
CITV - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> A little later on in the program, we'll share more about a free orchestra showcasing the next generation of alberta musicians. Coming up at 6:50 we'll bring you an interview with the youth orchestra of northern alberta and it will be conducted by kevin o'connell. >> And speaking of kevin o'connell he joins me now. Kevin, a different story on the weather front today. Clouds getting dark at certain hours of the day. >> Kevin: we had lots of periods of showers and clouds, but a couple of sunny breaks. We saw showers this morning and we'll see that overnight, possibility of a thundershower still in the forecast as we head into overnight but once we get about midnight, 1 a.m., things clear out and we're in for sunny days on the way. 13° and dark and cloudy right now. I would not be the least bit surprised to hear it's showering or raining in some areas of the city. Not here on the south side. Doesn't look like it, downtown with the temperatures 13° with a southwest wind at 5 kilometres an hour. 11° was the low this morning in edmonton, 8 in whitecourt, 7 in jasper, 4 banff, 9 in lethbridge, 7 medicine hat, lloydminster, 3°, 7 in peace river, 8° if in slave lake and #° from grande prairie. Our daytime highs today, we made it to 6 in edmonton, 18 in red deer, 16 in calgary, 19 in medicine hat, 20 in coronation, 19 in high level and 19 in fort McMURRAY. It switched before our very eyes. That's how up to date we are most of the time. 18 in grande prairie and whitecourt and 16 in jasper so struggling a bit to get the temperatures at average for this time of year. Tuesday we'll make up for last days, temperatures in the mid-20s. >> We'll check back with you soon. >> Two weeks ago they were forced to leave their homes, and now they can head back. Coming up we'll have the latest on the wildfire in fort nelson, and an evacuation order set to expire. >> Global 1 need medical care? Know your options. Get the right care. Ask your pharmacist, family doctor or health lin Thinking about the girl. What girl? It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! A wolf in the wild... and your dog both share a hunger for meat. That's why blue Wilderness is made with more of the meat your dog loves... Go wild with protein-rich blue Wilderness. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. S. >> Over 13,000 runners crossed the finish line at the 60th edition of the service calgary marathon. As jaclyn kury de castillo reports, for some it was part of celebrating a love for running and taking back the trails nair ancestors travelled. >> At 69, teresa is new to competing in half marathons but growing up on the drift pile cree nation running was a part of life. >> We were quite a ways from all kind of activities so we'd have to run. >> Reporter: she crossed the finish line sunday as usual wearing moccasins, part of the indigenous runners team at the calgary marathon. >> While I'm running, I will call on my ancestors, I will communicate with my relatives that have passed on, and it's a way of bringing them closer to me without any interruption. >> Reporter: anita cardinal started a running group in edmonton after noticing a lack of diversity in the running community. >> Our ancestors ran on this land since time immemorial along the rivers. >> The edmonton lawyer and ultramarathoner says she inherited her love of father who used to run to the next town to be with his mother. >> Dad ran everywhere so when I was a kid one of the greatest things that I remember about my childhood is how much my dad was always running with us. >> Anita says running holds a powerful cultural significance

