
CITY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

recommended the death penalty, but it was up to the judge to make the final decision. Four weeks later, as the judge prepared to rule, he received a letter written by mark and theresa's now teenage daughters, asking that their dad not be sentenced to death. >> Those girls explicitly asked him not to have their father taken from them. >> Reporter: now bearded, mark sievers appealed to the judge. >> I am innocent of all charges. Our girls have tragically lost their mommy, and now they're about to lose their daddy as well. Therefore, I respectfully ask the court for life as not to compound their loss and suffering. I am grateful, however, that the court can only determine my fate on earth, while my soul is in god's hands. >> Reporter: then judge bruce kyle gave his decision. >> I judge people's actions, not their souls. And it's the order of the court that you be sentenced to death, sir. >> Reporter: teresa's family, convinced of mark's guilt, spoke to the media, her sister annie lisa acknowledging that with this verdict and sentence, another life will be taken. >> It feels like justice but it's hollow. Because it's so terrible for mark's family, and we have tremendous compassion for them. Jimmy rogers was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. His appeal was denied in march 2022. Mark sievers appeal was also denied. He will sit out his remaining days on death row. For the detectives who worked so hard to find teresa's killers, the case may be over, but it will always feel bittersweet. >> We should feel good about what we were able to do, because we brought some form of justice to the family. But it's not gonna -- >> Reporter: you can't bring her back. >> Exactly. >> Reporter: and to think how different the investigation may have been but for a woman named rose. >> I don't feel like a hero. I felt like I did the right thing. >> Guess what, folks? If you really want to tap into your body's innate ability to heal -- >> Reporter: you can still find dr. Teresa sievers even today on those youtube videos, promoting health, healing, and a good life. She had helped so many spreading her gospel. Tragically, her message, like her life, cut short before she was finished.

>>> That's all for this edition of "dateline." we'll see you again next friday at 9:00, 8:00 central. And, of course, I'll see you each weeknight for "nbc nightly news." I'm lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, good (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Whoah! I've got to give you one of these (cheers)

Announcer:Speaks words on screen Announcer: Stream your favouriteshows on demand with Citytv+. Start your free trial now. >> Announcer: broadcasting from broadcasting from the traditional territories of the anishnabe, the wendat, the haudenosaunee peoples, and since 1805 the treaty lands of the mississaugas of the credit, this is "citynews." [ ] >> The monopoly with the 3 big breweries, they are done and gone. >> Tonight and toronto, the province as fast tracking the sale of alcoholic corner stores but at a big cost to taxpayers. >> This is not an offer, this is an ultimatum. >> Pro- palestinian demonstrators refused to leave the uft campus, could be soon be forcibly removed? >> Erica: and a toronto woman airport experience goes viral. Our lack of accessibility options meant that she had to be carried off of a flight. >> Announcer: this is city news, everywhere. >> Erica: good evening and welcome to city news, you will soon be able to buy booze in corner stores but it comes at a heavy cost teena yazdani with a price tag better alcohol to a -- a corner stores. >> Reporter: the board government we'll spend millions of dollars to fast track is plenty of booze in to corner stores. This would mark a significant change to the corner store here in ontario which has look relatively the same for decades. >> After having a monopoly of 97 years, almost 100 years, the only jurisdiction in the entire world that you can't walk into a grocery store, retail, a convenience store and pick up a case of beer or wine. Were moving it forward. >> Reporter: afford government moving it forward almost two years out of schedule. Year, cider, wine and ready-made cocktails would be available inconvenienced grocery, big-box and corner stores as well as gas stations by the end of october. Dramatically earlier than the expected 2026 start date. It will give ontarians an estimated 85 hundredths new stores across the province to buy booze. >> We will make sure that it's convenient for people and be treated like everyone else in the country. >> Reporter: it comes as a cost to taxpayers afford government we'll give the beer store $224 million over the next 19 months to support the transition and protect jobs. Money that may not have been paid had this been rolled out on the original 2026 timeline. >> This is about passing public money, public money, our money off to the private sector. This is our worst nightmare come through those come true. >> Reporter: the union representing the lcbo is to many answers for why it monies been brush for public policy. >> I'm concerned about why we have to go to emergency room and we 12 hours to see someone. That's not convenient. I don't care about we're to get the booze. >> It's overwhelmingly popular. Overwhelmingly. I never see numbers as high before. >> Reporter: while he calls a popular, there is mixed reaction to the news. >> I don't think it's necessary. >> Ethic is terrible idea. >> It's too accessible. Were trying to cut down on the amount of impaired driving out there. >> Reporter: the announcement comes just one week after the fort government said it was toughening impaired driving penalties in response to a rise in impaired driving charges. >> Research is pretty clear that when you increase alcohol availability, you also increase alcohol-related harms, one of which is impaired driving. It also includes violence, domestic violence, as well as the health effects of alcohol. >> Reporter: spirits will still be exclusively sold at the el cbo, but there are still concerns about losses, especially since these corner stores will soon be able to set their own prices for alcohol, increasing competition. For city news, I am tina yazdani >> Erica: one person is dead and three others are injured after police say a tire flew through a coach bus on the toronto bound qew and st. Catharines this afternoon. The opp providing an update earlier this evening. >> Reporter: maggrah opp officers investigating a three motorcycle vehicle collision that occurred it 3:45 pm friday afternoon on toronto bound qew just past the skyway bridge and st. Catharines. This collision was a result of the wheel coming off of a passenger van striking a pickup truck and then going to the windshield of a coach bus. As a result of this wheel off striking the coach bus, a 48-year-old male from toronto was pronounced deceased at the scene. Three other passengers on the bus have had serious injuries

