
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

workers and are not allowed " to strike. Instead, they're threatening a work-to-rule campaign that could slow border crossings to a crawl. Concerned about job hours and flexibility, along with the emergence of a.i.-powered kiosks. The strike action could begin as soon as next month, but government leaders are calling the dispute unnecessary. A toronto woman who was carried off a flight down a steep flight of stairs in a broken chair is sharing her story in hopes air travel with accessibility needs never have to live through the same nightmare again. Erica, there's video of this ordeal that is gaining international attention. >> Erica: that's right, cynthia. So tori lacy is a travel blogger who use as power wheelchair and recently posted an experience she describes as terrifying, to social media. [ Beep ] >> Ok. >> Erica: this happens earlier this month on an air canada rouge flight from toronto to liberia, costa rica. You can see fear on lacy's face as she is being carried down the steps of the plane on tarmac. #no idea there would not be a bridge at the airport in costa rica or that this would be the plan. This is more from lacey on what happened and why she wanted to post about it. >> I was very frightened. I was so so scared that I was going to be dropped. I mean you can see how much the chair is tilted on an angle and the whole time I'm just looking over that railing being like that is such a far way down, and I was just so scared and just, like, praying that I get to the bottom safely. I think big picture, it's really looking at the accessibility of these aircrafts and, I mean I know it's kind of an out-there dream but I would love to eventually see a point in my life time where I can stay on -- in my wheelchair on these aircrafts and avoid these unsafe transfers altogether. You know, I can stay in my wheelchair when I travel by train and by car and streetcar and subway but yet, when it comes to air travel, this is a completely inaccessible mode of transportation. >> Erica: we did reach out to air canada much the airline tells us in a statement that using a bridge is always the preferred option, especially for those are disabilities, but it wasn't an option in costa rica for this flight. They go on to say, "as part of our accessibility plan, we will be reviewing airport procedures, including for smaller foreign stations with the aim of working with local airport and other partners to find ways to provide more consistent service." and as you mentioned, cynthia, that video has gone viral, with more than 10 million views on TikTok. Tonight at 11:00 you'll hear more from lacey, including why she says that response from air canada falls short of addressing her concerns. Cyn? >> Cynthia: ok, erica. Thank you. It has been exactly 20 years since 17-year-old jeffrey reodica was shot and killed by toronto police. The officer involved was eventually cleared in the incident, but his family still wants answers. Our omni filipino colleague with how the outcome could have been very different if it happened today. >> I want to seek justice for my son. He has done nothing wrong. >> Ron: jeffrey reodica's family says their son didn't need to die and it's a daily struggle to accept what happened. Reodica was just 17 when he was shot three times in the back by police ster doug lel belanger to responded to a group fight. Police say they were trying to handcuff reodica when he pulled a knife and swiped at him several times. Reodica was 5'3" while belanger and his partner each weighed more than 200 pounds. The S.I.U. later cleared belanger saying the shooting was justifiable because the teenager had a knife. >> I felt the pain of someone whose son died in a very violent way in a foreign country and we felt that we are being pushed aside in a corner. >> Ron: lack of funds prevented the family from bringing their case to the criminal court, but they hope the investigation will be reopened because they insist their son wasn't holding a knife. In fact this criminology professor says would have been much easier to verify if it happened today. >> If we had readily available cell phone video, if we had body-worn camera fthere were surveillance camera whatever means, I think that you could at least have some purchase in

understanding how it was that the officers reacted to jeffrey and how it was that they responded to this apparent herculean feat of doing a push-up and pulling out a knife as he had 400 pounds of police officer on his back. [ Gunfire ] [ Siren ] >> Ron: he cites the case of another immigrant sami yatim where video evidence became a game changer in the conviction of the police officer who shot yatim twice on an empty streetcar in 2013. But in a statement sent to omni news, the special investigations unit stand by their decision in jeffrey's case, saying they take great pride in the thoroughness in which it has conducted its investigations. They sad, "in order to reopen an investigation, there must be new information that could materially affect the original outcome." experts add, while improvements have been made in police regulations, scrutiny and handling of such cases since reodica's shooting, more reforms are needed in the system, including stronger civilian oversight over S.I.U. and the police and making use of more criminal courts to hear cases of police shooting. >> So that way the public gets a much broader sight and perspective on what's gone on in policing, what sort of decisions individual police officers have made and they can scrutinize in very close detail police decisions in a way that then informs the police on how they should be operating in the future. >> Ron: meanwhile the reodica family continues to grieve and remember the boy they lost. Ron gagalac, omni news, toronto. >> Announcer: next on "CityNews" -- >> Natasha: it is the weekend. Here's the thing. If you are heading outdoors especially out on the water, we've got thunderstorms giving a one-two punch tomorrow. Not an all-day rain but I'll tell you which time windows we're watching for the greatest risk of those storms coming up. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Grace didn't believe in magic. But her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. Nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. Sometimes a sub comes along and hits just so right. And then we show it like this and you think: "That can't be $4.99." Guess what? The Subway 6 inch Turkey Breast sub is only $4.99. Not forever. Offer ends June 23rd. (Clattering, horn honking) With the belairdirect app, you can quickly submit and track a claim. Like when a canoe crashes through your car windshield. It's that simple. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Our heritage is engrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphasize into our new evolved form - we carry that spirit with us. Because you can take Alfa Romeo out of Italy, but you best believe... you can't take the Italy out of an Alfa Romeo. Closed captioning provided in part by Feliway Optimum. Helping cats manage stress related scratching, spraying, hiding, conflicts and more. Announcer: Stream your favouriteshows on demand with Citytv+. Start your free trial now. . >> Kyle: it's kyle hocking just flying in etobicoke. We have a partial closure of burp ham thorpe east of the east mall a little ways past the 427 on the east side of it. We've got a collision here in which a vehicle I think was travelling westbound crossed into the eastbound lanes and struck a hydro pole. You can see the heavy damage to the front of that vehicle. A hydro crew on scene inspecting the wires and

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