
CITV - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

demand a cease-fire. >> Reporter: but the rocket attack makes a cease-fire much less likely. >> Vinesh: british prime one urging the army to hit rafah even harder. David akin, global news, ottawa. >> Vinesh: british prime minister rishi sunak says if reelected, his party is prepared to introduce a mandatory national service for 18-year-olds. They would have the choice of enlisting in the military or performing community work. But the proposal could remain just that if sunak's political fortunes don't improve. Redmond shannon reports. >> Speaker: we will have a general election on the fourth of july. >> Reporter: the timing of the election it calls surprises many as has his first big campaign announcement. >> Speaker: a bold new model of service. To reporters seeing teenagers choose between a year in the military or completing 12 weekends of community work across one year. The vast majority would do the latter. Claiming it would help society and national security. These 16-year-old who cannot vote yet could be among the first to be enrolled. >> Speaker: my parents were speaking about it in the morning. >> Reporter: and much did they say? >> Speaker: divided. I don't want them to win especially after hearing about what he has done with this. >> Reporter: it is 64 years since britain has had a national service but with the governing conservatives behind in the polls this could be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. Remembering his uncle being called up to serve and he said that the plan is a reflection of global instability. >> Speaker: waking up to the fact that the british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war anywhere. >> Reporter: former social worker believes it is purely election politics. >> Speaker: I think it's a gimmick and it will never see the light of day. I think it's clutching at straws. If you really care about young people's welfare you would invest properly in education. >> Reporter: at the idea is far from unique in europe. Many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service. Among them denmark, switzerland. Redmond shannon, global news. >> Vinesh: it is 6:17 A.M. and it is going to be a beautiful day. >> Ciara: a beautiful day for an oilers win. The fog is easing up. 8-degree that they. Temperatures coming up. One thing we all have in common across the province is green. Things are looking so great thanks to the amount of rain we have received over the past couple of weeks. For in calgary and then to and as we head into the banff area. It's a perfect day to get out there. In the afternoon it is 22 degrees. I will need to change that. This evening 12. Again if you are headed out to the golf course it's a beautiful day to get out and enjoy. We will see the same thing tomorrow and rising even warmer. The rain is making its way out of northern alberta. We will see light activity. A bit of light scattered showers into saskatchewan. But for the rest of alberta things are clear for today. Temperatures on their way up. 9 degrees for medicine hat and two and jasper, 7 and grande prairie. 10 in high-level and they will continue to rise. Looking for a high of 22. Temperatures are consistent across the province from cell to central to northern alberta. It doesn't normally happy so nice to see 22 from fort mcmurray. Same for lethbridge. A little bit cooler for banff. In the 7 day forecast temperatures coming up, tomorrow. 24 degrees so it will stay above seasonal and wednesday and thursday temperatures will come down a bit as we will see rain rollback through. A little bit cooler on friday. 16 with the seasonal high of 20 or about 4 degrees below that but do not worry because just in time for the weekend temperatures welcome back up and we are looking for a high of 23 degrees. Stay with us. , we will be back after the break Fairway Forecast is brought to you by Lightning Lotto. Know your limit. Play within it. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish.

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