
CITV - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

- How well are you prepared for a long-term poweroutage in your home? You got some candles,maybe a flashlight or two, hopefully one withbatteries that work. Well that mighteven sound like fun, if it only lasts a fewminutes or an hour or two. But what if it's outfor days or even weeks? It can happen.(dramatic music) There are so many ways the gridcan be seriously disrupted. And it can shut downtransportation, communication. It can even lead to foodand water shortages. Out in the wilderness, oneof the keys to survival is securing food and water. It's exactly the samewhen you're at home, trying to survive extremeweather or a natural disaster that's taken down the grid. So sure, keep the candles around and flashlights withfresh batteries. But let's get seriousabout preparing your home, and power yourself with aGenerac standby generator. - [Announcer] Demand for powerputs stress on an aging grid, and power outagesare on the rise. (thunder crashes) So when the powergrid goes down, your electricity can beout for days, even weeks. Are you prepared? Now you can be with a standbygenerator from Generac. (motor humming) - Having the Generac generator, I felt secure that ifthere was a power outage, I didn't have to worry about it. That there would beheat in the home, there wouldn't be busted pipes. My sump pumps wouldcontinue to run. - [Announcer] Whenyou lose power, your Generac standby generator instantly detects the problem, and within seconds,your home powers up. No struggling to startyour generator in a storm. No extension cordsthrough windows and doors. No waiting in lineto fill up gas cans. Because your Generac runson your existing natural gas or propane supply, you neverhave to think about it. And the wifi-enabled MobileLink Remote Monitoring system keeps you posted onoperating status, maintenance updates, and more. Only Generac featuresTruePower Technology, delivering best-in-classpower from a G-Force engine, specificallydesigned to withstand the rigors of generator use. Generac generators aredesigned, engineered, and purpose-built by Generac. And Generac is thenumber one manufacturer of home standbygenerators in the world. Today, 8 out of 10homeowners choose Generac. - I love my Generac.- I love my Generac. - I just love my Generac. - Hey, you can't beat a Generac. - [Announcer] Your GeneracHome Standby Generator delivers more than power. It delivers peace of mind,keeping you, your family, and yes, even your petscomfortable, safe, and secure. - [Announcer] Callor go online now to request your free quote with one of Generac'snationwide dealers. Together you'll determine theright generator for your home, based on yourunique energy needs. Installation is fast,usually in about a day. Plus, if you actnow, you will receive a 5-year extendedwarranty absolutely free. That's an over-$700 value, free! And the local Generaccustomer support team is always availablearound the clock to answer anyquestions you may have. Call now to requestyour free quote. The call is free,the quote is free, and there's noobligation to buy. So the next timethe grid goes down, your home powersup with a Generac. Call now to power your life. (upbeat music) The preceding was apaid advertisement for Generac HomeStandby Generators. Brought to you by GeneracPower Systems, Incorporated. ANNOUNCER: This program is presented as a paid advertisement. ANNOUNCER: What is StackTV? WOMAN: You're not gonna believe this. Three, two, one, go. StackTV is a streaming service for your whole family. Let's get into it. StackTV is drama, and comedy... What's happening? I'm in. StackTV is action... Please do them now. And a dose of reality. Every single turn. StackTV is everything you want and so much more. This is fun. (Exclaiming) That is StackTV. We're back, baby! What! Are you ready for it? Watch now with your free trial. Every time I open my eyes... I am still there. I'm the police police. The what? Uh, never mind. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth,only on Global. Stream on StackTVand the Global TV app. We're out of time, fire's here. ANNOUNCER: Fire Country,only on Global. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. ANNOUNCER: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available

rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. ( ) >> Lisa: good morning, it is saturday may 25th then what absolutely beautiful looking morning and my goodness this guy looks stunning today. We are officially, I think it looks like spring and kevin o'connell will break down how the weather is adverse to look at our top story. The deportation of the truck driver involved in the hubolt broncos bus crash. Why a federal board made the call and what's next. The faces of oil country. A look at some unforgetable oilers characters off the ice. Balancing the public school budget. Why increased enrollment is presenting a major challemge for the edmonton school board. Good morning. Kevin joins us >> Announcer: you're watching global edmonton, this is global news morning. >> Lisa: hello, hello, and good morning. >> Kevin: there morning and how was your week? >> Lisa: it was really good and I enjoyed this weather and even with the rain, it was such a relaxing week is the yard >> Kevin: and that was some of the sunshine and warm her on the way things will be turning green and so nice outside. >> Lisa: I mean, it already does like yesterday I was just saying it was such a gorgeous day and it wasn't even that warm out. >> Kevin: it wasn't but there was no wind on the sun was direct that you can feel the warmth if you were just in the right place, yeah, it was kind of nice. More of those days on the way and seeing some thundershowers over the next 36 hours or so and today we will see mostly sunny skies and overnight tomorrow maybe a thunderstorm and 17 degrees for later on this afternoon east ones at 20 km/hour and the rest of the details coming up in just a few moments. >> Lisa: some new information on the killing of a teenage boy in our city earlier this week. Police were called to an isolated road in north edmonton on tuesday night...where they found an injured youth. Last night...police confirming 15-year-old "broden radomske"... Died from a stab wound. Keith landry is charged with second-degree murder in the case. Police believe the 40-year-old man... And victim... Knew each other. A federal board has ordered the deportation of the truck driver convicted of dangerous driving in the humboldt broncos bus crash. Just over six years ago... A semi collided with a bus... Carrying the junior hockey team...killing 16 people and injuring another 13. While the deportation was expected... As sarah offin reports... The truck driver's lawyer is still fighting for him to stay in canada. >>reporter: it was a tragedy that shook a nation. On a rural road in saskatchewan 16 lives were suddenly ended, 13 others were injured -- and countless families were forever changed. That includes for jaskirat singh sidu -- the rookie truck river - whose semi collided with the junior >>he's dealing with very severe post-traumatic stress disorder and severe anxiety. And now potentially having his family broken up is pretty tough to deal with, I think. >>reporter: not a citizen and did they commit a serious crime. >>they continue to believe that mr. Sidhu should be deported from canada. Saying theyre prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. >>reporter: because of the length of sidhu's sentence -- he lost his right to appeal -- at least not before a deporation order was granted. >>now that it's been issued he can apply to get his permanent residence back on humanitarian grounds and that's what we're going to do. At this point, it's out of my control like I can't... While he has to live with the consequences for the rest of his life. >> Reporter: another parent who knows the parent of logan brule believes that mister do boo should be deported from canada and prepared to remain diligent even as mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. But because of the length of his unprecedented 8 year sentence, he lost his right to appeal at least until the deportation order was granted. >> Now it's been issued, he can give it back to the humanitarian on compassionate. >> Reporter: grounds his lawyer says that sidhu''s sun has medical issue that will prevent his son from moving back to india to rip apart the man that has already been going through enough. They saved their deportation can take months or even years and an appeal that's underway usually takes about two to three years to process and an ongoing sag it seems that is still far from

