
CITV - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>>> Die hard sports fans always want to be close to the action but that can sometimes have unintended consequences. One blue jays fan learned the hard lesson about keeping her eye on the ball and she has got a goose egg to prove it. Eric sorenson has the story of the fan and the foul ball. >> I turned away for a brief second. >> That's all it took. A momentary distraction at a baseball game. >> And I got rocked with a baseball in the face. I got face smashed. >> The way alexander is pitching tonight. >> Last friday the blue jays bo bichette ripped a foul ball at her forehead. Swelling almost to the size of a baseball. >> Adrenaline pumping and I'm like I'm fine, probably fine. By the look of the crowd around me I knew I wasn't fine. Kids were looking with terror in their eyes, people were turning away. >> Medical staff checked her out. Though stayed until the end of the game and then went to the hospital. >> Further advice would have been helpful but at the same time grateful for the jays medical staff. >> Baseball players know the risks. At the plate a baseball is dangerous. But even the fastest thrown baseball tops out at about 100 miles an hour. 160 kilometres but off the bat it's even faster. That foul ball took off at 110 miles an hour, 177 kilometres per hour. It's why in 2018 major league baseball extended protective netting for more fans down the foul lines. But in most stadiums where many fans sit, including liz McGUIRE, hooking line drives can still reach the stands at high speed. Injuries happen at ball games. It's a risk fans have always recognized. The nhl added more netting in 2002. It's the same risk for the gallery at a golf tournament. In liz McGUIRE'S case she was diagnosed with a concussion but her main frustration... >> I didn't even get the ball. >> Yep, someone else got the ball. So the blue jays offered her a bo bichette signed ball, and tickets for future games and and tops produced a cheeky baseball card, 110 liz McGUIRE photos calling her a champ. >> Obviously can't even catch a baseball but do have my own baseball card to commemorate me

getting smashed in the face by bo bichette. >> She says any money she makes from the cards will go to kids with concussions. And as the welt disappears and the black eye fades, liz has advice to other fans. Pay attention during the game. And maybe take a baseball glove. Eric sorenson, "global news," toronto. >> Ouch, that is "global national" for this wednesday. I'm dawna friesen. Tonight's your canada is clear lake in riding mountain national park, manitoba. We would love to see your canada. Please e-mail it to viewers at And thanks for watching. Hope to see you here again tomorrow. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. [ ] >> Tonight devastating seen in auto 710 after 15-year-old boy is killed. What police are saying about the homicide unit investigating. And a man in custody. Also refusing a 25 million-dollar ransom demand. >> That is no guarantee will result in the key to decrypt your data,. >> Reporter: >> Scott: how london drugs is presenting for a data dump and waiting for customers and employees. >> And from a dollar 34 at one station to a buck 58 at another. >> When you have a 68 litre tank like I do saving 20 cents on the leader is totally worth it. >> What's feeling big price differences and gas across the city? >> Mother nature also throwing up some big differences of her own from some rather ominous clouds to some pretty sunny spots in the skies. We have your forecast coming up. [ ] >> Announcer: you are watching global edmonton. This is global news hour at 6:00. >> Carole: good evening homicide detectives have been called in to investigate the death of a 15-year-old boy just south of saint albert. >> Scott: tonight's a place say a man has been taken into custody linked to the death. Sarah has more from the scene. >> Reporter: there is still blood on the pavement on this dead-end road between the communities of heritage lakes on a starling. Medical supplies also later the street, gloves a mask, resuscitation and disinfectant wipes. And men simply say around 930 tuesday, night they were called here for an injured boy. When they arrived they found a 15-year-old suffering from serious life-threatening injuries. Officers and paramedics tried to save his life, but he died on scene. Soon after police arrested an adult man. Police say they are not looking for any additional suspects, and then the victim and his attacker knew one another. Homicide detectives are now overseeing this investigation. An autopsy has been scheduled for friday. Sarah global news. >> Scott: london drugs is now admitting it was a victim of a cyber attack last month but the retailer insists it will not be paying the ransom. >> Carole: and that means the data stolen by hackers could end up on the dark web, as early as tomorrow. Heather west reports on the impacts to customers and employees. >> Of summary tended to get further hundred dollars on my account. >> Reporter: vic it says it was an awful feeling to learn someone had been trying to make purchases with his visa debit account. >> I felt violated. The people are actually trying to take money from a. >> Reporter: the energy man has no way of knowing how he fell victim to fraud but as a frequent london drugs customer, the coincidence is hard to ignore. Last month the retailer closed its newly 80 locations for more than a week after falling victim to a cyber attack. After confirming for the first time it had in fact been a victim of a ransomware attack, london drugs it says it cannot and will not pay what the attackers are asking for. As a result the company says it cannot prevent its stolen data from making its way online. We acknowledge these criminals may leak london drugs corporate files, this is a deeply distressing. >> London drugs has confirmed that attackers extol files that could contain employee information, maintains that so far they have no indication that any customer information has been compromised. >> Is a very optimistic guess. Right now they can't tell because it could take months. To discover how much damage has been done. >> Cyber security say anyone concerned about the data should change their passwords and upgrade their security settings to include multifactor authentication. London drugs says it's offering all current employees 24 months of credit monitoring and identity theft protection services. As his investigation continues. Heather west global news calgary. >> Carole: gas prices typically vary but if you sense from station to station, but drivers are noticing a new trend in our city. >> Scott: gas prices differed

