
CITV - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

now I think it's muchbetter use of the space, and it just really functionswell for the guest. I see our children sitting here in the heat of the day and taking a little... Lincoln: Hi! Sarah: I'm showing daddy this room! Bryan: What do you think? Lincoln: Wow! Bryan: You guys likethe Someday Suite? Lincoln: Yeah. Bryan: Maybe one day we'll just move in here. Lincoln: Yeah. Sarah: This is this for ourguests, not for the Baeumlers. Bryan: This is a hugechange in these villas. That's been a reallygood few weeks on site, we've accomplished a ton. So, it's importantsometimes to back up and enjoy and celebrate those high moments. Sarah: There's more work to be done. Let's go! Bryan: Come on, we're not done yet. Bryan: Next timeon Island of Bryan. Bryan: The clubhouseis coming along, faster in some areasthan others but we have to get moving on it. There's so many stuff like this when we get to it and you're like "Hmm, let me think about it". Sarah: Well that'swhy it's just--Bryan: Which is why we have stuff half finished everywhere. Bryan and I are butting heads a little bit. Obviously we're both stressed. Bryan: (bleep) (groans) The list gets longer. Bryan: Occasionally Sarah and I have a different vision. Sarah: Better? Bryan: If that's what you like. Sarah: It's not what I like. Bryan: And we butt heads a little bit. Bryan: What do you think? Sarah: You love me or hate me with this? Bryan: It depends what you say in the next ten seconds. As dysfunctional as it may be, but what it means is we're both so invested in this project, Bryan: (gasps)It looks amazing. Bryan: And the end result after all the chaos is something incredible. Sarah: We've made a lot of upgrades to this villa. Bryan: I'm aware. But it's... It's exhausting sometimes. Sarah: On a lighter note. Bryan: What do you mean on a lighter note? That entire thing could fall through the ceiling and crush you to death right now. Adam: Hi. (Bryan sniffs) Ugh,where's that been? Stop feeding her the popcorn! Jojo: She likes it.Charlotte: She's gonna get sick! Jojo: She likes-- Charlotte: Just like youwhen you ate too much bacon. Adam: Isn't yourbirthday coming up? Bryan: Shut up.Adam: What's that gonna be, 45? Bryan: Yeah. Adam: That'll be fun.Bryan: Still notas old as Holmes. Sarah: No more,no more chocolate. Bryan: You want one?Noooo, no! (laughing)Those are for me. -I'm always thankfulwhen spring comes.It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in placefor the year. -How about you? Is there somethingyou'd like to get done? Perhaps it's yourhome renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Linecan help you do that. -Could you useeighty thousand, two eighty or even two pointeight million? -Call us today at 1800-NEW-CAPITAL to see what's available to you. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Incontinence, its no laughing matter. But its nothing to be embarrassed about either. involuntary leaking of urine in any amount, at anytime or with jumping, sneezing or running. yup we treat this too! Our pelvic health experts are here for you. leading edge physio dot com The International Children's Festival of the Arts returns May 30th through June 2nd in St. Albert. Seven featured performances, tons of fun activities daily, plus an adult only evening with Washboard Hank and Ingrid Hansen. Tickets at Proudly supported by Global Edmonton. Welcome to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, where every spring adventure calls and passions ignite. Feel the pulse of excitement as you immerse yourself in

nature's playground. Let the vibrant spirit of the valley fuel your passion for life as you taste, touch and embrace the beauty all around. From Alpine to Ocean. Join us this spring in the Comox Valley. music I'm very good at solving murder cases. >> Scott: today on "global news at noon", dior's last practice at home before getting on a plane to dallas how they're feeling on the eve of game one of the western conference final. Also, london drugs prepare for the possibility that store data could be released by hackers. While the company says its unwilling and unable to pay a $25 million ransom. >> Ciara: well, the rain has rolled in and those clouds expecting to stick around for the next 24 hours. A 60 percent chance of showers carrying us into this evening with potential risk of frost overnights. All these details coming up, shortly. >> Scott: and making good are not playoff bet. When I colleagues at global pc did honour this morning, wearing the oilers orange and blue. >> Announcer: you're watching global edmonton. This is "global news at noon". >> Scott: production in the edmonton oilers are burbank around the of the nhl playoffs today. The team hoping their final practice your home before heading to dallas later today for game line tomorrow night. Slav kornik has more from rogers place. >> Reporter: oilers had a sure practice here wednesday morning at roger's place before flying out to dallas for the start of the western conference final. The oilers head into the series as the underdogs. Dallas finished first in the western conference and the regular season, and has already defeated the two most recent stanley cup champions and the colorado avalanche and las vegas coordinates. Oilers will have to play well, defensively in the series. Dallas arguably has a deepest team up edmonton did play very well defensively in the final two games against the vancouver canucks aside from a few minutes in the third and that deciding game edmonton held vancouver with three goals and games 6 and 7. Doors also getting some good news either western conference final. Item is expected to be in the line up early in the series for perhaps as early as thursday night. Henry could play just one game in the vancouver series, he's been dealing with injury. >> Speaker: grant to dig out their practice with the guys. You know, it is painful. So, just wear on the same page. As far as where we're at it and we go about things. And just stay today. Obviously, it has a lot to. >> Speaker: our helps us with our power play, penalty kill, are probably secondary scoring and whether we put them upon talk to the lines, spent time with connor. Her helps us out with the secondary fourth lines. It depends on what we need at the moment, and yet nice when he is ready. >> Reporter: special teams will play a big role again in this series and the lowest special teams have been ranked number one on the part played, and on the penalty kill. Dallas beat edmonton into other three regular-season meetings, the labs in the regular season doesn't always translate in the playoffs, don't forget the oilers lost all 4 of meetings meetings against the canucks in the regular-season will need to beat vancouver in the second round. Slav kornik, global sports. >> Scott: doors have been watching every series in the playoffs and a team has been studying dallas during their days off. Let's go to kendra sadowski don't live in the newsroom. So kendrick, pretty quick turnaround for the oilers. Not a lot of rest before came one tomorrow night. >> Reporter: no, not at all at the oilers wrapped up that intense game and series in vancouver monday night. They had yesterday off, they're back on a flight this afternoon. So just a couple of days dresser likes before they dive into round three today's stars morning ice time but escape. The stars wrapped up their series after a double-overtime that a few extra days and fronting that sweet spot now and too much time off. Isn't easy in the playoffs. >> Speaker: maybe another day would have been nice.

