
CITY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

(Athena grunts) (heroic music) (Rex growls) Stand back. Let's split up. Okay, I'll go this way. Charlie if you see anybody, get out okay? Backup is on the way. Don't be a cowboy, you mean? Yeah another blow to the head could be serious. I'll keep my head down. (chickens clucking) (dramatic music) (men grunting) (men grunting) Yaghhh! Stop right there. You're trespassing- on private property, Detective- unless you've got a warrant. I'm here for my dog. Let go of my son or I shoot. Where's Rex? Craig:Behind you! (Laura groans) (siren approaching) Where's my partner? You mean the one that got shot in front of you? I don't know. Must be dead by now. Hey. Take him. (Rex barking) Sarah. Rex! Rex! Rex! Hey! Buddy! There you are. Hey! Hi! Buddy! You okay partner? (Athena whinnies) Not hurt are you? Hi. (Athena snorts) You found Athena, buddy. You've got a new friend. Sarah:Hi! Charlie:Ha. (Athena whinnies) (Rex barks) I think Rex has got something. Sarah. IthinkRex justfound the murder weapon. Oh! Hey. Hey you've been busy, haven't you? Huh? Okay. Well I think- you both deserve a break. Forensics will take it from here. What do you say pal? Want to head home? (Rex whines) (Athena whinnies) Better call in a trailer from the station. I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe. (soft music) (Athena neighs) (Athena neighs) (closing theme music) Next time on Hudson and Rex. What are you- What's your name? Gabriel Garcia. The Laurie Myers case? Gabriel? (gun shot) That was six years ago. (Rex growling) Well, I'll be sure to let- immigration know where to find you. No! I needed to get arrested- so that you would have a reason to hold me. What makes you think I can even help you? The witness who ID'd me. Maybe he saw the real killer. And maybe you can find them. So much gets lost- in the mists of time, detective. What if an innocent man- has been in prison for six years,- and a murderer is still out there? You have to explain the gun. (Rex whines) I think Rex just found a murder weapon. (Rex barks)

broadcasting from the traditional territories of the anishinaabekwe, the wendat, the haudenosaunee peoples, and since 1805 the treaty lands of the mississaugas of the credit, this is "citynews." >> A deadline looms for the pro-palestinian encampment at u of t. >> Representatives from our heel team will be going to court to fight the legal injunction. >> Next step with the timeline for trespass notices up tomorrow. >> Cyclists rally to call for safer streets in scarborough. >> That allow people to walk and cycle without fear of injury and death. >> How the city's danforth kingston complete street extension aims to help and cyclists' concerns about the project's timeline. >>> Meet some tmu students with a need for speed. >> You don't really expect that students in university would be able to full something like this off. >> A formula car built from scratch ready to take on the competition. >> Announcer: this is citynews every day. >> Good evening and welcome to citynews. The clock is ticking for pro-palestinian protesters to clear out their encampment from the university of toronto campus downtown. Demonstrators met with school administrators to try and vike -- strike a deal. >> Reporter: as the deadline approaches for the pro-palestinian protesters on the university of campus to move out of their encampments, a meeting was taking place here tonight, although based on what we were told earlier in the day, the two sides are nowhere near an agreement. >> We feel like the university has stopped playing games or stopped presenting that they're negotiating and they're simply showing their true face. >> Reporter: those occupying the space at king's college circle are embedded ever with no signs of picking up and moving. In fact, their demands of the university of toronto leaders haven't changed. They've become more specific. >> What we've done is we've honed in on parts of the demands that were contentious in our negotiations and parts that we think the university could easily simply snap their fingers and do. >> Reporter: organizers of the pro-palestinian protest have called on the university to end partnerships with israel's academic institutions and divest itself from companies profiting from the offensive in gaza. U of t countered with an offer to form working groups to consider the request but organizers feel decisions could be made quicker. Just as trespass notices were handed to those in the encampment on friday including the deadline to leave monday morning. >> Representatives from our legal team will be going to court to fight u of T's legal injunction that they're trying to obtain. They've hired a notorious employment law firm to do this case. U of t is spending big bucks. Ful >> Reporter: on saturday, the ontario federation of labour representing workers at the university issued an open letter to the u of t president saying "universities should be where we learn to debate and disagree with each other without fear of violence." for canada's largest university to decide unilaterally when the debate should end and when police repression should begin is a betrayal of the rals values we claim to uphold." >> It is truly appalling that u of t is threatening to go to the police and go to the courts. What does that say about the institution? >> Reporter: as the deadline hits tomorrow, there is a massive rally expected here at king's college circle where there will be a number of speakers including union representatives. Mark McCALLISTER, citynews. >> People living in the east end of the city coming together for a bike ride this morning to highlight an important issue in their community. Michelle mackey has more. >> Reporter: close to a hundred cyclists are biking from here to demonstrate what they say are significant safety differences between toronto streets and scarborough streets. >> Today we are riding as a big community to raise awareness for this discharge stalled danforth complete street. This was approved by council three years ago and we haven't seen any movement on this progress yet. >> Reporter: the danforth kingston complete street extension project proposing to change the layout of danforth from victoria park avenue to kingston road and kingston road

