
CITV - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

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rarely get any paper stuff and every time I do sit-- an actual peace miller collect uh holh! What happened. >> Lisa: or goes from right into the mailbox into the recycling bin. >> Kevin: ... Sometimes and back in the day we stuffed to write letters to people now we just talked them. >> Lisa: makes me sad. >> Kevin: changing world. >> Lisa: times are changing and that's the way it goes. >> Kevin: ah... Whether time and 10 degrees outside and a great start today and beautiful outside and southeast winds at some plumbers for our with partly cloudy skies and expected to stay that way-- put some pretty good games on here. Lisa, you sent me this picture last week? >> Lisa: we need charlie's luck today and what a cute dog. >> Kevin: charlie's all decked out for game day so hopefully, that's the good luck charm we need. >> Lisa: 8 degrees by morning and we are there already and 10 degrees now so we're doing pretty good and that's approaching like 10:00 already and that make sense. 13 degrees by noon at 17 degrees by this afternoon and this evening and 14 degrees for the overnight temperatures with partly cloudy skies. Expected. Charlie, keep up the good work and it seems to work last week and let's make it work this week for a spirit 17 degrees for us today in east windsor that's 7 kilometres per hour and later on tonight-- at 30 percent chance of seeing isolated showers as we get through overnight and the ones keep up around midnight and then chance of showers in there as well sitting at 30 percent chance and for tomorrow, starting awfully good throughout the day we will see increasing cloud and 30 percent chance of afternoon showers and 80 degrees for tomorrow's hi, and monday newsday with 25 with a low of 10 and on wednesday, 19 degrees with a low 13 and 18 on thursday and 18 degrees on friday and average temperatures is right across the board for next saturday in degrees with an overnight low of 8 degrees. >> Lisa: got to run 10 k today song really excited for this and speaking of running, what walk is this? >> Kevin: a long one, I'm sure and get out there and we'll see you in a bit. Closed captioningfor this Global programis brought to you in partby Encor b Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now Now at Southgate Audi qualified Audi owners can lease a 2024 Audi q5 from $169 weekly with zero downpayment. Southgate Audi progress. You can feel. music Join Global News Morning for "Protect what Matters Most" with Shield Foundation Repair. Safeguard your home and your investment. Learn the signs of foundation issues and what to do when there's a problem. Protect what matters most with shield Foundation Repair. Sundays on Global News Morning. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] Is this your first gardening season or are you a seasoned green thumb? Looking for planting inspiration or guidance to help grow your best garden? Then come to Salisbury Greenhouse where true experts are dedicated to helping grow all the way from planting to harvesting. Let's help you grow joyful experiences this season. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Stop losing sleep on your period. Always night pads are designed to give you a perfect night sleep so you can do your sprawl across white sheets thing, while Always night pads, with a two times larger back, do their up to 10 hours of protection thing. Do your sleep thing. Always. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! >> Announcer: you're watching global news morning.

issued a boiled water advisory until further notice in the water was turned back on before further notice but the boiled water advisory remains in place. Residents of fort nelson she could return until it improves nbc's northeast and fire crusade they are wrapping it up and focusing on hotspots close to the community. And mopping up along the alaska highway corridor and 4700 residents were evacuated until may 10th as the parker lake while fire burned kilometres from the town. 10 properties - including four homes - have been destroyed. Premier david eby says an assessment of those structures is underway. >>there was a period of time there where the entire town of fort neslon could have burnt down and fort nelson first nation but for the efforts of our amazing fire crews, and were not oft of the woods its a long fire season ahead, but it could have been a lot worse. >> Dan: no specific date has been set for residents to return home -- but the town's mayor is hoping for early next week. If your summer plans include visiting the lake louise area... Expect delays. At 9:37 A.M. and back after the break we are heading back into the kitchen and we will break down different types of eggs. Next up with desmond ross... >> Vehicle accidents happen every day and it happens to a few things you can consider. First make sure no one standard it if they are called 911. If no one is injured in the vehicles drivable, safely move out of traffic. If they are not drivable arrange a total and the police may attend and always check exchange information with the driver and you will want their name, phone number and the driver's licence. Next, you will need their insurance information, photo on your phone and the pain card is perfect. Remember, you need to file a police report if the damages over over $2000. These days that doesn't take much. And finally, you will want to determine the cost of repairing because sometimes it's better to pay for the repair rather than making an insurance cane claim. Accents are stressful but you don't have to be overwhelmed to follow the right This Global Program is brought to you in part by James h. Brown and Accident Injury lawyers Visit us at James h Brown dot com Here at Western rv Country sales are up compared to last year and we are loading up on fresh inventory, travel trailers, fifth wheels and destination trailers arriving daily. Visit Western rv Country dot com discover your dream rv Dream. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! [upbeat music] - Save on the essentials. Splurge on the moments. New communitymembership from ama. Did you know 80% of women struggle with hair damage? New Pantene Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner with melting Pro-V pearls... Helps hair lock in moisture to repair up to 6 months of damage. Guaranteed or your money back! If you know, you know it's Pantene. Welcome to the Royal Canadian Circus Go to Royal Canadian Circus dot ca Dizziness, incontinence. Cancer recovery. Injuries or pain? We're bringing her ideas, treatment techniques, technology and community spirit to locations near you. We're proud to be locally owned and raised in the very communities that we want to make a difference in. We're here for you when you need us. This Global program is brought to you in part by the Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir. Alleluia cd release concert May 30th. >> Lisa: time for another visit with shane blakely with global one and what's going on? >> Shane: lots of roadwork is happening down here on skoda a road on the bridge deck up above connors road so this is--

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