
CITV - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

their understanding and donated to the ben stelter fund. Oiler fans thanking him for owning up to it and accepting his apology. Now back to that game too. Oilers dominated the play but something was missing. The power-play opportunities. The players and the coaches were asked and they were trying to be diplomatic about the calls or lack thereof against the stars. Now tonight game three has a head coach said he will not blow things up. Coming home with a split is a success. Bittersweet losing that game but he said that the team is focused. >> Speaker: you when the first and you want to win the next. But, it's nice that we are going back to edmonton we will be in front of our crowd and at home. >> Kendra: today is also been stelter's birthday. He would have been 8. So hoping that the oilers get to play that song for him tonight. Back to you. >> Vinesh: thank you, kendra. It is approaching 6:31 A.M. edmonton fire crews were called to millwood stripmall to battle a fire early this morning. >> Darryn: an option shortly after 2:30 A.M. they arrived here to find flames coming from one of the businesses in the complex. A second alarm was called about 15 minutes later and at one point there was at least 40 firefighters on scene. Edmonton fire rescue said the fire was confined to the one business though there is smoke damage to at least one other story. The fire was brought under control just before 330. It was a busy weekend for edmonton police. >> Vinesh: one minutes in hospital after he was shot by an officer on saturday night. And happened at a gas station around 93rd street and 144 avenue. An officer walked inside and there was a man inside with a weapon. A confrontation did take place in the officer fired his gun. The officer was not injured. Police also found a taser at the scene. The alberta serious incident response team is now investigating. A29-year-old man was rushed to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries following another shooting on saturday night. That's when your southgate mall. Police were called to the park aid of an apartment complex oh 108 a street and want is a 70 following reports of gunshots. That investigation continues. And one person was taken to hospital after this crash in the beverly neighbourhood on sunday afternoon. A vehicle went through the front of this liquor store at one 17th avenue and 34th street. The global news crew team was told that the driver suffered injuries. >> Erin: the president of the university of alberta's under further pressure. The body that oversees one of the biggest faculties has passed a vote of nonconfidence in his leadership. The president has come under fire for his handling of a pro-palestinian encampment where earlier this month demonstrators were forcibly removed by edmonton police officers. It should be noted a vote of they counsel that oversees the faculty of arts is now calling for him to resign. It should be noted a vote of non-confidence does not trigger his removal. That decision lies with the university's board of governors. But flanagan is seeking a second term as president with his current term due to expire, next summer. >> David kahane: the president is no longer supported by many people in the university community. It is not clear how he will lead that community and I think there is a very strong sentiment that he needs to stop part in protests against defending the encampment and admit that it was a terrible mistake. >> Erin: students that took part in protests against flanagan's leadership, were also present at a 'pro-palestine rally' outside the legislature over the weekend. Some demonstrators are members of a group called the people's university for palestine. They want university leaders to declare support for a ceasefire and to cut ties with businesses and investments that support israel and it's not just the u of a they're targetting. >> Nour salhi: we're demanding the same that we have been across the river, over here. Macewan is in a very unique position at the moment to be the first in the city to meet these demands. Out to flanagan's office for >> Erin: global news reached out to flanagan's office for comment but has not yet received a response. In a 6:34 A.M. time to look at traffic. >> Tracie: traffic started off a little foggy. Lots of fog around edmonton but it looks like it's starting to burn off which is good. Still seeing some fog out there still. Les anthony henday and the yellow head. And the river crossing southwest 111 street looking good through there. We are getting reports that there is a stalled vehicle in the eastbound lanes on fox drive. So as you head onto belgravia eastbound watch for that. Some flights at the airport are seeing delays. 1131 air canada from montreal is cancelled.

1130 air canada to vancouver is delayed. So if you have a flight that you are picking someone up from or you are headed out somewhere double check that flight status before you head out to the airport. The fog maybe causing more delays later on. We are taking a look northbound along 170 street towards the construction on 87 avenue. Bless edmonton mall is here north and southbound does have lane closures. There are link closures in all directions and a drop down to 60 kilometres in hour or so watch for that. Otherwise looking good throughout edmonton we were seeing a slowdown on sunday for street as you come across the capilano bridge. That looks like it has cleared up. Probably some fog that was hanging around in otherwise anthony henday moving along while not seeing any major delays. That's a look at your ok tire traffic let's head over to sky tracker weather with the >> Ciara: matilda celebrated a birthday on the weekend. Two years old. And hopefully we will celebrate with an oilers win tonight. 22 for the afternoon taking the dog out it's beautiful at any point. So even just a light jacket with the temperatures almost at the double-digit mark. Seeing a bit of rain sticking around for northern parts there could be a thunder shower. For the fort mcmurray, peace river and grande prairie area and into the evening but for the central and southern parts they are looking good until tuesday night. Peace river and grande prairie mostly towards the west I keep saying yesterday about last week many parts under a heavy rainfall. But switching this big jasper, banff, lethbridge still seeing rain into wednesday night. We will see some scattered showers role in wednesday evening sticking around for thursday and temperatures will drop down for two days but we come back up in time for the weekend. When it comes to the wind it has been late in the edmonton area. Such a nice treat and it will continue to stay late for the next few days. Picking up a little bit in red deer this afternoon with 27 kilometres an hour. 34 in lethbridge, 27 in fort mcmurray and 29. But we could see gus around 15 kilometres an hour today so we like that. Get out and enjoy today. 22 in edmonton with the afternoon high. Same thing for medicine hat. 21 in coronation, calgary, high-level back up to 22 for fort mcmurray. Temperatures across our country here not too bad. 16 in vancouver, 22 for vernon. Out east it was warm. Toronto seen temperatures around 30 and the warm air coming back to the prairie provinces and it will continue to come back into tomorrow's also 23 for wood buffalo, 19 in yellowknife, norman wells as we headed to saskatchewan temperatures coming up, there. 22 for saskatoon. 21 in winnipeg and then out east temperatures are coming back up above seasonal for the most part. Not as warm as last week but still looking good. Ran a 10 and 19 halifax 12, cape breton at 16 we have 23 in montreal was some rain activity, 23 in ottawa, 21 in toronto with some rainfall as well. Mostly looking for a high of 18. Timmons 19 and church built 2 degrees. Stay with us. , we will be back after the break. ALL:Let's see your voice! Edmonton's #1 morningNews. Global News Morning. Brings you stories that matter.Stay up to date with the latest in news, weather and traffic anduseful information for your family. "What key changes should Canadian families be mostcautious of?" On the 3rd Monday of each month,tune in to Ask The Expert, where we dive into topics likeself care, medical insights, planning for the future, and more! "i certainly think everyoneshould have a will." Brought to you by MacmillanEstate Planning. Safe guarding significance. Global News Morning.Our city, our news. When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. people with disabilities are. - We're trying to build a bridge across the disability community. - I always say I am happier now with less sight than I've ever been. - Para sport lit that fire back in my life. - If you embrace the differences about you, they can be

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