to scarborough golf club road to accommodate vehicular parking, transit, bikeway and other features. >> We live at danforth and birchmount, about two kilometres from the cyclings end, and it feels really unfair to have to be in a neighbourhood where, you know, our main street is a drag race. >> Reporter: and here it is. Once you cross victoria park avenue along danforth avenue, the bike lane ends and the speed limit jumps. >> So you're riding along safe and suddenly, puh! You're in traffic and you're in traffic that is not maybe expecting you there. >> Reporter: organizers with danforth kingston for all hope today's rally will push the city to change that. >> The city committed to completing the danforth kingston extension by 2024. Still nothing's in the ground and we found out now they're thinking '25 to '27. >> Reporter: in a statement, the city says in part... A report on the timeline for the danforth kingston complete street extension is set to be discussed at toronto's infrastructure and environment meeting on tuesday. Michelle mackey, citynews. >> A woman has been seriously injured after police say she was stabbed outside a mall in the north side of the city. It happened just before 12:30 p.m. At fairview mall in the area of shepard avenue east and don mills road. Police say a woman was stabbed by a man known to her before mall security caught the suspect. Paramedics transported the woman to hospital in serious condition. It's not clear the relationship between the victim and the suspect. >>> York regional police say it's increasing presence around jewish education centres and places of worship following a string of incidents against the jewish community in toronto. Yrp says this measure aims to enhance the safety and security of the community after shots were fired at an all girl's jewish elementary school saturday in the area of dufferin and finch. Police say the suspect shot at the front of the building before fleeing and just over a week ago, police were called to investigate a hate motivated incident near bayview and furshire road after a synagogue was vandalized. >> Good evening, everyone. We are in to a cloudy situation and the rain is banging on the door. You definitely want the rain gear going in to monday because it is a soggy one for sure. Keep that in mind because it is going to be quite the steady rain that we're dealing with. 10 to 20 millimetres possible and then we have wet and cloudy conditions through wednesday, then it gets better as we go toward wednesday and it is a nice finish as we kind of wrap up the week from thursday and beyond. So you're going to like that, but let's give you a quick look. The rain during the overnight is one blast and by tomorrow morning, the rain will be very steady and by the afternoon, we're still dealing with rain as well. We're going to give you another look at this coming newspaper a few minutes. >> Traffic in the city may be suffering from gridlock, but a group of students at toronto metropolitan university are ready to live life in the fast lane. >> Today is the big unveiling of the toronto met car. As we call it tm24. You don't really expect that students in university would be able to pull something like this off. >> I'm super excited today to be unveiling our car. The team has been working hundreds of hours to get it ready, especially this week, trying to get our delivery done in time, spending countless hours at night not sleeping. >> Reporter: this year marks the 30th anniversary of the formula program at the university with several departments coming together in unison to plan and construct the open-wheel racer. >> Everyone is so nice and welcoming that it becomes a little family. I think it takes a lot of trust and faith but also commitment. >> I'm feeling a great sense of pride. We're extremely proud of our students and the design teams that they run, like this one, like the formula team. It's a great, great learning experience that augments what they're learning in the classroom. >> Reporter: the specs are impressive. >> Our mass voltage is 352 volt and its torque is 75 newton

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