
CITV - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

medium-high heat and now the trick is here we want to wait about one minute and maybe just less than till you start seeing that colour on the very bottom there and once it starts showing that brown will add some butter and an base it so the goal is that it has a really nice ear but it's actually going to be just warm on the inside and a nice steak and out of little dollop of butter and as the scallops are searing on the bottom were adding those spoonfuls of butter just gently on top and we will remove them for the pan and they got this great seer on top of the men adding the bacon and some celebrating fruit puree and just ahead in some sauce and bake in bacon in there. And then all right lisa, it's your turn and good luck. >> Lisa: okay, I put on a chefs hat because I earn this title and I think we can all agree there's lots of ingredients in this recipe and it's using a lot of stuff I never used in my life so really it's going to be an interesting day and I got rolling with my fellow puree just to make sure that we are all set up timing wise but I am going to demo how I want about doing that so this is cooking up because it takes 20 minutes to cook this is a complicated recipe in an interesting one and it scallops celery react puree and kale chips so let's get rolling on the rabid gauche, we are making the sauce before I go, jeff I need some french music with and we are getting rolling with what do you treat the last time it kind of relaxes... That sets the mood. Let's get it going. So I did reduce the beef stock and I didn't know what reducing yet but basically cook it for a while and it turns into half of what it was and that's the request so I'm going to add the beef stock into the blender and hopefully thoughts a proper amount but it doesn't look as what's thicker got has but that's the way goes. We got a quarter cup of the capers hiding behind the milk and then we got in the red wine vinegar I'm gone about half and a quarter cup of the and I would say my biggest fear with this recipe is that you need the texture to be good so there is a big risk of it and it can't be iranian if talking puree here there's a lot of sauces involve so this is pretty particular but I'm confident in my work because I put a lot of effort into this and now we are going to the tarragon we didn't have fresh tarragon but we got the spices version I will throw that in where there so many different things for this and without the chives and finally chopped even though it's going in the blender and this was tricky and boiling eggs and then use separate the yolk from the white so I did that which actually is a lot less harder than you think so we're putting in the figural scope cooked and then we are going to add what else do we need, dijon. I will put the dijon here. And thanks to jeff for telling me how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon and there are three so add that in. Pour some mustard and we also got the parsley and put that in to their two and is that all that for hey guys can you see if parsley is listed and we have scotty standing by and does parsley also go on the splendor, thank you. [laughing]. And then we got to garlic clothes and we got a teaspoon of the chilly flake and it should be a really good sauce. And there we go, edith and we chose this because the market is french. At the front restaurant. It will go on theme and I expect this to be a french dish for its fanciness and salt and pepper to taste. And okay we got all died in there. And then we will put some oil in which I will ad slowly and if we just find it here and thank god. And we always worry will it be in there and we got one cup of oil and do you see it. Just have to find the oil. The canola oil or veggie oil.

veggie oil or all oil. I hate to take advantage of the chef finding it here selective use olive oil and I appreciate you ready and got and thank you so much. And then we got the oil which is roughly painful for him to watch actually some just going to put in and he said it so I will put a couple oil there but similar when you make eggs benny like the sauce for it you have to slowly add it song just going to slowly add audit. Okay. And as he could see this is why called it early and it's been cooking about 13 minutes or so and we did it. And then okay. Going to blend the there's lots more to come and right now we got our celery root which already caught up in this is where I cut it up earlier and then I put it in with half a cup of milk and half a cup of water and cream and sometime and we will cook that for a bit and I will blend both so that in 20 minutes we're back and we can work on the scallops simultaneously and finish off the rabid goat sauce so let's hope it turns out and I'm feeling pretty good about it and yes come stay with us. And back in about 20 minutes or so to finish up this wonderful recipe from the mark. This Global Program is brought to you in part by James h. Brown and Accident Injury lawyers Visit us at James h Brown dot com It's timefor a lower electricity ratewith Encor by epcor. Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Central Mountain Airflying non-stop from Edmontonto Prince George and High Enjoy the convenience of non-stop with our friendly staff. Book today at Are you a dental implant candidate? If you're missing one or more teeth, we can replace that tooth with a dental implant without affecting your natural teeth. Seniors are the fastest growing group in Canada. They tell us they want to be healthy, comfortable and eat foods they love. Did you know that dentures only restore about 10% of chewing? But with dental implants, we can restore comfort, function, appearance and confidence. Get started at KuceyDental Group. South Edmonton Prosthodontics. Call us today. ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! It's timefor a lower electricity ratewith Encor by epcor. Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now You don't need to sensationalize to write a sensational story about this case How can you stab this little girl 72 times? What's going on? This is insane You can't just kill somebody like Johnny Papalia And revenge is a dish best served cold in the mafia They're incompetent, they don't know how to do a criminal investigation He may not have gotten his hands dirty, but he did it Crime Beat Fridays on Global >> Announcer: they're watching global news morning. >> Lisa: provincial data shows opioid opioid-related deaths continue to mount in alberta. A recent report shows the crisis is *even more pronounced* among the province's *first nations communties.* erik bay has the details. >>reporter: opioids have had a lasting effect in jody plaineagle's family. >>i had an uncle who lost his daughter to the addiction. >>reporter: similar losses are