and they have been transported to local area hospitals. >> Reporter: the university of toronto told pro- palestinian student demonstrators that they would be issuing trespass notice if the almost month-long encampment was not cleared out by 4:00 pm friday. Now that is exactly what happened. Encampment organizers held a press or also it pm to address the universities latest offer that included ending cam and for good were face consequences, but was cut short when police arrived to deliver trespass notices to demonstrators. >> Staff sergeant more here representing the university of trip -- you are representing the university of toronto. This is for everyone inside the compound it's a notice of trespass and you make sure you handed out to everybody. >> I think it's pretty appalling that the university is issuing trespass notice to it's students >> Reporter: trespass notice clearly states in catmint demonstrators have until 8:00 am monday morning to leave before the school pursues consequences under university policies and the law. >> This is definitely an escalation on their end, it does also say that faculty members and staff and librarians might be subject to discipline a measures up to and including termination of employment in connection with current university follies which we find pretty appalling. >> Reporter: they awed socially at that demonstrators will continue to occupy king circle until the university makes -- meets their main demands that include disclosing its financial investments and divesting in israeli companies amid the ongoing war in the middle east. Just on thursday, the ut administration presented an offer that would include supporting students through the university's process for considering a divestment request , along with creating groups to examine the case for investment, an option for disclosure and increase transparency related to the university's investments, but the students were not happy with the offer, calling it an ultimatum. >> This document is a farce. This document is nothing but a summary of their already existing procedure on divestment and disclosure with a few minor tweaks to bait us into thinking that we are getting a good deal out of this. >> Reporter: encampment organizers say they are still expected to meet university administration at 5:00 pm on sunday but regardless, trespass notices stand with you of t. Calling on demonstrators to clear out the encampment by the monday morning deadline. At king's college virtual -- names college circle, jazan grewal, city news. >> Erica: toronto woman's viral video shedding light on the lack of accessibility in air travel. Tori lacey of the travel blogger uses a wheelchair. She set on a recent trip to costa rica she only learned when she landed the in order to disembark aircrew would be carrying her off the plane. >> I was so, so scared that I was going to be dropped. I mean, you can see how much the chair is tilted on an angle and the whole time I was just looking over that railing being like, that is such a faraway down. >> Reporter: it happened earlier this month on air canada rouge flight from toronto to liberia coast arica. Tori lacey said she began to panic when the plane landed realizing there is no jet bridge and that passengers were disembarking using the plane stairs. On the way down, her father supported her head. >> I have a neuromuscular disease, so I don't have muscle tone and I don't have a lot of control in my neck and because the aisle chair was not supportive in any way for my body and also the seatbelts didn't work properly, toy also was not properly strapped in that chair, my head was falling to the side. >> Reporter: it estate into city news, air canada said the airport and coast arica was not able to make an aircraft bridge available adding quote, we have procedures for customers with disabilities to safely did go safely embark and disembark aircraft in such cases and in this case, all protocols were followed. >> I think that if this was proper procedure, what does it look like when proper procedures or not followed. >> Reporter: video has racked up more than 10 million views on tick-tock alone. Tori lacey said she hoped sharing it would bring more awareness to what those with disabilities have to contend with on a continual basis when travelling by air. >> Now aircraft have laydown sleep pads and a lot of the larger jets have showers in them and they will have bars in the middle of the aircraft and yet it's 2024 and I can't safely get on and off in aircraft. >> Erica: in a statement, air canada added it will be reviewing airport procedures including for smaller foreign stations to find ways to provide quote, more consistent service. >> Erica: nicola continues to tick down on a potential strike that could triple those crippled ttc service across the city.

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