
CITV - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>> McDAVID. >> It's over, you know? Man! And then we came back and 30 seconds, 37 seconds, whatever it was, came back and it was -- it's really good to see and certainly good for our city. >> The bottom line, the oilers now have home ice advantage in the western conference final. Stay with us, much more on the oilers and the elks coming up later in sports. >> Nice to see chris jones getting behind the team. Love that. Thanks, slav. >> As the edmonton oilers head deeper into the playoffs and continue to gain fans, we're learning more about the oilers faithful who earned some attention for themselves, too. >> Morgan black with the stories with a few behind the familiar faces. >> Reporter: during the stanley cup playoffs it's easy to find stars on the ice. Sometimes you find them in the crowd. [ Cheering ] last round, isaac hodgins joined a dance circle during intermission and then he went viral. The junior a goalie is known as dancing skinner, thanks to his jersey of choice. >> Honestly I feel really honoured, people come up and recognizing me because of a little bit of almost fame from dancing. >> Reporter: and he has gained a few fans, stopping by to say high during our global news interview. >> I love this guy. >> For another ice district regular, a hockey game is made more enjoysable with the addition of another game. [ ] he can be found off to the side of the crowd multitasking. >> There's the odd guy that are like freaking out, why aren't you watching the game? I am watching the game. >> Reporter: he's happy to get a work out in, drumming in evaluate. Virtual reality cheering on his favorite team. >> What better location in the public in edmonton to show my support for the edmonton oilers and what the boys are doing this year. >> Reporter: for him there's no reality for the oilers don't make him proud. >> It's cup or bust. >> Reporter: the unusual sight often catches the eye of other fans. And grabbing a little attention from a high energy crowd is all part of the fun. >> The energy you get from everybody here makes it worth coming back every time. >> Reporter: morgan black, global news. >> Scott: through the regular season and the playoffs, the I'mers 50/50 draw is taking place raising big money for local charities. This time around, the jackpot is supporting kids in oil country with proceeds going to the make a wish foundation and the ymca of northern alberta. >> This -- when we got that call, that was I think our -- all of our jaws dropped. Partnering for round three. It's such an incredible opportunity to partner with the people who actually help us grant wishes, because we have a lot of kids who wish to meet the oilers or be an oiler and to partner with them in this capacity is just rallying an behind the kids in oil country. It's our dream come true. >> Scott: make a wish canada grants wishes to kids between the ages of three and 17. To find tickets head to the oilers website. >> Thousands of volleyball players and supporters are here for the 2024 youth nationals. >> The 12 day event is expected to bring more than 30,000 people into our city providing a big boost for the economy. Erik bay reports. >> Reporter: over a total of 12 days, thousands of volleyball athletes and fans from across the country will pass through the expo centre. The building's transformed into dozens of courts for the 2024 youth nationals tournament. >> We have 1260 teams. Over 15,000 athletes. We have about 22,000 spectators. And we're taking up 33,000 hotel room nights. >> Reporter: these fans from winnipeg have been taking time outside their volleyball schedule to enjoy the city. >> The girls went to west edmonton mall to go to the pool. That was good. >> Reporter: add the mall trip to the total spending of the more than 30,000 people at the tournament and explore edmonton says you have millions of dollars coming into the city. 48 million according to the organization's numbers. >> That's seen by restaurants, hotels, bars, transit, every business that touches the tourism industry is impacted by this event. >> Reporter: some of the businesses seeing the benefits are the food trucks lined up steps from the action. >> It's fantastic for our business and the other food trucks here and it's fantastic for edmonton. >> On the busy days, we probably turn between 4 and 500 people. >> Reporter: smoke house barbecue can go through up to 700 pounds of meat in one day at nationals. >> It's been insanely busy. They've got three rotations on the tourism. The first day is soft. But then we get hammered hard for two with days in a row. >> Reporter: making the tournament an important revenue stream. >> This is one of our bigger events for the year. We do a lot of festivals, but a

