
CITV - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

as we make our way into the downtown core. Visit the mornville block party from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. details online. From global one, I am jaxon mcnulty. >> Scott: thank you, jaxon. >> Carole Anne: warmer weather often means mosquito season in our city. >> Scott: how bad will things be in the next few months, we have a mosquito forecast that might surprise you. >> Carole Anne: doctors in alberta won't do surgery -- the cancer patient hoping for treatment in the U.S. and the mounting costs. We are back in 60 seconds. ALL:Let's see your voice! It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! With HelloFresh, get more out of your budget without compromising on quality or flavour. Delicious meals with fresh ingredients that save on food waste and trips to the grocery store. Order now at To give your teeth a dentist clean feeling... start with a round brush head... add power... and you've got Oral-B. Round cleans better by surrounding each tooth... to remove 100% more plaque... for that just-left-the-dentist clean feeling. Oral-B ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at >> Carole Anne: it is a milestone year for an event that makes the city more beautiful. >> Scott: the yards in bloom contest. People that go the extra mile to decorate their yards are recognized for their efforts. The contest was modelled after a program in kitchener ontario. And it is one of the largest of its kind in the country. There are six categories where gardners can be nominated, including residential yards, balconies and public spaces. >> You can volunteer for the program. Volunteers actually participate by preparing and delivering the yard sign to the nominated yards and they take part in seeing who has gone the extra mile for those special yards, and some of the preliminary judging. >> Scott: for more information, including how to nominate a yard, go to the city's website. >> Carole Anne: many are wondering if mosquitos are waiting in the wings ready to pounce. That doesn't appear to be the case. A very dry spring didn't give dormant mosquito eggs a chance to hatch. And recent rain fall was so he could up by parched ground and plants. So far this year, the rainfall has not created large pools of water where mosquitos thrive. >> Most of the activity that is occurring is in the roadside ditch habitats and a few spots in industrial areas, some ravines and places like that where there are low lying depressions. Hopefully we will continue to have low mosquito numbers moving forward. >> Carole Anne: there is still time for mosquito numbers to boom, he says if we get warm, wet weather in june and july. Similar to what we saw last year. >> Scott: that would surprise a lot of people. Most people would think it is rainy, and we have mosquitos. But a wet may so far. >> Phil: we are still looking at drier conditions in parts of alberta. But for us in edmonton it has been pretty good so far. We are a little bit above average, but I can't, again, say the same for the entirety of our province. Just to put things in rough perspective, in northern alberta, in the western side and a little bit further south, areas closer to calgary, we have seen below average precipitation for the month of may. That's just this month so far. But for edmonton, areas closer to saskatchewan, and in southern alberta, where this afternoon we see scattered showers. It has been average to above average. I have even more numbers to add to this board. But as for the rain we had yesterday and into this morning. 56.3 millimetres has fallen, above the average of 46 to 47 that we typically see this time of year. But areas like jasper would be well over 60 millimetres. And we are still seeing a lot further to the south, in fact, medicine hat managing triple the normal amount, at 106 millimetres so far. Still looking at rain this evening. And over the rest of this month as well. So it has been an interesting spread. We have the rest of the rainy

and dry forecast coming up. [ ] >> Scott: an alberta woman is in a fight for her life battling a rare stage four cancer. >> Carole Anne: doctors in canada say there is not much left they can do, but she is not giving up. Travelling to arizona in hopes to getting treatment. Sarah jones has her story. >> Reporter: 34-year-old katie norman has been battling cancer for the last three years. It began with a gist, a rare tumour that forms in the digestive system that moves into the liver. >> My tumours have grown 18%. They have now doubled, over doubled in size in the last year since I was diagnosed again. And I am kind of running out of options at this point, now. >> Reporter: norman has been travelling back and forth from coaldale to the tom baker cancer centre in calgary to receive medications and care. But nothing has helped to stop the spread. >> At this point they are not willing to do surgery just because of the severity of it. We have gotten different answers. I have been brushed off and passed around, so to say. I have been trying to ask and fight for surgery here, but I am hitting a wall. But I am running out of time. >> Reporter: despite not having options she has tried to taking fight into her own hands and go to the mayo clinic in arizona. But the costs are mounting. There is a gofundme campaign that her father set up as he tries to support his daughter. >> Kind of a last effort. It is to generate some funds for katie to help her get into the states to get the treatment she deserves and requires to save her life. We are just trying everything we can to keep our daughter alive at this point. >> Reporter: friends and family have come together to set up cruise for katie, a fundraising event in coaldale before she sets up for arizona on june 4th. Sarah jones, global news. >> Announcer: health matters is brought to you by alberta blue cross. Discover the future of being well. >> Scott: anyone who has bought a concert ticket, knows how expensive they have gotten. >> Carole Anne: how the government claims they are jacking up the cost for consumers. >> Scott: and dozens of seniors getting to enjoy their redecorated living space and the team behind the transformation, big heart the students. [ ] Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) This summer, Greentree Outdoor Living wants to transform your spectacular new yard! Our skilled designers and builders have turned dreams into reality, stress free for over 25 years. Your oasis awaits! Book your free consultation today at What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. How deep in my scalp does it go? Seven surface layers below. I feel it working! Naturally-derived micro-scrubbers! Exfoliatingly! Fights dandruff where it sleeps, Head & Shoulders. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child is in hospital. [kids laughing] Because when families

