
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Announcer: Stream your favouriteshows on demand with Citytv+. Start your free trial now. >> In a citynews exclusive dog sources say that beer and wine and ready to drink cocktails are coming to ontario corner stores and gas stations this fall. >> Reporter: we know in transit in the city could screech to a halt as thousands of ttc workers prepare to walk off of the job. I caryn ceolin at union station. I will tell you how soon your commute could go off of the tracks. >> Tammie: a live look this morning at the u. Of t. Campus, were officials I've given pro- palestinian demonstrators 24 hours to consider their latest offer and end the encampment. But protesters say they believe the deal is all smoke and mirrors. It is friday, may the 24th. You are watching "bt". [ ] >> We would like to acknowledge we are broadcasting live on the ancestral territories of the anishinaabe, the wendat, the haudenosaunee, and since 1805 the treaty lands of the mississauga's of the credit first nation. We would also like to acknowledge the many indigenous nations who called turtle island home. A beautiful shot from union station this morning. Clear skies on this gorgeous friday. Happy friday. We all made it. I tammie sutherland. 601 on breakfast television. Thank you for joining us this morning. Heading in to your weekend. Getting you sent weatherwise, and when it comes to that, reads a good morning to frank ferragine for the first time this week back in studio. Frank, I have missed you. >> Frank: I've missed you as well. Here is a hug. Next week I'm out all next week. I'm going to disney. It's going to be an exciting time. >> Tammie: you will have some nice weather down there. It really warm, just like it has been this week. >> Yesterday was fantastic. We got rid of the humidity. Where you are outdoors at all? >> Yes. And after the community the last couple of days, yesterday I felt a little chilly. >> Frank: at certain periods. Today is similar. But it is warmer. And enjoy it, the weekend is a tad unsettled. Looking at these guys we have seen the last several days. Those are beautiful. That's an end of day walk shot. Sunset tonight will be at 846. Will you see the sunset? Yes indeed. Satellite combined with radar. We are in a pocket of high pressure we have been enjoying. Active weather down towards the northeast and seeing active weather approach us -- weather approach as to the west. Let us go to saturday morning. We will see cloud cover increased in the morning and we will have a line move its way through. Producing wet weather. In behind it, scattered showers produced in to the evening till about five his flock. Drive after -- dry after 5:00. Sunday some cloud cover, but partly cloudy sky into the afternoon. Wind is a bit greasy. Somewhat of a cool feel this morning. Put on a jacket as you head out. Sixteen is your temperature in toronto. Thirteen in windsor, five up in sault ste. Marie with temperatures of 13. Ottawa and québec city, sitting around 11. Your daytime high to date, we should be closer to 20. Today we are at 27. Tomorrow should be 25 and thunderstorm activity as well with that line moving through midmorning. Sunday we have late day cloud cover building. Showers on monday and cool as we work our way towards tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Below seasonal. By thursday we will get out of the clouds and sea temperatures under -- around 19. Today, 27 and sunshine. Friday, really nice. >> Stephanie: that is nice, frankie. Yesterday I went on a 61 minute walk. It was wonderful. >> I got my tomatoes and peppers plan -- planted yesterday. >> Stephanie: we are gardening, we are walking, we are outside, enjoying. Taking it all in. And people will mostly be able to enjoy the drive this morning.

