
CITY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

you were talking about. Take a look. >> We opened the atiba hutchinson soccer court and brampton. Sid was there. I can report he almost injured a tivo. But a tea but is okay. When he attempted to score he slightly hit him in the head, but as always sid is making a mark. And we can't wait to have them on our next projects. >> Meredith: in the head? Did you fire a shot at atiba hutchinson in the head? Sid? >> Tracy: first off, first off, snitches that stitches. I'm kidding, mayor brown. I am kidding. Do you want to know what happened? Thirty seconds and to the game someone says sid, you are starting. I'm like what? What do you mean I'm starting. There is guys who played in the english premier league on the field.d. What am I doing on this field. >> Meredith: they saw those legs. Speed -- -- >> Tracy: one of the first balls to me, hutchinson is barreling down on me. A light jog for him and I hammer it and hit him in the face. That is a true story. That's what happened. And the whole place, he has friends and family, you name it. Brampton city council members, all I hear is oh. And then I grab him and say I love you so much I'm sorry. And he was fine. He played in turkey professionally. He's a tough guy. He can handle it. But check out the court. It's not a big soccer court. It's smaller. And a great way for kids to get in to the game. >> Just so you know, when you do not come in to the show we get reports from her whereabouts from mayors out and about. But we know. >> Tracy: can we keep that going on the back end? I want to air something out here live. 702, you are watching "bt". I did not hurt a professional soccer player. It was an accident. >> Reporter: pro- palestinian protesters at the university of toronto have one hour to backup or face legal action. I caryn ceolin. A fight over the fate of this encampment now looms in court. A new report from the privacy commissioner could reveal more damning information on how the for government handed protected land to housing developers during the greenbelt scandal. And more than 2,000 people have been buried alive by a landslide in papa new guinea. It is monday may the 27th. You are watching "bt". 703 here on breakfast television. A live look at lake ontario from humber bay shores on this monday morning. And it is nice and calm now. This morning when I woke up, natasha ramsahai, who is in for frank ferragine, I was woken up by some very -- it was not the wind. It was the rain. And it was pounding down on the windows. >> Tracy: but you do not have to wash your windows are your car. >> A bird had bless my window that day. So I thought do you know what there you go. >> Well, there is more rain coming. D it will be heavy at times and it's a few hours away from us. That was around one of the storms, tammie, and morning to you. Then we have multiple rounds of storms coming. But heavy rain will be a big thing with this around 10:00 am or so. Current temperature. It's muggy out there. 19 degrees, feeling like the mid-twenties. It's 7:00 in the morning. There's what tammie was talking about out of the gta. It's impacting places in easte ontario along the ontario québec border. This is on the way and it will be here in to london and along the northern shores of lake erie. But there is lightning on the backside and to michigan. Futurecast, this is our 10:00 am snapshot right here, yellow and orange indicates some heavy downpours. I'm anticipating this will be a fast 15 to 30 millimetres of ponding and pooling on the roadways. Potentially more severe through eastern ontario as well this afternoon. And once we get in to some sunshine we may pop up some more storms, especially north of the gta. Tomorrow we have rain. No thunderstorms tomorrow. But it's a fast 15 to 25, up to

30 plus millimetres through eastern ontario. Just watch, keep your eyes to these guys. If you see lightning make sure your indoors and the kids are off the field and you only go back outside 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder or the last spot of lightning. Because, and gwaii? Lightning can go from fairview mall to the eaton centre. That is how far lightning can travel. So we say stay inside. >> You don't have to tell me twice. You have been telling me all morning. And I hear you. Then I'm staying inside. I'm going to listen to you. >> I can tell you what to do and you do it? >> Pretty much. I trust you with my life. A powerful tool to wield. >> Tracy: it's like no pressure. Good morning, tash. Good morning, everybody. Pressure to get out the door this morning. We have a lot going on on our major routes today. Before we get to cameras we have problems on black creek and lawrence. Traffic lights are out at that end for -- intersection. So it's impacting south of the 401. Very significant delays moving through that intersection. And delays heading northbound. I'm taking you to the 404 ddp combo. Were watching delays here jammed up from approaching shepherd on to the don valley itself. This is not a pretty picture. It's a busy drive to lawrence where it does pick up on the southbound 404 ddp combo. Also watching the 401. Right lane is blocked by stalled vehicle and it slow from about keele in the express. A tow truck is on the scene as well. A busy drive through here. And on the westbound qew, this is the big story of the morning three -- through dixie, right lane blocked by a collision. And that vehicle is on its roof. Westbound qew, delays from the 427, and we have at least an ambulance on the scene, emergency crews here, fire trucks arriving as well. Westbound qew, currently is quite solid from the 427. Right now just the right lane blocked, but with more emergency vehicles arriving that might change. We will keep you posted right here on breakfast television. Get a deal on a new deck or a fresh coat of to get ready for summer sale is on at-home hardware hardware building centres until june 5th. Time is 707. That was a look at your drive and we will send things to tammie sutherland next. Good morning. [ ] >> A morning, stephanie. Good morning, everyone. After a month-long encampment of pro- palestinian protesters, the university of toronto is ready to enforce a strict deadline this morning. Caryn ceolin is on the school grounds this morning, live with the latest on this story. Good morning, caryn. >> Good mornini, tammie. Pro- palestinian protesters who have camped out at king's college campus for weeks now just have under an hour to pack up and leave this space, or face legal action. And by the looks of it, protesters have no plans on moving. To universities set a deadline of 8:00 am to clear out this encampment or they say they will go to court to seek an injunction to force those who are entrenched on campus to leave. The two sides met on sunday afternoon after the school issued a trespass order. It was there that protesters presented what they described as a counter offer. Demanding that the university immediately disclose its public investments tied to israel's offensive in gaza. You have to you countered with an offer of its own to create working groups to consider that request. However, encampment organizers said sunday afternoon that that was not good enough. And they say that representatives from their own legal team will be heading to court this morning to fight universities -- the university injunction is trying to obtain. Have a listen. >> U. Of t. Is spending big dollars to ensure they are able to obtain authorization to allow police to raid this encampment. It is appalling is appalling that uft is even threatening to call the police let alone going to the courts and asking the courts to call the police to be here. What does that say about this institution. >> Protesters will hold a rally at 8:00 am alongside their supporters as well as a number of labour unions, including the ontario federation of labour, to demand the university comply with their request. The union that represents the university's educators and researchers is also standing in solidarity with protesters. They said in a statement released last night that they condemn the administration's presentation of an offer to student organizers under the threat of forcible removal from their protest in camp and.

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