
CITV - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

looking at futurecast and there is edmonton and us right now and all those clear skies will see through most of the day today and a bit of cloud cover moving in and about 5:30 P.M. by the time we are into like 2:00 a.m., we have just ahead some of the spotty little stuff go through the area and then we could see some of those evening showers but only the 30 percent chance of it's not that bad. Tomorrow slightly better chance of seeing isolated thunderstorm particularly insulator morning early afternoon and that clears off quite nicely and back into sunshine starting on monday and that's what temperatures start to climb as well. For today across province, 19 in lethbridge in 19 in medicine hat in 19 in medicine hat in 19 and brooks and 16 in calgary and 13 and can warrant 17 in red deer and 17 coronation and chance of seeing some showers and name into canned war and national parks, red deer can see showers today as well. Westlock both at 18 degrees and partly cloudy skies and 17 in lac la biche and 14 and called lakes and to with lots of sunshine in there as well. 17 in slave lake in 19 in high prairies and same thing in grand prairie and 22 in peace river and 21 and high level and partly cloudy and 20 degrees and fort mcmurray for today. This west of us in jasper 14 into the same thing and 14 and 15 and edson and 15 and whitecourt with some showers in drayton valley mostly cloudy and 16 and rocky mountain house at 16 degrees and run around the city for the most part is mostly sunny skies and exception of stony plains and jasper looking at mostly cloudy and maybe chance of showers in edmonton at 18 and 18 strathcona county in 18 degrees and red water. Looking at our forecast in detail and 17 for today with partly cloudy skies to most of the dane east ones at 20 km/hour and headed into overnight, chance of seeing isolated showers and 9 degrees is the overnight temperatures is an east ones 20 with a 30 percent chance of showers and for tomorrow, 18 degrees again with partly cloudy skies and chance of showers or thunderstorms tomorrow and again sitting at about 30 percent and we will see those ones once again and that 20 kilometre per hour range and for the long-range forecast when one on one day and back into nice sunny skies of low of 9 and tuesday 25 with a low of 10 and wednesday, 19 with a low of 13 and thursday 18 degrees with friday and for next saturday 19 with a low of 8 and it just so happens that those early average temperatures is 19 with a low of 8 so heading right back to normal and tuesday looks like a beautiful day at 25 and lots of sunshine on the weekend before we. >> Lisa: get through tomorrow this is great and I'm loving this weather so. And today it's not that bad and it's not torrential rainfall. >> Kevin: the chance of a rainfall. >> Lisa: and sometimes it's good for the forecast to get not too toasty for time for a break, we'll see you in about two minutes. >> Announcer: global and aerial coverages brought to by alberta health services. Questions about your health? Call health link at 8-1-1, anytime and from anywhere, to get advice and virtual care from health professionals for you and your family. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. (Announcer says words on screen) So estate planning has basically four cornerstones, in my opinion. One is the tax plan, which we all want to make sure we're not giving away too much. One is the legal plan to protect our tax plan. But more importantly, our life plan should be 80% of the planning because we are living so long. And then secondarily, if we do a good life plan, it's part of our legacy plan. We don't actually have to build it in a separate manner. For more information, visit [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife.