12 day run is pretty huge. >> Reporter: erik bay, global news. >> All right, phil joins us now for our first look at weather. So, phil, a calm day here. But it was action elsewhere? >> Phil: yeah it's deceiving looking at our own window. There was a small chance of showers. I didn't see any. Further afield it was a different story. Down towards calgary, there were reports of rain, mixed with some hail and even potentially a little bit of snow in there. There were severe thunderstorm warnings in parts of southern alberta and up until well not that long ago, maybe half an hour an hour, there were advisories along that eastern side of our province. Just outside of vegreville, across the border into saskatchewan, down medicine hat. The potential of funnel clouds up and running as we see a low moving low sweep out of the province. Yeah for the edmonton area, a whole lot of nothing today apart from partly cloudy skies. Of course heavier clouds at times, but at this time, yeah, it's not bad. Partly cloudy skies over our city and there's still lots of blue sky in the mix. As temperature goes, we're around the daytime high which is a step up from where we were 24 hours ago. We'll look at what this becomes in the days ahead. This is by no means the warmest temperature on my forecast. >> Good to hear, thanks, phil. >> Time to check in with jaxon McNULTY in the global one chopper. What's the evening commute like? >> Scott, nicole. It's a rough go for those on the north end of the annegret atp any anthony henday. Traffic is stacked up back to 97 street. Saturday's lotto 6/49 gold ball is huge at 54 million or the guaranteed one million plus the classic $5 million jackpot. Play responsibly. 18 plus. From global one, I'm jaxon McNULTY. >> Thanks, jaxon. >> Voting overwhelmingly in favour of a strike. >> How a work stoppage could impact travel plans for you and your family this summer. Details next. >> Plus, he suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident last year. How a new all terrain wheelchair is giving this 12-year-old boy more freedom and independence. That story in just 60 seconds. [ ] It's my homecoming! We're a team! (Announcer says words on screen) I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. -music- Go RV's Adventure Club makes every journey worry free. With free firewood, propane, toilet paper and sanitary chemicals for the lifetime of your trailer. The great outdoors will feel just like home, ready to make memories that will last a lifetime. Embark on your next adventure. With payments as low as $41 weekly Visit today. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. [ ] [ ] >> Scott: prime minister justin trudeau highlighting his universal pharmacare program today in nova scotia. >> Nicole: trudeau says the federal government is launching the first phase of the national plan worth $1.5 billion. Medications and devices including insulin, birth control pills and IUDs will be free for canadians. Nova scotia nurse's union president janet hazleton says extraception and diabetes coverage are the most needed for people without a drug plan. >> We see far too many patients come to us leaving our emerge departments or leaving the family doctors or nurse practitioners with prescriptions for medications to treat diabetes. The whether it's insulin or oral medication. Only to know that they are not getting that prescription filled. Because they can't afford it. These patients inevitably land back in the system requiring more intensive health care like an amputation. >> Nicole: hazleton says

nurses across the country hope to see more medications covered by the federal pharmacare plan. >>> An edmonton teen suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident last summer that changed his life forever. >> Scott: but now a new wheelchair is restoring some of the freedom he once had. Jaclyn kucey with more. >> Reporter: an annual road trip to kelowna for carly and her kids changed in an instant. >> We were involve in a head-on collision on the trans-canada highway about 20 minutes west of revelstoke. >> Reporter: everyone in the car survived but her son tanner leslie got the brunt of the injuries. >> He is considered paraplegic. >> Reporter: fortunately he has full use of his arms, he's been able to use a manual wheelchair, but like many teenage boys he's a thrill seeker. He was nominated for the shine foundation where they came up with his dream for a not a wheelchair rig. >> My mom wanted me to get t we always go camping. Dad helped get me the idea of going really fast. >> Reporter: it's an electric four wheel all terrain to steer with his arms. >> He can go own to the grass, off road, do jumps. Seeing the smile on his face, the wind in his mullet. [ Laughter ] >> Having this is giving me the ability to do things I thought I couldn't do or at least do well. And it's just amazing in general. >> Reporter: for his parents it's brought peace and now tanner can keep up with his friends. >> Being able to have more positive in our life than dealing with the negative in this rig just -- he's so excited. We're going to have a summer this year. We didn't get one last year. >> Reporter: the shine foundation says they're all about changing lives for the better and in this case, it's tanner's new rig. >> It's giving them an opportunity to really look at a new trajectory in their future. It's giving them confidence, helping them build confidence and independence and optimism and it boosts their health. >> Reporter: for tanner he can't wait for his next adventure. >> Turn to to nine and go! >> Reporter: jaclyn kucey, global news. >> Health matters is brought to you in part by alberta blue cross. Discover the future of being well. >> Scott: what a great organization. Hopefully tanner can rip it up this weekend. Decent weather. It's going to be warmer next week? >> Phil: absolutely. He may want an umbrella or raincoat. I don't know how that set up works. There's a chance of some showers this weekend. But overall it's looking like a pretty decent weekend ahead. Kicking off with a better temperature today than yesterday. Downtown remains at our daytime high, but if you're outside the downtown core, we have a couple of 15s further to the west and northwest, further south toward towards the international airport. Cooler towards elk island. As a whole we're doing well across the province this afternoon. Granted yes it's a little cooler towards areas around lloydminster, cold lake, lac la biche but lots of daytime highs are being felt by our neighbours all around alberta. And as far as conditions go, yeah, we're still at ours here in the city of edmonton. Happy to report we didn't have a very windy day here today in the city. It was a little breezy further to the south with nastier storms as well and gusty towards grande prairie and high level. However, there are some breezier conditions on the way in for the weekend ahead. Nothing to worry about. Details in a few minutes time. >> Thanks very much, phil. Border crossings could see disruption this is summer as a possible strike is looming. Cbsa workers represented by the public service alliance of canada have voted 96% in favour of a strike mandate. Members have been without an agreement for some two years. The union says negotiations are at an impasse. Key issues include wages, remote work and re-time benefits. The union says it will be in a legal strike position by early june. Retirement benefits. >> This is something that could be enacted this afternoon if they had the will to do it and it's simply not and to tell our members who are as angry as they are that they don't deserve the benefit that all other law enforcement has, you can understand the frustration. >> We know when it comes to cbsa, the work they do is extremely important and extremely difficult and we recognize the hard work that they do every day keeping canada safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that's exactly where the ministers are focused and we will continue to do that. >> Scott: mediation is expected to take place on june 3rd.

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