over. Sarah offin, global news. >> Announcer: you're watching global news morning. (chanting) >>lisa: today is shaping up to be a great day for local sports. On top of volleyball nationals... The edmonton elks -- open their cfl pre-season campaign... With a home game against the saskatchewan roughriders. Kick-off is at 2pm... Which means... You can enjoy the game... And make it home or to ice district -- just in time for puck drop in game two of the oilers - stars western conference final. Former n-h-l head coach ken hitchcock was inducted into the hockey hall of fame just last year... And now... The edmonton native is joining the ranks of the alberta sports hall of fame. The induction ceremony taking place last night in red deer. Hitchcock is being honoured for his work as a coach and his efforts to grow the game of hockey... Hosting clinics around the world. Âc hitch' is one of the winning-est coaches in n-h-l history. Most recently... Serving a brief stint behind the oilers bench in 2019. But.. Hitchcock spent a long time as head coach in dallas! The stars and oilers of the late 90's faced each other often in the playoffs. So... What does he think about this renewed riverly? >>this is a hard call for me because I coached both teams. I'm just trying to be a passenger and watch from the outside but I'm just impressed with the growth of edmonton and grown of their team their value system has changed for the better. I'm really happy to see that. >>lisa: hitchcock says the biggest achievement in his career... Was being able to pass on his knowledge... And structures... To other coaches. Mcdavid... Draisaitl... And skinner... Have been front and centre in the spotlight during this stanley cup run. But there are some other less known members of oil this is izack hodgins... He's a big edmonton oilers fan... And also loves to dance. If you've been to the ice district plaza... You've likely have seen him. Last round - he tried out a few moves in a dance circle... And went viral. Now -- he's drawing a crowd whenever he breaks out those moves. >>the energy in this whole area is just wi;d. It's electric energy you get from everybody else here, it makes it worth coming back every time.. >>lisa: "dancing skinner" as he's known... Is also a goalie himself. He says he'll keep dancing...and he hopes the oilers -- keep winning. The third round of the oilers 50-50 is raising money for "kids in oil country". It will support make-a-wish canada....the ymca of northern alberta and the oilers community foundation's "every kid deserves a shot" initiative. Make-a-wish canada calls it an incredible opportunity to partner with an organization that helps grant wishes. Every 20-minutes... A child is diagnosed with a critical illness. Granting them a wish helps provide a light... In the darkest of times for kids between the ages of 3-and-17 living with critical illnesses. >>right now in northern alberta there's over 3-hundred children waiting for a wish. So at any point - whether they are newly refered or they're going to florida tomorrow - we're working on wishes on every stage and capacity. So the funds from this 50/50 will help to make sure that the next wish - and next number of wishes - will come through. >>lisa: the oilers 50-50 is close to 1-million dollars... And runs until the end of game four. For tickets... You can go online -- to edmonton oilers dot com slash 50-50. Kevin has weather. People really want to know what the weather will be life today for the sports fan and if you are taking in the oilers game from outside so what can we expect? >> Kevin: um, there is a chance of showers and 30 percent of showers as we head onto overnight and pinpointing a time will be iffy and we can see if we can do better bette's weekend go with the warmer they are like a woody and then a windproof water resistant-- just in case. But other than that, the temperatures and the conditions are all looking pretty nice in the rest of the forecast coming up, and chappelle gardens at 6 degrees is the current temperature is the current humidity and partly cloudy skies as he could see through moved most of the indus city today. 80 degrees downtown and these when out to kilometres per hour and then a nice start to the day and light winds and sunshine getting things going first thing on saturday morning and satellite and radar around edmonton and not looking and seeing anything really that busy today until we get into the later afternoon and early hours looking into the south and same thing and not a lot going on in there as well. Nice and quiet to start the day.

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