
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

however, this appeared on my desk. >> Tracy: shiny and new! >> Meredith: blinding! That is a beautiful piece >> Devo: every time I come around, bling, bling. That's what this is. Right? >> Tracy: it's so new! >> Meredith: I mean -- >> Devo: however, I'm not gonna use it today. >> Tracy: oh -- is this a protest? >> Devo: I'm not using it until I solve the mystery of -- not even who took the other one. It's who put this on my desk. I had gotten a little information of who had made the purchase. And how it arrived into this building. >> Meredith: do tell! >> Tracy: okay. >> Devo: cas is responsible. [ Dun-Dun ] >> Devo: however, she thought it would have already been in my position sooner than yesterday. So there's still somebody who put this on my desk -- >> Meredith: maybe it's caesar in the mailroom. >> Tracy: maybe! Maybe it's caesar in the mailroom >> Devo: who is telling the truth. >> We also don't have batteries for it to work. >> Devo: oh, yeah, that's the other reason I don't want to use it. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Tracy: I thought you were making a substantialed. I'm not -- >> Meredith: me too! >> Devo: they didn't drop batteries off for this. It wasn't in the budget. >> Tracy: okay, all right. >> Meredith: I mean -- >> Devo: use it next week. >> Tracy: he's not using it because it doesn't work. >> Meredith: there's the mystery solved. >> Devo: sometimes it doesn't work. That's what I'm saying. Let's make the call right now. >> Tracy: let's make the call. >> Meredith: sometimes all you need is batteries, right, trace? >> Tracy: batteries! $4,000 friday! Let's do this! >> Devo: batteries. [ phone ringing ] >> Meredith: what a companion, yeah. [ phone ringing ] >> Devo: stop. >> Tracy: okay . . . >> Meredith: stop, family show. >> Devo: stop, yeah. [ phone ringing ] >> Tracy: come on. Let's go. Come on. [ phone ringing ] >> Devo: four full rings. X 'em out! [ wah-wah-wah-wah ] >> Meredith: got to happen with the second call! >> Tracy: or you have a ton of money to give away next week. >> Meredith: I mean . . . >> Tracy: would be nice, we're heading into our two-day vacation. >> Meredith: yes. >> Tracy: you want $4,000 to enjoy. Let's make it happen. You know what to do. >> Meredith: don't screen us. >> Tracy: "i wake up with bt." that's what you say. Pick up the phone, it's not a fraud, it's us. Devo, meredith and tracy, okay? >> Devo: let's do it. Second call, here we go. >> Tracy: we had the pep talk, we know what to do. We pick up the phone. Everyone is afraid of their phones these days. That's the problem. >> Meredith: no one wants to connect, no. >> -- dialled a number to which long distance -- >> Devo: we'll take the charges. A little less for batteries now. >> Meredith: no-name batteries, devo. >> Devo: oh, that -- >> Tracy: the dollar store ones. >> Devo: they're good. [ phone ringing ] >> Devo: here we go. >> Tracy: let's go! [ phone ringing ] >> Tracy: pick up the phone. >> Meredith: pick it up. [ phone ringing ] >> Meredith: come on. Hello? [ phone ringing ] >> Devo: four full rings. X 'em out. >> Tracy: the universe wants it to be a big stack of money. >> Meredith: I guess so. >> Tracy: that's what it is. >> Devo: I don't like this at all, tracy moore. >> Tracy: you don't, hey? I don't love it >> Devo: I'm away for the next week. >> Meredith: he's going away. >> Devo: that means the new money gun is going to be used by others for the first time. Meredith -- >> Meredith: he means me! >> Devo: that's why she's high on the suspect list. >> Tracy: got it! It's all making sense now. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Tracy: crucial information. >> Devo: you dropped this off with no batteries, that means I can't use it today. >> Tracy: that's right! You're looking more and more like you are involved in this in some way, shape or form. >> Devo: right? >> Tracy: but it's going to work out. We'll give away money. Maybe you will be the next one to use the money gun. Maybe you'll wrack up thousands of dollars next week and it will be right back to devo. But its will be mer using it. >> Devo: with sid seixeiro off this week he's going to come back and say, see! I'm the good luck charm. I'm going to be the one to give you guys money. >> Meredith: I like that that's your sid impression. >> Devo: $5,000 on a monday though. >> Tracy: I like it. