
CITY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

>>> Nearly 20 people are confirmed dead after severe weather rips through the U.S. midwest and southwest. Officials have confirmed at least 18 deaths so far in texas, oklahoma and arkansas with hundreds injured and many homes and other buildings destroyed. The tornado also knocked out power for tens of thousands of residents across those states. >>> 8:36 here on "bt." time now to take a look at the forecast. In for frank ferragine who is heading down to disney today, this hour, we say good morning to chief meteorologist natasha ramsahai with the lateses on the forecast from coast to coast to coast. And watching some of the videos over the weekend, tash, of the storms down south. Like the tornados, incredible. >> Natasha: it's the same system that's bringing the thunderstorms across southern ontario and québec today. You were talking about fort nelson. The fire situation out west has improved. They've had many days of cooler weather, wetter weather, lots of rain, lots of cloud, so this is a good thing, right, for this region of our country right now. So good news there, not so good news through ontario and québec with the storms which I'll show you in a second. It's a rainy day with a pacific frontal system moving across vancouver island right now. A few scattered showers down into vancouver proper later this afternoon. And fairly cloudy skies as well. More sunshine in through alberta and again that rain is going to be prevalent for the northern two-thirds of bc. We have showers rolling across southern manitoba. But this is the system, this is the one that's been bringing the storms stateside as well. Getting lightning through eastern ontario. It's going to be kind of cool, kind of wet through kenora today and as we head into with eastern ontario and eastern sections of the country, ottawa, watch for potentially severe storms as we go into this afternoon. Toronto, it's going to be midday storms and for southwestern ontario it's pretty much happening now. It's only 7° today in st. John's with that sunshine -- sunny breaks and we'll get the rainfall in there as well. Leduc, alberta, man, that's a nice sunset time, lots of sunshine with that sunsetting at 9:46 P.M. and in summerside pei and huntsville, ontario, that sunsetting just before 9:30 P.M. >> The sunset report is brought to you by corona. Sunset's nature's greatest reminders to relax and take in the moment. Corona corona, this is living. >> Sid: seems nice. Coming up in entertainment, devo is travelling to walt disney world resort. Fans were confused when all north american tour dates for the black keys were cancelled with no explanation and no make-up days. Until now. We have more info. We will share the band's statement about their cancelled tour and what that means for ticket holders. That's coming up in entertainment a little after 9 A.M. coming up this morning . . . Colin and justin are back and we get a peek into their oceanside hotel at cape breton north star. It's a full morning. Good to see you. More "bt" coming up after this. [ ] >> Announcer: every day, everywhere, follow the sunset. Corona, this is living. [ ] Breakfast Television is brought by Tim's new Flatbread Pizza. Freshly prepared and served hot out of the oven. There's a new Tims run in town. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Follow Follow the sun (Laughing) Which way the wind blows (Indistinct chatting, laughing) When this day is done Ever dreaming of lustrous colours? Grey hair? Not a problem. Bigen Speedy. Just apply both creamsonto the applicator comb. and then to the grey hair. Five minutes is all it takes. No mess, no worries, no stains. Once colour is attained, rinse well. Bigen Speedy. Colouring your hair is now as easy as 1-2-3. Bigen Speedy.

Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Spring is here and there'sno better timeto get into a new Nissan. ( ) You've been waiting forthe right moment to get out and drive and great offersare ready and waiting for you. So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. During the Nissan Spring into Savings event, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. You think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! [ ] >> Meredith: 8:42 on your monday morning. You're watching "breakfast television." sid seixeiro is back. Hello, I'm meredith shaw. And most of us know when we're feeling stressed but what about our pets? That's the question. Joining us this morning to share with us the signs of stress in our pets and what it looks like and how we can alleviate the causes and symptoms, we have dr. Colleen wilson with us. Good morning. >> Hi. Pleasure to be here. >> Meredith: yeah. >> Sid: so many questions and so little time. Doctor. Let's start with the typical behavioral signs we look for to determine if a dog or cat is stressed. I think of all the common pet questions, this must be top five, if not top three. What should we be looking for? >> Right. First we have to say if you're worried about a change in behaviour or signs you have to visit father veterinarian. Common signs of stress in cats include hiding. Like, they don't interact with the family. Even marking furniture with their paws and scratching. Marking and eliminating outside the litter pan. Those are common signs for cats. In dogs people miss the subtle signs. We look at a dog by the face and look for ears back, big eyes. They might lick their nose or lips or yawn when they're not tired and that progresses to wining and barking and sometimes aggression. >> Meredith: if we look to the causes of stress I our animals, like I know we were talking about the top three questions but I have a dog named lucy. I haven't thought about if she's stressed. Is she happy? Fed? Loved? But the idea of stress, I'm like, what could you be stressed about, girl? You're all taken care of. What problems do you have? What problems do they have? >> Good point. For animals, cats and dogs especially, change. If it's not same-same, they get stressed. Think about the summer coming up, if you're travelling with the pet in the car or taking your pet with you somewhere or maybe having company over. A lot of dogs and cats aren't comfortable with children. Things like that. And noises. You might not be fearful of fireworks and might enjoy them, but your dog and cats don't like them. Or construction, that's a big one in the summer too. A lot of people move in the summer. That's another source of stress for cats and dogs.

