
CITY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

effectively sealing off gaza from the rest of the region. >> We can't get to our warehouses in rafah because of the operation, and fuel is inadequate to move supplies. The aid program is grinding to a halt there. >> Brandon: U.S. officials say they've been briefed on israel's rafah plans and are closely monitoring the operation. >> We now have to see what unfolds from here. We will watch that. We will consider that and we will see whether israel has briefed us and what they have laid out continues or something else happens. [ Gunfire ] >> Brandon: israel releasing new video of fighting in gaza, where officials say the assault will continue until hamas is eliminated. >> No power on earth will stop israel from protecting its citizens and going after hamas in gaza. We will destroy hamas. We will return peace and security to the people of israel and to the people of gaza. >> Brandon: on friday, the international court of justice is set to make a decision on a request to order a halt of israel's rafah incursion. The U.N.'s top court has no way to actually enforce its decisions, but they do carry international weight. Brandon choghri, "CityNews." >> Melissa: breaking news from queen's park tonight. Beer, wine and ready-to-drink cocktails are coming to corner stores, supermarkets and gas stations starting this fall, according to multiple sources. Multiple sources tell "CityNews" that premier ford is set to announce that he is dramatically speeding up his push to liberalize alcohol sales tomorrow morning in etobicoke news conference. Ford said that up to 8,500 new stores will be allowed to sell alcohol but will have to addhere to rules laid out by the alcohol and gaming commission of ontario, which says that retailers can sell -- can only sell alcohol between 7 a.m. And 11 p.m. >> Meredith: tomorrow on "b.t.". >> We celebrate biodiversity with the cutest animals in studio. >> Meredith: plus we are trying the viral ice cream nacho craze. Will it be great? Will it be gross? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) (Lively mellow music) ( ) ( ) ikea. Bring home to life. [hallway noise] [exhale] ( ) Smiling first can help... ..someone find the courage to do the same. ( ) Febreze! Your bathroom... Needs Febreze Small Spaces... The always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. No outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. So your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. That's the power of Febreze Small Spaces. Discover the ultimate escape this summer with Vintage Hotels Pre summer Sale Book an exceptional accommodation at at one of our hotels in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Treat yourself to a world class spa experience. Indulge in the delectable cuisine of our restaurants. Plunge into our outdoor pools and hot springs. Break away to an extraordinary experience with a luxurious escape. Book your summer getaway today and save with the Pre Summer Sale. Visit It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Closed captioning is broughtto you in part by the city of Toronto'syard was Help ensure safe and efficient collection by properly setting out your waste.

. Announcer: Celebrate the iconic series m.a.s.h.! We had become a social phenomenon boom!!! Announcer: Speaks words on screen >> Everyone wants to know about everything blue jays. >> Blair and barker know what's up. >> Over/under in 86.5 wins. >> I'm going to go over. >> What's the story on "blue jays central"? >> Jamie, this blue jays lineup has a chance to win a ball game. Should be a good finish. >> Ah, joe. It's going to get exciting. Let's get you back to the ballpark. >> That ball's driven to deep left field. >> Gone! And the blue jays win it. >> Only one network has everything. >> Sportsnet. Home of the blue jays. >> Natasha: lots of sunshine today so not much to show you on the satellite and radar. Forecast cloud cover over the next ten days, almost none tomorrow and then it goes up as we go into the weekend. These are not going to be overcast days. We will see some sunny breaks in there and towards the end of next week we'll get some more sunshine. The forecast U.V. index is still high enough. You need sun scream all day every day but you don't have to limit your time outdoors so much on monday. That's the cloudiest day and the rainiest day here of the next 7. Today's high temperatures around 22 to 24°. Got up to close to 25 in toronto. You're waking up to double digits so it's another warm start to the day tomorrow. These warm temperatures lasting a few more days. Again a little bit cooler near the lake, 20° through oshawa as we head through the day tomorrow. A tiny bit cooler I said. This little pool of cold air starting to sink down across ontario is just going to graze the G.T.A. and areas around lake ontario towards wednesday, thursday and friday. It's 17, 18°. It's still comfortable. Like it's not frost, ok? But I do want to sort of warn you that temperatures are going down just a little bit compared to the average high of 20, 21. It's great sleeping weather. It's very comfortable for those who hate the heat. There's your wall-to-wall sunshine day tomorrow with mid 20 temperatures. Another patio alert day. Not so much saturday though. Sort of between I'd say 11, probably noon and 3 p.m. We've got the best risk for storms on saturday. Now what else is coming tomorrow by the way? Over 15 hours of sun. Yeah. We're getting 15 hours and two minutes of sunshine starting tomorrow. Tuesday I put the little windy icon in there. Those winds could be gusting 50 to 60 kilometres per hour so not only do temperatures take just a tiny little bit of a tumble towards the end of the month but we've got those windy days ahead of us. Gusts of 50 to 60 kilometres per hour monday through wednesday of next week. >> Melissa: he was a canadian music icon, the pride of orillia, ontario and tonight gordon lightfoot was honoured at a historic toronto venue. Sundown you'd better take care if I find you've been creeping round my pack stairs >> Melissa: fellow canadian artist dallas of of city and colour classic "sundown" in front of a packed crowd inside massey hall. Tom cochrane also taking the stage tonight singing another memorable lightfoot classic "the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald." all of this before rush front man geddy lee made a surprise appearance. Before the show we caught up with rick haynes, who had worked with lightfoot since 1968. >> Didn't seek publicity. He didn't seek the media. And -- but he wrote great songsment and he had a fantastic work ethic. He put those two things together to work and to develop a career that became astonishing by anybody's measure. >> Melissa: proceeds from tonight's event will go towards revitalizing massey hall as requested by the gordon lightfoot estate. Toronto's news is always available on and "CityNews 24/7", now streaming on rogers ignite channel 100 and on amazon prime. Your next "CityNews" comes tomorrow morning on "b.t." many thank you for watching. Good night. (Sound effect) Announcer: reads words on screen

