
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

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With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Its been a long time comin... You dont win it to keep it, you win it to be a part of its history!” and I always knew Always hard to see the difference between winning and losing!” Got a heart of steel (crowd erupts) Ta da da daaaa Stanley Cup Champions!” You know we waited such... a long time, long time! (celebration cheers) Ta da da daaaa The quest for the hardest trophy in win in sports!” Well here it is... Here it is! [ ] >> Tammie: 8:01 here on "breakfast television." welcome back. And we begin with a "CityNews" exclusive. You will soon be able to buy a bottle of red or a can of beer with your chocolate bars and magazines at convenience stores, gas stations and corner stores. Our caryn ceolin is joining us live now with the details on this announcement that's expected to happen later on today. Good morning, caryn. >> Caryn: good morning, tammie. So that's right. "CityNews" has learned that beer, wine and ready-to-make cocktails will be coming to convenience stores, gas stations and even more supermarkets by this fall. That's over a year earlier than the previous time line of 2026. Premier doug ford alongside his finance minister peter bethlefalvy are expected to make the announcement officially this morning at a news conference in etobicoke. Sources have indicated to "CityNews" that at that news conference, ford will announce that interested retailers will be able to apply for licences starting in the coming weeks. And then those that are granted licences will be able to start selling that alcohol at some point this fall. I spoke with some torontonians on the street and they reacted with mixed reactions. Many were supportive of the idea, others indifferent and some said they believe the government's priorities are not straight. Have a listen. >> Definitely buy it from a corner store for sure. >> I mean, québec is doing it. >> Responsible about it, why not. >> I don't drink. >> I don't drink. >> It's a good thing. >> I'm to the -- it's not convenient for me. But for some people. >> Doug ford needs to worry less about alcohol and more about housing. >> Caryn: now, we're also learning that as part of this plan, an unspufed amount of taxpayer dollars will flow to beer stores to keep them open for recycling, bottle recycling, as well as help support them during this transition as ontario, you know, transitions to the new alcohol sales. >> Tammie: caryn ceolin once again, the premier and finance minister expected to make an announcement this morning at 10:30. You can keep us up to date here on The union representing 12,000 ttc workers says that they re remain far apart in negotiations with the transit agency, with potential strike action just two weeks away. >> We're still at the bargaining table, we're trying to negotiate a deal that's good for the members and recognize their volume. At the -- value. We will be going on strike for june 7th and removing our labour and not being available for transit. >> Tammie: the collective agreement expired at the end of march and members voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action. It's not a guarantee that those workers will walk off the job, but if they do, the ttc's chair says he expects delays and cancellations for riders. If no deal is reached, that takes effect two weeks from now on june 7th.

>>> U of t officials are offering a deal to student representatives of pro pro-palestinian camps but it's on the table for 24 hours and seasonal on the protests clearing school property. Here is a live look at the encampment this morning. Some have been protesting here for weeks. Demonstrators have been calling on the university to sever financial ties with the israeli government. School president's written offer includes a review of the divestment request and a move to establish an advisory committee. An update from decimalmonstrators scheduled for 11 o'clock no morning to respond to what they are calling the university's shameful scheme to clear the encampment. >>> It's been 20 years since 17-year-old jeffrey riotica was shot and killed by toronto police. Our partners atom omni news spoke with the family. >> What is fair is fair. I want to seek justice for my son. What really transpired? My son's case is -- he has done nothing wrong. Show me the evidence. >> Tammie: the teen was shot by detective constable dan belanger in may of 2004 as officers responded to a brawl between two groups claiming jeffrey was wielding a knife. But conflicting eye-witness accounts said that he was unarmed and didn't pose a threat. The constable was cleared by the siu. Cellphone cameras were not around at that time to help with their battle for justice. Jeffrey's family will be holding a vigil tonight and visit for complete coverage. >>> With just over two weeks before voters head to the polls, four mississauga mayoral candidates went head to head in a debate hosted by food banks mississauga. Ceo meghan nickels joined us earlier in the show to talk about the significance of this blixt. >> It's an importata time for us to make sure that the issues that are affecting vulnerable people in mississauga are coming to the forefront. For people who perhaps aren't exexriencing, you know, inflation in the same way, but for some people it's an announce. For other people it's the difference between having food and not having food. To have such a great body of folks listening and participating about these important issues gives me hope that there is possibilities for change here in the future. >> Tammie: notably absent was presumed frontrunner carolyn parish who opted out of all debates. The byelection to replace former mayor bonnie crombie will be held on june 10th.