>>>>id: I used to like fireworks until I worked this shift and then sleep became an issue. Anyway, it's not about me, it's about the pets. >> Meredith: back to the pets, yeah. >> I can't help you with that. Sorry. >> Sid: no, I'm being selfish with the segment. I'm sorry, it's a me issue. We determined what the stresses might be, we determined the causes. What do we do about them? >> I'd like to say first, the first thing, these behaviours can become annoying to pet owners and rightfully so. But the first thing is don't punish your pet. They're not doing this to get at you or get back at you. But some things you can do after that are pheromones. They're kind of natural because they mimic when a mother gives birth and has a litter, a cat or a dog. Also when your cat rubs up against you and rubs against your furniture, they're releasing calming pheromones. These are easy to use and veterinarians like these products because they have research behind them. You can use them as a diffuser in your home. There are sprays as well or a colour around the neck. Those things help. They get in the environment, they go past two ducts behind your teeth and into the organ which we call the jacob's organ and into the calming sensation centre of the brain. >> Meredith: it's all sprays. Not a pill or anything? >> Ah, exactly. Diffuser, colour, spray, yeah. >> Meredith: sometimes administering medication on pets can be stressful. >> True enough, yes. >> Meredith: I'm glad this is done in a different delivery method. >> Yeah. >> Sid: these are great tips. That's not all, ladies and gentlemen, if you're watching this segment going, I could use this, we have something for you. Two lucky "bt" viewers will have a chance to win some of what you see here, first prize is a six-month supply of this spray and the second is a six-month supply of adaptil for dogs. Each are valued at 360 bucks., click on daily prizing. Be sure to enter the key word, cat or dog. >> Meredith: either one! >> Sid: for a chance to win. Good luck. Doctor, before we go, if this is an issue and you want to do something about it this summer your biggest tip for people is what? >> Don't punish your pet. >> Meredith: this is their natural behaviour and check with your vet. Could be an indication of something else. >> Exactly. You're allowed to not like these things but remember there's dog behaviours and cat behaviours and that's all they have. >> Meredith: save your questions for another segment, okay, sid? Had queen city questions about his cats >> Meredith: >> Meredith: what happens when you pet your cat and the cat punches you in the face. >> Sid: asking for a friend. We're going to focus on this. It's not about the owners necessarily. Thank you very much, doctor. >> Thank you for having me. >> Sid: don't be a stranger. Come back, please. We're going to take a break. "you sound off" coming up later in the show. Talking about DOs and DON'Ts when it comes toes kit. We're going to list a bunch of things. Let us know on "you sound off" today. What is your etiquette go to. I don't care where you are, I don't care what you're doing, I don't care who you're with. What are your polite things that you like doing. "you sound off", we will politely go to break. Colin and justin next. More "bt" Woo-ohh-ohh vo: This program is brought to you in part by Citytv+. (crowd cheer) Its in the backof the net! Try it. Stream it. Love it. Available with Prime Video channels. (dramatic sfx) Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims How white do you think your teeth really are? Let's try the tissue test. Oof, still yellow! There's toothpaste white and there's Crest 3d Whitestrips white. They whiten like a $300 professional treatment. And to maintain your brightest smile, try Crest 3d White toothpaste. Looking for a bladder leak padthat keeps you dry? All of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is Always Discreet. Look at how it absorbs all the liquid. Oh my gosh! And locking it right on in. Look at that! Totally absorbed. I got to get some Always Discreet. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims -I'm always thankfulwhen spring comes.It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in placefor the year. -How about you? Is there somethingyou'd like to get done? Perhaps it's yourhome renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Linecan help you do that. -Could you useeighty thousand, two eighty or even two pointeight million? -Call us today at

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