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Devo: '80s mom -- $5,000 on monday. If you haven't registered go to Oh . . . >> Tracy: oh, well. >> Meredith: sorry about that devo, but we'll make that happen for you next week. That's big money. This is big news! Okay. In the space up there. >> Tracy: up there. Far away. >> Meredith: there's a new discovery of a planet that is

very close to earth. I mean, very close is a bit of a an an exaggeration. It takes 40 years to get there. 40 light years away. But that's the closest. It's called gleesa 12b. >> Devo: I met her like two weeks ago. No? >> Tracy: got her number! >> Devo: she cute, bruh! >> Tracy: an exoplanet. What does that mean? >> Meredith: this is the coolest in temperatures and it is slightly bigger than earth. So this is basically they're saying I think humans could be there? Might be there? Could survive there? >> Tracy: we could live there? How do they know this? >> Meredith: maybe there are already people there. >> Tracy: the atmosphere? >> Meredith: I hope so. It's scientists that made this discovery. >> Tracy: I had to make a deal with my daughter that we're never going. This whole let's go to mars or space, this is becoming a thing that tourists can try at some point. I don't quantity to do it. How do you feel about hanging out on gleese? >> Meredith: I'm a no. >> Tracy: if I'm looking backened a looking at earth, I went the wrong way. I don't want to be here. Too far! Devo, would you go? >> Devo: maybe. >> Tracy: really? >> Meredith: it's a no, no and a maybe. But that's the news. Gelees 12b. The more you know! Learning all sorts of things here on "breakfast television." coming up next, we're inviting canadians -- make an it a friday at the ballpark. Two unique recipes to set you up for your fry game at home as well. >> Tracy: oh, I love snit. >> Meredith: so many fries for your mouth next on "breakfast There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims I want you to...take the future. Hold on tight! ( ) Let 'er rip. ( ) ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) Are your gums bleeding and inflamed? New Colgate PerioGard toothpaste is clinically proven for healthier gums. It reduces bleeding and inflammation with its long-lasting Antibacterial activity. New Colgate PerioGard significantly reduces gum bleeding and inflammation. Nice Dress! -And tons of Cash Back too. What? With Rakuten! It's a shopping app that saves you money. Unbelievable. This is unbelievable... Right? You're going to get so much Cash Back. Okay, I'm gonna go change. For over 55 years, Greenpark Group has consistently built communities that people proudly call home. Introducing Thompson Towers, Greenpark's newest condo in Milton just steps from the Go Train. With suites starting from the low $500's, residents will enjoy unique amenities including; rooftop pool, and state—of—the—art recreational facilities. Inspiring the people who bring communities to life, Greenpark is the people's builder. Visit for condos now selling across the gta. ( ) a driving experience this extraordinary is normally invitation only. ( ) Fortunately... you're on the guest list. Until May 25th you're invited to enjoy BMW's best offers of the season on all models, including the x3, x5, & x7 During the bmw Invitational Sales Event, enjoy lease rates from 0.49% apr and cash purchase credits up to $5,000 on select in-stock models. ( ) Meet Liftactiv B3Dark Spots Serumwith niacinamideand peeling ingredients. Dermatologist measured to reduce the look ofdark spots and to complementyour routine. New uv+age Daily. to reduce the lookof fine lines. Anti-aging routine by Vichy Laboratoires. (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. You think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! For The viewer on a mission. Here's tonight's Citytv lineup brought to you by Rona and for the designer on a mission. There's Rona >> Announcer: check out our

