
CITV - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

go oilers go. Heather yourex-west, global news, calgary. >> Erin: it is cordon and 9 and 10 for a final check on the markets. And speaking of the oilers looking good, angus. >> Angus: I will tell you what. I wasn't going to stay up for the full second. Usually they got go on the first two minutes and look at that. And he knew that once connor had a 4 minute penalty obviously, we knew he would come back and he would get that winning goal. That's just the way the script was written and he writes that book. Now the markets are mixed toronto is up the dow jones is negative. The nasdaq a little bit stronger. We take a look at nvidia and they shares are up. Trading at $1043 and then we take a look at canadian natural resources and they are stronger on the toronto stock exchange. And that is up 62 cents. Tesla is up. Trading at hundred and $77. Now it is also interesting that the most advanced artificial chip that they developed, they have a big inventory and they discounted it because there is a price war so you think 0 you are expecting a big profit margin and a huge sale but now you have a very different type of market and then when you take a look at tesla and they are discounting their outline and again and reducing the production by double digits in shanghai and that's because the competition of their electric vehicles and this is one of the problems we have in the global market place when you are trying to compete in the second and they have government support and they just continue to lower the prices and the margins come in so it's very challenging for that aspect. For the rest of the weekend it will probably be the same under the us markets are closed but then we start having bank earnings and the bank of nova scotia and then the bank of montreal will be on the 29th. And then we have the royal bank on the 30th. So it next week that will be important and let's not forget the retail sales numbers which came in slightly weaker in canada. Down 0.2 percent we would be down 0.1 percent so hoping the bank of canada will drop interest rates however in the month of april looking at saks canada predicting there will be up 0.7 percent so, I think the bank of canada will probably not drop the rates by a quarter of 1 percent in june. They will wait to see what will happen in the month of july, that is my best guess. That's my best educated guess. >> Erin: I like it, thank you, angus have a wonderful weekend. It is 848. We are going to take a break and as mentioned yesterday at toronto is getting a wnba team. We will have all of those details, coming up, after the break ANNOUNCER:Cracking the case from coast to coast? Free. That's what I like to hear. Thrilling twists at your fingertips? Totally free. Out here, I'm about to kill it. Catching up on your favourite Global tv shows? Watching past favourites on Freeplay? And streaming news live? Good evening. The West Blockstarts now. It's all absolutely free. Now that's a price tag everyone will love. We need to hug! One app's really got it all:the Global tv app. Download nowand stream anytime. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world.

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