stay together, sick children get stronger. >> Scott: let's go back to jaxon in global one. It seems to be a light night traffic night. >> Not a lot to deal with. We are looking at gateway boulevard and calgary trail. Right now we have the small accumulation of volume right around 34th avenue. Get your diy on during the get ready for summer sale at homehardware until june 15th. From global one, I am jaxon mcnulty. >> Scott: the U.S. justice department has filed an antitrust lawsuit against live nation arguing the concert promoting has a monopoly leading to higher prices and less competition. >> Carole Anne: this comes after a 2022 fiasco that prevented fans from booking tickets for taylor swift's tour. >> Reporter: in 2010 when live nation acquired ticket master, there were concerns that there could be too much exclusivity for one country. Hurting competition. The doj chose to not block the move. But on thursday, it along with 29 states and the district of colombia filed an antitrust lawsuit saying they violated the terms of sale and they are abusing its monopoly. >> We rely on unlawful anticompetitive conduct. >> Reporter: competition is being suffocated with promoted tours playing at spots where ticket master is in charge of sales. The two companies control an estimated 70% of the venue market in the U.S. unlike in other countries where venues use multiple companies for ticketed events. In early 2023, the company's execs were grilled by law makers in washington after a botched roll out for taylor swift's concert. >> You have 14 years of a clear pattern of anticompetitive conduct where consumers have to pay more and have their level of services reduced, and competitors have been cut off at the knees. >> Reporter: breaking up the company would uphened the multibillion dollar industry and follow other targets of antitrust lawsuits, including apple, google and amazon. And in a rare move, the department of justice is seeking damages and a jury trial. >> Some monopolies are so entrenched and some problems difficult to address that they require decisive and effective solutions. >> Reporter: live nation responded to this lawsuit saying it was the result of "political pressure." president joe biden, a proud capitalist has said that capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it is exploitation. >> Carole Anne: phil, it is looking green and lush out there after all the rain that we have received. But now we are in for some warmer temperatures. >> Phil: yeah. It is going to be a slow warm up. >> Carole Anne: yeah. >> Phil: not like flicking a light switch, like, oh, back in the 20's. We are on our way up. We are on the cool and gri side. But -- grey side. But we are expecting things to slowly begin improving when it comes to getting the more seasonal temperatures back on the menu. For the south of the province, yeah, there is still a chance of showers, and thunderstorms over the course of this evening. And over the next few days here in our region not as much. Edmonton looking at heavier cloud that's part of the small trough. The low pressure that is making its way into saskatchewan. We see a little bit of the cloud cycling through. Before tomorrow it is clearing skies in the afternoon. We are expecting more sunshine. But if you are further south or west, I am talking grand prairie into jasper and banff, a chance of rain is in the works, as well as spotted showers for areas just north of medicine hat. From there we will start to see heavier clouds drift in and out of the region with a line of potential thunderstorms setting up from the foot hills down towards medicine hat for saturday evening, give or take an hour or so. And the heavy cloud comes in edmonton's area. We might see showers outside the city but there may be a little bit of thunderstorm activity and rain activity for sunday evening. Out towards whitecourt and grand prairie, and across parts of the northwest where it has been dryer this month. But some of it might cycle back in our city overnight into monday next week. But likely clearing out as most of us are making the morning commute. In terms of accumulation, between now and tomorrow afternoon here in the city, not really any. There is a chance of showers overnight tonight. But not likely to produce anything dramatic and nor will it in the south. A few more millimetres here and there. That's really about it. However as we push our way

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