lineup from sketchers. Comfort, style, support. You're getting it all! Plus dynamic fashion! Go to [ ] [ ] it's friday, then it's saturday, sunday, what? It's friday, then >> Tracy: that's right! It's friday! It's not saturday, sunday! It's friday. You know what? In celebration of McCAIN'S partnership with the toronto blue jays, we're inviting canadians to make it a friday at the ballpark. Joining us is the chef at the centre. Chef mat monroe and the manager of McCAIN foods, jen MacNAIR to share loaded fries! Let me tell you, I came down here in the elevator and just followed my nose and now I'm in fry heaven. Chef, mat, tell me about the special nights at the ballpark. What's going on? >> We're here to talk about fry-days at the ballpark. >> Tracy: fry-days meaning? >> We have our friday activation with McCAINS. We have poutine nights. >> Tracy: so there's all these different ways to eat fries! I'm a potato girl! I want to see them in any way possible. Fries obviously at the very top of the list. Jen, why are fries the perfect snack to have at the game? >> Yeah, well we know fries are universally loved by canadians. >> Tracy: yes. >> And McCAIN fries, whether on plate or in a blue jays helmet have the power to bring people together. That's what we're trying to do with our partnership with the blue jays. We want to invite fans to celebrate fry-days and build new traditions with their family and friends. >> Tracy: that's so amazing and I -- sign me up. [ Laughter ]. I'm into it. So we also want you to enjoy this. One lucky "bt" viewer is going to have the chance to win McCAIN fries for a year, okay? For a whole year! You can head over to and click on daily prizing to enter. The key word is fries, of course. Now, let's try and make some of these poutines. You have very special poutine recipes here going on. What do you want to start with? >> Two poutine recipes. First is the pickle poutine. We have the fries, the gravy. Jen is going to finish it off with dill pickles and then the ayo li. Don't forget the ranch seasons on top. That's important. >> Tracy: I'm hearing lots of sauce! You've got like the shredded pickles but then you did a pickle aioli? >> You got to get lost in the sauce. >> Tracy: I'm saysy, I'm about it! What was the other thing? >> Cheese curds and ranch seasoning on the end. >> Tracy: I love a pickle! Okay. What's that one over there? >> That's the jamaican me crazy poutine. We have the fries, our cheese curds. We're going to top it with jerked chicken. >> Tracy: oh my gosh! Can I judge you on the jerk? I'm jamaican ancestry, are you nervous? >> Well, a little bit -- >> Tracy: you're going to be fine. All right, mat. >> Talk to me. Pretty good, huh? >> Tracy: you can come to the barbecue. You can come to the cookout. >> We have our cilantro creama. >> Tracy: beautiful! The other thing we didn't mention about fries is how easily portable they are, right? So a fry is the sort of thing that if you're, you know, concerned about making a mess and you want to be -- not that you should be at the ballpark, but concerned about making a mess, it's the sort of thing you can snack on, hang on to, it's portable, carry it with you. It's an easy game time snack. Okay, so I missed this little -- >> Pineapple pico on top. I mentioned the cilantro and then the barbecue sauce. Give it a shot and let me know it together. >> Tracy: okay, if you insist. >> Oh, I insist. >> Tracy: it's an amazing saucy experience! Very good! Thank you mat and jen. Tell me where we can find more information about this online. >> Absolutely. McCAIN.CA or you can follow McCAIN canada on socials to learn more. >> Tracy: very good! I'll repeat one more time. You have the chance to win McCAIN fries for a year. Head to, click on daily prizing to enter. The key word, of course, is fries. Good luck to you! I promise you, sebastien, I will save you some of these incredible flies right after this. We're going to break. We have more "bt" coming up. Everybody stay with us! Oh, this is so good. Do you have a favourite between the pickle and the jamaican me crazy? [ ]

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