you know, last series he had so many days. It's a playoffs, he just have to the last game behind you. >> Speaker: almost thought the break was a little too long between glossaries. During practices and kind of overthinking. So, we know how much time to think now hopefully we can roll our momentum into game one. >> Reporter: evander kane did not skate today. He was on it mean and stay. Coach said right now, at rest is most important for his team. And as if there wasn't enough pressure on the oilers, a little extra and dallas tomorrow night, the oilers are canada's last steam standing. Scott, back to you. >> Scott: thanks very much, kendra. Fans are still flying high after games in victory and are hoping the oilers can find an edge wherever they can. And now, it appears that he may have found one in an unlikely place. A burger joint. Sarah ryan explains. >> Reporter: it's been wild playoff life so far for oilers fans. >> Speaker: oh my god, so exciting. My heart was beating on my chest. >> Reporter: that postseason magic is being felt right here at jax burger shack on jasper avenue. Jax has been delivering some big orders rogers place lately. But there was coaching staff and trainers. >> I don't know if it's magic were part of the team on a 100. I mean, have time they've been here they have lost. >> Reporter: doors even calling a special favour on saturday when the shack is close. Game date they need 13 cheeseburgers and fries, stat. >> Reporter: special ingredients? >> Speaker: just love positive energy. >> Reporter: and love so far the lucky burgers have helped the team went for playoffs games. >> Speaker: it's kind of need to have a field that you're part of it. >> Reporter: and jack's customers love to. >> Speaker: I think it's awesome they're supporting our local business small local business downtown, and to help them win is good for the city. >> Reporter: with sports a and has superstitions. I mean, if it works, it works. >> Speaker: the texans and safe I think psych truly sorry gofundme to send gastro games and get road winds ? >> Reporter: the next logical question is what if the oilers ask jax to cook up on a couple and out? >> Speaker: yeah, we will go. >> Reporter: owners says systemic answers to monkey. >> Speaker: we are vietnamese immigrants so superstition is huge in my culture. >> Reporter: the problem with luck? It's fickle. >> Speaker: we did one plough special and they lost that game so the axis said there were taken office happen anymore. >> Reporter: superstitious or not oilers fans cannot wait for round three. >> Speaker: I'm ready for dallas totally ready for dallas we think he got them this time. >> Reporter: sarah ryan, global news. >> Announcer: you're watching "global news at noon". >> Scott: police say in 15 year old is in the homicide section is investigated at the yesterday police were called 137th avenue and 184th street reports of an injured man when they arrived, they found that 15-year-old suffering from life-threatening injuries. Young men died on scene. I main is taken into custody shortly after that, police are not seeking any additional suspects at this time, victim and suspect appeared to be knowing each other. An autopsy has now been scheduled for friday. Akers based in russia are claiming responsibility for the cyber attack on london drugs. Last month the retailer shut down all of its stores more than a week when the company dealt with the fall. Let's go to meghan cobb now long this story as he does live with more. Megan, the group is looking for millions of dollars mount london drugs says is not prepared to pay. >> Reporter: yeah, that is right, scott. London drugs has confirmed the attack, but hasn't released any details on the new man. He assess says it's doing review of the damage to assist them in so severe that, review could take quite a bit of time. According to a threat analyst at cybersecurity firm firm, emsisoft who has seen the demands on the dark webs, notorious ransomware operation walk bit has claimed responsibility for the attack. A stunning truce employee data store from corporate balls of the company doesn't pay $25 million by thursday. Now that the analyst we spoke with czeslaw paying is a smart move, so there's no guarantee the drugstore would get that the encryption key stored data would be deleted. London drugs will likely not any target ransomware attacks are a little effort and applied against companies attackers believe are able to pay. >> Speaker: lock bit has been

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