
CITV - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

last weekend even into the opening, because it smells so fresh outside right now. >> Ciara: I know it just looks clean out there, especially down in the park so chaotic. Incomes all clean it up. All right our city is looking fantastic sending, blue skies lay a cloud around, but nothing to complain about that's for sure 18 right now, still not apnea height looking to reach 22 degrees today, the evening, 13 and donate 11, there had to watch the game, outdoors, is a perfect name for it, if you're lucky enough to be, going to the game, we'll just a nice light jersey, not to put much underneath her, even some shorts, perfect temperatures. 24 degrees for tomorrow, were actually rising, then midweek temperatures will come down below seasonal again as we'll see some rain roll through. After a couple nights the ground for their stay never get to last year on the state 27 degrees without evening level of 12. So comparing those two it was warmer last year. We are still or marked in that normal high fat sun came up beautifully at 5:15 A.M. today and setting at 9 you should be able to see a nice sunrise on our hats. Back on this day in 1936 to set a record of 34 degrees, and now, although sunrise-sunset photos are making their end, looks like a nice little weekend on the way fight kayaking I love that. The sun just coming down. Magical. Listen back to you. >> Vinesh: beautiful image ciara, thank you so much. The present to the university of alberta is under further pressure. The body of the overseas on the university as faculties possible to nonconfidence in his leisure. President president bill flanagan has come under fire for his handling of a pro passing inclement earlier this month dumpsters are forcibly removed by edmonton police officers. The councils that oversees the faculty of arts has now conquer flanagan to resign. It should be noted avoid what nonconfidence does not trigger his removal, that decision lies with the university's board of governors. But flanagan is seeking a second term as president with his current term due to expire next summer. >> Speaker: president flanagan is no longer supported by many people in the university of alberta community. It's not clear how he's going to lead that community. And, I think there's a very strong sentiment that he needs to stop defending encampment sleep and meant it was a terrible mistake. Students that took part in protest against flanagan's leadership also present on a pro-palestine rally outside the legislature of the weekend. Some demonstrators members of a group called the people's university for palestine. One university is to declare support our cease-fire and cut ties of businesses and investments that support israel. It's not just you have a better targeted. >> Speaker: we are demanding the same that we have been across the river over here. Mcewan is in a very unique position at the moment to be the first in the city to meet these demands. >> Vinesh: global news has reached out to finance office for comment, but has not yet received a response. Meantime in toronto, the deadline for pro-palestinian protesters declare clear their encampment from the uft has passed. School gave them until 8:00 this morning to leave calm before taking legal action to get them out. Jaden-lee lincoln has more. >> Reporter: I gather here today in a rally in support of the uft pro-palestinian encampment at king's college circle. This rally organized by the ontario labour federation in also different unions here, including cupe, including united steel workers also various speeches from today's rally I'll get you to take a lesson right now. >> Speaker: continue to propose committee but we want commitments. We want divestments. We want closure and we want it now. If the university of toronto makes a move against the students, they'll have to go through the workers first. But don't take my work for it I don't want you to take my word for it. I want each of you to look around and see that there are unions who hear, worker armenians are across the province >> Reporter: as of 8:00 A.M. those involving the cam and are considered trespassing. The university has put in a statement saying this morning, lawyers are planting the university of toronto served document seeking injunction order from the ontario court of justice and slac that for an expert a case conference for scheduling. That means we know the university now seeking legal action to get the students and staff involved in this encampment off of king's college circle. In that letter they also say they continue to have talks with and committed organizers they

