
CITV - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

on is the profit margins. So this is the amount of money you have after the cost of manufacturing and that goes into many different areas like real estate, taxes and different things. But their profit margin was expected to be around 75.8 percent and it came in at 78.9 percent. So that just shows you that their sales are strong and the profit margins are strong so the markets will be hired today. We are looking at 63 points for the dow jones and over 210 points on the nasdaq and the price of oil is also up so it is still range bound at this point. So they will be a market place morning. When we come back in about an hour's time. >> Erin: thank you, angus. We will check back with you then. And I love that he got those balloons. >> Daintre: I like that too. >> Erin: good job, angus. >> Daintre: now we will need to step it up. Now, I was hoping. While you can kind of figure it out here. I was hoping that they would have a very iconic statue on this shot as it was there earlier but this is a live shot out in the harbour near new york. New york city and they had the statue of liberty. It was off in the distance but you are able to see it. But I think you can recognize some of the buildings in the background. Zoom out just a little bit more perhaps? This is a live camera from new york. Let's take a look at our city streets. So at the moment no major delays to report. Things are rolling along pretty well along the west end for the anthony henday and for the white mud if you are travelling from highway 16 st. Albert traffic is moving along well. 137 avenue. But typical volume amounts. A little bit of traffic showing up in and around the sure park freeway. For 17 street and 34 street. The lowest gas in town is 129.9. Flight delays, we do have a couple that are in and around the two hour delay more coming in from toronto flared the 633 and air canada 161 and heading back to toronto air canada 188 is delayed by just over one hour and flared 75 to victoria is much the same. That is your ok tire traffic. Let's head over to sky track weather and check in with ciara. >> Ciara: travel forecast not looking too bad. Direct from y E.G. no connections necessary. Seattle 19 degrees. Amsterdam the same thing. Frank byrd 32. Some sun and cloud. Montreal 26 and atlanta 31 degrees. Checking and across our own country here at west definitely bit cooler than what they are seeing out east end eventually temperatures will warm up here in the prairie provinces. We just need to get through this little cool bit here. 24 in fort nelson. Same thing for norman wells. Prince rupert 18. Vancouver 21. Not bad in yellowknife. 12 for edmonton and 11 for calgary. Still seeing the rain activity in southern alberta. Meadow lake 11. 12 in saskatoon. 14 and winnipeg as we make our way out east. Look at this really warming up. Montreal 26 and same thing for ottawa. 26 in fredericton with a little bit of rain activity. 17 and halifax. 24 in toronto. Yesterday ottawa and toronto reached near that 30 degrees mark. We have 13 in timmins and 16 in thunder bay. Cooler for churchill. Two in cambridge bay. Stay with us. , we will be back after the break. Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. Closed captioningfor this Global programis brought to you in partby Encor b Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks.

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