
CIII - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> 15 believe the federalgovernment is responsible while most canadians are aware of a boycott targeting loblaw outlets. Just 18% say they are so many household has taken part. Almost have to its unfair toboycott only loblaw while 2 thirds of t polled and the boycott be effective. >>> Canada's largesttary film festival isff staff members and temporarily shutteriin toronto for 3 months starting may june. Hotdocs festivalnnouncing the ted rogers cinema closure today. And they will be laying off staff. This as they weather financial difficulties. The film festival explain their decision in a statement saying given the slow post pandemic recovery and the operating deficit brought by a temporary closure was necessary. Hotdocs saysone who bought a ticket for screening or an event happening after j 12th will get a refund. >>> Tough questions today at city hall about the construction project that has reduced the gardiner expressway to 2 lanes movehrough actions. There's now a push to try to find ways to speed up the process but why is that only happening now 2 months after the destruction begin? City hall reporter matthew bingley's l with more in thestory for us. Several councillors weighing in today. >> Reporter: that's right councillors are all really hoping to grill staff to see if they can get answers on this the mayor points out there is a process underway to look at getting measures to speed of the garden work and by really slowing it down by talking to staff ot going to get them to where they want but this the question shouldn't this have been sorted out bbegan? >> Reporter: making room for the gardiner expressway western overhaul has seen traffic moving a snail's pace everywhere else. >> It is unreasonable to ask torontonians and folks from across entire gta to with us for the next 3 years. eporter: councillor brad bradford has a motion for council askitaff to look at expediting the work to minimize the years of congestion related pain. >> It is a bit redundant. >> Reporter: the mayor staff are only looking into the issue and contractors are testing noise thresho for 24-hour construction bachao couldn't say why the project speed is being considered ms after lane restrictions began. >> I don't know why itn't on but if we don't do it now the damn thing is going to fall down I shouldn't say it that way. That has to be rebuilt. Has to be rebuilt in order to we are doing what we can and perhaps a crlier. >> Reporter: the city manager says that will remain limitations in whatever measure are taken. >> If there are ways we canxit 8 some work fantastic. But there's also an exultation of how construction takes place in the city so some of those things would have to be compromises torontonians would >> Reporter: johnson says that may have to include looking at ways the city rolls out future truction downtown. Councillors like josh matlow think debating that should be done now and n in july. >> Toronto city council is meant to reflect residents priorities ancus on resolving her problems. So I hope we do have an opportunity. I think the resins want to discuss the things that are importantthem. >> Reporter: on top of the noise study we learn from the mayor the city is looking to use the congestion with a pilot looking to address some pressure points on surrounding rooms andon-ramp surround the gardiner and that child surged begin next week. I'll send itk to you. >> Tracy: matthew bingley live at city hall for us. Thanks. >> Toronto I change its approach to encampments and supports for people experiencing homele a new report outlines clearing homeless encampments as a last resort with 72 hour notice. It also proposes laying out clear steps f carrying out enforcement and recommends moving those people into encampments into housing. The report will be presented to municipal committee next week.

>>> The sun shining. Barely a cloud in the sky y we are still under sir thunderstorm watch. What gives? Will talk witht and look ahead to the weekend coming up. >> Richard: amateur not reported from the global news chopper looking at a b drive on the dvp northbound through linton. Absolutely crawling on the ddp. Continues to be busy into the 404 all the way up to steeles. Get your diy on during g ready for summer sale at home hardwarewith deals and paint and power tools ANNOUNCER:Cracking the case from coast to coast? Free. That's what I like to hear. Thrilling twists at your fingertips? Totally free. Out here, I'm about to kill it. Catching up on your favourite Global tv shows? Watching past favourites on f And streaming news live? Good evening. The West Blockstarts now. It's all absolutely free. Now that's a price tag everyone will love. We need to hug! One app's really got it all:the Global tv app. Download nowand stream anytime. With FreeStyle Libre 2, know your glucose level and where it's headed. Get real-time glucose readings sent right to your smartphone. FreeStyle Li2. Now you know. Visit or scan the code on your screen. Come on over. Bring a friend. Bring a few! Our home is your home. New Brunswick. Always inviting. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my friends. ( ) I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new Thursday at 8 Easternon Global. Tracy: a wildlife photographer in montréal captured video of a fierce showdown. Take a look. Alanna bloch says she was in the botanical gardens yesterday afternoon when she spotted a fox trying to c a canada goose. She took this video of him squaring off. The goose appeared to defend itself fairly well. The fox eventually giving up and running away. >> You don't want to mess with canada goose. >> Anthony: anthony would know. >> We live ianada. You just get close and then you watch and had the other way. It's kind of like our grizzly bear when we are on the trail. I don't need to go that way. 27 degrees the current temperature. Winds are from thethwest.a cool front has passed through. There's a drop in humidity more than anything else. Bu was quite sweltering earlier today with humidex reaching 35. A lot o boats out on the inner harbour and the sun iining so is the thunderstorm threat done yes I'm prettye it is or in the gta. We'll tal more but that in the tch in place still for some reason before tomorrow it is sunny and a few clouds developing through the afternoon the humidex will only be about 27 so ts a big difference from the 35 we had today. There's aot of chilly air all through the western half of canada. Thunder bay still raining 9 des. Montréal hitting 30 for the first time this year. In fact going bac to last

september. So a lot of h from ontario to québec and into the maritimes. Ths deer ridge pick the jet stream of a look at. A big trough out west. Cool conditions. It's an oil week. It's going tonge some this weekend as mild air moves in but still quite a bit of rain with the systems and it's very easy to see the cold front that gets activated in the mid to late afternoon as the heating of the day is also maximized. So that's the reason for severe thunderstorm watch but on radar there is a few weeks cells up to barrie mount forest but that's about it. For all intents and purposes the severe thundorm watch is done and I think environment canada is going to drop it fairly soon. Different story of towards ottawa valley. Still ongoing thunderstorms and that threat will also diminish as the sun sets tonight. So as the sky clears out completely the temperature drops, we are back intohe midteens for an overnight low and that then tomw just a perfect day mid twenties. Sunshine lower humidity. Friday lng fantastic and then the start of the weekend does have some rain. But by thend it in some areas that didn't get it today. 17 fort erie. 12 tonight in london.through the day tomorrow how about mid twenties? Yes witht sunshine. It is great to be outside and over the next few days you can enjoy that friday. Saturday morning rain and then it looks like more widesprea showers monday through the middle part of next week. This is freddie on the beach. Good place to be today. Tomorrow also with all that sunshine. >> Alan: thank you so much anthony. [ ] >> Turbulence top of mind for travellers after that deadly singapore airlines flight. What safety exper next. >> Your dog walking forecast is brought to you by renz pets host: Next time, on the season finale ofSurvivor. It's do or die. I want to win this freakin' game. ANNOUNCER:Survivor,three hourseason finale tonight at 8 Easternon Global. (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at We now return to Alpine Credits. (Sigh) One monthly payment would be nice. ntory. Maybe it's time to renovate. Man: Sending help right away. ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved! ( ) Approved Alpine Credits Where homeowners get approved Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home Did you know the most car accident claims for pain and suffering have a deductible of over $44,000. Even if it wasn't your fault. -What? -It's true. That's why you need to call Preszler Law now. When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Is ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers.

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