had talks yesterday. It is going to be another meeting this afternoon. Day 25 of this and students are looking for university's commitment to divest, disclose and cut ties with israeli institutions, the university says they will consider providing committees to consider those discussions but they have not fully agreed to their divestment. Again meeting today at 5:00 o'clock P.M. with organizers and the university. But they made a clear income and organizers are not going anywhere, in support a broca's team protesters sang their setting strong, standing united and students get what they are asking for clean university. Jaden-lee lincoln, global news. Residency backed away from one bc community due to wildfires are in. This Global program is brought to you in part by td Edmonton International Jazz Fest June 25th to 30th. Visit Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! After a night shift, I do everything to stay quiet. But the second I touch the bed... I'm We have mattresses to help reduce motion transfer. So light sleepers can stay asleep. At Sleep Country, We Solve Sleep. The Do Not Disturb Event Is On Now I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Hey, so Mom's thing is coming up. Should we book flights? Let's do it. We could go a day early. Mmm... Or the later one? ( ) With over 500 flights daily... we have a flight for that. Man: I love that my daughter still needs me. But sometimes I can't help due to pain in my hands. So I use Nervive Nerve Relief. Its dose of ala helps relieve pain associated with peripheral neuropathy, with results starting in 14 days. Now I can help again. Feel the difference with Nervive. This summer, Greentree Outdoor Living wants to transform your spectacular new yard! Our skilled designers and builders have turned dreams into reality, stress free for over 25 years. Your oasis awaits! Book your free consultation today at Hi, it's Jack Sweeney from Kiss and Country and Jeep. Life is the life for me with room for all our gear, three rows of seating and a family camera. My Jeep Grand Cherokee has everything I need to keep up with my crew. Check it out. at or visit your Alberta Jeep dealer. >> Announcer: you're watching "global news at noon". >> Vinesh: welcome back everyone for nelson residence returning home after more than two weeks of fire forced the entire community to evacuate. Back wish in order for the emissive paddy another shining areas of data at 8:00 A.M. officials have deemed assay for fort nelson nelson's roughly 4,700 residents to return home at the park like wildfire earning just a few kilometres west of the town still remains under control. The bc wildfire service says over the next few days, dry conditions and heightening will pose challenges for firefighting crews. >> Speaker: the concern for unesco bases can be for the chance of thunderstorms developing in the area. There's is a lot of instability in the atmosphere and the concern for wildfire perspective is that these thunderstorms may generate some mining and addition to some gusty winds. >> Vinesh: fort nelson will still remain on evacuation alert that means residents are being asked to be repaired to leave adam a moment's notice in case a lot of our situation worsens. At least three month people were killed over the weekend as tornadoes and other extreme weather events past the parts of the united states. In kentucky, a state of emergency is now in place after tornado spotting storms swept across the region. And over texas people in multiple communities are picking up the pieces, following a series of tornadoes that touched down overnight. Dave malkoff has the latest. >> Reporter: all funnel clouds current camera and eddie, kentucky the state's governor declared a state of emergency early monday because of severe weather. Hill and twisters also lead to parts of missouri in st. Louis, neighbours work to clear the debris. >> Speaker: we'll keep everybody here is lucky our houses are destroyed. >> Reporter: in arkansas, severe weather lead to several deaths. It foster home as twisters tore through the area. >> Speaker: I knew something was

bad we heard it last couple minutes it was devastating. >> Reporter: to young children were among the victims of daily toasters in cook county, texas. >> Speaker: with particular one, the damage and the loss is really heartbreaking. >> Reporter: if you look at all the 300 tornadoes that happen so far, this season, it makes it the second worst april on record. Amid the destruction there are stories of heroism, including at this truck stop where guevara told his fellow pastors to take shelter in the bathrooms. >> Speaker: when I say let's go to the restrooms, you know the dispatcher said hey go, go, go, go everybody else in britain everybody go to the restrooms. >> Speaker: that person saved probably 50-60 lives. >> Reporter: local emergency manager tell suggesting nobody died at the sky station thanks to the quick thinking of that voice in the dark. Dave malkoff, cbs news, valleyview, texas. >> Vinesh: rescue and recovery efforts continue in papua new guinea where it's believed around 2,000 people have been killed mulling a landslide on the south island. Assessments of the casualties have made widely since the disaster happened. That's not immediately clear how officials have calculated the latest numbers. The main only 6 people have been recovered so far. More than 150 homes were buried in the last side, a soul a stretch of highway which is now covered up with up to 8 metres of debris gritting a major obstacle for rescue efforts. Strong winds and heavy rains pounded the coastal regions of bangladesh and india as a severe cycle made landfall. Now millions are without power. Dozens of angry that she villagers have flooded after the production and marketing see washed away or be damaged by storm surge. Nearly 800,000 people have been evacuated from vulnerable areas and bangladesh. The india meteorological department says while the storm has weekend, heavy precipitation is forecast for the next two days. Health officials and got us at least 45 people are dead after an israeli airstrike on a tent camp in rafah. Israel's military wants to attack after intercepted 8 rockets fired by hamas and israel over the weekend. Israel says to senior hamas officials were killed in the attack on rafah. But the strike also triggered a massive fire, engulfing plenty of tense and structures, and reportedly killing people who are already displaced by the ongoing war. France has expressed outrage, following the attack while qatar says it could congregate cease-fire talks between hamas and israel. You order form of energy is under scrutiny over the way it is produced in one province. We'll explain. And how this for an initial emergency response call? La more on what led to this snappy catch and eventual release. I've never hadthese feelings before, but I'd be sadif I had to kill her. Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. [upbeat music] - Save on the essentials. Splurge on the moments. New communitymembership from ama. It's timefor a lower electricity ratewith Encor by epcor. Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Central Mountain Airflying non-stop from Edmontonto Prince George and High Enjoy the convenience of non-stop with our friendly staff. Book today at Well, I think a good estate plan should be focused on you and what is significant to you. So that means what is meaningful in your life at the present moment. Estate planning has become about life planning, not about passing on. For more information, join me for our next complimentary webinar. [ ]"Ready?" Change is inevitable. It can send you offin new directions... show you the unexpected. Like how your favouritespot isn't yours anymore... it's theirs. Introducing thecompletely reborn three rowHyundai santa fe. Wah changes everything. [Hyundai sting] it's your last chance to scratch and save! At the brick! Find big savings throughout the store! And scratch and save, up to an additional forty percent off your purchase! Plus! Scratch and win!

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