
CITV - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Kyle: Hold on, you two! [ laughter ] >> Harrison: Mom, guess what? We rode the Ferris wheel. It was so much fun. Claire got a little scared, but not too bad. And she laughed a lot. >> Summer: It looks like you've been laughing a lot, too. >> Claire: Uh, why don't we look at those pictures that we took? >> Kyle: Hey. >> Summer: Uh, yeah. >> Kyle: Harrison had a minor freak-out about Jordan earlier. >> Summer: What do you mean? What happened? >> Kyle: He thought he saw her. It wasn't her, obviously. >> Summer: But she's still in his head. >> Kyle: I know. I hate it, too. But look at him now. One ride on the Ferris wheel with his pal, Claire, and he's doing great. Seeing her safe makes him happy for some reason. I mean, look at that grin. >> Summer: Claire, thank you for being there for Harrison. >> Claire: We had fun. He's a great kid. >> Summer: We couldn't agree more, obviously. >> Claire: I hope it's okay that I'm hanging out with him. >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison seems happy, and that's the most important thing, right? Um, look... maybe you and I should get together later and-- and talk about something more regular. >> Claire: Really? >> Summer: Yeah. I mean, Harrison needs someone other than Mom and Dad around, and it's time that we start getting back to normal. We can see how it goes. >> Claire: I would love to do that. >> Summer: Anybody that can make Harrison smile like that deserves to be in his life more often. >> Harrison: Hooray! >> Cole: There's a part of me that was ready to let you rot down here forever. But that's not my call to make. >> Jordan: That's right. That's right. Because you-- you are a good and decent man, the best nephew... who didn't let me free before, but you will now, won't you? >> Michael: You're lucky this man has a conscience. >> Jordan: And why are you here? >> Michael: We're taking you out of here and putting you in a real prison. >> Jordan: Oh, thank God! Thank God. Thank God. >> Victor: I'll be damned if I allow that to happen. >> Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless... >> Billy: Okay, so what do we do now? >> Jill:Just keep this to yourself. I don't want anyone else to know. >> Alan: These, um, personalities, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you. But the fact that they exist at all means that there's something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc.

Join us again for"The Young and the Restless." you're watching global edmonton. This is global news at five. >> Carole Anne: a 40-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder in the death of a teenager near saint albert. We are learning more about the victim, a. 15-year-old boy who loved hockey and the outdoors. Sarah ryan has been covering this tragedy as she joins us live from the newsroom. What else have you learned? >> Reporter: the victim's name is... He was a junior high student of walking with his mom on a dead end road near saint albert when he was fatally attacked by someone he knew. Sudden death leaving those who loved him in shock. >> It will never be the same. >> Reporter: on new year's eve, she said he did a polar plunge, breaking the news to her son about his death with something she never expected she would have to do. >> There's no conversation. He's a 15-year-old boy. It's not meant to happen. He just kept saying, no mom, this can't be real and started calling... >> Reporter: a man previously known to police was arrested shortly after the deadly attack. He has since been charged with second-degree murder. The school board of brought councillors to assist friends, classmates and staff, saying he left a big impact on those around him, calling his death the worst thing that can happen in a school district. >> Carole Anne: charges have been laid in a pair of homicides in our city including one where a victim was randomly stabbed to death. That happened just before two in the morning on may 15th. 34-year-old... Was found on a sidewalk near the royal alexandra hospital. He had been stabbed multiple times. 831-year-old has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. Police believe he did not know the victim. He's also charged with robbery in an unrelated incident at a transit station an hour before the murder. Police say the suspect did not know.

>>> And edmonton couple has been charged in the death of a 64-year-old man. A. 32-year-old and a 34-year-old called police on may 11th about a man's death inside a home. An autopsy has determined that ... But investigators won't release how he died at this point. Both suspects are charged with second-degree murder. [ ] >>> Game on, we are just under 90 minutes away from puck drop on the start of the western conference final, the edmonton oilers are four wins away from advancing to the first stanley cup finals since 2006, but to get there they have to be the best in the west, the dallas stars. We are live overlooking ice district plaza right now, fans are starting to filter in I assume and anticipation is growing ahead of tonight's game. >> Reporter: we have some fans starting to trickle in, the gates look like they just opened up. Fans are anticipating this game and the players are as well, they are anxious to get going. The dallas stars haven't played in nearly a week, the oilers have had three fewer days than the stars in preparation, edmonton says that will not be a factor in terms of how the series will play out. All eyes will be between the pipes as they usually are in the playoffs. Jake laughton your getting the start in net for the stars despite having to leave practice early yesterday, the team says he's good to go for tonight and stuart skinner getting the start in net for the oilers. The oilers will need all hands on deck in the series including from their top guns. Leon draisaitl is one of those top guns, he's writing a 12 game point streak and is leading the playoffs in scoring. The oilers have four of the top scores and four of the five top scores in the playoffs, but the coach says they are up against a team full of depth and has no weaknesses in the dallas stars which makes them a dangerous team. >> Over a seven-game series with a team like dallas, you can't rely on those guys being the only ones bringing it, you need everyone. We will need all four lines and all six defenceman playing really well. >> You have different guides buying in and doing different things, it's hard to describe the feeling when you have these guys who are doing different things and getting out of their comfort zone to have success, that's via and makes you a deep team. >> Reporter: the stars will be without... He's out within upper body injury. He's an important player for the stars and they are hoping he will be back for game two. On the oilers side, adam henrich is not in the lineup tonight, but the oilers are expecting him to be back early in this western conference final. We will be back a little later with a very special guest. >> Carole Anne: let's go to the tale of the tape. The dallas stars finished first in the western conference, nine points ahead of the oilers in the regular-season. Come playoff time, it's the oilers who have the advantage. They dominate on special teams, coming in first with the power play and penalty kill. The stars are 11th shorthanded, so that could be a difference maker. The oilers have also scored more goals. Let's go live inside roger's place, doors just open for tonight's watch party and that's where we find morgan black. >> Reporter: the music is on, for now it's just me, I have the place to myself which won't be the case in a few minutes. Obviously there's fans very excited for the game tonight, you have to wonder if maybe some folks were wearing connects jersey's last round perhaps have traded in those jerseys for oilers jerseys. Obviously there's oilers fans all over canada but there's also fans across the world, mainly in brazil, a country known for soccer also has some diehard oilers fans living there. We talked about social media groups dedicated to this team, group chats where people keep up-to-date and we talked to one of the fans named gabriel about why he has such a love for the

game, he actually just got a visa specifically so he can come to a game in edmonton. >> I want to go soon, I aim to go next season. Want to go in winter because I've never seen -30 degrees... [ Unclear ] >> Reporter: you may be wondering about this jersey behind him reading... That's from an episode of everyone hates chris, he tells us in one episode chris asks for a gretzky jersey but he gets a different jersey with a 98 instead of a 99. He says he does have an official gretzky jersey but in brazil people love this episode and people prefer the other version which turned many people into big fans of the oilers. An earlier start time tonight compared to a lot of those other rounds in the series, in brazil people are thankful for that because it's much later there, a 630 start becomes a 9:30 pm star which is way better compared to the 3:00 am nights waiting to see if they've won or lost. >> We will take all the support we can get. >> Carole Anne: tonight's game starts at 6:30. This will be the ninth time the stars and the oilers meet in the playoffs. The stars have won six of the previous eight series including one when they were the minnesota northstars and throughout this newscast we will show you fun memories of the rivalries through the regular season and the playoffs. >>> The florida panthers strike first in the eastern conference final, they blank the new york islanders 3-0. Game two is tomorrow night at six pm.

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