
CITY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

You get an opportunity... you gotta take it!” Whos going to be the big factor in the game?” Draisaitl scores!” Im here for that” Im here...” Im here...” Im here for...” The Stanley Cup!” This is a guy.... who wants to get to the Stanley Cup Finals!” Im here... To win!” The show goes on!!!!” (Cheering and clapping) [ ] >> 615, welcome back. Made his skin cancer awareness month. Dermatologists are highlighting the misconceptions and overlooked risks of skin cancer among people of f lour. Our city news reporters speaking with an expert about the importance of public education. -- reporter is. >> There is this idea that gets perpetuated that generation upon generation of people who may be subject to the same type of sun exposure that a lighter or white counterpart would be, just somehow don't seem to have the same risk. >> Reporter: according to the canadian skincare foundation, over 80,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in canada each year. Many go undetected because it is harder to find and people of colour. >> I would look on the bottoms of the feet. The heels and the souls of the feet. Also around the nail fold. That can show changes, if the nails go black or if it has a band that is larger than three millimetres. That is when we would start to be concerned. And the last places the genitals. >> Reporter: dermatologists believe those areas on the body are more susceptible due to consistent trauma. Meantime, the statistics are concerning pick one study finds the five-year melanoma survival rate is 65% in black people versus 92% in white people. >> I do not know where the chasm where the gap comes in, but it is true, when we do get diagnosed with skin cancer, it does tend to be later stage. By that virtue it does tend to be more advanced. >> Perhaps it's harder to detect those with pigmented skin tone. They think they are not at risk, but experts say this is a large misconception. >> I see about two per year that are brown or black skin patients , where I biopsy and sometimes it is obvious that it skin cancer, and sometimes it is not. But just the idea that it does not occur, and that's something that happens to other people. >> Reporter: the message that dermatologists want to hit home on his protection for people of colour from the peak hours of the son -- sun. >> A hat, sleeves, upf 50 plus clothing. That's a specific rate of clothing. I'mm thinking about sunscreen. And spf of 30. Broad-spectrum. And if it is tinted sunscreen, even better. And. >> Reporter: there are calls for further education to get out to the public. >> We know the canadian population is 30% visible minorities. Meaning skin that is not white. Meeting we have to cater our education materials, our messaging, our products and energy in to a broad message. >> Reporter: bottom line, prevention and early detection is key. Doctors are stressing the importance of self-examination, to take any spot or mole t tt you see very seriously. If you have any concerns are being asked to contact your healthcare practitioner. In toronto, citynews. >> Tammie: 618 here on "bt". We are expecting to learn more today about the state of nursing in ontario. A recent report from the canadian press found the province is looking at a shortfall of more than 33,000 nurses and nearly 51,000 more psw's needed by 2032. Coming up on "bt", the ceo of the registered practical nurses association of ontario will join us live to discuss their latest findings. That is coming up at 730 Closed captioning provided in part by Feliway Optimum. Helping cats manage stress related scratching, spraying, hiding, conflicts and more. We're in the middle of living large and having a big day. The meeting point of humanity and history in the middle of being the fun uncle Laughter] In the middle of being a kid again. Beep. Beep. [Laughter] Theres something for everyone in Illinois. The middle of everything. You don't have to go far away to get away Take a trip down the block to Kelsey's Why not come try our delicious shrimp, chicken or steak fajitas and Corona on tap Kelseys,the original roadhouse. Every locker tells a story. Find the space you need to live every chapter of your story. Access Storage, here for you. Try four weeks free. Visit

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