My mom loves to take pictures I remember when we were kids, she'd set them up on the mantle in our living room. She'd make sure there were as many of me as there were of my brother. You know, so we wouldn't get jealous. She still has that camera. And when we visit her now at Capital Care she still has our pictures up. Only now, they share the space with pictures of her new friends Yep, she's still taking pictures. She's still my mother. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. >>lisa: the latest addition -- public reaction to a ribbon skirt now part of the rcmp's ceremonial uniform has been largely negative. The option is for indigenous officers who identify as women or two-spirit people but as melissa ridgen explains....some feel it's tone deaf and disrespectful.... >> Reporter: it was a soft launch on the rcmp social media thursday-- ribbon skirts, symbol of resilience and survival of first nations woman now part of the dress uniform part of rcmp officers a part of the metis feathers and stash. >> Relates know for me. >> Reporter: and activists, summarizing the wave of reaction. >> Upon me seeing it, I was immediately turned off and I was like oof! And I tried to unpacked why did I say off! When I saw that. The historic of ongoing trauma. >> Reporter: social media flooded from indigenous folks except on the rcmp these social media pages. >> Funny enough the comments were turned off when it was posted. When it foresaw some issues or didn't want to deal some of the backlash they knew they were going to get. >> Reporter: many felt the announcement did not consider the police forces dark surfaces from hanging metis leader and 1885. From force location of inuit families to the high arctic to act as human flagpoles for canada, during the cold war and the forcible removal of first nations children from their home to residential schools. Inspector kim mueller is along with other officers worked for years to have the red daily added to the uniform. >> Them social media interviews make assumptions about where this is coming from and that this is a colonial organization taking something sacred-- and you know, agree to disagree. On may 1st nations woman who is a proud police officer. My elders, families and communities are also proud of that and this is a way to celebrate people like me within the rcmp. >> Reporter: and the end it will be up to the rcmp is 300 officers who identify as indigenous woman or to spirit-- whether they where the ribbon skirts as part of their dress uniform or keep their culture and attire separate. Melissa reginald, global news winnipeg. >>lisa: prime minister justin trudeau highlighting his universal pharmacare program on friday in nova scotia. Trudeau says the federal government is launching the first phase of the national plan... Worth 1-point-5 billion dollars. Medications and devices including insulin... Birth control pills... And i-u-ds will be free for canadians. Nova scotia nurses union president janet hazelton says contraception and diabetes coverage are among the most needed for people without a drug plan. >>we see far too many patients to us...these patients inevitably land back in the system requiring more intensive healthcare like an amputation. >>lisa: hazelton says nurses across the country hope to see more medications covered by the federal pharmacare plan. Vladimir putin may be willing to end the war in ukraine... If russia is allowed to keep the territories it now controls. That's according to a report from reuters released friday -- citing four anonymous high-level sources. As mike armstrong explains....the question now is >>lisa: hazelton says nurses across the country hope to see more medications covered by the federal pharmacare plan. Vladimir putin may be willing to end the war in ukraine... If russia is allowed to keep the territories it now controls. That's according to a report from reuters released friday -- citing four anonymous high-level

sources. As mike armstrong explains....the question now is whether the report is a trial balloon from the kremlin... Or more psychological warfare. >> Reporter: there was no confirmation but no denial. Vladimir putin visiting one of his allies-- . Puritan says there's needs for peace talks with ukraine... That they need to reflect realities on the ground. What that likely refers to are the front lines in eastern ukraine. According to a reuters report, for sources close to putin says he is "willing to freeze the war", and that is his condition to keep what his troops have taken but right now russia controls about 18 percent of ukrainian territory in fighting to take more. Now, the first question about this potential putin proposal is whether it's real. But a report citing multiple kremlin sources-- even anonymously is not likely to have come out of the kremlin without putin said approval. Diversity of toronto-- >> It's highly unlikely, this is a question and dream. It is very tightly controlled. >> Reporter: the other question is motivation, the proposal could be a trial-- to feel things out and all caps so could be a way of putting pressure to ukraine to grow fatigue with the war with the agreement at this... Isolated and probably shouldn't putin with perhaps with one accomplishment. >> If vladimir can speak with only one in staying in power and protecting and power-- then he has been successful. >> Putin approached the whole. >> Reporter: the cranium president in his weekly statement on friday says that putin is trying to disrupt an upcoming peace summit anyway way he can. About 70 countries are set to meet next month in switzerland that will include prime minister trudeau with china being invited and russia has not. Mike armstrong, global news montreal. ( ) >>lisa: the oilers can put themselves in an outstanding position tonight with another victory in game 2 of their round 3 series against the stars. Historically... Road teams that win the first two games go on to win the series 90 percent of the time. Adam hen-reek could be back in the lineup... After missing six straight games with an injury. Kris knaw-block says henrique is at about 98 percent... But the head coach isn't sure if he wants to mess around with a winning formula. That a. >> Player like adam would be a huge boost for our team... >> Reporter: game two ghost tonight for dallas and the puck drops at 6:00 and is always, listen to the action on time to head down to 630 ched. From the ice to the turf, the edmonton elks will get their taste in game action today when they host the saskatchewan roughriders or preseason action for some players it's time to earn a roster spot or starting spot for the alex her off-season signing and quarterback bethel thompson and a chance to get reacquainted with the cfl in the us football league. >> Just to get back in game situation and obviously you want to move the ball and see the fence move up and down the field and bill gates a good team and the rough riders. >> The kids are ready to play and I thought the walk-through was extremely shocking and a really good week of prep. >> Lisa: over last week, and then the players would compete at youth nationals. >> Lisa: about 15,000 athletes on more than 200 teams are competing in the national championship and the 12 day event also brings in around 22,000 spectators. Explore edmonton says it's one of the cities biggest economic generators and expected to bring in around $48 million. >> That scene by restaurants, hotels and bars entrance it's in every business that touches the tourism industry is impacted by this event. >> This is one of our bigger events for the year and we do a lot of festivals and that sort of thing but this one for a 12 day run is pretty huge. >> Reporter: by the time the tournament wraps up on sunday, it's expected around 33,000 nights will have been booked in hotels in hotels for the event. At 7:24 A.M. and we'll see you in a few.

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