being felt in disproportionate numbers by other first nation families across alberta. Data recently released by the provincial government shows the rate of unintentional opioid deaths are more than 8 times higher among first nations peoples. >>they're fighting for their lives right now. They'e out there in survival mode trying to fight for their life. >>reporter: according to indigenous services canada... First nations peoples account for just 3 point 4 per cent of albertans. The province's numbers show between 2016 and 2022... That demographic accounted for one out of every five unintentional opioid deaths. In 2022 alone... That number went up to nearly one in four deaths. >>it's very disheartening to see the disparity growing and not getting less so that tells us that there is not an adequate response. >>reporter: doctor esther tailfeathers has been on the frontlines of the opioid fight. Born and raised on the blood tribe... She's seen first hand the impact of these drugs. >>our communtiies are suffering and y heart goes out to the mothers and the families who've lost people. So these numbers mean something to us. >>reporter: she wants more wraparound supports for people dealing with addiction. In a statement to global news... A ministry of mental health and addiction spokesperson says the province is partnering with indigenous communities to build five recovery facilties. They'll take a land-based approach to support recovery and reconnection with their culture. Tailfeathers fears support will come too late. With 2022 numbers just made public.. She's worried about what's going on right now. >>we're not able to react and respond to what's happening. >>reporter: making it harder to reverse this concerning trend. Erik bay, global news >>lisa: 'it's a way of keeping lauren jarvis' spirit alive'....that's the view of family and friends of a murdered edmonton woman who want to keep holding annual walks in her memory... Jarvis was found dead in her westmount home in april of last year and her downstairs neighbour was charged with her murder. This is the second annual 'justice for lauren' walk...which started in the sunshine outside kinsmen sports centre earlier saturday. >>it's not based just around what happened to her, it's based around who she was...and remembering lauren for the person that she was and the woman that she could still be if something like this didn't happen. >>lisa: the walk is supporting edmonton's victims of homicide support society...a group that offers help to people that have lost loved ones to homicide. Edmonton's ukrainian festival u-fest is *back* for its fifth edition. The two-day event drew 65-thousand people last year. And organizers anticipate similar or higher numbers this year*. The festival includes over 1,200 performers on 3 stages, vendors, food, workshops, displays, and community information. It's 8:38 A.M. in time for a little break. We'll be right back. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. - Stay healthy while traveling. Ami from the Medicine Shoppe offers some helpful information. - So at the Medicine Shoppe, your personal pharmacist will ask you about your destination, duration activities planned and your existing health conditions to provide you with the personalized travel health recommendations. We offer you the comprehensive travel health advice, including the necessary vaccinations, illness prevention and managing your existing conditions abroad to ensure a healthy journey. Beyond the medications, the pharmacists at the Medicine Shoppe offer you some practical health tips and essential services to keep you well, from hydration to sun protection. - Talk with your personal Medicine Shoppe pharmacist before your getaway. To learn more or to find your nearest Medicine Shoppe location, visit (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) With the price of gold tradingat a high level now is the time for you to sell!

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