by up to 20 cents at some stations, leaving drivers puzzled and travellers going a little bit further for a deal. >> Reporter: what would you do for lower prices at the pump? Some and midtone the ends are trading in their time for savings. >> I came all the way from the west end just for gas. Because it is literally the cheapest in a city. >> Reporter: at this store near one 80th avenue some people are waiting up to 30 minutes to pay $1.34 per litre. >> When you have a 65 leo tank like I do, saving 20 cents on the leader is totally worth a. >> Reporter: nearly everywhere you go gas prices are different. >> As of wednesday afternoon there are a few stations selling for that dollar 34 price, many are sitting around the dollar 58, with others in between. A spread of 24 cents a litre. >> That used to always go to one of the bigger ones and that I know is that this one was a significantly cheaper. We would always just come here and get gas. >> Even a fuel-efficient cart you're still, at the difference. Is a difference at 15 kilometres and when I have to go 50 kilometres to get home or whatever, that's five dollars more in my pocket. I can buy groceries on the table. >> Reporter: energy and gas experts dan mcteague it says there is not clear explanation as to why. >> That has a lot to do with what I referred to as many, many years ago and I hashtag it, it was gas barge tonight against. >> Reporter: the tax is for gas station to replace the cost of the fuel them selling, their prices should be around a dollar 44 per litre. >> Unless you haven't some of model that allows you to push greater volumes to get down to a dollar 32 or dollar 34, requires perhaps a sale of other products in your store. >> He goes on to say that these low prices don't always last. >> If you're in edmonton buying for under dollar 50, you are the one who's in the lead not the gas station. Take advantage of a way you can. Things like this don't always happen and they certainly don't always last. >> Many and midtone the ends are doing exactly that. Global news. >> Scott: gas to groceries and you survey has found that most canadians in support of the movement a boycott loblaw's stores, many are not actually taking part according to the survey, 70 percent of canadians say they were aware of the boycott, 58 supported, but just 18 percent said they or someone in our home are actually doing it. For those boycotting loblaw's, 40 percent are going to big stores like walmart, instead 31 percent are going to another national chain like save on food, and 23 percent are shopping at independent local stores. >> Carole: edmonton oilers are deep in the heart of texas tonight. >> Scott: team has landed in dallas ahead of the opening game other third round series against the stars. >> Carole: let's go to life in the newsroom, several players were chatting with reporters in dallas, just a short time ago. >> Before they left the team hit the ice at roger's place this morning, it was their last practice at home, with most of the team taking party to entertain did not stay as they were seeing a maintenance day, it's expected much of the same lineup that illuminated the canucks will also be battling the dallas stars tomorrow night, the team then heading to the airport to board their flight to texas, the players know it was a tough task this and vancouver packing they also know the stars are going to be another tough task but they say, and they know what needs to be done. >> To the playoffs every team that has success is good defensively, we have to beat tight check team, limit our changes that we give up, we know as a team we make mistakes and it will be chances and the other team had some really good players that don't make someplace, we cannot get away from playing tight to check again. >> Nice to be canada's last team, get pulled that many more people it's a bit more pressure but same time we have to enjoy an abrasive. >> Scott: cody referring to the oilers being canada's last hope to bring the cup back to our country which has not been done since 1993, one offensive weapon who has not been available for much of the playoffs is adam, the foreword has missed six games in the post season, will have the latest on his potential return later on in sports. >> Carole: we'll see you soon. Thank you. [ ] >> Scott: villas back from an extended long weekend, how was your trip? >> Phil: pretty good lots of driving, lots of evil nature to look at also lots of sun. Bit of a tan. >> Carole: I hear you are in enemy territory. >> Phil: I was we were amongst friends but it was a bit hard to runs in a row this down there and not pull the face.

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