
CITY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

barbie has turned into. >> Tracy: me too! I was a barbie girl. I mean, I was probably playing my barbies up until 13 years old, full intricate plots. You know? All the neighbours come over to our front porch. I had so many barbies. That was a crucial part of my world. The fact that she's become a career woman, a scientist, an athlete, I like that it went there. And I love that we can embrace it happily and sort of back off of her like waist to thigh circumference circumference ratio. >> Meredith: yeah, there was a lot of that going on. >> Tammie: isla gets barbie all the time. When I look at it, I say what's different about this barbie? She looks like she has hips and thighs. Oh, good bs! Thank you so much! We got beyond all of that and when you see the christine sinclair doll, I mean, just doing things that as we're seeing now with the wnba announcing a team in toronto, the pwhl, got venus williams as well. Women in sport can be power houses. Not can be. They are. That should be focused as well on a toy and something iconic like barbie. >> Meredith: devo, you have a couple of nieces who play -- >> Devo: play hockey at a very high level. For them to have role models is huge. Not just role models, but they're being given the respect they deserve. People initially saying one of canada's best women athlete. No, best athletes. Don't need to say anything else with that. Seeing that and seeing that honour -- there should be statues of people like christine sinclair sinclair, whether it's arenas or stadiums or whatever ends up getting built, to commemorate and honour the -- the -- just the contributions they've given to sport and to this one. >> Tracy: absolutely -- >> Sid: barbie to statues. >> Devo: 100%. That's one way to commemorate somebody who is cool, right? Immortalize people who have made incredible contributions. We've done that to people who may not have deserved it as much. >> Tracy: yes. >> Devo: look at the people who do deserve it. That's a great list there. The athletes that are being honoured with that. It's really cool. >> Tracy: instead of renaming things 400 years later. >> Devo: renaming them with things that are -- >> Tracy: the venus barbie needs more biceps. >> Meredith: one change at a time. That is the bright spot today. Busy show today. It continues on "breakfast television." the world could use a little more love and nothing says love quite like food. Coming up at 9:20, one of our chefs stop by to share with us delicious recipes that reimagine traditional east and west indian cuisine. >> Devo: that chef dev! My guy is in the building! >> Meredith: we'll bring some up for you or -- >> Tammie: I'll be down. >> Devo: see him in a minute. Entertainment, jennifer lopez, sterling k. Brown and see liu talking about this new ai focused film called atlas. Got a chance to sit down with three of them. That is next. Nelly furtado, she's back with new music. We'll show you the visuals for it. It's called love bites. That's next in entertainment. “Don't Let Go” by Terrace Martin, Mr Talkbox, pj Morton Don't let me go No Don't let me go No Don't let me go No, no, no don't let me go Don't let me go No don't you ever let me go Don't you ever let me go Don't you ever let me go In the truck world, there's only one. Only one that's led the way. One that delivers both performance and efficiency. Tough this smart can only be called f-150. Right now, get this f-150 for $228 bi-weekly at 1.99% apr. (vo) If you're finally ready to takea trip without the kids......why stay Get an Airbnb and have the placeto yourselves. Tide is busting Laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. Cold water, on those stains?

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ject this idea? I think, you know, it's very much like when the internet first kind of presented itself. It was like, there's going to be good things and bad things. Hopefully we learn from that like how we have to proceed. Every time there's a new technology that's going to revolutionize our lives. >> I'm not letting you in my head. >> My name is smith. >> You're a computer program. >> No, I'm a computer program named smith. >> It's going to be both. >> Yeah. >> It's going to be awesome and it's going to be dreadful. And we're going to just deal with the consequences. >> Yeah. >> Atlas, my primary protocol is to keep you alive. >> Same! I don't need your help. I don't trust any ai. [ ] >> Smith? >> This movie was built to showcase both -- >> Tracy: j-lo is like I don't need your help! >> Devo: ai got into the system right there. Harbour land, what are you doing? Simu liu got into the system. His character harbour -- harlan messed with it. J-lo said her ai would have perfect hair. I said like you right now? She said, no, it's going to be different. Sterling k. Brown has had two acl surgeries. He said, I want to be able to dance again. I said you did dance with j-lo on set? He said he did a few things here and there. Simu liu and brad, just two canadians who sat down and talked about this film. Netflix is where you check this out starting tomorrow on this streaming on there. It's called atlas with jennifer lopez lopez, mark strong and directed by brad payton on that. Ai, scared? Excited? >> Tracy: I have lots to say about ai. I'm scared. Ai is powering so much more than we even understand right now in the world. You know, we are as slow as we're ever going to be at this moment and look at how fast we're going. So I just think we need to kind of like pause sometimes and take a look at what we're trying to get out of all of this before we go hurdling towards the -- you know -- end of humanity. >> Meredith: make regulations! [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Tracy: let's talk about it. What is the end goal here? Who benefits? >> Devo: the things that you think are already -- like that could happen, have already happened. >> Tracy: exactly. >> Devo: they're doing that and testing all those things. Not to scare anybody, but that's where it's at. Stuff that we're having now, they tested and did all this ten years ago. >> Meredith: interesting to have a movie to explore that. Great timing to have that. The role of movies in our culture is to reflect back what's going on and maybe take us there in made-up land, so maybe we don't have to go there in real-life land. J-lo in particular, she doesn't stop. >> Tracy: working hard these days. >> Devo: speaking of music, nelly furtado has been doing music and dropped a new single. I love when she puts out new music. Love bites is the name of the track. S.J. louis. She said I felt a call back to come into the music community, the dj community. Everybody is remixing her old tracks on TikTok last year. Another 1.5 billion streams is what she's got. Her music has been streamed over 20 billion times. Think about this with nelly furtado. The visual shows her and tovolo dancing to the lyrics as if they're in the club. Let's take a look. [ ] [ ] >> Devo: new singed love bites. S.G. louis on that one. Liking it? >> Meredith: I'm liking it. Different for nelly. More dance and tov is known for that. I remember playing her stuff on the radio. That's the spice that she brings to it. I like seeing nelly a little tougher. >> Tracy: went a little bit more electronica. Which I can take it. I can take it. Like I -- you know? >> Meredith: the summer especially. >> Devo: djs have been remixing my stuff. Let me give you the remix. Congratulations to nelly furtado as well, late last week, youtube's billion views club for say it right, crossing a billion views on there. What a great track that is. >> Meredith: wow! >> Devo: she's going to be touring throughout the summer as well. A lot of festivals kicking off this weekend.

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