from hollywood. It's jimmy kimmel live tonight. >> Josh brolin, nikki glaser, and music from sarah mclachlan with cleto and the cleto. >> And now jimmy kimmel. Oaken bucket. The whole stage is watching. Thank you for joining us. And please relax. >> It was a very stormy day for everyone's favorite former president today. And we are coming to you from our studio in hollywood or exhibit f, as it was entered into evidence during the donald trump hush money trial this afternoon, the prosecution today called their star witness their star witness, stormy daniels took the stand this morning. And for donald, I can only imagine the nervous farting was off the charts. It was quite a day in court. We got mentioned in court again today, which is exciting. Thanks, guys. Prosecutors asked stormy daniels about her interview on her show, in which we examined her signature. That was on a letter trump's henchmen cooked up, denying that she and trump ever did it. Daniels said she signed her name in a different way as a tip off to jimmy kimmel, who is me. Somehow, I've become the kato kaelin of this trial. They did not show a clip, but this was the exchange in question. Your original statement, the signature on the original statement does not match the signature on this statement. And I went through my library of photographs of you to compare it to headshots that you have signed and these seem to match the original statement that, and wow, am I getting it. Anything. Did you sign this letter that was released today? >> I don't know, did i? >> She played me like a fiddle and. Stormy testified for three hours and 44 minutes today. Her testimony got off to an awkward start. The bailiff swore in on a rolled up forbes magazine, and when she raised her right hand, trump instinctively shouted, I'm a bad boy, mommy! The judge. The judge said stormy could testify about her sexual relationship with trump, but also said we don't need to know the details and see now that's where I have to object. Yes, we do need to know the details. Some of us are trying to host a show here. Okay and we did get some details. >> We got some very unnecessary details, stormy said their encounter was brief and that trump did not wear a condom, which is not surprising. >> He also stared directly into an eclipse. Not exactly a safety first kind of guy, she said. They had sex in the missionary position and that trump told her she reminded him of his daughter . Feels like we should lock them up just for that, right? So I mean. We also learned that trump used to call stormy honeybunch, which interestingly, is also a term melania would use at mar a lago, as in honey, bunch of fbi agents at door to seal prosecutors. They promised the judge the testimony wouldn't involve any descriptions of the former president's genitalia. For that, you can go to our youtube channel and type in trump mushroom penis, stormy daniels has 18 million views. You'll love it. But the live court updates today, they read like, you remember the old letters to penthouse forum. Stormy daniels says she came out of the bathroom and found that trump was in the bedroom waiting for her in his boxer shorts and a t shirt she'd been planning to go. She said he was seated on the bed between her and the exit like a like a traffic cone with nipples or something. And by the way, if you're having trouble imagining trump seducing a lady in his bedroom clothes, well, just feast your eyes on this and you'll see that no one puts the mold in smoldering like donald trump. Stormy also recounted how she rummaged through trump's toiletry bag, where she found old spice deodorant and a bottle of pert plus or explains why his hair has so much bounce. It's gentle enough to use every day, you know, another bit of scumbaggery trump participated in? He dangled the idea of putting stormy on the apprentice when he was wooing her. She said, well, what if I lose? On the first episode, trump said, he could tell her what the challenges would be ahead of time. The guy who complains everything is rigged offered to rig his stupid show to get some action. This is another fun detail. Trump watched stormy's

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