
CITV - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

INFORMATION ON SPACE TRAVEL TIPS YOU CAN CALL AMA TRAVEL AT 1,866,667,477 7 OR LOG ON TO ANY TROUBLE.CA. STAY WITH US. , WE WILL BE BACK AFTER THE BREAK. >> SPEAKER THIS 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. ANNOUNCER: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. It's my homecoming! We're a team! (Announcer says words on screen) Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre A simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new BMO eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the BMO Effect. BMO Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. Why does finding something to watchfeel like the end of the world? Prime Video makes it easy to stream, add subscriptions, rent or buy big movies. We're just getting started. Prime Video.Find your happy place. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. New Finish Ultramax, with CycleSync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. River Cree Resort And Casino brings you world class entertainment! Former Backstreet Boy Nick Carter is on his first solo tour in seven years. Catch is Who Am I Tour on October 10th. Get your tickets today at Closed captioningfor this Global programis brought to you in partby Encor b Switch to an even lowerelectricity rate! Sign up now All right, get the team over there, now. ANNOUNCER: Tuesdays... Fan out! Three expert teams... That's what I like to hear, where? One exciting night. You guys are gonna want to see this. FBI... Let's get to work. We gotta find this guy faster. FBI: International... Is it always gonna be like this? Action, action, action? FBI: Most Wanted... Shut it down. Will do. The FBI's, Tuesdays starting at 8 Eastern on Global. Are you ready, ready, ready... Mmm, are you ready? playBig Brother? Are you ready? Mmm On your mark, get set, go! ANNOUNCER: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. A >> ERIN: IT IS 7:48 A.M. HERE LET'S CHECK IN WITH STACY WOODWARD AND SEE WHAT IS GOING ON THERE. >> STACY: THERE IS A THREE VEHICLE COLLISION ON 107 AVENUE AND 124 STREET, THE GOOD NEWS IS FOR THOSE MAKING THEIR WAY INTO DOWNTOWN IT LOOKS LIKE POLICE AND TOW TRUCKS ALMOST HAVE THIS SCENE CLEARED OFF HER EAST BANK METRES YOU WILL NEED TO STAY LEFT. VISIT THE MORINVILLE BLOCK PARTY ON SATURDAY, MAY 25th FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. DETAILS AT MORE IN MORINVILLE.CA. FROM GLOBAL ONE I AM STACY WOODWARD. >> ERIN: IT IS 7:49 A.M. TIME FOR A GOOD 4 AND SOME NEW IMAGES TO SHOW YOU THAT ARE LITERALLY OUT OF THIS WORLD. THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY RELEASED SEES IMAGES FEATURING UNPRECEDENTED VIEWS OF A STAR FORMING IN THE MILKY WAY. AND CLUSTERS OF HUNDREDS OF

galaxies. These are legit pictures the telescope will spend the next few years surveying to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mysteries, dark matter and dark energy. Like they look fake but they are actual photos that were taken by the telescope. Unbelievable. It really does just gonna blow your mind. >> Speaker: yeah, that's right. It is me, 10 meadows and I'm in oilers fan. I saw game 6 and 7 and they won both games. >> Tracie: would you look at that. That is to meadows and alumni from s&l and the ladies man he is an oilers band. But, I mean, who isn't? He said he is not shaving until the oilers win the stanley cup so that is the type of support that he is putting behind the team. And he's also from the states so we will give them some huge credit for that. >> Erin: there's so many people who you don't realize our fans but they are. >> Ciara: and remember I'm growing up my hair. >> Erin: note the stanley cup finals are either and there is a new alternative. Sharing some images of the first rescue dog competition. All 32 and teams will be represented and the 16 teams that made the playoffs will compete to be top dog. Some of the ones include please ones here. The puppies will be available for adoption. Now we also have some local options. Including his personal favourite which is this one here. That's pretty good. >> Tracie: they're okay. >> Erin: it's better than what we came up with which was a solid nothing. They are cute. >> Speaker: we love global news. >> Ciara: we had videos that we had filled before and the one little girl. She looks and she said hey, it's her. And unlike yep. I'm everywhere. And this is our lady of peace catholic elementary school and I was there yesterday with the grade 5 class before it whether it school and they had been learning about weather systems and we watched 5 videos. It was so sweet. And they are so knowledgeable. They had some grass on the different types of precipitation. And her name was katie and she came up and she recited them all. And it was really great. And then they gave me, and the camera crew a very sweet little gift and a homemade card. Which I love. So a job well done and we have some future weather personalities that said that they wanted to do this job one day. >> Erin: well done. >> Ciara: and well done on so blue sky. >> Erin: it looks fake. >> Ciara: that's what I am saying. People are literally going to start turning down the volume saying how we get it. It's nice out. And this is the greenest that I can remember because even last year in august it was dried. And it was definitely not looking like this. So I think it would be a great day to go out for a bike ride. 7 degrees out there and temperatures are rising looking for a high of 14 today. Other places like northern alberta are heating up and southern alberta is on the rise as well still below seasonal for medicine hat and brooks. Coronation and hannah 14 as we make our way up into east central still single digits in cold lake we have 12 for lloydminster. 13 in athabasca and high level 21 for peace river. Spirit river, grande prairie also warming up. West central. Some areas even yesterday seeing single digits like banff so this looks better. And in and around the edmonton area at the temperatures range between 13 and 15. And 13 here. As for over night. And overnight low on the rise.

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