for her. >> It's a place of peace and gratitude. It's a place -- running is healing, running is prayer, and running is ceremony. >> When I run on the trails it takes timing to stop and I touch the trees and leaves and look at the flowers when I'm running. It's a time to pause and think and really reflect on yourself. >> As she's running teresa connects with her son, daughter and granddaughter love all passed away. She says the grief of those losses is compounded with intergenerational trauma. But the runners here also acknowledge there is intergenerational healing with kids, teens, and elders running together. A way of healing and reclaiming thing than lost. Jaclyn kury de castillo, global news. >> The co-owner of a calgary downtown restaurant says a long running sewage problem has caused issues for several food establishments in the area. The (indiscernible) received a notice from alberta health services to shut down wednesday. Inspectors found water and debris from sewage backup on the floors and the basement kitchen as well as a dishwasher not working properly. The business was closed for around six hours before reopening thursday. Restaurant co-owner josh rob sin says a plumbing issue on the street outside is behind the problem which has caused sewage backup for a number of nearby businesses. Robinson self-isolation dealing with an A.H.S. closure is scary and the company takes food safety very seriously. >> I understand people's concern. It seems like the world is endings, and the whole restaurants in turmoil when you see something like that, a closure, and some infractions, it really is an university circumstance for us, due to this backup which is the reason we had other fractions which again we take full responsibility for. >> Workers arrived on site sunday to work on fixing the plumbing problem. >> The invasion order for fort nelson is is being lifted as of 8 A.M. tomorrow gentleman the concern for these next couple of days is going to be for the chance of thunderstorms developing in the area. >> 250,000 hectares are burning in the B.C. peace including the patriot creek fire and the parker lake fires burning near fort st. John. Over 100 firefighters, 11 pieces of heavy equipment and 19 helicopters are battling the blaze. Residents have been away from fort nelson since may 10. The mayor says services in the community have been resupported. >> Kevin is back with another look at the forecast. You said earlier we're still at risk of thunderstorm activity. >> Yes, nice and clear around the fort McMURRAY wood buffalo region. 13° is our current temperature, late showers from and around the city, southwest winds at 5 so we'll run the risk of showers for the next four or five hours and then a possibility of seeing some thundershowers mixed in with that as well. >> Let's have a look across the country starting in victoria for tomorrow, 16° with cloudy skies, showers and 16 in and showers. 20 in saskatoon, 20 in regina and 16° in winnipeg with variable cloud. 21 in toronto and ottawa, both looking for showers tomorrow, same thing in montreal at 21°. 20 in thunder bay, 16 in timmins, 17 in sault ste. Marie, 21 in fredericton, 19 in charlottetown and 7° in St. John's for tomorrow. Here's a quick look at the national map, when we look at satellite and radar. Lots of little thunder and lightning storms going flew the prairies, from flew the south part of saskatchewan and again in northern ontario and down in southern ontario into quebec. Lots of activity going on. The good news is in alberta, anyway, most of those thunderstorms are accompanied by rain. So we're seeing showers. If there's any saving grace about it that's what it is. But we could live without any more of that. We'll talk about sunshine and temperatures in the mid 20s whup in a few minutes. >> It's about time. >> I think it is, absolutely. >> Pressure continues to mount on canada to meet its nato commitment to spend 2% of its G.D.P. on defence ahead of this summer's nato summit in washington a bipartisan group of U.S. senators have now written a letter to prime minister justin trudeau to urge him to meet that nato spending target. On this week's "the west block ottawa bureau chief mercedes stephenson sits down with the U.S. ambassador to canada, david cohen. >> I'm wondering if the white house shares the view of these U.S. senators that canada is not doing enough on defence. >> I think the U.S. government

position, including the white house? Canada needs to spend more money on defence. The threat environment in which we're all functioning today is fundamentally different than it was three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. Certainly at the time that the voluntary commitments to spend at least 2% of gtp on defence was entered into a decade ago. No doubt canada needs to spend more but that's not the U.S. government and the white house. I think the canadian cabinet believes that or would not have approved the defence policy update that was entered into. Whoosh seeing is the lead-up to the nato summit in july in the united states, and at the end of 2024, the way projections are looking canada will be the only country in nato that's not spending at least 2% of its G.D.P. on defence and does not have a plan to get that. So canada has moved within nato from being. >> Powerful storms ripped through southern united states. How four pastors -- forecaster warn this is just th Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! Our teachers are committed to preparing us for success in life. They work hard to support us and help us succeed. But super big class sizes, increasing responsibilities, and poor support make it harder for teachers to help us. That's because Alberta spends the least amount of money per student. In all of Canada. Schools need more funding so that teachers can guide us in achieving our dreams. It's time for solutions. Stop the excuses. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Vanessa:Hi, I'm Vanessa! Tori:Vanessa likes gymnastics. She loves soccer, she loves to ride her bike. She loves to stay at the park as long as she can. She shows me every day that she can do anything she puts her mind to. The War Amps is able to provide Vanessa with the devices and support that she needs because of the generosity of the public. Nothing will stop her. Any help that she ever needs is right there because of your generosity. Vanessa:Thank you! [Giggle] n is. >> The death toll is rising after a series of powerful storms ripped across the southern united states. The spectre tornado struck communities in texas, oklahoma and arkansas with forecasters warning there could be more destructive weather still to come.

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