
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

provides 72 hour protection + Care for your skin. So you can forget your underarms and focus on being unforgettable. Dove Men. Forgettable underarms. Unforgettable you. So I know we agreed on price, but this car is taller than I was expecting. I like your dinosaur shirt. ( ) That's Clutch. ( ) What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. The knowledge that if you set the table every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. [''Everybody (Backstreets Back) Backstreet Boys] "Backstreet's back, alright" ['Dance The Night' by Dua Lipa] "Watch me dance" "Dance the night away" 98.1 chfi Bichette: The Sportsnet App has everything Blue Jays. Listen to live games and podcasts Along with news, scores, stats and more. Varsho: You can stream Blue Jays games anywhere on Sportsnet Plus What a stage!” Varsho: Get the Sportsnet App today. You think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! >> 631. Welcome back. Police are searching for a suspect connected to an early morning shooting in the downtown core earlier this week. Twenty-four -year-old adrian gordon is facing multiple charges including aggravated assault. A 30 -year-old man was found with a gunshot wound around 1230 wednesday morning on isabella street. He remains in hospital and life-threatening condition. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. Toronto city council has improved -- approved a motion to potentially speed up the speed on the gardiner. The second phase between dufferin and strachan is expected to wrap up in three years. By counsellors want to accelerate the end date of the program. They are asking city staff to report back in july with a plan to get the work done faster, including 24-hour construction and working on sundays. Canada's last remaining team in the stanley cup playoffs took another step towards the ultimate prize. Konta mcdavid scored 31 seconds into double overtime as the oilers beat the dallas stars in game one of the western conference final. The goaltender stopped 31 of 33 shots in gold. Game two is set to happen saturday night tomorrow in dallas. 632 here. Welcome back to you. And our top story this morning is about the expansion of alcohol sales to stores, including grocery stores. Beyond not with convenience stores and gas stations, corner stores now included. That is something the province announced will be happening in 2026. But sources told citynews that that announcement could happen as early as this fall. We are bringing in frank ferragine. Frank, your thoughts on expanding this? A lot of people had concerns about this expansion to let's say gas stations in general. And there is word that the beer stores will be paid taxpayer dollars for them to stay afloat and continue the recycling program that they do. >> Frank: my first impression was that this was not supposed to happen until 2026, correctly so this is one topic -- policy or program that they wanted to speed up. There are so many things and take so long to get through. So I'm like why. From a health perspective there's been a l l of research that has come out about the effects of alcohol. I see it on the streets. Access to alcohol, I've never had an issue in terms of grocery stores, and lcbo's, I see them all over the place. For me, my greatest concern is I have teenage kids. The access now is a little bit easier. Because every time you have an area that is another thing you need to monitor, we know that teenagers get cigarettes and alcohol. Maybe it makes it easier. I don't think this is great. >> And speeding it up, some of the reasons behind speeding it up, that will be one of the main questions when this announcement is set to happen. The premier will have an announcement with the finance minister coming up this morning at 1030 in etobicoke. And another question is how long is this access going to be in effect for throughout the day. Is it going to be something where you can sell all goal past midnight, you have lost all atomica clock. But are you going to be able to

pick up alcohol and beer in gas stations up to two a clock? We will see. Those questions will be answered later today after that news conference as well. >> Frank: and will it be one dollar per beer there? >> Tammie: that did not go so well. The ford government has talked a lot about alcohol over there now two terms. And we will see again what will be happening in terms of expansion. Is their demand for it? Do people want it, what do they think we and that is a topic on your sound off today. What are your thoughts on this expansion of alcohol sales. Should conveninice stores and gas stations get to sell booze. Your thoughts on it. Have your say. Let us know, feedback at and breakfast tv on x. And you can chat live on youtube and tiktok. Let us know what you think there. And this morning it is a gorgeous morning out there. I feel like this is the second picture that you showed that matches your outfit. >> I'm trying to match it -- >> Frank: and trying to match these guy. Patios are having a tough time. So if you can support a local restaurant today or tonight, debt on the patio. Let us take a look at what we have going on as well. Lake ontario sunrise. A beautiful beautiful sky. It was so nice when I was at woodbine beach the other day. And good morning to you. School day forecast, for kids do day you should dress in layers. Lighter layers. In the morning it is cool. Temperatures at 18. A northerly breeze. In the afternoon it is summerlike with a high of 27. But no humidity. If you're going out to walk the dogs put a sweater on. Temperatures are 14 at pearson. Sixteen in burlington. And we are watching the system right here that will move its way towards us. Right now we are under high pressure, but that system will make saturday unsettled. You will have to keep your I to these guy. And you have the risk of thunderstorms pictured a 27, tomorrow 25. Sunday daytime highs of 25. Showers and to monday and more springlike conditions with below seasonal highs. Morning showers on tuesday, cloud on wednesday, 16 and warm on thursday and sunshine with a high of 19. Did you know it is friday, stephanie? >> Stephanie: oh, yes. I woke up like thank goodness. It boggles my mind how it feels like shorter weeks are so long. Am I the only one? >> It is true. You don't know what day it is. >> As, ten you are trying to play catch up and you want every week to be a proper a day work week. >> Let us keep it consistent. Why not. Frank, consistently we know that friday is a lighter drive. This morning is no exception. We have problems on the go on the 410. Southbound 410 we have a collision on the wrap to the eastbound 401. A tow truck is on the scene. And we will keep our eye on this one. The southbound 410 is moving better than it was ten or 15 minutes ago. We are seeing delays in courtney park. But the delays have eased up which is fantastic. Outside of that we are seeing some delays and problems right now. But we are seeing volume this morning on the southbound 427. That is a slow go. On the eastbound gardiner, that is not so bad over the humber bridge. But it begins to slow down once you get over that long-term construction construction that we have between dufferin and strachan. That construction is going for the next three years. Hopefully receive his construction sped up in the stretch. But right now it's a slow drive. We are hearing of problems on the westbound 401. These problems are through bayview and the collectors. Emergency crews are on the scene. A transport truck is involved in this. Delays on the 401. And you will find it to be a slow drive approaching this collision. And it is a visual distraction. Tonights lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million. Plus an estimated maxmillions. Buy tickets in store plus Play responsibly. Eighteen plus. Your time is 639.

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