>>> Coming up on 8:07 here on "bt." time to take a look at the forecast as we head into the weekend. We say good morning to frank ferragine. You said it's going to be a fantastic friday and like a pretty good saturday and sunday too. >> Frank: you know it. You know, what's blooming right now? What's behind me? >> Tammie: trilliums. >> Frank: yes, it's ontario's provincial -- >> Tammie: I got one right! Thank you! >> Frank: ontario's provincial flower. >> Tammie: that's the only reason I know it. >> Frank: there's a red trillium and it's more rare to see. The red trillium smells like rotten meat. >> Tammie: rotten meat? >> Frank: yeah, the reason is to attract flies to it, so it helps pollinate. There's a reason to that madness. The red trillium doesn't smell so good. Just to let you know. >> Tammie: the white one smells like roses, though, right? >> Frank: there's only a little bit of a fragrance. There you go. You got it. There's a look at what we have right now in the native forests surrounding the province for today. Trilliums are amazing! Amazing native plant as well. School day forecast as we have lots of sunshine for today. Little bit cool through the morning, fresh, but now the sun is getting higher. We go from 18 at 8 in the morning. The lunch hour, 23. By the time you head home 27°. But no humidity. What we're watching though that's going to affect us through the weekend is the system that we see pushing its way closer and closer towards chicago and then onward into southern ontario, that makes unsettled conditions in through to your saturday. Temperatures that we have this morning, we have about 17 in burlington. Good morning to you. 16 milton, good morning to you. Brampton, pearson, similar conditions, 17 at the island. 13 through king city. 13 in stouffville, 16 in ottawa. The winds right now north-westerly at 20 becoming light this afternoon. Highs today we mentioned 27. Tomorrow mid-morning, risk of thunderstorms, we'll see wet weather through your saturday. We'll have a beautiful-looking sunday. Now, what do we have in terms of your mosquito report for today? This is for orillia. What we have is friday, saturday, sunday and monday, low counts overall. But if you are heading off into one of the native forests to take a look at things like trilliums, I recommend putting off on. By the way, if you want updates on your mosquito forecast in your local area, visit and sign up to have your mosquito forecast emailed direct directly to you weekly. That's a look at your forecast. >> Announcer: breakfast television's weather report is brought to you by off, insect repellant, prevention is the best protection. [ ] >> Stephanie: hey, good morning, everybody! Oh, the roads today are definitely hustling and bustling and we are seeing some new problems pop up over on the northbound dvp. That's where we begin. Approaching bayview-bloor, we have a right lane taken out because of maintenance that's happening to the guardrail through this stretch. As you can see, the northbound dvp is moving at an exceptional rate up until about this point as we approach eglinton and head up towards the 401. That's where things slow down. Southbound 404-dvp combo also facing delays this morning from approaching sheppard over to about lawrence where things -- actually more towards don mills now and things pick up moving towards the gardiner. Good news on the westbound 401, though. Earlier problems we had at bayview in the collectors has finally cleared away, which is great. However, we are still seeing delays on the westbound 401 through durham it's jammed up brock street approaching salem and closer to where we had earlier problems we have delays on the westbound 401 from west of brimley in the express, warden collectors over towards about avenue. On the westbound gardiner, we have delays as well leaving downtown from strachan to dufferin. You've got that long-term construction bringing you down to two lanes instead of three. It's solid from jarvis. You're going to see delays this morning over on the eastbound 401. Issues we had on the ramp to mississauga road, they have cleared away. But we are stiti dealing with this problem here near the 410 in the express. Right shoulder blocked by a crash. Emergency crews are responding. The eastbound 401, that's slow from mavis in the express. Tonight's lotto max jackpot is $70 million plus on estimated 12 maxmillions. Buy tickets or in story or at Play responsibly, 18 plus. Your time is 8:11. Oh, the streets, they are loud and theyeyre busy.. I'm going to send things downstairs for "i wake up with bt" next. Hey, guys! [ cheering ] >> Devo: how you describe us, loud and busy. That's it. Good morning, everybody! Tracy moore, meredith shaw and devo brown here with you. Time for "i wake up with bt" where you have $4,000 and the possibility to win that today if you answer your phone within four rings and say "i wake up with bt," that money is yours. Good luck! By the way -- let me show you something here. The money gun had disappeared,

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