food you brought us! Trace! >> Tracy: really good! >> We have the grilled cheese. A south asian inspired grilled

cheese. It's simple to do. It's vegetarian. We use the beautiful spices. And then we make caramelized onions and hit them with spices and different types of cheese. I'm always telling people at home, don't be handcuffed for the rez pees. If you have smoked gouda at home, use that. Do not go out to the grocery store for one ingredient. Reach into the back of the drawer, open up the pantry, use something you haven't used in a while. >> Tracy: it's too expensive anyways. >> Meredith: use the cheese you got. Chef, people underseason a lot of things? That's a thing in households? They're just -- >> You went there. >> Meredith: I'm going there. >> Tracy: no, I love that question. >> Meredith: my fiancee is a chef and I learned a lot sitting there with a glass of wine watching him cook. I noticed the seasoning that goes into -- not just at the end. >> I'm a huge flavour guy. Tracy knows that more than most. It's important to layer right from the beginning. Make the food memorable? >> Meredith: yes. Go for it. >> Use exotic spices and get out of your comfort zone. The best way to get to the next level is to take risk. >> Meredith: that's the big chef difference, I find. Are you going to put us to work? >> Tracy: looks amazing. >> These are tacos. You're going to lay down -- this is guyana's national dish. I pulled the bones out of it. It's a meat-based stew. Guyana's pride and joy. We lay it down, we have mayo. In the cookbook I teach you how to make it in seconds. >> Meredith: your own mayo? >> Yes, and we have the derivatives. You add a little bit of purple slaw and cilantro. This is a way of taking, you know, a national dish and making it kind of presenting it in a different vehicle. Making it a little bit more accessible to the mass -- yeah, fire! Fire! So good! >> Meredith: you may not have the certain kind of cheese, same thing with the meat? The protein, I should say? >> I even have a vegan pepper pot in the cookbook. People are like, what are you doing? Jack fruit and mushrooms and sweet potato. My mom is vegetarian. She should have access to our national dish. >> Meredith: love it. >> Tracy: favourite in the book? >> Smoked goat bariani. Got the most ingredients, it's the hardest recipe, but it is so rewarding. >> Tracy: very nice. >> Meredith: a cold drink after a long day, right, chef? >> In the cookbook I teach you how to make ginger beer. My grandmother used to make it and it was so strong I had to hold on to something while drinking it. It's a derivative. A dark and stormy with mango and you can pour this over ice slowly. Go for it. Yeah, yeah. Slowly because there's ice in there. This is mango pulp, tamerin and this is s ke a dark and stormy. You can add rum or keep it non-alcoholic. Whatever you want to do. Just try it. Take that out and -- >> Meredith: look how pretty this is. >> Tracy: I didn't know either -- >> Meredith: this is all visually appealing. >> Yeah. >> Meredith: you included in this whole thing [ Laughter ]. Chef, I'm just saying. Do you know what I'm saying? >> Tracy: yes, the -- >> Meredith: I like it. I'm in. >> Tracy: chef always delivers. Not just in flavour -- >> Meredith: oh, that's delicious! >> Tracy: right? Not just in flavour but in presentation because you say it all the time. We eat with our eyes. >> 100. >> Tracy: proud of you, man. >> Mad love. >> Meredith: where do we find you and follow you? >> Chef dev I'm everywhere. Go find me. >> Meredith: we're happy you were here today. That is delicious. Everything has been so good. Thank you for being here. >> Thank you for having me. >> Meredith: yum! Get inspired >> Tracy: I'm going to have more. >> Meredith: have a bite and we're going to have more "bt" after this, including "you sound off." we are so excited about this wnba team coming to canada. Coming to toronto for the very first time. We'd love to know your thoughts. How excited are you? Have your say, [ ] >> Meredith: more "bt" coming up. Ready? Setty? Go! Now? Now! Furiosa. Only in theatres Friday. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Febreze! I use Febreze Fabric Refresher everyday. To make my house smell amazing. On my bed... My couch... My jacket or jeans in between washes... Even shoes. Febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them... ...and freshens! Over one thousand uses. Febreze Fabric Refresher. I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back.

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