we know fridays are lighter than the rest of the week, and this morning is no exception. We are lighter, but we still see volume in some spots. Westbound 401 leaving durham, it seems like we have delays between the 412 in salem. And this camera on the 4013 lakeridge, it looks like your left lane or left shoulder here is blocked off because of stopped vehicles. Just spot in this one here it's not adding to volume. But it is something to watch out for as your morning continues. Busy out of durham this morning. Long-term construction between dufferin and strachan. We are only seeing a delay on the eastbound gardiner from jamieson heading through the construction zone. Eastbound 401 at dixon, left lane is blocked. Centre lanes are toward those torn up. Eastbound 401 is already. Once things get passed and does you will see things picking up as you get past the construction. Over only toronto bound qew, things are moving well. On the burlington skyway it gets quote -- slow as you approach branch. Eastbound qew is closed because of construction. Keep in mind we have maintenance on the westbound 401 from avenue and dufner and in the express. Delights lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million. Plus an estimated mmillions. Buy tickets in store or at Play responsibly. Eighteen plus. Your time is 606. That's a look at your drive. We are sending things to tammie sutherland next with look at your headlines. >> Tammie: we begin with a citynews exclusive. You will soon be able to get a bottle of red or a can of beer with your chocolatear at convenience stores and gas stations as well as corner stores. Multiple sources telling citynews that premier doug ford will announce that he has been dramatically speeding up the push to expand alcohol sales across the province. It was previously slated to take effect in 2026, but sources say it will begin this fall. The beer store will be paid taxpayer dollars to keep locations open for recycling and bottle return with this new shift. For it is set to make an announcement this morning in etobicoke at 1030 alongside the finance minister. For the first time in a decade, ttc workers are two weeks away from hitting the pick and light -- picket lines. Caryn ceolin his life this morning with more on talks at the bargaining table and when the strike could begin. It is a scary thought for a lot of commuters, caryn? >> Good morning, tammie. June 7th is the date that roughly 12,000 ttc operators, bus drivers and front-line staff could go on strike. The first potential ttc strike in nearly 20 years. We are about two weeks away from that deadline. And union leaders say the two sides of rain far apart, outlining on key issues like wages and job security. Now these sides remain at the bargaining table today. But already the union says 8,000 of its members have signed up for picket duties after an appeal court this week upheld their right to strike. Here is more from the union's -- union president. >> We are starting at the bargaining table. Negotiating a fair deal for our members that recognizes their value. At the same time in the absence of a fair deal, we will go on strike for june 7th and not be available for transit. >> Members have been working without a contract since march. And we know a potential strike will result in delays and cancellations. But what is unclear is whether or n n it results in a complete service shut down. Commuters we spoke with are understandably very concerned. >> It is a issue. And if it goes on strike, I don't know how the city will commute. It might just bring the city to a standstill. >> I have to get to work every day and to school. It will be a big hassle. >> Reporter: the chairman of the ttc board, jamal myers, released a statement this morning, saying in part, I encourage both atu local 113 and the ttc negotiating teams to continue to talk to secure a fair deal... The ttc for its part has so far not released any contingency plans.

>> We will wait to see in the next couple of days to see if they respond. Caryn ceolin live at union station this morning. U. Of t. O oicials are offering a deal to student representatives of's -- pro- palestinian encampments. But it is only on the table for 24 hours and -- 24 hours, and is conditional on if the protesters clear the property. Here is a live look at the encampment this morning. Some have been protesting here for weeks. Demonstrators have called on the university to sever financial ties with the israeli government. The school president's written offer includes a review of the investment request, -- divestment request and... An update from demonstrators is scheduled for 11:00 o'clock this morning to respond to what they are now calling the university's quote shameful scheme to clear the encampment. An update to a story that we brought you yesterday. A man has died. Another fighting for his life after a shooting in a mississauga school parking lot. Police say up to 20 people were in the area when shots rang out. >> The nature of that gathering is not known at this time, but there was some kind of altercation that occurred between the victims on the suspect or suspects. The numbers right now are ununear. >> Tammie: it happened after 11:00 o'clock on wednesday night at a parking lot near settlers green public school near winston churchill and dairy road. Police say it is a regular meet up spot. A man in his early forties was rushed to hospital but later died. Another male under 20 years old was airlifted to a trauma centre, where he continues to fight for his life. Officers say the victims were known to each other. Just over two weeks before voters head to the polls -- polls. Frah from mayoral candidates when head -- went head to head in a debate tackling food and -- inflation food security and housing. >> It's how we get the permits filled in the shallows and the ground. In right now we don't have a time period in place. But once you get something approved from counsel for a developer to when they have to get those permits and get in the ground. >> It's something that I think counsellors should be elected to make sure the redtape and regulation is appropriate when it is appropriate. You don't want everything approved, but it is cut when it is not appropriate. >> Notably absent was the presumed front runner who has opted out of all debates. Other hot button topics at the debate organized by food banks mississauga included grocery prices and increasing social assistance. >> Odsp an ontario works is woefully underfunded. Yes, the increase in inflation, fine, that's a good first step. But the fact that ontario works has not increased in real dollars in decades is a shame. >> Kudos through the provincial government for indexing the information. But it is not enough because the base is too low. You are trying to index ontario works, when the ontario workspace is so low. >> The by-election to replace former mayor, bonnie crombie, will be held on june 10th. Coming up at 730 this morning here on "bt", food bank mississauga ceo meghan nichols will be joining us live with her reaction. 613 here on "bt". Police vowing to be out in full force a summer to ensure road safety. More on the launch of project erase and (vo) It's Shrimp Your Way. Choose three flavours for just $25*. Like new Street Corn Shrimpthat's ending soon. It's time to grab some CheddarBays and get flavourFULL. Try Shrimp Your Way today,only at Red Lobster. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Man: Watch your step, guys. Woman: Oh, wow! ( ) (Clinking, clattering) ( ) I don't know. I think I can help. ( ) What do you think? Woman: Are there lots of stairs? Man: Do you have anything else? ( ) It's perfect. Yeah. We're in the middle of living large and having a big day. The meeting point of humanity and history in the middle of being the fun uncle Laughter] In the middle of being a kid again. Beep. Beep. [Laughter] Theres something for everyone in Illinois. The middle of everything.

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